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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008529

No of Pages: 42

No of Chapters: 5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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This project analyzed the contributions of women organizations in the community development in Dutse Local Government Area in Jigawa state. Semi-structured questionnaire was used to collect data from 50 randomly selected women from the chosen communities. Data analysis were achieved using simple descriptive statistics as percentages, frequency tables and ranking. Result of the study shows that women organizations for the purpose of community development in the study area are formed at different levels (community and village) and along different ties (religious, family and social). There was a remarkable high involvement rate of women organizations in the provision of infrastructural amenities as renovation/furnishing of town halls/equipment of village schools and churches, and provision of communal environmental sanitation services. Other development programme include those aimed at economic and educational empowerment of women and community youths such as; provision of grants/loans for enterprise development of women award of scholarships to children of the community, awareness creation on HIV/AIDS, family health and child care programme, and other general health matters. It was recommended among others that existing women organizations in the community development should be encouraged by way of adequate recognition, training and funding by the local government authority.


Title Page…………………………………………………………..i

Approval Page                                   ……………………………ii

 Dedication           ………………………………………………….iii

Acknowledgements                                     ………………………iv

Abstract                                   ……………………………………..v

 Table of Contents          ………………………………………. ……vi

List of Tables        …………………………………………………..vii




1.1             Background to the study………………………………………1

1.2             Statement of the problem………………………………………2

1.3             Research Questions……………………………………………4

1.4             Objectives of the study…………………………………………4

1.5             Significance of the study………………………………………..4

1.6             Definition of terms ………………………………………………4




2.1             Overview of Women Organization ………………………………9

2.2             Women in Community Development of Nigeria ………………10

2.3             The Contribution of Women organization………………………11

2.4             To Community Development ……………………………………12

2.5             Problems Encounter by   Women’s Group ………………………..12

2.6             In Community Development ………………………………………17

2.7             Review of Relevant Theories ………………………………………20

2.8             Theoretical Framework ……………………………………………25

2.9             Research Hypotheses  ……………………………………………..27



3.1 Research Design ……………………………..28

3.2             Area of the Study …………………………….28

3.3             Study Population        ……………………….29

3.4             Sample Size      ……………………………29

3.5             Sampling Procedure   ………………………….29

3.6             Methods of Data Collection  ……………………30

3.7             Methods of Data Analysis ………………………30



Presentation of Personal Characteristics of Respondents  ……………………31

4.1             Analysis of Research Questions………………………………………34



Summary of Findings     ………………………………………………….42

5.1             Conclusion       ………………………………………………….43

5.2             Recommendations      …………………………………………..44

5.3             Suggestion for further Studies        ………………………………45






1.0 Background to the study

It is a true the adage that says; behind every successful man is a woman. Women have been regarded as fragile and should be subordinate to the man but they can play very important role for the betterment of the society. Across the country, women have created innovative, comprehensive programs to meet the needs of their communities. Women have established themselves as leaders in the community development process and acquire the skills that have brought positive changes to their communities. As effective builders of social capital, women leaders play key roles in establishing and maintaining important relationships and networks in their communities. They are facing the challenges of racial, culture, economic and political barriers that exist in the community development process and in many cases overcoming those barriers become their motivation. While their comprehensive approach has influenced the evolution of the community development field, women contributions have been neither widely acknowledged nor explicitly credited. The result of the women groups in community development study provide deeper insights into women’s thinking about community development, the barriers they perceive to women’s leadership and the kind of efforts that should be made to facilitate and promote their status and roles in the field of organization. Women organization demonstrate variety of effective ways women create social capital that is central to the existence of healthy communities. In fact, the contributions of women groups in community development projects can bring about significant positive changes.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Women are facing a lot of problems from their husband, and other family members, this may lead to many problems. The cultural beliefs that the education of a woman ends in the kitchen, makes it almost impossible for males to see the immense contributions of women groups to the community development.  Within the traditional African society, women from almost all the ethnic group were excluded from performing certain activities, especially those that concern leadership and other hand and significant activities like construction works and clergy roles, these were considered as men’s domain. The exclusion of women from some of activities are due to the socio-cultural factors constraining them from participating in activities that were considered to be exclusively for men. Furthermore gender inequality contributes to the low contribution of women to community development. Also, the economic and domestic workloads deprived women of time to contribute to community development. Laws and customs also impede women’s access to credit, productive inputs, employment, education, information and politics. These factors affect women’s ability and incentives to contribute in economic and social development activities in the community.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

This research work was an intensive field-based on the impact of community women participating in community development in Nigeria.

All its objectives include:

       i.            To find out the challenges facing the Women Groups in their bid to contribute to community development.

     ii.            To find out how Women organization contribute to community development.

  iii.            To identify strategies for meaningful contribution of Women Groups to community development.

   iv.            To find out the extent Women organization generate their income for community development projects.

     v.            To find out the objectives of the Women organization.

1.4 Research Questions

The following research questions were formulated for the purpose of the study in order to guide the research work:

       i.            What are the challenges facing the women organization in their contributions to community developments?

     ii.            How does Women organization contribute to community development?

  iii.            What are the ways in which Women organizations could be encouraged to contribute to community development?

   iv.            How does Women organization generate their income for community development projects?

     v.            What are the objectives of Women organization?

1.5 Significance of the Study

This study will be of help to future researchers in the area of study. It will also add to the already existing knowledge on the contributions of Women organization to community development. The feminist will benefit from the study will help them advocate well on women rights and sexual equality. To politicians, it will help them to provide for their citizens the fact needs they have long waited policy that matches the rapid changes which exist in the community. Finally, to teachers, it will help them lay their hands on more materials to teach in respect of the topic in focus.

1.6 Scope and Limitations of the Study

The study covered different kinds of women organization such as Muslims, Christian and The reason for choosing women organization is that, they are people that have gone through organization in the community.

As such they are in a better position to say much about women organization. It was delimited to women organization in Dutse Local Government Areas.

1.7 Definition of Key Terms

The basic concepts that will be defined in this research work includes:

Community: the word community can be refers to as groups of people having living together within a given area who share commitment to a common purpose.

Community: Refers to a collection of person or individual in a group with unique characteristic sharing some interest, norm and various exchanges in culture having the same ecological location, working to achieve common goals.

Community development:  Is a process where community members come together to take collective action and generate solutions to common problems.

Women Participation: Is conceived as the process and an outcome related to women’s engagement in political and economic institutions by participating in bureaucracies, policy-making bodies, and representative organizations

Women Participation: is a process of ensuring that all of our work, and the way we do it, contributes to gender equality by transforming the balance of power between women and men.

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