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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00005815

No of Pages: 37

No of Chapters: 5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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This project highlighted the impact of incentive and motivation productivity. The project is divided into five chapters. Chapter one looks at the general introduction where background of the study was discuss significance of the study as well as the objectives were highlighted chapter two review all related literature relevant of the topic under study. In this chapter the views of scholars and experts in personnel management were gathered data percentages method way used to analyze that data collection and finally recommendation draw and conclusion.






Approval Page                                                                                           i

Declaration                                                                                                 ii

Dedication                                                                                                  iii

Acknowledgment                                                                                        iv

Abstract                                                                                                      v



1.0 Introduction                                                                                          11

1.1 background of study                                                                                      1

1.2 statement of the problem                                                                      2

1.3 purpose for the study                                                                                     3

1.4 Significant of the study                                                                         3

1.5 research question                                                                                  4

1.6 definition of terms                                                                                5


Literature review

2.0 introduction                                                                                          6

2.1 Historical of perspective research area                                                 6

2.2 review of current literature                                                                             13

2.2.1 Motivation and incentives                                                                           14

2.2.2 Motivation: the carrot and the stick                                                  16

2.2.3 Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, theory on motivation                                   18

2.2.4 The impact of incentive and motivation on productivity in JARDA 21



3.0 introduction                                                                                          24

3.1 area of the study                                                                                   24

3.2 research design                                                                                               25

3.3 population of the study                                                                        25

3.4 sample and sampling technique                                                            26

3.5 instrument for data collection                                                               26


4.0  Introduction

4.1 Analysis of questionnaire administrated                                                        27

4.2 Discussion of research question                                                           27

4.3 Presentation and analysis of data                                                                   28


Summary, conclusion and recommendation

5.1 Summary                                                                                              37

5.2 Conclusion                                                                                           38

5.3 Recommendation                                                                                  38

Reference                                                                                                    39



1.0.   Introduction

     Chapter one looks at the general introduction where background of the study was discuss significance of the study as well as objectives and research question were highlighted.

1.1.   Background of the Study

     Motivation is concerned with why people do what they do. It answers such questions as why do managers or workers go to work and do a good job. This tries to explain what motivates people to act the way they do, with primary focus on the work place. It is the primary task of the manager to create and maintain all environments in which employees can work efficiently to realize the objectives of the organization.

     Employees differ not only in their ability to work but also in their will to do so (Motivation). To motivate is to induce, persuade, stimulate, even compel, an employee to act in a manner which fulfills the objectives of an organization. The motivation of employees depends on the strength of their motives. Motives are needs, want, drives, or impulses within the individual and these determine human behavior.

Motivation then is the process of:

a.     Arousing behavior

b.     Sustaining behavior in progress

c.      Channeling behavior into a specific course of action

Thus, motive (needs, desires) induce employees to act.

     Motivation, therefore, is inner state that energies, channels and sustains human behavior. Since it has been established that all behavior except involving responses are goals directed, manager can apply motivational theories of management in their attempt to direct the job behavior of employees towards the goal their establishment.   



1.2.   Statement of the Problem

     Workers have organization due to the fact that they are not motivated enough. Some are not willing to have because they are enjoying some benefit in terms of promotion which leads to increase in salaries and wages bonuses and some other incentives.

     Organizations must improve the work performance, productivity, skill and ability of its employees. The problem is how to motivate workers to achieving higher productivity.

1.3.   Purpose of the Study

     Upon the fulfillment of eligibility criteria for loan disbursement effectiveness, the authority has designed the following purpose:

-         To accelerate the diffusion of improved technologies in wheat, maize, rice, millet, guinea corn etc. among them.

-         The project aim to assist the farmers in Jigawa State in developing quality extension services and seed production by improving the technical training of front – line extension staff and providing some limited assistance in logistic support.

-         To strengthen hick ages among research extension and farmers in order to transfer the improved technologies from the research campuses known as small pilot scheme to farmers.

-         To enable small – scale farmer to establish management training pilot with supervision by Village Extension Agent (VEAs) and Block Extension Supervision (BES) i.e. Extension Officers. These can increase yields by about two and half (2.5) time compared to their traditional technologies. 

1.4.   Significance of the Study

     This significance of the study cannot be over emphasized. It will be based on the examination of the motivation practice in JARDA, and to know the extent to which it is being carried out, the impact of incentive motivation on the workers, the organization and the country at large. More so, to acquaint the various managers and different categories of employees to the need to embrace motivation this will go a long way in achieving higher productivity.

     Besides, those students in the field of administration will find it educative, interesting and challenging in that, the various activities and techniques of motivation are revealed and logically analyzed.

Lastly, this project will be at value of those who may want to carryout similar research in the nearest future.  


1.5.   Research Questions

i.       Does workers dedication improve the performances?

ii.     Does promotion improve workers performances?

iii.  Are incentives and motivation can improve workers performances?

iv.  To what extent, does the organization try to improve workers motivation?

v.     Joint construction practiced positively, as a method of obtaining employees views on problems and proposed charges before final decision are taken?

vi.  Are there differences in the way staff and employees are treated in an organization?

1.6.   Definition of Term

i.       Incentive: According to Oxford Advance Dictionary the word incentive is defined as “to do that which incites, rouses or encourages a person to work hard”.

ii.     Motivation: This is the process of a rousing behavior sub staining behavior in progress, and channeling behavior into a specific course of action.

iii.  Productivity: This is the rate, at which a worker on an organization produces goods, and the amount produced, compared with how much time, work and money is needed to produce them.

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  • Anonymous

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    The material is very good and worth the price being sold I really liked it 👍

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