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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00003160

No of Pages: 48

No of Chapters: 5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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Title Page   




Table of Contents



1.1     Background of the study        

1.2     Objectives of the study  

1.3     Statement of Research problem        

1.4     Significance of the study        

1.5     Scope of the study         

1.6     Historical background of the case study    

1.7     Limitation of the study  

1.8     Definition of key terms  



Literature review  

2.1     Introduction        

2.2     ERG Theory

2.3     Hygiene factors    

2.4     Acquired Needs theory of David MCClenlands     

2.5     Process theories of Motivation 

2.6     Theory pf goal setting and task performance       

2.7     V-Rooms expectancy     

2.8     Douglas Mcgregor (Theory Y X & Y)  

2.9     Techniques for motivating the employee    

2.10 Symptoms of poor motivation   

2.11 Techniques for Motivating the Employee     




3.0     Research methodology  

3.1     Research Design  

3.2     Population / Samples Size of the study     

3.3     Sampling Techniques    

3.4     Method of Data Collection      

3.5     Method of Data Analysis

3.6     Research Hypothesis     

3.7     Method of Testing Hypothesis





4.0     Data presentation analysis and interpretation    

4.1     Data Presentation and analysis respondents       

4.2     Presentation and analysis of data     

4.3     Research Question

4.4     Presentation and Analysis of Data

4.5     Research Findings



5.0     Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

5.1     Summary

5.2     Conclusion

5.3     Recommendation Bibliography






“In order to become good at anything, the only talent you need is motivation” Charles de Gaute.


Motivation is the key of a successful organization to maintain the continuity of the work in a powerful manner and help organization to survive.

Motivation is finding a need inside the employees ind help to achieve it in a smooth process. Motivating the staff leads to broaden their skill tc) meet the organizational demands. Each manager should have the responsibi1ity to work with the staff to find out their individual needs and put them side by side to the 4 needs. Dissatisfaction also might work as guidance for the manager to explore the needs of the staff and start with it to motivate them and attract them to perform better.


Motivation drives the human being to reach its goals and organizational goals through every challenge and constraint they face in the workplace, considering it as an advantage to go ahead in the direction they have put for themselves. The need of achievement always results in a desire to do extra effort to have something done better and have the desire for success.


The manager has to learn to place the right person in the right place. A person should be given the role where they can use their skills and abilities and be concentrated towards the organization’s goals and personal goals.

Misplacement can cause dissatisfaction, less motivation, less concentration that lead to low turnover and shortage staff, commitment of mistake and loss to the


Motivation is important in any workplace and it is rrsoniil and different for each employee. Depends on different needs, different strategies will be created to satisfy these needs. Several needs and motivation theories will be discussed in the study to examine the impact of motivation on workers and its effect on productivity.

Without motivation, nothing unique will ever happen that kifil enhance the productivity of an organization.



In n this project work, the primary objective is to assess the ua1ity of performance of employees in Kwara State Polytechnic and motivation process used for them, categorize the different types of motivation theories, emphasize how importance and the relationship between motivation and the performance and finally to create some solutions to motivate the workers.


All above mentioned objective are mainly directed at improving the productivity of the institution



Workers leave organization due to the fact that they are not motivated enough. Some are not willing to leave because they are not enjoying some benefit in term of promotion which leads to increase in salaries and wages, bonuses and some other incentives.

The following problem are associated with 1 complacency, declining moral, widespread discouragement, if allowed to continue, these problems in an reduce productiveness in an organization.

Nil above mentioned challenges were notice in the case study, the research work is therefore aimed at finding out the effect of motivation when applied and how it affect both workers and their productivity on the job.



Essentially, this work will be based on the examination of motivation practice in Kwara State Polytechnic and to know the extent to which it is being carried out, the effects on the workers and productivity of the institution. More so, acquaint the various heads of department and different categories of employee in various units to the need to embrace motivation which will go a long way in achieving higher productivity.

Besides, those students in the field of administration will find it educative, interesting and challenging in that, the various activities and techniques of motivation are revealed and logically analyzed.

It will serve as an avenue to bring the very best out of each employee in the institution.


Lastly, this project will be of value to those who may to carry out similar research in the nearest future.



The research study covers the aspect of motivation in persuading, stimulating and compelling an employee to act in a manner which fulfills the objective of the institution.

Measurement of performance before and after motivation administered on the employee, more so, the quantity and types/ form of motivation used.

It is also essential to confirm the effect on each

employee’s productivity.

r covering ar of ti ir rmnmnrrb work ii ui i ulmn lie

combination of both academic and non-academic staff of

the college! institution.

i1 the above and others will be earned out taking Kwara State Polytechnic, Ilorin as the case study.



The Kwara State Polytechnic, Ilorin was established his Excellency, the then military governor of Kwara State., Col. David Bamigboye. The decision to establish the ci was announced during the launching of form r Development plan in 1971.

The college eventually came into existence following the promulgation of Kwara State edict no.4 of 1972 (now $ken over by the edict no.2 1 of 1984 edict no. 13 of: 987 and edict no. 7 of 1994) as a body empowered by status “to provide for studies, training research and development of techniques in arts and language, applied sciences, engineering, management and commerce, education and well as in other spheres of learning” The Kwara State Polytechnic formally commenced in January 1973 with an administrative are machinery patterned closely after the existing


in the country. The polytechnic has as its Motto: TECHNOLOGY, INNOVATION AND SERVICE.

As its inception in 1973, the polytechnic had 110 s ems, 11 members of academic staff and 3 senior administrative staff cTcaCntlv, the governance of the polytechnic is carried CL b the governing council under the chairmanship of Prof. Shehu Jimoh Ahmed others, the governing council is responsible for the general management of the affairs of the polytechnic and shall also here power to do anything which in its ovtion is calculated to facilitate the carrying out of the prpose of the polytechnic and promote its best interest. The present rector of the college is Alhaji Mashud Elelu.

The various institutes available in the college include the following

Institute of Applied Sciences

Institute of Finance & Mgt Studies

Institute Environmental Science


The college also offer post graduate studies



The following limitation/ challenges were encountered in we course of working on the research project

a) One cannot but say that data collection

most tediou of writing the project

is the

b) Another limitation is that I have other courses to read as well as take normal lectures during the period of the research

c) The limited time given short.

for the research work

a, Fund constraint in carrying out this research project, cost of getting materials and information as well as all inadequacies encountered.

e Lastly, the limit of coverage of the study. However, the research will toy as possible not to allow any of these constraints to affect the quality of the research work.



The following is the definition of terms used in the 0... rse of the research work.

MOT1VATION: this is the process of arousing behavior, behavior in progress and channeling behavior a specific course of action

MANAGER: Is one who performs the function of (planning, organizing, staffing etc) and a duty which has been in an organization

RESPONSIBILITY: This is the subordinate’s obligation to m a duty which has been assigned to him.

ORGANIZATION: This has to do with determination and using of capital, material, equipment and personnel ax may be required in an enterprise in order to achieve tre se: goals.

EMPLOYEE: The is a person who is paid to work for an _____________or Business enterprise

DEPARTMENT: Any of the division or unit of a government, business, school or and so on.

GOALS: Objective of ambition or effort, destination one __________ to achieve.

PRODUCTIVITY: Capacity to manufacture or prepare

PLACEMENT: Ability to put something or someone in wrong place:

COMPLACENCY: a process of feeling not too satisfied with oneself or with a situation so that you do not think any change is necessary.

A.D The process of managing ____ / private affairs.

FUND: This refer to permanently available stores of goods etc ready for sale or distribution or wealth.

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