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Product Code: 00005740

No of Pages: 55

No of Chapters: 5

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This research work examined the effect of examination malpractice and the causes of exam malpractice, exam is one of the crucial aspects of testifying the intelligibility of student based on academic pattern, therefore, there are some aspect which causes exam malpractice which are corruption, lack of good background, fair of failure, setting question beyond the knowledge of students. Prevention is said to better than fair it is therefore pertaining for the authority in charge both internal and external examination to find out the effect of and prevention or minimize these problem examination officials should be extra vigilant and the close monitor graduate or students in the hall   during examination. There are so many ways of managing examination malpractice; it affects not only students or teachers but the system in general, it is critical to stop it from spreading. The consequences can be horrible but there are some among the ways of managing it. Examination malpractice in other hand is define as any irregular behavior exhibited by candidate or anybody charged with the before during or after such examination, it refers to the illegal way of doing exam. The main focus of framework of this research is to find out the causes, effect, solutions to examination malpractice in tertiary institution.

Tittle page i
Approval page ii
Declaration page iii
Certification iv
Dedication v
Acknowledgement vi
Table of contents vii
List of tables, figures, diagrams, charts viii
Abstract ix

1.0 CHAPTER ONE: Introduction 1
1.1 Background of the Study 3
1.2 Statement of the Problem 5
1.3 Aims and Objectives of the Study 5
1.4 Research Hypothesis 6
1.5 Significance of the Study 6
1.6 Scope and Limitation of the Study 7
1.7 Historical Background of the Study Area 7
1.8 Definition of the Terms 8
1.9 Plan of the Study/Outline of Chapters 9

2.0 CHAPTER TWO: Literature Review and Theoretical Frame Work
2.1 Introduction 12
2.2 Remote Causes 13
2.3 Negative Consequences 14
2.4 Preventive Measure for Examination Malpractice 15
2.5 Theoretical Frame Work 15
2.6 ways of managing examination malpractice 16
2.7 theoretical framework 17
2.7.1 Classical Test Theory 18

3.0 Chapter Three: Research Methodology
3.1 Introduction 20
3.2 Research Design 20
3.3 Population of the Study 20
3.4 Sample Size 20
3.5 Sampling Techniques 20
3.6 Method of Data Collection 21
3.7 Research Instrument 21
3.8 Method of Data Analysis 21

4.0 Chapter Four: Data Presentation and Analysis
4.1 Introduction 22
4.2 Demographic Data of the respondents 22
4.3 Responses presentation and Analysis 23

5.0 Chapter Five: Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation
5.1 Summary 32
5.2 Conclusion 32
5.3 Recommendation 33
Bibliography 34
Appendix (Questionnaire Design)



Table 4.2.1: Sex distribution of respondents --------------------------------------------23

Table 4.2.2: Age distribution of respondents--------------------------------------------23

Table 4.2.3: Marital status of respondents ----------------------------------------------24

Table 4.2.4: Educational attainments of respondents ----------------------------------24

Table 4.2.5: Occupational of respondents -----------------------------------------------24


Table 4.3.1: Examination malpractice discourage hardworking of students.             25

Table 4.3.2: Some students indulge in examination malpractice as a result of fear of failure.                                                                                                              26

Table 4.3.3: Over emphasis on paper qualification should be reduce.                       26

Table 4.3.4: Some student engaged in examination malpractice manifestation intellectual dishonesty.                                                                                    27

Table 4.3.5: There should be leadership by example                                        27

Table 4.3.6: Some student discourages hardworking.                                     28

Table 4.3.7: Some student indulges examination malpractice as a result of psychological factors such as fear of failure.                                                       28

Table 4.3.8: Over emphasis on paper qualification should be reduced.                     29

Table 4.3.9: There should be leadership by examples.                                     29



The effect of examination malpractice on academic performance of student (In Jigawa state polytechnic Dutse.

The growing menace of examination malpractices in our school is becoming worry some and distributing phenomenon, day after day examination malpractice in higher institution of learning in Nigeria and more especially in Jigawa  state metropolis will not be fully apprehended expect judicious effort is effort is excepted to outline some term such as;


2-Type of examination

3-Examination malpractice

Compacted skills however, require distribution between among other type of examination from educational examination which is the frame work of this study

Examination may mean different things to different people dependent on the profession and the carrier of the person defining the conception just doctors examine their patience to know how well they so, do teachers examination their mastered given concept and examination, Salam 1999.

Therefore, examination can be defining as a systematic way of content of a subject or pupils or student have acquired after a given period of time by their teachers. salam 2015



The problem of examination malpractice existed since colonial period. This is the tendency to the cheating and the form of dishonesty to existence of making. From creation, this problem is always very glorying in the human existence where composition is normally being, however in schools where there is spirit of composition. In other hand examination malpractice would be first record incidence of examination.

Ahmed (1997) confirms that further regulations the public examination occurred in 1970-1974-1977, and 1984. This made the federal government of Nigeria to set up the alexander and Segbedan and Oyo tribunal. The tribunal stagnated to leakage similarly, eventually promulgated to check mate preparing in 1991 university of Calabar expelled 24 students over this phenomenon. A female student who wrote examination for her mother in Benin university and she was expelled. Between 1995 and 1996,1997.23 students were expelled from the university of sokoto too and other university as we as tertiary institution in various states across Nigerian.

According to ANCOPSS journal volume five 5,1998 the oldest and the commonest method known to almost every one going in to examination hall with already made answer and especially in the case of female students. These is also giraffe which is an animal that lives in forest, it has a long neck so students adopt his style be stretching their neck out to see what the next person setting closed to them is writing.

Ø Prepared predicated answer to respected question for transferring in to the scripts.

Ø Having other or more advanced students to write then examination for them.

Ø Aiding students to substitute their answer scripts will better once after the examination (charge of booklet sheet).

Ø Coding lecture point in micro-computer and de-cording and re-celling them for use in examination hall.

Ø Saving points or answers sheets in global system mobile (G.S.M) and texts them on back on a paper or scripts.


Examination malpractice has for long been behavioral problem in the Nigeria educational system examination malpractice, has its dangerous trends on the danger.

Suleiman (2018) revels that such malpractice has become so much deep in students and the educational system that the culprits are often ready to deal with anybody or groups that will stand between the malpractices.

This research looked at those problems to trace the causes of examination malpractice in higher institution. The educational has assessed that if not checked and eradicated examination malpractice new million could jeopardize man power development in fact this researcher would also like to share the view and submit that such malpractice and render a back future for Nigeria as the over effect could spread to both the economic development and the security of nation without controversy. However, it is highly believable that the study of an examination malpractice will no doubt go long way of review the long digress students behavior obtainable on our composes.



Research question are very instrumental in every research work because in addition to other function the research on the various rows to take and do the following question:

1.     Does the students in the school of social science where engaged in examination malpractice of manifestation of intellectual dishonest?

2.     Why some of the student indulges examination malpractice?

3.     Does examination malpractice discourages hardworking of student?

4.     That examination malpractice makes students to develop poor attitude to study?


     The following are aims and objective of the study research which involves.

(1) To find out the pattern of examination malpractice

(2) To find out the causes of examination malpractice

(3) To find out the effect of examination malpractice

(4) To make suggestions and recommendations on the examination malpractice


This is the   most important terms in every research that would be reliable and verifiable. The following are research hypothesis which include;

HO= The Fear of failure can lead to examination malpractice.

 Hi= Failure to prepare does not lead to examination malpractice.

Ho= Too much emphasis on paper qualification can also lead to examination malpractice.

Hi= Too much emphasis on paper qualification cannot lead to the examination malpractice.


   The significance of the study is the change the maximum and rehabilitate students on the right causes.

    This study is esteemed to forward a sustainable solution and to lead a helping hand in offering solution to examination malpractice. It’s also an attempt to have a foresight in the future in order to avoid having graduate who will be major policy makers the bright fortune of our great Nation.

Additionally, this topic of research is to lectures the process whereby the student used in malpractice during examination and to provide the possible ways that will amount the problems of examination malpractice of students in higher institution and different level of education.


The scope is to seek data regarding the effect of examination malpractice on academic performance of student (As a case study of Jigawa state Polytechnic Dutse)

The obstacle is the limited time of the study and financial support as well as the transportation problems.



Jigawa state polytechnic came into being following the taking over of the Hussaini Adamun polytechnic by the federal government and its subsequent conversion to Hussaini Adamun federal polytechnic Kazaure in 2007. Since then the polytechnic was taken over, three of its constituent parts namely college of legal and Islamic studies Ringim, college of Agriculture Hadejia as well as college of Business and Management Studies Dutse were left independently  as monotechnics. Having been left without any science and technology course. The future of college of Business and management studies (C B M S) became apparently blink due to the fact that for any polytechnic to be accredited it must have 70% of its course in science and technology related field. During that period of improbability on its continuous existence due to the near absence of all the cardinal pillar for running a full blown polytechnic; came the emergence of Alh. Sule Lamido as the Governor of Jigawa state who within some few month of coming to office signed a bill for the establishment of Jigawa state polytechnic and approved the creation of additional college of science and technology (C S T).

Jigawa state polytechnic has three (3) college namely college of Environment and Engineering,  college of Science and technology as well as college of Business and Management Studies  all head by a director. The polytechnic is currently running ten (10) accredited courses, of Higher National Diploma (HND) programs in Accounting, Public and Business A administration as well as Computer Science, Statistics, Bio-chemistry, Environmental Biology, Microbiology and Physic/electronics as well as Higher Diploma in Social Development, twelve (12) National Diploma course in Computer Science, Science Laboratory Technology, Statistic, Electrical and mechanical Engineering, Welding and Fabrication as well as Architecture, Accounting, Public and Business Administration, Quantity Survey, Environmental health technology, Building Technology, Social Development. It also running sixteen (16) Diploma courses in social administration, crime management and control, purchasing and supply, marketing, business, public administration, accounting, office technology and management, library and information science, mass communication, mechanical engineering, electrical and electronics, human resource management, local government studies and development, industrial chemistry as well as civil engineering, diploma in applied statistic, computer system and networking.  Each of the department is being headed by head of department (H O D) who is answerable to the Rector.

In area of staff training, the TETFUND has made it easier and has supported and still supporting in staff training, some of it activities include, scholarship to the staff of the institution to study or forward their education abroad in Master and PHD program, over 40 of the staff has partake in these exercise  in order to acquire more skill and knowledge, some of the staff has also participated both local and international conference and seminal. The TETFUND  also play roles in area of institutional bass research, help in publication of books and journals, also make available machineries to the school of engineering, infrastructural development e.t.c
These shows that the TETFUND is playing a significant role in area of personnel training and development in order to acquire more skills and knowledge to meet the present and global competition.


Examination: can be seen as the systematic way of the content of a subject pupils or students have acquired after a given period of time by their teachers (salaam 2016).

Malpractice: is an improper, illegal or negligent professional behavior and it can be regarded as way (oxford dictionary 7the edition).

Examination malpractice: Is defined as any deliverate act of wrong doing, contrary to the rule of examination design to give a candidate an unfair advantages or able frequently to place a candidate at a disadvantage. (professor Dr malami Umar Tambuwal).

Effect: A change which is a result or consequences of an action or other cause, or a result or change of something (Wikipedia, com.)

Academic: Pertaining to area of study that are not primary vocational or pure mathematics especially one for higher institution. (hard son 2017).

Practice examination: Is an examination that involves the evaluation of an individual performance when he is confronted with concerted task, (Edward 2018)


The main purpose of carrying out this researcher work (project) is to show how the project comprises only fives chapter which includes, chapter one deals with, introduction, background of the study, statement of the problem, aims and objectives, research hypotheses/research question, significance of the study, historical background of the study, Definition of the terms concepts, Plan of the study/outline chapters References, while chapter two deals with, literature review and theoretical frame work, introduction, conceptual framework/literature review, empirical literature, negative consequences, preventive measure for examination malpractice, ways of managing examination malpractice, Theoretical frame work, Classical test theory, References. Chapter three which deals with research methodology, introduction, research design, population of the study, sample size, sampling techniques, method of data collection, research instrument, methods of data analysis, references. chapter four, data presentation and analysis, introduction, demographic data of the respondents, response presentation and analysis, references. Chapter five which deals with summary, conclusion, recommendations, Bibliography. Appendix, (questionnaire design) and also all chapters contains references.

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