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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00006331

No of Pages: 55

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THE ROLE OF LOCAL GOVERNMEMT IN OMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT was approved to the conduction of my research project. The main objective to examine the ROLE OF community development in the local government Various method of data gathering was used ranged from various observational, questionnaire documentary and interview respectively. The major finding this research work include mass awareness of fundamental right of the local government in contribution to the community development. At the recommendation level 1 learn that community cannot achieved their goals without interacting with the local government   


 Title Page - - - - - - - - - -i

Approval Page - - - - - - - - ii

Declaration - - - - - - - - - iii

 Dedication - - - - - - - - - iv 

 Acknowledgement - - - - - - - v

 Abstract - - - - - - - - - ix


1.0 Introduction - - - - - - - - 1

I.1  Statement of Research Problems - - - - - 2

1.2 Research Objectives - - - - - - - 3

1.3 Research question - - - - - - - 3

1.4 Significance of the Study - - - - - - 4

1.5  Historical Background of the Study - - - - 4

1.6 Statement of the problems - - - - - - 6

l 6 definition of terms - - - - - - - 7


2.0 Literature Review . - - - - - - - 9

2.l Structure of the Local Government - - - - 12

2.2 Role of Government in Community Development - - 13

2.3 Organizational Chart of Local Government - - - 13

2.4Organizational Structure of Community Development Department 14

2.5 Theoretical Framework - - - - - 15

2.6 Expectancy Theory - - - - - - - 15

2.7 heartbers Theory of Motivation - - - - - 16

2.8 Abraham H. Maslow Theory of Motivation - - - 17


3.0 Research Methodology - - - - - - 19

3.1 Sample and Sampling technique - - - - 20

 3.2 Limitation of the study - - - - - - 21

3.3 Problems Encountered - - - - - - 21


4.0Data Presentation and Analysis - - - - - 23


4:0 Summary - - - - - - - - 34

4:1 Conclusion - - - - - - - - 34

5.2 Conclusion - - - - - - - - 36

5.3 Recommendation - - - - - - - 37

Reference - - - - - - - - - 40

Appendix - - - - - - - - 43



local government constitutions the most critical level of government of which momentum of sustaining national development can be created  to some countries in their word or is the only semblance of authorities known beyond the traditional institution.

Consequently, they started to think of providing more function more finance and more qualified manpower for the level of government. This re-awarding  vis –a- vis the pivotal role of local government led to the 1976 nation wide local government reform. The reform recognized the level of government as a distinct tier of government.

It has been accepted and agree that the local government as the closed government to be grass root people in the rural area is to mobilize the rural populace for full participation in up lifting the standard of living of people and  the community as a whole.

Community development entails basically human development and satisfaction. If a community can not afford to ensure the provision of qualitative education, provision of good health, construction of roads, market, garages, motor parks, etc. them what community can afford to do.

After the fact brought light, the community cannot meet their entire requirement with out inter paring local government in order to achieve the community desired at all the times.


The role of local government in community development cannot be over emphasized in Kaugama local government in particular and Nigeria in general. This is in view of tremendous contribution supply to the people and community as a whole. Hence, the local government is considered in Nigeria constitution, to be the third tier government.

However, the role of local which is to provide to the entire populace at the grass root level, social sciences, has not received adequate consideration by some few individual. Hence, the need of this study arise.

This study will focus attention and identify the problem of local government in community development In Kaugama local government area.


The aims and objectives of the research are to examine the role of local government in community. However the research is also expected to highlight the roles of local government to the people of the area, so that there would be fully participant and cooperation in order to achieve the objective. The research work is also expected to find out the role of local in community development.

Specially the aim and objective are summarized below:-

i. To find out the problem of local  government in community development.

ii. To find out the problem of community in local government.

iii. To suggest possible solution to these problems.


What role should local government play in initiating development from grass root toward  community development?

Do you agree that local government has a vital role to play in community development?

Why do community development plans sometimes fails?

Do you agree self reliance is the root in community development.


The importance of this study cannot be over emphasized. When a work of this nature is embarked upon, the researcher in his mind has much importance to the community development.

The awareness of the people to know about the possible contribution of local government on their development.


Kaugama local government has been old town in hadejia emirate as the name comes from a kanuri language, meaning a black stone. The local governmemt was in 1991 along side the present jigawa state by the present general retired (Ibrahim badamasi babangida) the local government, which comprised at the whole of kaugama districts initially was in the extreme and of jigawa state in the north with maigatari local government in the east by malam madori local government, while in west by taura local government and gagarawa local government and finally in the south by auyo local government. 

The local government has the population at over three hundred and fifty thousand (350,000) in habitants comprising of hausa tribes and Fulani tribes as the majority followed by kanuri tribes and other. It is newly additional three district heads presently they are dakaiyawa district, markets yola districts. Also is has eleven wards they are:

Askando, arbu, dakiyawa, dabuwaran, girbobo, hadin, jae, kaugama, marke, unguwar jibrin yola.

The predominant religion of the people is islam, kaugama local governemt has rich a land of farming and finishing, however, hadejia jama.    

It has newly additional three districts heads presently they are Dakaiyawa Districts, Markc Districts, Yalo Disliicts. Also is has eleven wards they are: 

Askando, Ailms, Dakaiyawa, Dalmwaran, (iiihoho, lladin, Jae, Kangama, Matlxe, ungnwar jibril  Yalo. 

The predominant religion of the people is Islam. Kaugama local government has a rich land for farming and Fishing, however, hadejia lama’are river basin (HJRB) has penetrated from the south and has positively contributed to the development of the area through lishing and agricultural activities in which agriculture becomes the major occupation of the area. 

Therefore, these makes the local government becomes the further target groundnut producer in Jigawa state, it also become the producer of water melon, beans seed Arahie (him, Cotton, Cassava, Rice, Maize, Millet and wheat. 

However, the main occupation of the people at the area is farming and rearing animal  while trading and black smith also participate.


Nigerian government experienced so many problems before and alter 

independent in October [960, some of the problems is lack of stable 

government to render the economic ad rural  development in the area and provision of social amenities which enhance the development ol~ every individual. It is important In this research work to identify the rural in lt kaugama local government since there is a widening gap between rural  and urban areas in terms of economics and welfare  as a result of negligence of local government administrators. 

The condition of villages today is so much deplorable that those village which were like leaven on earth to their inhabitants today, the image of poverty, hunger, disease, disunity and disorganization in villages, where at one time the ideal of morality was rent high, Compton moral degeneration and social defiance  have today, passed all limits Ignorance superstition, lack of  education, poverty, indebtedness and employment has turned the village into detestable place. These numerous problems can be grouped into three 3 main  classes such as" Agriculture, economic and social problems 

Agricultural problems  Law level of agricultural education, insects, pest and diseases. using local tools in production, so this predispose to poor quality product and law agricultural products from the rural dwellers of  Kauguma local government. Another problems is center and the resting houses, which are both‘ private owned which are properly furnished. 

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