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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00006330

No of Pages: 56

No of Chapters: 1-5

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The research intended to find out the important of the community development and also know and why these issues of community development had become too strong in rural community development in the rural urban areas.
It is important when the completion or research is made it will the local government and state levels their effort toward rural development. This research provided knowledge to member of the community development association as well as other agencies or organization concerned with community development. For a research work to be completed there must be data collection, chapter three foresees on the methodology employed by the research to collect the relevant data for the purpose of this study.
However this chapter had geared toward explaining the type of method to be used in this research work the instrument of data collection sample technique population sampling size and method of data collection finally effectiveness of such instrument to used in the study.
I conducted of method of data collection it compared of sources of data primary data survey, Secondary data questionnaire, interview, registration. The table above indicate the 70% of the respondents said yes meaning they agree with the above question  
The table indicate that 70% are of the view that the community will be ready to accept change because most of the are aware of their problem.
The traditional ruler an active part in rural development to pursue local initiative and endeavor another area of concern is relate to bureaucratic nature through which project are officially approve for execution is such  bottle week are reduce to the a minimum more and project through communal effort can be undertaking.

1.0 Introduction------------------------------------------------------------------------1
1.1 Background of the study----------------------------------------------------------1
1.2 Statement of the problem---------------------------------------------------------2
1.3 Arms and objective of the study------------------------------------------------ -3
1.4 Research hypothesis/ Research Question---------------------------------------4
1.5 Justification / significance of the study-----------------------------------------4
1.6 Scope and limitation of the study-----------------------------------------------5
1.7 Historical Background of the study---------------------------------------------5
1.8 Definition of terms concepts-----------------------------------------------------6
1.9 Reference-------------------------------------------------------------------------7

2.0 Literature Review And Theoretical Frame Work----------------------------- 8
2.2 Conceptual frame work--------------------------------------------------------9
2.3 Empirical literature-----------------------------------------------------------10
2.4 Other thing----------------------------------------------------------------------11
2.5 Other thing----------------------------------------------------------------------12
2.6 Theoretical frame work--------------------------------------------------------14

3.0 Research Methodology  --------------------------------------------------16
3.2 Research design------------------------------------------------------------16
3.3 Population of the study----------------------------------------------------17
3.4 Sample size------------------------------------------------------------------17
3.5 Sampling techniques-------------------------------------------------------18
3.6 Methods of Data collection-----------------------------------------------19
3.7 Research Instrument-------------------------------------------------------19
3.8 Methods of Data Analysis------------------------------------------------20

4.0 Data Presentation And Analysis---------------------------------------22
4.1 Introduction----------------------------------------------------------------22
4.2 Demographic Data of the respondents----------------------------------23
4.3 Response presentation and analysis------------------------------------24

5.1 Summary-------------------------------------------------------------------26
5.2 Conclusion-----------------------------------------------------------------26
5.3 Recommendation----------------------------------------------------------27
Appendix (Questionnaire Design) -----------------------------------------30


Table 4.2.1 sex Distribution-------------------------------------------------------34
Table 4.2.2 Age Distribution-----------------------------------------------------35
Table 4.2.3 marital status-----------------------------------------------------------35
Table 4.2.4 Education Attainment-------------------------------------------------36
Table 4.2.5 Occupation status----------------------------------------------------- -37
Section B: Responses Of The Respondents---------------------------------------37
Table 4.3.1 Name of the table------------------------------------------------------38
Table 4.3.2 Name of the table-------------------------------------------------------39
Table 4.3.3 Name of the table--------------------------------------------------------39
Table 4.3.4 Name of the table-------------------------------------------------------40
Table 4.3.5 Name of the table---------------------------------------------------------40
Table 4.3.6 Name of the table----------------------------------------------------------41 
Table 4.3.7 Name of the table--------------------------------------------------------41
Table 4.3.8 Name of the table-------------------------------------------------------42
Table 4.3.9 Name of the table----------------------------------------------------------42


The issue of community development and importance’s to have been identified as a method than can be use transformation the like of people that betterment. Looking at the current trend community development is bound to face an attempt at discarding this draw back that gave rise to the priority with at give view to fine possible solution to the problem. Event during the colonial period what was specially designed has been transformation of rural area through the idea of community development. The importance is to elevate the standard living of people in community fundamentally on equality justice and mutual respect.
COMMUNITY: Creates and enhances good relationship between members of the community such as relationship between ordinary people and people. It fosters group participation in preferring solutions to problem confronting the community. It operates on the promise that within any community lays great potential which if utilized can half built community. Community development expert collaborates and work with people in community to build relationship and identify common interest.
Community -driven  rural  development  grants decision-making powers to comm unity groups and  resident s  in  the  de sign  of  interventions aim ed at improving standards of living and the allocation of resources to achieve agreed upon goals. 1 The  community groups  often work  in partnership with  dem and-responsive supp ort organizations  and  service  providers  including elected  local  governments,  nongovernmental organizations,  private  sector  contractors,  and regional  and  central  government  agencies  to implement  activities.

1. According to Musa (1995)problem of community development is a mechanistic nature of decision taking and  involvement of the community in decision making process of project initiation and implementation which capacitates the potentials of the communities and decision making , top down approach of decision making and project initiation typifies not only do nor driven and limited in nature but tend to under mines the benefiting community particularly community are hardly involve at the policy decision or implementation stage. These by excluding them as participant state holder in such plans programme and project.
2. The problem of valises and abandonment of project occur when communities do not understand the project as a result of non-inclusion in the decision making process of limitation and implementation project and programs.
3. The problem of loss control over development process do occur because of lack of understanding and utilization of the project by the benefiting communities many community development project or without adequate planning 

1. Benjamin J.S Ruben, S.Zichenback –journal of urban affair 2004 willely online library community development financial institution (CDFI) help to served predominantly low income community bank credit union business and micro enterprises , loan funds, and venture capital fund.
2. Although CDFI are a rapidly growing and increasing important area of community economic development they have not received proportionate attention community source in term caned by bard whether for a type of open source project that is a government by a consortium of educational institution

The research intends to find out the problem facing community development some of the problem includes:
According to Musa (1995) and Adefila (1998) top down approach or decision making and project invitation and limited in nature but tend to under mines the benefitting communities particularly communities are hardly involved at the policy designer or implementation stage, there by excluding them as participation and state holder in such plan programmes and project.
The problem of tantalization and abandonment to project occur when communities do not understand the project as a result non-inclusion in the decision making process of initiation of project and program.
Problem of loss controlled over development occurs because of lack of understanding and utilization of the project by the benefitting communities.
Many community development projects the socio environmental consequences or implication of the project that they initial. As such many of such projects do not survive.
The research intended to find out the important of the community development and also know and why these issues of community development had become too strong in rural community development in the rural urban areas.
To examine the problem facing the community and way of finding out the solution and to also find out how community development executes its project at the local government. 
To also to find how community development plays its roles in the rural development.

Hypothesis can be defined as statement stated in testable form. The following below are research hypotheses
H1; the community development policy has impact in rural transformation
H0;the community development policy has no impact in rural transformation

The study sought to answer the following research questions:
i. Is there a significant relationship between community development and rural transformation in the public service?
ii. What is the impact of fringe benefits on community development in the public service?
iii. What is the impact of cash bonus on community development in the rural transformation?

It is important when the government and state levels their effort toward rural development. This research will also provide knowledge to member of the community development association as well as other agencies or organization concerned with community development.
The research will help other researcher with information when undertaking their research relating to the topic lastly, it can be great importance to those voluntary organization with arms of rural transformation community development programmed play a very important role in rural reconstruction following are the main important of community development project.

The research work is to be conducted within Dutse local government Area for clears respond about the research activities of result of insufficient fund which help conduct research work large there for the research work also be conduct within the area of Dutse local government council have it government parastatal in which the activities of government were carried out by the government officials for the implementation of government policies toward the sustenance of social activities law and other to the general public community development developed in the (1970) involved orienting social work large towards the physical environment for instance, the content and principle of community development are applied to the process of developing disadvantage city district,  and also developing disadvantage city district and also play a vital part in modern district management.

Dutse meaning “rock” got at name from the hilly or rock which surrounds district head quarter and cover all appropriate area of about five mile. Dutse also sand dune (singular jigawa their plural jigayi it has qualifier coined from a round a legendary hunter at an incidenceimmoral. The hunter was said to have noticed a sudden crossing of an antelope  treen by surprise he said Yanzu Naga Gada : now I saw antelope crossed. These word of the hunter Gda mean (antelope)and then wurmean crossed this is where the original of Gadawur tittle is knows from the ancient history of Dutse . But historical evidence available suggest that Dutse have been existing as politically organized kingdom from more than six hundred (600) years the kano chronicles for instance relate about a war between Sarkin Kano AbdullahiBurga and Dutse in the first half of the century (184001465 AD) This goes to show that out of it Dutse was not only the politically but was even passing treat to expanding Kano kingdom.
Never the less in the opening year if 19 century as a result of jihad piloted by Umar DANFODIO Dutse lost it independence and fall wander than influence of KANO. This is with standing state as historical fact available intended sufficient it to not that Dutse has two (2) dynastic tracing to the champion the year between 1500-1800 a witness a remarkable achievement in the find of policies administration and culture and in important development which presumable was development of the early eighteenth century and which examined here is the building of Dutse wall should be noted right from now that wall should be confused with the one built by TsohonMutum to enable GARU the wall had thirteen gate suggesting a very large two the gate (kofofi) were;
1. Kofarburtulan
2. Kofaryina
3. Kofarmaranjuwa
4. Kofarbukka
5. Kofarma,ai
6. Kofargwari
7. Kofartago
8. Kofarkachi
9. Kofargaladimawa
10. Kofarrariya (kukiya)
11. Kofargalamawa
12. Kofarzai
13. Kofargadadin
However it should notethat it does not know exist but according to one information during his childhood remand of the wall existed.
There is little to doubt that through the AUDU BOYI Dutse (2003)
Important historical event to remember was the building of twelve gate around Dutse behind to have been done by Sarkin Dutse Maranjuwa Burtulan yina Kokiya bukka Galamawa Ma,ai Rariya and Galadimawa (A.D 2003)
Dutse has different groups of people which include hausa Fulani and kanuri in garu town one find settlement very peculiar because of situated on top on the hill and surrounding by rocks The entrance to Garu town is through that ting road from yadi leading to Fagoji katangare and maranjuwa. 
Dutse has fertile land and most of its people are develop agriculture to decreased as one moves southern part of Dutse (sakwaya)area to the northern part (chamo and abaya)and other part of the area within in Dutse local government .The soil is generally or light sandy (AUDU BOYI Dutse 2003).
Sakwaya was farmous for cotton and ground nut production while millets guinea corn and other crops such as onions, sweet, potatoes ,maize, founder of Dutse have constructed it be administration center in the tear (1991) but it for production against internal inversion that it signifiers remarkable progress in the art some welfare and defense that is wall also could serve some economic benefit to the settlers .Dutse as a district was created in1908 in accordance with political and economic re organization necessary for smooth exploitation by chronicles the area of the district was about (730)savare miles as against middle stone estimation of the total area which the put at 550 savare miles in 1923 )more ever the same year 9192) for some reason which i.e Dutse district and kiyawa district.
1. Boundaries Dutse is situated between latitude 11” 40 NE and 55E and 90 SE it is border in the west by gaya and in the north by Ringim it is also share boarder with Jahun and south east with BujiBirnin kudu of south and south west with Takai and Albasu by North West 
2. Agriculture is the predominant occupation of majorities of the people the most crucial factors which determined the majorities of crops grown determined the majorities in any area are climate and soil al ready and attempt has made above the bright the climate of area under study .as a result of rapid development Dutse local government secretariat was shifted town to the fagoji quarters called established.

Community: a social group of any size whose members reside in a specific locality, share government, and often have a common cultural and historical heritage.
Development: the part of a movement or composition in which a theme or themes are developed, or unfolded and elaborated, by various technical means, so as to reveal their inherent possibilities.
Development a large group of private houses or of apartment houses, often of similar design, constructed as a unified community, especially by a real-estate developer or government organization.
Rural: area or a countryside is a geographic area that is located outside towns and cities.
Rural as encompassing "...all population, housing, and territory not included within an urban area. Whatever is not urban is considered rural.
A transformation: is a dramatic change in form or appearance. An important event like getting your driver’s license, going to college, or getting married can cause a transformation in your life.
Transportation a rule describing the conversion of one syntactic structure into another related syntactic structure.

Chapter one (1)
Consist of background  of the study, statement of the problem, aims and objective of the study, significant of the study, research hypothesis, justification/ significant  of the study, scope and limitation, historical background of the study,
While Chapter two (2) Consist of literature review and theoretical frame work, introduction, conceptual framework, empirical literature, selt esteem, transformation theoretical 
 while   chapter three (3)
consist research methodology, introduction, research design, population of the study, sample size, sampling techniques, methods of data collection, research instrument, method of data analysis,
while chapter four (4) 
consist of Data presentation and analysis, introduction, demographic data of the respondent, response presentation and analysis,
while chapter five (5)
consist of summary, conclusion, recommendation, bibliography, appendix (questionnaire design) 

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