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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009326

No of Pages: 40

No of Chapters: 5

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The paper critically analyses effects of physicochemical parameters and heavy metals on the distribution and abundance of planktons in kafin gana dam, jigawa state, nigeria people are beginning to be conscious of the fact that to be happy and cheerful in one’s work place, some conditions must be present even with little pay. For example, notwithstanding whatever is provided for a secretary for her job, if she is not equipped, all that is provided comes to naught. The major objectives of the paper are: to determine the extent to which the environment factors such as noise, ventilation, lack of enough space in the office and equipment can hinder the performance of office manager in an organization, To find out and ascertain the effect of environment condition to the working office manager in an organization, to encourage the organization to acquire more office automation for effectives efficiency of office manager and to provide organization with mores ideas for a conducive environment for the workers.Concerning methodology, both secondary and primary sources of data was used for the study. A survey research design coupled with a multi-stage sampling technique was used with a sample size of 10 secretaries’ Jigawa state Ministry of education. Data was analyzed and represented in frequency tables and percentages. Key findings from the study showed that the responses said noise of the machines and colleagues distract the attentions of the secretaries in the offices. Most secretaries said that they do not have enough toilet facilities, good first aid box and likewise their offices were not being clean regularly. Recommendations for the study include; enough toilet facilities should be constructed so as to assist the workers if they want to ease themselves from entering into bushes, which can cause serious problems to the workers’ health.











Title Page    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -  

Approval Page    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -   

Declaration    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -   

Dedication    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -   

Acknowledgement    -    -    -    -    -    -  

Abstract    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -   

Table of Contents    -    -    -    -    -    -    -



1.1    Background of the Study -    -    - 

1.2    Statement of General Problem    -    -    -   

1.3    Objective of the Study    -    -    -    -    -    -   

1.4    Research Questions    -    -    -    -    -    -   

1.5    Limitations    -    -    -    -    -    -    -       

1.6   Delimitation    -    -    -    -    -    -    -       

1.7    Significance of the study    -    -    -    -    -           

1.8    Historical background of the case study    -    -           

1.9    Definition of terms    -    -    -    -    -    -       


2.1    Introduction    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -   

2.2    WHAT IS ENVIRONMENT    -    -    -    -    -    -   

2.3    WHO IS AN OFFICE MANAGER    -    -    -    -    -    -   

2.4    ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS    -    -    -    -    -       

2.5 EMPIRICAL REVIEW    -    -    -    -    -    -    -



3.1    Introduction    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -   

3.2    POPULATION-    -    -    -    -    -    -    -   

3.3    SAMPLE SIZE-    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -


3.5    DATA COLLECTION INSTRUMENT-    -    -    -    -   

3.6    METHOD OF DATA ANALYSIS-    -    -    -    -    -    -



4.0    Introduction    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -

4.1    Data Presentation and Analysis    -    -    -    -    -   

4.2    Characteristics of the Respondents    -    -    -    -    -

4.3    Data Analysis    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -   

4.4    Testing Hypothesis    -    -    -    -    -    -    -   

4.5    Summary of Findings    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -

4.6    Discussion of Findings    -    -    -    -    -    -    -



5.0    Introduction    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -   

5.1    Summary    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -   

5.2    Conclusion    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -

5.3    Recommendations    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -

    References -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -








1.1                   Background of the Study

Water is the most crucial assets and general solvent that all living creatures depend on for their existence, growth and reproduction (Umar and Abbati, 2021). Good water quality is requisite in conserving the composition of aquatic flora and fauna, deterioration of the water quality can cause turn down in productivity and biodiversity of aquatic biota (Faithful and Finalayson, 2015, Umar and Abbati, 2021). It is estimated that 1.8 billion people (28% of the world’s population) use unsafe water in 2010 and that additional 1.2 billion (18% of the world’s population) use water from water sources with significant sanitary risks (Friedlander et al., 2015; Sila, 2019, Hassan and Ibrahim, 2021).

Water quality is important in the distribution, occurrence and varieties of aquatic organisms. A short exposure of planktons to poor water quality causes alteration in the community structure, due to the elimination of the species that are intolerant to stress and proliferation or extreme stress-tolerant species would lead to their mortality (Aja, 1991; Nwagba et al., 2022). Pollution of water occurred when there is alteration in the physical, chemical or biological condition in the ecosystem which disastrously affects the treasure of human life together with other fauna and flora (Ojitiku et al., 2018, Umar and Abbati, 2021).

The Physicochemical parameters of a water body are used to evaluate its quality as they provide information on the state of the ecosystem.  When the  rate  of  contamination  of  a  river or  stream  is  higher  than  its  rate  of recovery,  its  chemical,  physical  and  biological  properties  gradually  change  until  it  gets  to  a  point  where  it cannot sustain desirable biota or be useful for any purpose (Lucy et al.; 2020)

The physiochemical characteristics of water may directly/indirectly influence its quality and consequently its suitability for production of fish species and other aquatic organisms. Increasing urbanization/industrialization has increased pressure on the ecological level of the ecosystems leading to minimal benefits (Nwagba et. al.; 2022). Changes in the physicochemical parameters tend to change the living conditions, especially in the number, diversity and distribution of the biota of that ecosystem. Fluctuation in physicochemical factors could adversely affect the organisms, limiting their production and interfering with the physiological processes which reduce their ability to compete with other populations within the environment (Suleiman et al., 2021). The Physico-chemical factors of the water body that are considered as most important factors in the aquatic environment  particularly for fresh water are Temperature, PH, Turbidity, Dissolved oxygen. 

1.2       Statement of the Problem    

The distribution and abundance of planktons are influenced by various physico-chemical parameters and heavy metals. However, the specific assessment of these parameters in relation to the distribution of plankton, and these hinders understanding of the factors that control the distribution and abundance of planktons, which are critical in maintaining healthy aquatic ecosystems.

Therefore, there is a need for a comprehensive assessment of the physico-chemical parameters and heavy metals and their impact on the distribution and abundance of planktons to enhance understanding of these important organisms and their ecological significance.

1.3 Significance of the Study           

Planktons are crucial components of aquatic ecosystems and play a vital role in nutrient cycling and primary production. By assessing the physico-chemical parameters and heavy metals associated with their distribution and abundance, the research will provide insights into the overall health and condition of the ecosystem which can also be used for environmental monitoring and management to ensure the sustainability of the dam.

1.4       Justification of the Study

Water quality is of great importance to the public although the quality of water varies from one body of water to another.

The study of planktons has been very extensive in large rivers and lakes in Nigeria (Ekwu and Sokoki, 2005, Ibrahim et al., 2021). Less attention has been given to smaller water bodies which are scattered all over the country and contain a significant proportion of the nation’s aquatic biodiversity (Lamai and Kolo, 2003, Ibrahim et al., 2021). Changes may have happened over a period of time in Kafin Gana Dam because of how the neighbouring communities use the lake for agriculture, recreation, livestock and human consumption. These activities may affect the physico-chemical parameters and plankton abundance and distribution as well as the quality of the water which necessitate this study in order to create awareness about the current (Existing) situation of the dam to save people health and improve agricultural practice.

In view of the foregoing this research seeks to assess the phytoplankton and zooplankton species abundance and distributions in relation to physico-chemical parameters and heavy metals in Kafin Gana Dam, Jigawa State.

1.5       Aim and Objectives  

1.5.1    Aim of the study

The aim of this study is to assess the effects of physico-chemical parameters and heavy metals on the distribution and abundance of planktons in Kafin Gana Dam, with the view of assessing the state of natural environment and level of pollution in Jigawa State.

1.5.2    Objectives of the study        

The specific objectives of this study are to determine:

        i.            The Physico-chemical parameters of water in Kafin Gana dam

      ii.            The concentration of heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Mn and Pb) in water from Kafin Gana dam.

    iii.            The distribution and abundance of planktons in Kafin Gana dam

    iv.            The Spatio-temporal variation in the distribution and abundance of planktons in Kafin Gana dam.

      v.            The relationship between the physico-chemical parameters, heavy metals and plankton distribution and abundance in Kafin Gana Dam.

1.6       Research Questions  

Ø  What are the Physico-chemical parameters of water in Kafin Gana Dam?

Ø  What are the concentration of Cu, Zn, Mn and Pb in water in Kafin Gana dam?

Ø  What is the nature of plankton distribution and abundance in Kafin Gana dam?

Ø  How do physico-chemical parameters influence the distribution and abundance of planktons in Kafin Gana dam?

Ø  What are the effect of physico-chemical parameters on the distribution and abundance of planktons in water from Kafin Gana dam?

      1.7 HYPOTHESIS

Ø  There is no significance in the physico-chemical parameters of water in Kafin Gana dam.

Ø  There is no heavy metals concentration in water from Kafin Gana dam.

Ø  There is no significance difference in the distribution and abundance of planktons in the dam.

Ø  There is no significance difference in the effect of physico-chemical parameters on the distribution and abundance of planktons

1.8       Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The research will deliminated to assessing the effects of physico-chemical parameters and heavy metals on the distribution and abundance of zooplankton and phytoplankton in Kafin Gana Dam, Jigawa State and data collection covered the period of March to August, 2024.

1.9       The Study Area        

1.9.1    Historical background of the study area

Birnin Kudu is a town and local government Area in the south of Jigawa State, Nigeria. It is an old historic city renowned for its rocks and drawings found in some of them dating to centuries before the colonization of Northern Nigeria and establishment of native authority (NA). As of 2006, the town of Birnin kudu had an estimated population of 419,800 and is the most populous local government in the state, though the city experiences slow infrastural development. It is also a city where Gwaram and Buji local governments where separated from in 1996.

 Birnin Kudu Local Government Area (LGA) is where the study area was located. The LGA is situated between Latitudes 11º 20′N to 11º39′ north of the equator and Longitudes 09º 10′E to 09º 40′ east of the Greenwich meridian. It covers area of about 2,073 square Kilometers. Kafin Gana Reservoir is located at Kafin Gana town Birnin kudu Local Government Area of Jigawa State and the dam was established primarily for irrigation purposes (Murtala and Yazid 2019).

1.9.2    Location of the study area

Kafin Gana Reservoir is located at Kafin Gana town Birnin kudu Local Government Area of Jigawa State. Kafin Gana is located between Birnin Kudu and Dutse local government at latitude 110 300N and 90 210E. It is in Sudan savannah as ecological zone of Nigeria. The dam was established primarily for irrigation purposes. It has a surface area of 121ha while fishing and irrigation are the only secondary activities.

1.9.3    Extent of the study area

It has a surface area of 121ha while fishing and irrigation are the only secondary activities. The main elevation of the plain surface of the area is between 400 - 420m above mean sea level.

1.9.4    Environmental features of the study area

The total annual rainfall received ranges between 500-600mm in the region (Olofin, 2008). The area is characterized by a long dry season which lasts on average of 8 months from October to April or May. The mean monthly temperature in the area ranges between 30°C and 35°C. The wet season mean annual temperature is about 25°C and diurnal range of about 10°C to 13°C.

Figure 2: Map of the Study Area

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