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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009415

No of Pages: 83

No of Chapters: 1-5

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This study dealt with analysis of physicochemical parameters, heavy metals in bottom and plankton characteristics of earthen ponds in Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike Nigeria. The ponds were constructed on low land and therefore prone to runoffs loaded with degradable and non-degradable materials deposited at different degrees in different sections of the farm. For the purpose of this study, the farm was divided into three sections in relation to flooding as; flood free area, low flood area and high flood area. The analysis was carried out to provide empirical data that could be informative in management of earthen ponds in flood prone environment for production of fish for human consumption. Lead, zinc, iron, cadmium were analyzed using atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS), dissolved oxygen (Do), Biological oxygen demand(BOD), total dissolved solids(TDS), electrical conductivity (Ec), nitrate, phosphate, temperature, pH, and transparency were analysed using DO meter, TDS meter, conductivity meter, pH meter, thermometer and secchi disc respectively. Plankton was analyzed by filtering water samples through a fine plankton net of mesh size 55um and viewed under microscope for identification. Results obtained showed that DO, BOD, EC, phosphate, temperature, pH were significantly different at 5% probability level (p<0.05) among the different sections of the farm with the following mean values DO had the highest value in sections as 4.78. section 2 4.63 and sectionl 4.19. BOD was highest in Sectionl as 2.08, section2 2.05 and sections 1.78. EC was highest in sectionl as 156.08, sections 114.58 and Section2 83.42. phosphate was highest in sectionl as 1.44, Sections 0.95 and section2 0.13. However, TDS, N03 and transparency were not significantly different among ponds in different sections of the farm. TDS had the highest mean value 73.08 in section3, 70.19 in section2 and 63.41 in sectionl. Nitrate was highest in section3 as 22.04, section2 21.33 and sectionl 19.37. Heavy metals results showed that Pb, Zn, cd, Fe were significantly different at 5% probability level among the various ponds. Results on plankton abundance showed that some ponds were more productive than others which agree that impartation of runoff is at different degree. Sectionl ponds recorded the highest number of plankton which could be linked to the low values of cd, nitrate, TDS. EC values were also high in same section which means that nutrients are better circulated in it. It was recommended that physicochemical parameters should be monitored regularly to make sure they are within the recommended range.



Title Page                                                                                                             i

Declaration                                                                                                 ii

Dedication                                                                                                 iii

Certification                                                                                               iv

Acknowledgements                                                                                     v

Table of Contents                                                                                                     vi

List of Tables                                                                                                        ix

List of Figures                                                                                                        x

List of Plates                                                                                                         xi

Abstract                                                                                                    xii


1.0 Introduction                                                                                                 1

1.1 Justification of the study                                                                                                           5

1.2 Aim of study                                                                                                                     6

1.3 Specific objectives                                                                                                                     6


2.0 Literature Review                                                                                                        8

2.1 Physicochemical parameters                                                                                                  9

2.2 Plankton                                                                                                                   16


3.0 Materials and method                                                                                                      22

3.1 Study area                                                                                                                   22

3.2 Duration of study                                                                                                         22

3.3 Analysis of water characteristics                                                                                                                    23

3.3.1 Collection and treatment of water samples for physicochemical characteristics                                                                                           23

3.3.2 Methods for Analysis of physical and chemical parameters                                                                                                23 Temperature of water (°C)                                                                                                           23 Transparency (cm)                                                                                                          23 Dissolved Oxygen (D.O)                                                                                                         24 pH (Hydrogen ion concentration)                                                                                           24 Nitrates (NO3)                                                                                                        24 Electrical conductivity of water (EC)                                                                                                          24 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)                                                                                                        25 Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD)                                                                                                       25 Water Phosphate (PO4)                                                                                                         25

3.4 Plankton characteristics                                                                                           26

3.4.1 Phytoplankton characteristics                                                                                                                   26

3.4.2 Zooplankton characteristics                                                                                                                   26

3.5 Heavy metals analysis at bottom sediments of ponds                                                                                                         27

3.5.1 Experimental Procedure                                                                                                  27

3.5.2 Analysis                                                                                                    27 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS)                                                                                                        27

3.5.3 Lead                                                                                                          28

3.5.4 Iron                                                                                                           28

3.5.5 Zinc                                                                                                           28

3.5.6 Cadmium                                                                                                                   29

3.6 Statistical Analysis                                                                                                    29


4.0 Results and Discussion                                                                                                 30

4.1 Heavy metals                                                                                                                   33

4.2 Planktons                                                                                                                   37

4.2.1 Zooplankton                                                                                              37

4.2.2 Phytoplankton                                                                                                                   46

4.3 Relationship between sediment condition and plankton species samples in the various    ponds                                                                                                         57


5.0 Conclusion and Recommendation                                                                                                                   65

5.1 Conclusion                                                                                                                   65

5.2 Recommendations                                                                                                                   66

References                                                                                                67




1: Mean±SD of physicochemical parameters of the different ponds throughout the study                                                                                          33

2: Mean±SD of heavy metal content of the different ponds throughout the study                                                                                          36

3: WHO standards for fresh water                                                                                                     36

4: Total Mean±SD species number (count) of planktons that occurred in the different ponds throughout the study                                                                                                     38

5: Total Mean±SD taxonomic number (count) of planktons that occurred in the different             ponds throughout the study                                                                                                     48

6: Relationship between heavy metals and Zooplankton in Pond 1 throughout the period             of study                                                                                                     59

7: Relationship between heavy metals and phytoplankton in Pond 1 throughout the period          of study                                                                                                     60

8: Relationship between heavy metals and Zooplankton in Pond 2 throughout the period of      study                                                                                                     61

9: Relationship between heavy metals and phytoplankton in Pond 2 throughout the period          of study                                                                                                     62

10: Relationship between heavy metals and Zooplankton in Pond 3 throughout the period             of study                                                                                                     63

11: Relationship between heavy metals and phytoplankton in Pond 3 throughout the            period of study                                                                                                     64




I: Cyanophyta                                                                                                                   40

IIa: Chlorophyta                                                                                                                   41

IIb: Chlorophyta                                                                                                                   42

III: Bacillariophyta                                                                                                                   43

IV: Euglenaphyta                                                                                                                   44

Va: Rotifera                                                                                                                   48

Vb: Rotifera                                                                                                                   49

Via: Cladocera                                                                                                                   50

VIb: Cladocera                                                                                                                   51

VIc: Cladocera                                                                                                                   52

VIIa: Copepoda                                                                                                                   53

VIIb: Copepoda                                                                                                                   54





The aquaculture industry is a key factor for increasing the economic income in developing countries, most notably in the rural areas as it provides limitless employment opportunities to improve the economic situation for the people in these regions (Maigualema and Garnet, 2003).

Aquatic ecosystem whether fresh, marine or brackish is one of the valuable natural resources whose quality is vital for human welfare and socio-economic development. Aquatic ecosystems are particularly prone to environmental change and many are at present degraded (Williamson, et al., 2008). In recent years, increase in human population, demand for food, land conversion and use of fertilizer have led to faster degradation of many freshwater resources (Muchin et al., 2012 and Jayakumar et al., 2009).

Fresh  water ecosystem, of which University earthen  ponds is part of is characterized with low or no percentage of dissolved  salt and is  subjected to the influence of a wide array of physical and chemical  factors according to (Achionye-Nzeh and Isimaikaiye, 2010)  The increase and decrease of these factors frequently affects the water quality thus  altering the diversity  of the plant and animal organisms dwelling in this habitat and also affecting the biodiversity of aquatic ecosystem such as density, buoyancy, temperature, light, dissolved oxygen, carbon-dioxide content, pH concentration.

In the growing aquaculture industry, it is accepted that good water quality is needed to maintain good aquaculture production (King, 1998). Poor water quality can lead to low profit, low product quality and potential human health risks. Production is reduced when the water contains impurities that can hinder development, growth, reproduction, or even cause mortality to the cultured species (Stone and Thormforde, 2003). Some impurities can accumulate to the point where it threatens human health (King, 1998).

Efficient feed conversion, growth and marketability of the final product which capitulates into increased economic income cannot occur unless the pond system is balanced with nature the concern of the fish culturist is to maintain ‘balance’ or ‘equilibrium conditions' with respect to water chemistry and its natural consequence (Wurts, 2000). Water quality for aqua culturists refers to the quality of water that enables successful culture of the desired organisms (Boyd, 1995). The required water quality is determined by the specific organisms to be cultured and has many components that are interwoven. Sometimes a component can be dealt with separately, but because of complex interaction among components, the composition of the total array must be addressed (ICLARM, 2006). Growth and survival, which together determine the ultimate yield, are influenced by a number of ecological parameters and managerial practices (Boyd and Tucker, 1998). Some water quality factors that are more likely to be implicated with fish losses include dissolved oxygen, temperature and ammonia. Others, such as pH, alkalinity, hardness and clarity can affect fish, but usually not directly toxic (Stevens, 2007). Each water quality factor interacts with and influences other parameters, sometimes in complex ways (Meade, 1989). The determination and frequency of monitoring water quality depends upon the rearing intensity of the system.

All biological and chemical processes in an aquaculture operation are influenced by temperature. Each species of fish has a preferred or optimum temperature range where it grows best. At temperatures above or below optimum, fish growth is affected. Mortalities may even occur at extreme temperatures (Piper et al., 1982). Turbidity determines light penetration in water. This in turn will have an effect on the temperature of the water and the amount of vegetation and algae that will do well in the pond, thus affecting the rate of photosynthesis and primary productivity (USDA, 1996; Environmental Review, 2008).

Chemical characteristics i.e. water quality parameters that are chemical in nature within an aquaculture pond are also of immense importance to the local pond environment and overall yield of propagated fish species. They are considered to be important and critical water quality parameters in aquaculture as they change continuously and are affected by physical and biological characteristics that have been mentioned previously (Boyd, 1990b). Some important chemical parameters include alkalinity, Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen (DO), and pH (Boyd, 1998; Environmental Review, 2008). A low dissolved oxygen level is the major limiting water quality parameter in aquaculture systems (Boyd, 1995). A critically low dissolved oxygen level occurs in ponds particularly when algal blooms die-off and subsequent decomposition of algal blooms and can cause stress or mortality of prawns in ponds. Chronically low dissolved oxygen levels can reduce growth, feeding and molting frequency. Also a high degree of variability in the concentration of dissolved nitrates, nitrites and ammonia (Schwartz and Boyd, 1994) could adversely affect fish. The environmental conditions that create high ammonia concentrations may also cause increase in nitrite concentration. Both ammonia and nitrite can be directly toxic to culture organisms or can induce to sub lethal stress in culture populations that results in lowered resistance to diseases (Boyd, 1998).

In the same vein, high stocking density of fish or crustaceans in ponds usually poses problems with water quality, sediment deterioration and pond bottom characteristics. Wastes generated by aquaculture activity (faces and unconsumed feed) first settle in the bottom, as a consequence of organic waste and metabolite of degraded organic matter is accumulated in sediment and water and could present some challenges for fish health (Boyd, 1990).

There are more than twenty heavy metals, but four are of particular concern to human health and the environment namely; Lead (Pb), Cadmium (Cd), Mercury (Hg), and Arsenic (As) (ATSDR, 2011). They are toxic and can cause damaging effects even at very low concentrations. The Agency for toxic substances and Disease registry (ATSDR) in Atlanta; Georgia, (a part of U.S Department of Health and Human Services) compiled a priority list called the “Top 20 Hazardous substances”. The heavy metals arsenic (I), Lead (2), Mercury (3), and cadmium (7) appear on this list.

Human activity inevitably affects the environment, it causes changes in plant cover and natural landscapes, and transforms water systems by making different hydraulic quantities of products from human activity are gradually accumulating in water bodies, in soils and on the earth’s surface. This is already an obstacle for socio-economic development in many regions and countries.

Human activity affects to an extent all basic components of the hydrological cycle: precipitation, evaporation and also water runoff. Moreover, any change in any component leads to a change in the other components. It should be noted that the scale and type of change in hydrological cycle components greatly depend on the size of the area concerned. As a rule, the larger the territory the more stable the natural ratios between individual components of the hydrological cycle. Nevertheless, they are subject to the effects of an anthropogenic factors.

However, water management is still a major developmental challenge as human   activities have resulted in the dwindling of freshwater resources, increased pollution load, health and transportation problems and reduced ecosystem resilience which pose significant  threat to sustainable development.

Industrial activities such as mining activities results in increased revenue for all parties involved in the communities, country and the miners themselves. However, irrespective of this financial advantage, the different environmental pollution effects must be considered for the health of the people.  Pollution occurs in different form; soil pollution, water pollution and air pollution depending on the type of activity.


Run offs from different sources, carry degradable and non-degradable materials into most of the ponds during heavy rain which can cause changes in water quality parameters and bottom sediment chemistry which may affect pond productivity. As fish is a cold-blooded animal, its growth, reproduction, maturity and survival mostly depends on water temperature. Inadequate maintenance of water quality might cause severe problems in fish pond production. Sometimes lack of maintenance of water quality may cause great loss to the farmers. Therefore, fish farming requires a regular management of water quality for maintaining a suitable environment and to maximize their production. The main water quality parameters (physicochemical) are; transparency, temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, ammonia etc. All of these parameters are essential for cultured organisms. The maintenance of good quality of water is essential for both survival and optimum growth of culture organisms. Good water quality is characterized by adequate oxygen and limited levels of metabolites.

The need to analyze heavy metals in bottom sediments and water characteristics of ponds which may be imparted by runoffs at different degrees precipitated this study this will also provide useful information to farmers in raising fish in a site for long period of time while minimizing impact to the environment.


The earthen ponds in MOUAU fish farm were constructed on low land. Runoffs from different sources carry degradable and non-degradable materials into most of the ponds during heavy rainfall. It is therefore necessary to evaluate the possible effects of the runoffs on the pond aimed at reducing the levels of its impartation of the runoffs in the ponds.


1.     To access heavy metal accumulation in bottom sediments of the earthen ponds in MOUAU Fish Farm.

2.     To estimate the ponds water quality variables.

3.     To describe the distribution patterns, species composition and biomass of plankton in different earth ponds in the university fish farm.

4.     To relate sediment condition with the plankton community of the ponds in MOUAU fish farm.


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