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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009215

No of Pages: 45

No of Chapters: 1-5

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This paper examines how the effect of entrepreneurship education could help in job creation in Kano state. The challenges of quality entrepreneurship education were also discussed. The research design that adopted for this research study as purely a survey research design. Both primary and secondary source of data will be used. The secondary source of data from the bulk of chapter two which was a review of related literature and consist of journals, textbooks, both publisher texts and unpublished work as internet. A sample was drawn from the population which assisted the study. The sample size for  the research will be made up of twenty five (25) from the total number of the population area. The sampling method that has to be adopted is simple random method. It was discovered that when the entrepreneurship education is well founded in the various schools the respondent attended earlier. But to the superior of the research majority of respondent agreed that vocational education is not well founded in the school key attend earlier. The entrepreneurship education programme which has been incorporated in college of education along side other discipline es like science, agricultural science and mathematics education.


Title Page-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i

Approval Page-------------------------------------------------------------------------------ii





Table of Contents---------------------------------------------------------------------------vii


1.1    Background of the Study------------------------------------------------------------1

1.2    Statement of the Problems---------------------------------------------------------4

1.3    Objectives of the Research----------------------------------------------------------5

1.4    Research Questions---------------------------------------------------------------------5

1.5    Hypothesis-------------------------------------------------------------------------------6

1.6    Research Methodology----------------------------------------------------------------6

1.6.1      Research Design---------------------------------------------------------------------6

1.6.2      Sources of Data----------------------------------------------------------------------6

1.6.3      Population Sample and Sample Techniques----------------------------------6-7

1.7    Significance of the Research-------------------------------------------------------7

1.8    Scope and Limitation of The Research-------------------------------------------7-8

1.9    Definition Of Key Terms-------------------------------------------------------------8




2.1 The Concept of Entrepreneurship----------------------------------------------9

2.2 Effect of Entrepreneurship Education-----------------------------------------11

2.3 Objectives of Entrepreneurship Education -----------------------------------12

2.4 The Concept of Youth Unemployment-----------------------------------------13

2.5 Hoe Entrepreneurship Education Could Help in Job Creation------------14

2.6 Challenges of Entrepreneurship Education-------------------------------------16

2.7 Remedies of The Challenges-------------------------------------------------------17

2.8 Summary and Review---------------------------------------------------------------18



3.1 Research Design -----------------------------------------------------------------------19

3.2 Sources of Data ------------------------------------------------------------------------19

3.3 Population, Sample size, and Sampling Techniques ------------------------------19

3.4 Method of Data Collection-----------------------------------------------------------20

3.5 Method of Data Analysis ------------------------------------------------------------20



4.1 Introduction-----------------------------------------------------------------------------21

4.2 Data Presentation----------------------------------------------------------------------21



5.1 Summary of Major Finding-------------------------------------------------------27

5.2 Conclusion---------------------------------------------------------------------------28

5.3 Recommendations------------------------------------------------------------------28








Since independence, Nigeria government became more and more aware of the short comings and limitations of the colonial education heritage. Concerted efforts are being made to make education functional and a tool for national development. The history of entrepreneurship education in Nigeria according to Adia(2011) started in the 1960s.This is seen from the various government programmes such as the Entrepreneurship Development Centre(EDC), Nigeria Industrial Development Bank (NIDB), National Directorate of Employment(NDE), National Open Apprenticeship Scheme(NOAS),etc. As promising as they sound, these programmes were short lived (Adia, 2011).

The reason for the short life span of these programmes is not farfetched. It is simply because they were not inculcated into the educational system. Education is a powerful force that can ensure the sustainability of any worthwhile ventures.

In Nigeria today, school curriculum at all levels are now developed with entrepreneurial mindset. This is with the aim that it will create self-reliance, employment, and economic growth and development. It is in response to the need for a more productive education that the 1969 curriculum conference was convened by the then National Education Research Council (NERC). Decisions at this conference led to the development of philosophy of education and consequently, the National Policy on Education of 1977 which was subsequently revised in 1981, 1998 and 2004. Ofoha (2014) believes that the emergence of the 6-3-3-4 system of education in Nigeria which implementation started in 1982 brought about significant innovations in Nigerian Education system, but only in theory. There is no practical implementation. Among the innovation is the ‘vocationalisation’ of the secondary school curriculum. Prevocational subjects were introduced into the Junior Secondary School (JSS) curriculum while vocational subjects were introduced into the Senior Secondary School (SSS) curriculum (Ofoha, 2014).

Integrated subjects such as Introductory Technology in the past were to prepare learners to acquire basic vocation such as woodwork, metal work, basic electronics, technical drawing, automobile mechanics, etc. This is to empower learners to be productive at the end of the Junior Secondary School (Ofoha, 2014).

In today’s curriculum, the above integrated subject is now called Basic Technology. At the senior secondary school, the integrated vocational subjects are now learnt separately. They include subjects such as Agricultural science, food and nutrition, auto mechanics, commerce, typewriting, etc. Due to the frequent review of Nigerian curriculum, various changes are made to accommodate modern trend in education. The changes are merely change of nomenclature, the structure and objectives remain the Okoli and Allahna 255 same. The subjects mentioned above are aimed at developing entrepreneurial skills. Entrepreneurial subjects such as photography, catering, craft, and data processing have been recently added in the new secondary curriculum.

The new secondary school curriculum structure which came into effect in September, 2011 has made it mandatory for every senior secondary school students to take at least a subject from the trade/entrepreneurship subjects.

 At the tertiary level, Ifedili and Ofoegbu (2011) stated that in her efforts to ensure job opportunity and self-reliance, the federal government of Nigeria through the ministry of education has made it compulsory for every student in the university to take a course in entrepreneurship before graduation. This is to free them from dependency on white collar job, to be self-employed and self-reliant after graduation. With all these efforts, the effects of entrepreneurship education are very low as millions of Nigerians are dependent on the grossly inadequate government jobs. Millions of graduates across the country gathered in various stadia sometime this year for the Nigerian Immigration Service recruitment where less than a hundred thousand were to be employed. This is an obvious indication that entrepreneurship education practice is still very low in Nigeria. 

Education is the key to national development. This is because it unlocks the economic potentials of the people; empowers and equips individuals in society to participate in, and benefit from their national economy; facilitates economic development and provides the basis for transformation (Aiyeduso, 2014). Education is the essential tool for sustainability. The present global economic crises suggest that the entire world is in a war between financial/qualitative education and catastrophe (Aluwong, 2010).

Entrepreneurship education is part of the total educational system. It is the type of education that involves the acquisition of skills, ideas and management abilities necessary for job creation. An entrepreneur promotes employment rather than seeking for an employment. Therefore, there is a need to embrace this type of education and provide all the necessary resources needed to make it functional. Quality entrepreneurship education could be used as a tools for fighting the war against poverty and unemployment in Nigeria. Education is said to be qualitative when the input such as student, teachers, finance, infrastructure and equipment and all these are converted through teaching and learning (theory and practical) and produce a desirable output is better equipped to serve themselves and the society.


The dexterity with which hunger and poverty have devastated lives and future ambition of youths especially graduates in Nigeria, have led to scholars prescribing entrepreneurship development as the permanent cure for extreme hunger and poverty necessitated by unemployment hence economic displacement is one of the external forces that influence the development of entrepreneurship (Okoli, 2009).

Youth unemployment is a global problem that governments all over the world are contending with. As a result, there is an increasing demand for entrepreneurs in Kano state today. Both developed and developing countries are trying to lure entrepreneurs who can create their own wealth and create jobs for others with ideas, skills and capital in order to enhance economic growth. The level of unemployment in Nigeria seems to have continued to exacerbate despite various measures and strategies that Nigerian government have adopted over the years. In bid to reduce youth unemployment in Kano state.

Very much has been doing in the provision of finance, infrastructures and enabling business environment among others, but as much as they have been doing, very little have been achieved because the youths have not been developed in line with necessary skills. Their potentials have not been fully developed to the level of creating jobs for others.

This study suggests that entrepreneurship education or competencies in the youth have not been developed to serve as sufficient and most critical requirements for success in business. The extent to which entrepreneurship education development programmes have impacted on youth employment is worthy of exploration. The great need for entrepreneurship development in Nigeria today, more than ever, is necessitated by the rate of unemployment and its effect on both the people and the nation and the need for small and medium enterprises. The Nigerian economy is characterized by mirage of problems which have constituted a sleepless night to developmental oriented governance. The most disturbing thing in Kano State is menace of unemployment.

Therefore, this research is intended to assess the effect of entrepreneurship education in the provision of job opportunities in Kano State.    


The main objective of the study is to assess the effect of entrepreneurship education in the provision of job opportunities in Kano State.

Three objectives were developed in line with the main objectives, and these are:

Ø To find out the effect of entrepreneurship education in the provision of Job opportunities in Kano state.

Ø To identify the impact of entrepreneurship education on youths in Kano state. 

Ø To find out the obstacles that affect entrepreneurship education development in Kano state.


This study seeks to answer the following research questions:

1.     What are effect of entrepreneurship education in the provision of Job opportunities in Kano state?

2.     What impacts entrepreneurship education has on youths in Kano state?

3.     What are the obstacles that affect the entrepreneurship education in Kano state?

1.5 Hypothesis

Ho: Is there any significant relationship between entrepreneurship education and provision of job opportunities in Kano state?

Ho: There are significant an impact in entrepreneurship education has on youths in Kano state?

Ho: There any significant obstacles that affect the entrepreneurship education in Kano state?



The research design that will be adopted for this research study is purely a survey research design. The adoption of these types of research design involves the use of questionnaire, which will be used in eliciting information for this study. Furthermore, the questionnaires have been designed in such a way that the question asked would provide useful answers to the research questions as well as test the hypotheses of the study.


Data utilized for this research work were obtained from primary and secondary sources of information.


The target population of the study was made up of employers/graduates of business administration in the study area, amounted to 75 from entrepreneurship Development Centre and Research Kano State Polytechnic.

The sample of the study is twenty five (25) employers/graduates of Business administration in the study area. The sample will be selected from 75 graduates of Business administration in the study area which is Entrepreneurship Development Centre and Research Kano state polytechnic. As techniques used in selecting as sample random techniques in which all respondents are given equal chance of being selected.


This study will be of immense benefit when made available through publication to students, teachers, government and the society. It is also expected to be very useful to youth in particular to enable them be aware of developments taking place in entrepreneurship as it affects them and indeed the general public and other stakeholders would derive tangible enlightenment on the recent development of youth involvement in entrepreneurship.  Other people who are expected to be duly educated by the study are the student at all levels, independent researchers and other interested parties.

 This study is expected to fill gap created in knowledge which has been created due to scanty studies on youth entrepreneurship in Kano State.


This study focuses on the effect of entrepreneurship education in the provision of job opportunities in Kano State the data collection will be conducted to 50 randomly selected students in Kano State polytechnic who will represent the population.

This research will not cover other problems that are not consider has one of the stressors and depressants. Each represent is given the same questionnaires to answer. The main source of data will be questionnaire, which will be prepared by the researcher.

This study is also limited to Kano State due to time factor and availability of the data and incomes will be used to conduct the research.



Entrepreneurship is highly risky but also can be highly rewarding, as it serves to generate economic wealth, growth, and innovation.

Entrepreneur is a person who undertakes the risk of starting a new business venture.

An Entrepreneur creates a firm to realize their idea, known as entrepreneurship, which aggregates capital and labour in Order to produce goods or services for profit.

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