The progress of a nation is a function of the level of the resourcefulness of the people which to a great extent, relates to the level of quality of the training and purposeful development of education in that nation. Such progress or development could only occur when an individual in the society is gainfully employed and per capital income is enhanced. This could only be possible when government educational policies are geared towards a functional education that can lead to job creation and also self reliance. Entrepreneurship education is a means through which government could attain such development in the society. Therefore, this paper examines how the role of entrepreneurship education and how it could help in job creation in Nigeria. The challenges of quality entrepreneurship education were also discussed. Finally, the paper advanced some suggestions on how to overcome the challenges so as to reduce unemployment and enhances job creation in Nigeria.
Title Page i
Declaration ii
Page iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgement v
Abstract vi
Table of Content vii
Background of the Study --------------------------------------------------------------------------------1
1.2 Statement of the Research Problem --------------------------------------------------------------------3
Research Questions --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4
1.4 Aims
and Objective of the Study
1.5 Hypothesis of the Study ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------5
1.6 Scope of the Study --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5
1.7 Limitation of the Study
1.8 Significance of the Study
1.9 Organization
of the Study
1.10 Operation Definition of Terms ----------------------------------------------------------------------6
2.0 Introduction ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7
2.1 Conceptual Settings
2.1.2 The Concept of Entrepreneurship
Education -----------------------------------------------------7
The Concept of Entrepreneurship ------------------------------------------------------------------8
2.1.4 An Overview of the
Concept of Employment and Unemployment ---------------------------13
Educational Policy and Entrepreneurship Education ----------------------------------------------15
Entrepreneurship Education and Employment Creation -----------------------------------------16
Entrepreneurship Education Could Help in Job Creation ------------------------------18
Challenges of Entrepreneurship
Education in Nigeria ------------------------------------------19
2.4 Empirical Literature ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------20
2.5 Theoretical Frame work
Innovation Theory of Entrepreneurship
2.5.2 Entrepreneurship
Theory of Shane (2003)
2.6 Research Gap
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Study Area
3.3 Target Population ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------28
3.4 The Sample Size
3.5 Source of Data
3.6. Instrument for Data Collection ---------------------------------------------------------------------29
3.7 Reliability and Validity of Instruments
3.7.2 Validity of Instrument
3.7 Pre-Testing ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------30
3.8 Sampling Procedure
3.9 Questionnaire Administration
3.10 Data Handling
Introduction -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------32
characteristics of respondents --------------------------------------------32
Gender of the
Respondent ------------------------------------------------------------------------33
Marital Status of the Respondent -------------------------------------------------------------------34
Attainment and enterprise engaged in -------------------------------------------34
4.1.4 Number of years
without Business
Problems affecting the conduct
entrepreneurship education in job creation in Dutse --------36
4.4 The
extent to which various entrepreneurial education programs have contributed to
the decline in youth unemployment rate in Dutse
4.3. Discussions
5.1 Summary of findings ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------43
Conclusion ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------44
Table 4.1: Age of respondents
Table 4.2: Marital status of
Table 4. 3: Number of
TABLE 4.4: The time
respondents started accessing programme.------------------------------------35
TABLE 4.5: Reasons for
liking or not liking anything about the entrepreneurship education programme --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------37
TABLE 4.6: Conditions
attached to Empowerment Programme -------------------------------------38
TABLE 7: Illustration of
Improvement in Household Welfare ---------------------------------------40
Background of the Study
Education is the key to national
development. This is because it unlocks the economic potentials of the people;
empowers and equips individuals in society to participate in, and benefit from
their national economy; facilitates economic development and provides the basis
for transformation. Education is the essential tool for sustainability. The
present global economic crises suggest that the entire world is in a war
between financial/qualitative education and catastrophe. (Aluwong, 2010)
Entrepreneurship education as part of the total educational system is the type
of education that involves the acquisition of skills, ideas and management
abilities necessary for job creation. An entrepreneur promotes employment
rather than seeking for an employment. Therefore, there is a need to embrace
this type of education and provide all the necessary resources needed to make
functional. Quality entrepreneurship education could be used as a tool for
fighting the war against poverty and unemployment in Nigeria.
Education is said to be qualitative when
the input such as students, teachers, finance, facilities and equipment and all
these are converted through teaching and learning (theory and practical) and
produce a desirable output. The output is better equipped to serve themselves
and the society. The quality of input influences to a large extent the quality
of output. In other words, the quality of the input of entrepreneurship
education such as teachers, students and infrastructural facilities will
influence greatly, the input of the output (Olorunmolu, 2010). Therefore,
quality entrepreneurship education will enhance job creation which will
subsequently reduce unemployment, poverty and social vices in Nigeria. This
will also help to improve the standard of living; hence promote social economic
and political development in Nigeria which is the cardinal objective of
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Also, for the recipient of
entrepreneurship education to be a job creator rather than job-seeker, he might
acquire essential basic skills and attitudes which will enable him to function
as an entrepreneur.
However, there are some challenges
militating against the production of quality entrepreneur in Nigeria. These may
come from the government, parents or even from certain unpredictable
environmental forces which are external. Unless these problems are looked into,
the realization of the aim and objectives of quality entrepreneurship education
in achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in Nigeria will be a
mirage. It is therefore, against this background that this paper examines
quality entrepreneurship education: A panacea for job creation in Nigeria.
There is now a very serious attention paid to entrepreneurship education in
tertiary institutions in Nigeria and the world-over. Gibson (2001), defined
entrepreneurship as the process of using private initiative to transform a
business concept into a new venture or to grow and diversify an existing
venture or enterprise with high great potential. The reason for this ofcourse
is obvious, Nigeria educational system that turns out graduates from about 150
Universities and 50 Polytechnics and Monotechnics have not trained our
graduates to be self-reliant, but to depend solely on white collar jobs for
sustenance. As a result, there are several graduates from Nigerian Universities
today who are not gainfully employed. Apart from the book knowledge that they
gained there are no requisite skills to make them self-dependent. There is
therefore the need to engage the youth who constitute over 60 percent of the
population in meaningful engagement to avoid unhealthy alternatives for this
group of people.
Henry (2003), views entrepreneurship as
the engine driving the economy of nations, creating new industries, young
entrepreneurs, employments and wealth. Also in the view of Agbionu (2008),
entrepreneurship involves a process aimed at creating wealth for the purpose of
growth, development of the environment and eradication of unemployment for
national sustainability. The 2010 Global Monitoring Report (GMR) of the United
Nation Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), revealed that
about 92 per cent of Nigerian population survive on less than 2 dollar daily,
while about 71 per cent survives on less than 1 dollar daily – a condition many
have described as inexcusable judging from the abundant natural deposits and
high human population at the country’s disposal. With an estimated population
of about 167 million people (2011) and crude oil selling as high as $104 dollar
per barrel in the global market as at July 2012, the high level of poverty in
comparison to the abundant resources available in Nigeria is highly
unacceptable. There is therefore the urgent need for government and individuals
to create more job opportunities for the teaming youths.
It is believed that
employment of Nigerian graduates either part-time, full-time or even
under-employment can be said to have eluded Nigerian youths with Nigeria said
to have one of the highest rates of youth unemployment in the unindustrialized
world. Despite strong economic growth, youth’s full-time unemployment rate for
2006 – 2008 in Nigeria was put at 55.9 % while countries like Japan, China,
India, Korea, have joined community of industrialized nations by strengthening
their small scale industries. Nigeria is yet to understand the relevance of
this sub-sector. It’s against this background that this study seek to
investigate the effect of entrepreneurship education in provision of job
opportunity in Jigawa State, (A case study of Dutse LGA).
Statement of the Research Problem
The importance of education in the
development activities of any nation cannot be overemphasized. Education is
generally acknowledged as the panacea for socio-economic development in any
country. Indeed the development of education sector is sine-qua non for the
development in all other sectors of the economy.In the same line of reasoning,
Sule, (2004) stresses that education is a sure pathway to liberation of the
mind and the improvement of socio-economic development in any nation. Nigeria's
unemployment problem is challenging to resolve due of its diversity.
Unemployment, underemployment, and frequent mobility between rural and urban
regions currently characterise the Nigerian labour market, despite the fact
that it is a 21st-century worldwide issue that is becoming worse in Nigeria
with each passing year. This problem started to arise since there are so many
graduates from polytechnics, universities, and colleges who don't have enough
places to go. This has led to an upsurge in social vices including robbery,
abduction, prostitution, human trafficking, child abuse, and unfair work
practises in Nigeria, especially among young people without jobs.
In line with the principle above, many
governments and international agencies are constantly making serious efforts in
both developed and developing countries to develop the education sector.
Although a number of achievements have been made in this regard in Nigeria, a
lot still needs to be done to meet the ever increasing demands and challenges
posed by rising unemployment amongst its people. Under the present
circumstances the need for education as a driver of development has become
self-evident and inescapable. When people are poorly trained or are without skills,
then education has failed to serve effectively as a growth driver (Obandan,
2013). In the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Report on Nigeria
2000/2001, it is observed that 70% of Nigerians are in abject poverty while
massive unemployment of people and the under-utilization of the resources are
the order of the day. The UNDP Report places Nigeria amongst the countries of
the world that recorded the least achievement in the upgrade of the welfare of
their citizens (UNDP, 2002). The situation is even worse today that the country
is in economic recession. This study, therefore, attempted to assess the
relationship between entrepreneurship education and employment in Nigeria.
In summary, Nigeria's employment patterns
showed that if comprehensive measures to tackle unemployment and
underemployment were not implemented, the situation may get worse. This study
is crucial for examining how entrepreneurship is developing and for seeking for
an urgent social intervention for all government policies and plans to provide
full employment as a significant step toward assuring economic stability
1.3 Research Questions
Based on
the research problem identify above, the following research questions will be
formulated to guide the study.
What are
the role of entrepreneurship education in provision of job
opportunity in Dutse local government, Jigawa State?
Does various
entrepreneurial education programs contributed to the decline in youth
unemployment rate in Dutse, Jigawa State?
What are
the problems affecting entrepreneurship education in job creation in Dutse
local government, Jigawa State?
1.4 Aims and Objective of the Study
The main objective of
this study is to investigate the effect of entrepreneurship education in provision
of job opportunity in Jigawa State, (A case study of Dutse LGA). Other specific
that this study seek to achieve are:
To examine the role of entrepreneurship
education in provision of job opportunity in Dutse local government, Jigawa
To also investigate the extent to which
various entrepreneurial education programs have contributed to the decline in
youth unemployment rate in Dutse local government, Jigawa State.
identify the problems affecting the conduct entrepreneurship education in job
creation in Dutse local government, Jigawa State.
Hypothesis of the Study
In-line with the above objectives of the
study, the following research hypothesis were formulated to guide the study:
H0: Entrepreneurship education
does not have any significant relationship impact with job creation in Dutse
HI: Entrepreneurship education
have a significant relationship effect with job creation in Dutse
Scope of the Study
This study on the effect of entrepreneurship
education in provision of job opportunity in Dutse is strictly conducted within
the Jigawa State, with the specific focus in Dutse local government as a case
study. This study will try to look on how entrepreneurship education helps in
creating jobs opportunities for unemployed youths with the local government and
this opportunities is been utilize within the stipulated period of time.
Limitation of the Study
One of the limitation of this study, is
lack of accessing enough materials or journals for this field of study, because
it’s only a few study that were conducted in relations to this area in Jigawa
state. Another limitation of this study, is access to internet services for
proper researching as most of the research are now done using google search
engine, and lastly lack of finance as the amount of money available for student
to spend at his or her disposal due to this current economic hardship within
our nations.
Significance of the Study
The importance of this research as understood
is an addition to the already existing literature on challenges of entrepreneurship
education in job creation within Dutse, Jigawa State. It is aimed at assessing
the strengths and weakness of entrepreneurship, democracy and leadership in
Nigeria. Since individuals or groups do not just behave in vacuum, most often
than not the behavior of people are determined largely by the institutions and
the social things in which they have found themselves. Thus, democratic
leadership challenges is the outcome of the prevailing pattern of entrepreneurship
and political behaviour in the country. The study is also aimed at exposing the
factors that contribute to inadequate democracy and leadership in Nigeria. This
study is invaluable in a variety of ways.
Its cardinal significance would be its contributions to the existing
literature on challenges of entrepreneurship education and democratic
leadership in Nigeria, as well as the politics of the derivation principle.
Practically, this work will be of enormous benefit to statesmen and scholars by
serving as a guide towards a more pragmatic and result-oriented approach in
dealing with entrepreneurship education and leadership challenges. In the same vein, it will help to sensitize
and conscientise the students of business administration and management science
to be more enlightened on the issue of challenge of entrepreneurship education
and leadership in Nigeria. And just like
any other research work, it will definitely generate more scholarly attention
from intellectuals far and near.
1.9 Organization of the Study
The study will be divided into five
chapters. Chapter one will deals with general introduction which consist of the
background to the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study,
Significance of the study, scope and limitations of the study and lastly
organization of the study. Chapter two will be on the literature review and
theoretical framework which consists of conceptual framework, theoretical
framework, empirical review and research gap. Chapter three is the methodology
which consists of sources of data collection, specification of the model,
evaluation technique and a priory expectation. Chapter four contains data
analysis and interpretation. Chapter five contains the summary, conclusion and
Operation Definition of Terms
Some of the operational definitions of key
terms are define bellows:
Education: is the training which an individual or group of
people acquired in other to be successful when managing a self-own business.
entrepreneurship can define as the ability to perceive and undertake business
opportunities, taking advantage of scarce resource utilisation
employment is defined as, when collectively specified or not collectively
specified, the total number of persons 15 years and above who are employed in
civilian occupations.
Unemployment: unemployment refers to a state where
able-bodied, qualified men and women are available for and willing to work but
get no job to do.
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