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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009374

No of Pages: 103

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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A study was carried out to evaluate the response of broiler chickens fed diets containing differently processed bambara groundnut offal in a completely randomized design that lasted for 56 days. 150 day old chicks of Abor acre strain were randomly allocated to five diets designated T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5. T1 with 0% bambara was the control while the others had 10% each of toasted, raw, boiled/sundried, raw/enzyme respectively. Conventional protein sources for feeding poultry are scarce, expensive and competed for by man and animals. The starter phase results showed that birds fed T5 diet had significantly highest final live weight gain (p<0.05) of 902.65g compared with other treatment groups. Protein efficiency ratio values did not differ (p>0.05) among the treatment groupsAt the finisher phase, there were significant differences (p<0.05) in all the parameters. Birds fed diet 2 and 3 (T2 and T3) had the best feed conversion ratio and protein efficiency ratio. Significant difference was observed in Tbut the differences in the back cut for T1, Tand Twere similar (p>0.05). Organ proportions did not show statistical differences (p>0.05) except the spleen with similar values in T1 and T2 . All the haematological parameters at finisher phase showed significant differences (p<0.05) except the red blood cells. Lipid profile during finisher phase differed significantly (p<0.05) in total cholesterol with the highest values of 103.49mg/dl in T4 and high density lipoprotein value of 66.55mg/dl in T5 birds. There were significant differences (p<0.05) in all the cost/benefit parameters except cost/kg feed formulated at starter and finisher phases. It was concluded that toasted, boiled and sundried, and raw with kenzyme supplemented bambara groundnt offal diet (T2,T4 and T5)  performed best and can help reduce feed cost.


Title page                                                                                                                 i

Declaration                                                                                                               ii

Certification                                                                                                             iii

Dedication                                                                                                                iv

Acknowledgements                                                                                                  v

Table of Contents                                                                                                     vi

List of Tables                                                                                                           x

List of Plates                                                                                                            xii

Abstract                                                                                                                    xiii



1.0 Background of the Study                                                                                   1

1.1 Statement of the Problem                                                                                   1

1.2 Objectives of the Study                                                                                      2

1.3 Justification                                                                                                        2


2.1 General Overview on Poultry                                                                            3

2.2 Taxonomy of Chicken                                                                                       3

2.3 History and Domestication of Chicken                                                              3

2.4 Nutritional Requirements of Poultry                                                                  4          2.4.1 Energy requirements and feed intake                                                             4

2.4.2 Amino acid requirements                                                            5

2.4.3 Vitamins                                                                                     5

2.4.4 Minerals                                                                                      6

2.4.5 Water                                                                                            6

2.4.6 Water colour, odour and taste                                                                         7

2.4.7 Probiotics, antibiotics, antioxidants and enzymes                                          7

2.5 Factors Affecting the Nutrient Requirements of Poultry                                   8

2.6 Overview of Bambara Groundnut                                                                      9

             2.7 Origin and Distribution of Bambara Groundnut                            10

2.8 Nomenclature                                                                                                     10

2.9 Climatic Requirements                                                                                       11

              2.9.1 Soil requirements                                                                                             11

              2.9.2 Bambara groundnut and climate change                                                                   12

2.10 Importance of Bambara Groundnut                                                                 12  2.10.1 Nutritional value of bambara groundnut                                                      12

2.10.2 Agronomic importance of bambara groundnut                                             17

              2.10.3 Medicinal importance of bambara groundnut                                                17

 2.10.4 Economic importance of bambara groundnut                                                17

2.11 Processing, Consumption and Utilisation of Bambara Groundnut Seeds       18

2.12 Bambara Groundnut as Poultry Feed                                                                          20

2.13 Antinutritional Factors in Bambara Nut                                                          20 

2.13.1 Protease inhibitors                                                                                     21

2.13.2 Tannins                                                                                                          21

2.13.3 Oxalates           21

2.13.4   Phytate                      22

2.13.5   Lectins (haemagluttinins)                                                                            22

              2.14   Processing Methods for Overcoming Antinutritional Effects in Bambara     23                                                          2.15   Enzymes                                                                                               23

2.15.1   Enzymes in broiler diets                                                                              24

2.16 Benefits of Enzymes in Poultry Feeds                                                             26

              2.17 Mode(s) of Action of Enzymes                                                                        27

              2.18 Haematology                                                                                                     27

              2.19 Haematological Components and Parameters                                                  28

              2.20 Factors Influencing Haematological Parameters of Farm Animals                       30

              2.21 Lipid Profile                                                                                                     33


3.1 Experimental Location                                                                                       35

3.2 Experimental Design                                                                                          35

3. 3 Procurement of Test Ingredient                                                                        35

3.4 Processing of the Test Ingredient                                                                      36

3.5 Procurement of Other Feedstuffs                                                                       38

3 .6 Experimental Diets                                                                                           38

3.7 Experimental Birds and Management                                                               41

3.8 Procurement of Birds                                                                                         41

3.9 Brooding                                                                                                            41

3.10 Rearing                                                                                                             41

3.11 Vaccination and Medication of Birds                                                              42

3.12 Data Collection                                                                                                42

3 .12.1 Growth performance                                                                                    42

3.12.2 Carcass traits                                                                                                 43

3.12.3 Haematological indices                                                                                 43

3.13 Lipid Profile                                                                                                     45

3.14 Feed Cost/Benefits                                                                                           46

3.15 Statistical Analyses                                                                                          46


4.1 Proximate Composition                                                                                     47

4.2 Growth Performance                                                                                          53

4.3 Carcass/Cut Parts                                                                                               59

4.4 Internal Organ Proportions                                                                                61

4.5 Haematological Indices                                                                                     63

4.6 Lipid Profile                                                                                                       69

4.7 Feed Cost/Benefits                                                                                             71


5.0 Conclusion                                                                                                         75

5.1 Recommendations                                                                                             75








2.1 Proximate composition of raw bambara groundnut seed                                           14

2.2 Amino acid composition of bambara groundnut seeds                                              15

2.3 Fatty acid composition in bambara groundnut                                                          16

2.4 Commercial feed enzymes and their target substrates                                               25

3.1 Ingredient composition of diets containing differently processed bambara

      groundnut offal fed to broiler starter birds                                                                 39

3:2 Ingredient composition of diets containing differently processed bambara

      Groundnut offal fed to broiler finisher birds                                                             40

4.1 The proximate composition of raw, toasted, boiled and sundried bambara

       groundnut  offal                                                                                                        48

4.2 Proximate composition of  broiler starter diets containing differently processed

       bambara groundnut offal                                                                                           50

4.3 Proximate composition of finisher broilers fed diets containing differently   

       processed   bambara groundnut offal                                                                        52

4.4 Growth performance of starter broilers fed diets containing differently processed

       bambara groundnut offal                                                                                           55

4.5 Growth performance of finisher broilers fed diets containing differently processed

      bambara groundnut offal                                                                                            58

4.6 Carcass characteristics of finisher broilers fed diets containing differently processed

       bambara groundnut offal                                                                                           60

4.7  Organ characteristics of finisher broilers fed diets containing differently

processed bambara groundnut offal                                                                       62 4.8    Haematological indices of starter broilers fed diets containing differently

          processed bambara groundnut offal                                                                      65     

4.9     Haematological indices of finisher broilers fed diets containing differently

          Processed bambara groundnut offal                                                                      68

4.10   Lipid profile of finisher broilers fed diets containing differently processed             bambara  groundnut offal                                                                                     70

4.11   Feed cost/benefits of starter broilers fed diets containing differently processed             bambara groundnut offal                                                                                       72 4.12    Feed cost/benefits of finisher broilers fed diets containing differently

          processed bambara  groundnut offal                                                                     74                                             














1 Toasted bambara nut offal                                                                                    36

2 Boiled bambara nut offal                                                                                      37












Feed remains a major factor in livestock production (Kehinde et al., 2006). The need for new feed ingredients which will reduce production cost is the basis for some research in livestock feed and production. Man and livestock compete for similar basic feed ingredients that are not sufficiently produced in adequate quantities (Omojola and Adesehinwa, 2007). However, the prime factor that affects intensive livestock production in Nigeria is high feed cost due to costly feed ingredients, especially maize, soyabean meal and groundnut cake. Broiler feed is based primarily on cereal grains and oil seed cakes which are required to meet their protein and energy requirements. The high cost of feed and poultry products necessitates the utilization of low-cost inputs such as cheaper agro-industrial by-products as feed stuffs that are cheaper and locally available (Balogun and Adeniji, 2002). There has been tremendous increase in the evaluation of agro- industrial by-products (AIBPs) as animal feed during the past decades because of obvious need to conserve grains and legumes for human consumption in developing countries. One of such by-products is bambara groundnut offal, which is derived from milling industry.


Conventional protein sources for poultry feeding such as soyabean meal and groundnut cake are scarce, expensive and highly competed for by man and industries (Iyayi, 2002). Bambara groundnut offal is relatively cheap, available, underutilized and not much competed for by man and industries. If used in poultry ration formulation, it should reduce the cost of poultry production without depreciating growth performance.


The major objective of this study was to evaluate the response of broiler chickens fed diets containing differently processed bambara groundnut offal.

The specific objectives were to determine:

i.               The growth performance.

ii.              The haematological indices.

iii.            Carcass  characteristics and organ proportions

iv.            The lipid profile.

v.              The feed cost/benefit of broiler chickens fed diets containing differently processed bambara groundnut offal.


The high cost of conventional feedstuffs especially maize and soyabean has resulted in a high cost of finished feed. Since feedcost accounts up to 70% of poultry production there is urgent need to reduce cost of poultry poduction to a meaningful and sustainable level with bambara nut offal because of its availability all year round.  The seeds are processed into flour for human consumption. Although these agro-industrial by-products and wastes are cheap, they cannot be used as sole sources of nutrients in rations because of inherent imbalance in essential nutrients They should therefore be mixed with other feedstuffs to balance the amino acid and energy requirements of broilers. Its level of inclusion will therefore depend on broiler requirement and nutrient composition. When supplemented with enzymes, cost of feed is reduced. Increased utilization of agroindustrial by-products and wastes, through effective processing, will translate to cheaper products. This will also reduce the demand pressure on soyabean and groundnut cake, and thereby also reduce the cost of human food. 

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