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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009387

No of Pages: 185

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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The study investigated the responses of broiler chickens fed diets containing diastic microbes’ (of achatina achatina) degraded household organic wastes. Experiment 1 sorted household solid waste compositions and per capita generation. Experiment 2 quantified the greenhouse gases entrapped during the degradation of organic waste. The digester auto-detection of gas lasted 21days. Atmospheric and slurry temperatures and pH. Experiment 3 analyzed proximate and minerals’ composition of degraded and undegraded waste. Experiment 4 was a forty-two-day feeding trial that investigated the responses of broiler birds fed degraded household organic waste using one hundred and twenty day-old broiler chicks. The DOCs were assigned to four treatments of 30birds per group; in three replications of 10birds per replicate, in a completely randomized design (CRD). TA(control), TB(5%), TC(10%) , and TD(15%) of DHOW inclusion levels were assigned. Results showed 77.4% organic waste, 22.6% consisted of 10.3% plastics, 2% metals, 3% glasses, 2.3% leather and rubbers, 3% textiles and 2% inert wastes were inorganic, with sorting compliance of 52%. Abakaliki had per capita value of 0.55kg/cap/day. Results on biogas yield revealed 82.7%CH4,  17%CO2,  and 0.2%N2O of 2.4litres of biogas from 20kg waste in 21days; with corresponding daily global warming potential (GWP) of 3.01CO2-eq, 0.19CO2, and 9.655 CO2-eq respectively. Average pH, atmospheric and slurry temperatures of 5.3, 30.70C and 39.70C respectively supported the above biogas yield. Results on the proximate, macro-nutrient and trace mineral composition showed adequate nutrient composition that supported the nutrient requirements of broiler birds for comparable optimum performance. Results on the responses of broiler chicks to the treatment diets showed that degraded household organic waste used in the study had a significant (P<0.05) effect on the performance of birds. The birds that received control diet and 5% DHOW were similar (P>0.05) and significantly better (P<0.05) than those fed 15% DHOW. However, feed conversion ratio and efficiency of feed utilization were similar (P>0.05) in all the experimental diets. Birds fed control diet in no doubt had significantly (P<0.05) highest cost implications with similar margin. The trend decreased down the treatment levels. However, there were no significant (P<0.05) differences in the haematological and biochemical indices. Reported significant differences in the serum biochemistry only occurred in protein profile, total cholesterol and high density lipoprotein. Serum protein values were significantly (P<0.05) higher at 15%DHOW. Birds fed 5%DHOW had better (P<0.05) cholesterolic values. The results of the overall experiments indicated that Household organic waste can be efficiently used as broilers diet. Best adoptable result was at 5% DHOW which was similar to the control diet. At that level, the farmer could obtain good performance values at good profit margin. Hence, it the chickens maintained these performance records in good health conditions. Best practices can therefore be adopted at 5%DMOW level of inclusion in broiler diets.  


Title page                                                                                                                           ii  

Declaration                                                                                                               iii       

Certification                                                                                                                      iv                                                        

Dedication                                                                                                                         v                                    

Acknowledgment                                                                                                               vi                                                                                                 

Table of Contents                                                                                                     ix

List of Tables                                                                                                                   xv

List of Figures/Chats                                                                                                xvii

Abstract                                                                                                                     xviii



1.1.        Background Information                                                                                                                                       1

1.2.        Statement of Problem                                                                                 2

1.3.             Objectives of the Study                                                                                     4

1.4.             Justification                                                                                                5



2.1.        Household Solid Waste                                                                             7

2.2.        Current Trend in Nigeria Household Solid Wastes Generation                     8      

2.3.        Degradation Microbiology of Municipal Organic Waste                          13

2.3.1.     Bacteria                                                                                                  13

2.3.2.     Fungi                                                                                                           13

2.3.3.     Algae                                                                                                     15

2.3.4.     Protozoa                                                                                               16

2.4.        Degradation Biochemistry of Organic Waste                                             16

2.5.        Gas Production Mechanism                                                                       17

2.5.1      Hydrolysis                                                                                           18

2.5.2.     Acidogenesis/acetogenesis                                                                     19

2.5.3.     Methanogenesis                                                                                   20

2.6.        Degradation Inhibitors/Gas Production Inhibitors                                      20

2.6.1.     Ammonia                                                                                           21

2.6.2.     Sulphides                                                                                          21

2.7.        Greenhouse Gases (GHGS) Emission Values                                            22

2.8.             Pollution                                                                                               25

2.8.1.        Waste and air pollution impact                                                                               25

2.8.2.        Water impacts                                                                                                         27

2.8.3.        Land impacts                                                                                                           28

2.9.             Waste Management                                                                                29

2.9.1.        Landfill                                                                                                                   30

2.9.2.        Reduce                                                                                                                    30

2.9.3.        Reuse                                                                                                                       31

2.9.4.        Recovery (Energy)                                                                                    31

2.9.5.        Recycle                                                                                                                    32

2.11.            Treatment of Municipal Organic Wastes for Livestock Feeding                             33

2.12.            Nutrient Potentials of Biodegradable Municipal Organic Wastes                          36

2.13.           Degraded Municipal Organic Waste for Animal Feeds                                           43

2.14.          Overview of  Growth Trend in Nigeria Poultry Industry                                          45

2.15.           Status of Nigeria Poultry Feed Resources                                                                48

2.16.           The Diastic microbes                                                                    49



3.1         Location of Study                                                                                       50

3.2.        Processing of Household Organic Waste                                                               50

3.2.1.     Sorting                                                                                            50

3.2.2.     Sampling and storage                                                                     50

3.2.3.     Preparation of starter inoculums                                                                            51

3.2.4.     Preparation of degraded municipal organic waste                                                 51

3.3.        Experimental Diets                                                                                                 51

3.4.        Experimental Birds and Management                                                                    53

3.5.        Experimental Design and Data Collection                                                             53

3.5.1.     Experiment 1: Characterisation of Household Waste in Abakaliki.                             54

3.5.2.        Experiment 2. Biochemical Attributes of Household organic waste             54

3.5.3.     Experiment 3. Nutritive values of Household organic waste.                                  55 Dry matter (DM) determination                                                                              55 Crude protein determination                                                                                   56 Crude fibre (CF) determination                                                                               57 Ether extracts (EE) determination                                                                           57 Ash determination                                                                                                   58 Mineral elements determination                                                                             58

3.5.4.     Experiment 4. Responses broiler chickens fed degraded Household organic Wastes. 59 Performance characteristics.                                                59 Feed cost-Benefit analysis                                                                                       59 Haematological indices                                                                                           59 Haemoglobin estimation                                                                                      60 White blood cell count                                                                                         60 Red blood cell (RBC) determination                                                                    61 Determination of packed cell volume (PCV)                                                       61 Erythrocyte indices                                                                                               62 Serum biochemistry.                                                                                                62 Total protein (TP) (g/l).                                                                                        62 Albumin (g/l)                                                                                                        62 Globulin (g/l)                                                                                                        63 Bilirubin (mg/dl)                                                                                                   63 Urea (mg/dl)                                                                                                         64 Creatinine (mg/dl)                                                                                                64 Alaninine amino transferase (ALT) (u/l)                                                              65 Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) (u/l)                                                               65 Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) (u/l)                                                                         66 Cholesterol (mg/dl)                                                                                             66 High density lipoprotenin (HDL) (mg/dl)                                                          67 Low density lipoprotein (LDL) (mg/dl)                                                             68 Triglyceride (mg/dl)                                                                                           68



4.1. Experiment 1: Characterisation of Household Waste in Abakaliki.                           69

4.1.2. Per capita waste generation                                                                                        77

4.2. Experiment 2. Biochemical Attributes of Household Organic Waste                                   82

 4.2.1 Biogas yield                                                                                                                84

4.2.2. pH.                                                                                                                              86

4.2.3. Temperature.                                                                                                                           87

4.3. Experiment 3. Physiochemical Analysis                                                           91

4.3.1. Proximate composition                             91 Proximate composition of the degraded Household organic waste.                       93 Proximate composition of the undegraded Household organic waste.                        95

4.3.2. Macro-nutrients in the degraded Household organic waste                                       96

4.3.3. Macro-nutrients in the undegraded Household organic waste                   99

4.3.4. Trace minerals in the degraded household organic waste.                                         100

4.3.5. Trace minerals in the undegraded Household organic waste.                                   103

4.3.6. pH-value, content of dry matter, ash, organic carbon and carbon to nitrogen ratio in DHOW of households in Abakaliki.                               103

4.4. Experiment 4. Responses Of Broiler Birds Fed Degraded Household Organic Wastes107

 4.4.1. Performance of broilers fed degraded Household organic waste (DHOW)                   107

4.4.2. Feed cost-Benefit analysis of birds fed degraded Household organic waste.                        112

4.4.3. Haematology of birds fed degraded Household organic waste                                116

4.4.4. Liver enzymes (μ/l) and Bilirubin (mg/l) of the experimental birds.                                   118

4.4.5. Serum protein profile of the experimental birds.                                                       122

4.4.6. Effects of the treatments on the lipid profile (mg/dl).                                                127



5.1.              Conclusion                                                                                         131

5.2.              Recommendation                                                                                   133   

REFERENCES                                                                                                                     134








2.1.   Municipal solid waste generation for some cities in geopolitical zones in Nigeria.                                   11

2.2.   Municipal waste characterization for the federal capital city.                            12

2.3.   Gross national emission of N2O in Nigeria (1994)                              24

2.4.   Fibre fractions, starch and fat values of untreated organic municipal wastes (UTMOW), inoculum and treated organic municipal organic wastes (TMOW) in gKg-1DM.  37


2.5. Macro-nutrient composition of untreated organic municipal wastes (UTMOW), inoculum and treated organic municipal organic wastes (TMOW) in percentage (%).           38


2.6. Metal components of untreated organic municipal wastes (UTMOW), inoculum and treated organic municipal organic wastes (TMOW) in gkg-1DM                    39


2.7. Fat Components of untreated organic municipal wastes (UTMOW), inoculum and treated organic municipal organic wastes (TMOW) in gkg-1DM               40


2.8.   pH values, dry matter, ash, gross energy, organic carbon: nitrogen ratio and their Variation in source separated organic wastes               41


2.9.   Comparison of micro-nutrients of select feedstuffs used in livestock feed formulation 42

2.10.  The contribution of agriculture to GDP and growth rate (2006-2010)                    47

3.1.   Percentage composition of municipal organic wastes based Broiler Diets.                   52

4.1. Generation and composition of sub-fractions of HSW from Abakaliki, Nigeria.            70

4.2    Types of impurities in Abakaliki Household source-separated HSW.                           74

4.3.   Summary of sampled MSW in 100Households (Hhs) with 447 individuals in 7days.  78

4.4.   Percentage composition of biogas released during anaerobic degradation                    83

4. 5. Proximate composition of the degraded and undegraded Household organic waste      92

4.6.   Macro-nutrients of degraded and undegraded Household organic waste                       98

4.7    Metals in the degraded Household organic waste (DHOW) and undegraded Household organic waste (UDHOW).            102

4.8.   pH-value, content of dry matter, ash, organic carbon and carbon to nitrogen ratio in DHOW and UDHOW of households in Abakaliki.                        106


4.9.   Performance of broilers fed degraded Household organic waste (DHOW)                    109

4.10. Feed cost-benefit analysis of birds fed degraded Household organic waste.             114

4.11. Haematology of birds fed degraded Household organic waste     117

4.12. Liver enzymes (μ/l) and Bilirubin (mg/l) of the experimental birds.                         120

4.13. Serum protein profile of the experimental birds.                              124

4.14. Lipid Profile (mmol/Ls) of birds fed degraded Household organic waste.            128








1.      Percentage composition of sorted Abakaliki municipal solid waste (MSW)              71

2.      Percentage composition of Abakaliki municipal source-separated organic household waste and impurities                       72


3.      Composition of organic materials and papers (%) of Abakaliki municipal waste            73

4.      Average generation rate of household waste per capita per day in Abakaliki.           79

5.      Variation of temperatures and degradation days.                                                           89

6.      Relationship between degradation days, temperatures, pH and volumes of GHGs   90







­                                                              CHAPTER 1



Household urban solid waste contributes to the overall municipal solid waste crises in Nigeria, which has been on the increase since about three decades past (Ajadike, 2007). Their overall negative impacts are of these categories: environmental, social, economical and land use etc. (Anigbogu and Uchealor, 2014; CMAP, 2017).  Environmental impacts of municipal organic wastes include hazardous gas emissions and pollutions (Bernache, 2003; USEPA, 2008 and CMAP, 2017), water quality/contamination (Anigbogu and Uchealor, 2014), energy consumption (CMAP, 2017), natural habitat degradation (CMAP, 2017) and biodegradation (Anigbogu and Chukwurah, 2014). Social impacts was reported by the National Environmental Justice Advisory Council (2011) to occur whenever the municipal wastes generated are dumped in low income areas with less vision of community revitalization, land use and economic activities.  Economic impacts were attributed to the sitting resistance and regulation (Anigbogu et al., 2015) in which no body would site meaningful economic venture near a landfill (CMAP, 2017) and as well the huge cost associated with municipal waste disposal (Anigbogu, 2014). Land use related impact issues is majorly on where a landfill should be sited, so as, not to affect the tendencies of sitting ventures of social and economic importance. For instance, landfills attract birds, so should not be sited near the Airports (CMAP, 2017). 

Household organic wastes leach out beneficial nutrients when degraded in the landfills (Anigbogu et al., 2015). They can be biologically engineered when treated with beneficial micro-organisms to improve their nutrient composition (Anigbogu et al., 2015) during which the wastes are detoxified to make them devoid of unwanted substances, and can be used as major feed components for farm animals (Patidar et al., 2012).

Broilers greatest potentials as food had been reported by Eze (2014). These include short production interval, efficiency in feed utilization, high carcass to feed ratio and overall fast return on investment. However, one of the greatest challenges in poultry production unlike other livestock investment is high cost of feed. Feed constitutes over 70% of the cost of production (Omole et al., 2006; Amole and Ayantunde, 2016). There is demand traffic on various feedstuffs used in diet formulations, this calls for diversification of feed alternatives. Biodegradable municipal organic wastes come handy in the novel attempt, since the degraded forms are loaded with induced favorable microflora for modification of lignified carbohydrate and fibre. More also, the fermentation bioactive organisms act as prebiotics or probiotics. The fermentation chemistry of these bio-fermented wastes makes the nutrients more available for the growth and health of farm animals. The research in this direction forms tripartite synergy as poultry feeding, municipal waste management and ecosystem/environmental balance.



Urban solid waste crises in Nigeria has being on the increase since about three decades past (Ajadike, 2007). According to the above scholar, waste crises in Nigeria and in other developing countries are attributed to three main reasons which include: rapid bout in populations, heavy consumption patterns of urban dwellers and inefficiencies of the authorities whose statutory responsibilities are among refuse management. A good fraction of the municipal waste is generated at the household level. The difficulty in the management of solid waste owes to the fact that, it takes much space, and if incinerated or dumped in landfills, environmental problems will be involved (Ofomata, 2007; John and Skinner, 2004). Biologically degradable fractions are obtained by the activities of microorganisms which include bacteria, fungi, viruses, actinomycytes etc. (Babayemi and Dauda, 2009). During the microbial activities, the refuse dumps harbor and incubate the micro-communities which are pathogenic in form. Hence, human related problems are generated.  The overall negative impacts are of these categories: environmental, social, economical and land use etc. (Anigbogu and Uchealor, 2014; CMAP, 2017).  

Environmental impacts of municipal organic wastes include hazardous gas emissions and pollutions (Bernache, 2003; CMAP, 2017 and USEPA, 2008), water quality/contamination (Anigbogu and Uchealor, 2014), energy consumption (CMAP, 2017), natural habitat degradation (CMAP, 2017) and biodegradation (Anigbogu and Chukwurah, 2014). Social impacts was reported by the National Environmental Justice Advisory Council (2011) to occur whenever the municipal wastes generated are dumped in low income areas with less vision of community revitalization, land use and economic activities.  Economic impacts were attributed to the sitting resistance and regulation (Anigbogu et al., 2015) in which no body would site meaningful economic venture near a landfill (CMAP, 2017) and as well the huge cost associated with municipal waste disposal (Anigbogu, 2014). Land use related impact issues is majorly on where a landfill should be sited, so as, not to affect the tendencies of sitting ventures of social and economic importance. For instance, landfills attract birds, so should not be sited near the Airports (CMAP, 2017). 

Morealso, it is evidently clear from the current trend in Nigeria poultry industry and the world in general, that the traditional feed resources cannot be sufficient in meeting the demand pressure emanating from the industry (Kellems and Church, 2010). A number of alternative feedstuffs have been suggested. They are called non-traditional feedstuffs due to their not being used conventionally in poultry diet formulation or even in the commercial diets (Mandey et al. 2017). However, some identified constraints limit their use in poultry diet. Some of these can be classified in nutritional aspects, technical aspect or socio-economic aspect. Nutritional aspects include  “variability (or lack of consistency) in nutrient quality, limited information on the availability of nutrients, high fibre content,  presence of anti-nutritional factor(s) and  need for nutrient supplementation (added cost)”. Technical aspects include “seasonal and unreliable supply, bulkiness, physical characteristics, need for de-hulling and/or processing (drying, detoxification), limited research and development facilities for determining nutrient, and composition and inclusion levels in poultry diets”. While the socio-economic aspects include “competition with use as human food, poor prices relative to other arable crops (farmer), cost per unit of energy or limiting amino acids, relative to traditional feedstuffs (feed manufacturer) and cost of processing” (Idahor, 2013). It is bridging the in both waste managemet and meeting the feed resource demand, that the present is needed.



The broad objective of the study was to determine response of broiler chickens fed diets containing diastics microbes’ degraded houseold organic wastes. The specific objectives of the study are to determine:

1.              The nutritive values of treated and untreated Household organic wastes as feed for broiler chickens. 

2.              Growth Performance of broiler chickens fed treated Household organic wastes.

3.              The Haematological and Biochemical indices of broiler chickens fed treated Household organic waste

4.              The Feed-cost benefits of feeding treated Household organic waste to broiler chickens



Abakaliki is an agro-based state in Nigeria with less population, and industry, but with rapid development, urbanization and village-urban human drift. These inform the basis of the results obtained in the present study. Therefore, the quantity of organic waste generated is high, especially those from food and agro-byproducts that can serve as animal feed. 

Household organic wastes leach out beneficial nutrients when degraded in the landfills (Anigbogu et al., 2015). They can be biologically engineered when treated with beneficial micro-organisms to improve their nutrient composition (Anigbogu et al., 2015) during which the wastes are detoxified to make them devoid of unwanted substances, and can be used as major feed components for farm animals (Patidar et al., 2012).

It is recognized that these wastes are enriched with nutrients required for farm animal productivities. For instance, varying levels of minerals, enzymes, lysine, methionine, organic vitamins, minerals, etc. are found in household organic wastes. Farmers could find it beneficial if they can use household organic waste based diets to reduce production cost. This research will also offer alternative environmental management option, and as well create profitable means of reducing or eliminating the menace and nuisance of urban wastes.


It is for these reasons that researches like the present one are desirable to chart a course for sustainable ecosystem, environmental waste management and farm animal production.



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