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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009384

No of Pages: 66

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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Performance, hematology and serum biochemistry of broiler chickens fed diet containing fermented cocoyam was determined. The fermented cocoyam tuber meal was used to replace maize at various levels of 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% respectively for diet 2, 3, 4 and 5 to determine the best replacement that would give optimal performance in starter and finisher broiler diet. Result of the proximate composition of fermented cocoyam tuber meal showed that  it contained 88.38% dry matter, 10.05%  moisture, 8.09% ash, 0.06% ether extract, 7% crude protein, 8.70% crude fiber, 63.94% nitrogen free extract and 3004.37kcal/kg ME.. 150 day old Anak broiler was used for the experiment. Each starter diet was fed to a group of 30 broiler birds for 4weeks, while finisher diet was also fed to group of 30 birds for another 4 weeks using Completely Randomized Design (CRD). Each treatment was divided into three replicates of 10 birds each. Parameters measured include initial body weight, final body weight, body weight gain, feed intake, feed conversion ratio, carcass characteristics, hematological indices, serum blood chemistry and economics of production.  Data collected were analyzed using one way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). In the starter feeding trial, the starter broiler on 25% Fermented Cocoyam Meal compared favorably (P < 0.05) with the control in terms of feed intake, body weight gain and feed conversion ratio. In the finisher feeding trial, the groups on 25%,50% and 75% FCYM compared favorably with the control in terms of feed intake, body weight gain and feed conversion ratio and significantly (P<0.05) perform better than those on 100% FCYM. The result of the carcass yield showed that the finisher broilers on 25% FCYM recorded the highest dressings percent of 70.38 which was significantly (P<0.05) higher than other groups. The percent breast, thigh, drumstick, wings, backcut showed that there were no significant differences (P > 0.05) across the treatment groups. The internal organs expressed as percent of live weight were not affected by the treatments. Only the finisher broilers on 25% FCYM accumulated abdominal fat which was quite minimal. In the starter phase, cost of production (N/kg broiler) was however lowest for those on 25% FCYM and 50% FCYM while the costliest was those on 100% FCYM. In the finisher broilers, the cost of production (N/kg broiler) was however costliest for those on the control diet (N456.91) versus (N354.47) for those on 100% FCYM. The result of the hematological and serum blood chemistry of the starter and finisher broilers of the trial did not have any negative effect on the birds because the results were in line with the normal ranges of hematological values for broiler chicken. It was therefore concluded that fermented cocoyam tuber meal (Xanthosoma sagittifolium) could be used in the diets of starter broilers up to 25% and up to 75% in finisher broiler diets without affecting the body weight gain, feed intake and feed conversion ratio.


Title page                                                                                                             i

Declaration                                                                                                          ii

Certification                                                                                                         iii

Dedication                                                                                                           iv

Acknowledgments                                                                                                v

Table of content                                                                                                   vi

List of tables                                                                                                        ix

Abstract                                                                                                                x


CHAPTER 1:         INTRODUCTION                                                      

1.1          Background of the Study                                                                            1

1.2      Statement of the Problem                                                                           4

1.3      Objectives of the Study                                                                              4

1.4      Justification                                                                                               5


CHAPTER 2:         LITERATURE REVIEW                                           

2.1      Origin and Distribution of Cocoyam                                                           6

2.2      Botany of Cocoyam                                                                                   6

2.3      Agronomical Practices of Cocoyam                                                            6

2.3.1   Soil and climatic conditions                                                                        6

2.3.2   Cultivation of cocoyam                                                                              7

2.3.3   Weeding                                                                                                    7

2.3.4   Harvesting                                                                                                 7

2.3.5   Storage                                                                                                      8

2.4      Nutritive Values of Cocoyam                                                                     8

2.4.1   Anti nutritional factors in tannia cocoyam                                                   9

2.5      How to Remove the Anti-Nutrients in Cocoyam                                          10

2.6      Fermentation                                                                                             10

2.7      Cocoyam as an Alternative Feed Stuff for Broiler Production                               10

2.8      Other uses of Cocoyam                                                                              11

2.9      Haematological Indices and Blood Chemistry                                              12

2.9.1   Haematological indices                                                                              12

2.9.2   Blood chemistry                                                                                         13

2.10    Carcass Quality and Internal Organ                                                             14

2.10.1 Organs                                                                                                      14



3.1      Experimental Site                                                                                       15

3.2      Procurement and Processing of Test Materials and Feed Ingredients              15

3.3      Chemical Analysis of Fresh and Fermented Cocoyam (Xanthosoma

 sagittifolium)                                                                                             16

3.4      Anti – Nutrients Determination                                                                   16

3.5      Experimental Starter Broiler Diets                                                              16

3.6      Experimental Finisher Broiler Diets                                                            16

3.8      Management of the Experimental Broilers                                                   19

3.9      Carcass Evaluation                                                                                     20

3.9.1   Determination of blood constituents (haematological and

biochemical indices)                                                                                  20

3.9.2   Determination of blood constituents (haematological and

biochemical indices)                                                                                  21

3.10    Data Collection                                                                                          24

3.11    Data on Carcass Characteristics                                                                  26

3.12    Economics of the Experimental Diets                                                          27

3.13    Experimental Design                                                                                  27


CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION                     

4.1.0   Antinutrient and proximate composition of fresh (raw) and

fermented cocoyam tuber meal                                                                   29


4.1.1   Proximate composition of fresh (raw) and fermented

cocoyam tuber meal (Xanthosoma sagittifolium)                                           30

4.4      Growth Performance of Starter Broilers Fed Fermented Cocoyam

Tuber Meal                                                                                                33

4.4.1   Feed intake                                                                                                33

4.4.2   Body weight gain                                                                                       34

4.4.3   Feed conversion ratio                                                                                 34

4.5      Haematological Indices of Starter Broiler Chicks Fed Fermented Cocoyam

Tuber Meal                                                                                                35

4.6      Serum Biochemical Indices of Starter Broilers                                             37

4.7      Economics of Production of Starter Broilers Fed Fermented Cocoyam

Tuber Meal                                                                                                39

4.8      Growth Performance of Finisher Broiler Chicken Fed Diet Containing

Fermented Cocoyam Tuber Meal                                                                41

4.8.1   Body weight gain                                                                                       41

4.8.2   Feed intake                                                                                                41

4.8.3   Feed conversion ratio                                                                                 42

4.9      Carcass Yield of Finisher Broiler Chicken Fed Fermented Cocoyam

           Tuber Meal                                                                                                42

4.10    Organ Proportions of Finisher Broiler Chicken Fed Fermented Cocoyam

Tuber Meal                                                                                                43

4.11    Haematological Indices of Finisher Broiler Chicken Fed Fermented

Cocoyam Tuber Meal                                                                                   44               

4.12    Serum Biochemical Indices of Finisher Broiler Chicken Fed Fermented

Cocoyam Tuber Meal                                                                                 46      

4.13    Economics of Production of Finisher Broiler Chicken Fed Fermented

Cocoyam Tuber Meal                                                                                 48



5.1      Conclusion                                                                                                50

5.2      Recommendation                                                                                       50

References                                                                                                51




2.1       Nutrient Composition of Taro                                                                                    9

2.2       Haematological Indices                                                                                              12

2.3       Normal Range of Blood Chemistry Values for Broilers Chicken                              13

3.1       Ingredient and Nutrient Composition of the Experimental Starter Broiler Diets   17

3.2       Ingredient and Nutrient Composition of the Experimental Finisher Broiler Diets   18

4.1a     Anti Nutrients Composition of Raw and Fermented Cocoyam Tubers

            (Xanthosoma sagittifolum)                                                                                         29


4.1b     Nutrient Composition of Fermented and Raw Cocoyam (% DM Basis)                        30

4.2       Proximate Composition of Experimental Broiler Starter Diets                                 31

4.3       Proximate Composition of Experimental Broiler Finisher Diets                               31

4.4       Growth Performance of Starter Broilers fed Fermented Cocoyam Tuber Meal    31

4.5       Haematological Indices of Starter Broiler Chicks fed Fermented Cocoyam             35

4.6       Serum Biochemical Indices of Starter Broilers fed Fermented Cocoyam

            Tuber Meal                                                                                                                 37


4.7       Economics of Production of Starter Broiler Chickens fed Fermented Cocoyam         39

4.8       Growth Performance of Finisher Broiler Chickens fed Fermented Cocoyam         41

4.9       Carcass of Finisher Broiler Chickens fed Fermented Cocoyam                                42

4.10     Organ Proportions of Finisher Broiler Chickens fed Fermented Cocoyam

            Tuber Meal                                                                                                                 43


4.11     Haematological Indices of Finisher Broiler Chickens fed Fermented Cocoyam

            Tuber Meal                                                                                                                 44


4.12     Serum Biochemical Indices of Finisher Broiler Chickens fed Fermented

            Cocoyam Tuber Meal                                                                                                 46


4.13     Economics of Production of Finisher Broiler Chickens fed Fermented

            Cocoyam Tuber Meal                                                                                                 48








The high cost of compounded feed for poultry derives largely from the expensive prices and scarcity of conventional feed ingredients in Nigeria, yet, poultry production especially broilers remain one of the veritable ways of achieving sustainable and rapid production of high quality protein to meet the increasing demands of Nigerians. In other to tackle this problem, we have to look for alternative feed stuff which have comparative nutritive value and preferably cheaper than the conventional sources. Carbohydrate form the major sources of energy in all diets, excepts those containing very high level of fat and the prime sources of energy in the ration formulation is cereals, with maize ranking highest (Oluyemi and Roberts, 2000).


The use of maize as a staple food for man and as a chief energy source in livestock feed has made it to be highly competitive in demand resulting in addition cost constraints. In order to ameliorate this problem, alternative sources of energy that are less in demand with relatively lower cost must be exploited. Depending on maize alone as the chief energy source will bring reduction in poultry production because production of maize now is at a very high cost following the high level of pest and disease attack on maize at the early stage of cultivation. Animal feed constitutes at about 45-60% of cost of animal production (Tewe and Egbunike, 1992). Cocoyam products are recognized as the cheaper carbohydrate sources than grains or other tuber crops, thus tannia cocoyam (Xanthosoma sagittifolum) is a non-conventional feedstuff that provide readily available energy with easily digestible carbohydrate (Abudulrashid and Agwunobi, 2012).


Looking at alternative to maize are roots and tubers which include cassava, sweet potatoes, cocoyam, yam and other tubers and their by-products. Cocoyam being one of the non-conventional feed stuffs can replace maize at 25% inclusion (raw, sundried) and 50% inclusion (boiled and sun dried) in finishing diet of broiler chicken (Abudlrashid et al., 2006).


Tannia cocoyam (Xanthosoma sagittifolum) is readily found in all hot and humid areas of the world as is cultivated extensively throughout West Africa (Onwueme, 1982). It was also suggested that tannia cocoyam are now more important than taro cocoyam being more popular (FAO, 1990), due to the superiority of their corms and cormels in terms of energy, protein and mineral elements (Mwenge 2009). Bello (1976), reported that cocoyam compete favorably with cassava, potatoes and yam in terms of nutrient contents.


Several studies has shown that cocoyam contain digestible starch, protein, vitamin C, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin and high score of amino acid (Oke and Bolarinwa, 2012). However, one major limiting factor in the utilization of cocoyam is the presence of oxalates, which impact acid taste or cause irritation when foods prepared from them are eaten. Ingestion of foods containing oxalates has been reported to cause caustic effects, irritation to the intestinal track and absorptive poisoning; oxalates are also known to interfere with the bioavailability of calcium.

Oke, (2012) reported that fermentation affected the calcium oxalate and some physiochemical properties of cocoyam flour. Calcium oxalate was reduced significantly, the greater reduction was observed in the 48 hours fermentation which reduces the oxalate least by approximately 65%. Cocoyam plays an important role in digestion because it consist of high level of dietary fiber (a single serving contains 11.32% of the daily requirement of dietary fiber) is very important for supporting of gastrointestinal health. Fiber helps to add bulk to our bowel movement, thus helping food to move through the digestive tract and facilitate improve digestion. Due to the fiber content of other feed ingredient and that of cocoyam, fermenting cocoyam will help in breakdown the fiber content thus increasing the absorption of nutrient.


Abudulrashid (2012) reported that with proper processing of tannia cocoyam tuber meal, it will effectively replace maize at 50% level of inclusion as a major source of energy in finisher diets of broiler birds. Anyaegbu et al., (2016), reported that the finisher broiler group on 15 percent sun dried cocoyam tuber meal diet, replacing maize recorded the highest body weight gain, better feed intake and feed conversion ratio which were significantly different (P<0.05) from other groups.


Onunkwo et al, (2016) also reported that broiler chicks fed 10% of sun dried cocoyam tuber meal competed favorably with those on control diet (maize based diet) in terms of feed intake, weight gain and feed conversion ratio recorded significantly (p<0.05) the highest weight gain. Fermenting cocoyam will go a long way to give a very good performance in the production of broilers and also help in reducing the cost of production.



Ø  Due to high cost of energy feedstuffs for example, maize, there is need to look for alternative feedstuff.

Ø  Scarcity of maize at certain period of the year, which will hinder production when there is scarcity.

Ø  Redundancy in mono gastric animal production due to expensive nature of maize

Ø  Low production of maize due to pest and diseases attack

Ø  Poor returns in poultry production due to high cost of maize.



The main objective of the study is to determine the growth performance, haematology and serum biochemistry of broiler chickens fed fermented cocoyam.

The specific objectives of the study are to:

      i.         determine the proximate composition and gross energy of raw and fermented cocoyam tannia cocoyam (Xanthosoma sagittifolum) as well as the anti-nutrients content (tannin, cyanide, saponin, phytate and oxalate)

    ii.         determine the effects of dietary levels of inclusion of fermented cocoyam tuber meal on the growth performance of broiler chicken and their carcass characteristics.   

  iii.         determine the haematological indices and serum biochemistry of broilers fed fermented cocoyam tuber meal in their diets.   

   iv.         evaluate the economics of production of broilers fed fermented cocoyam tuber meal.



Specifically, this research project will

         i.         Establish appropriate fermented cocoyam level(s) in the diets for optimum broiler performance.

       ii.         Provide data on fermented cocoyam based diets.

     iii.         Provide data for establishing standards for (small and large scale) commercial  farmers on fermented cocoyam tuber meal for broiler feed production.

      iv.         Lead to reduction in the cost of broiler feed and broiler production.

        v.         Encourage the use of fermented cocoyam in broiler diets.

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