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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009393

No of Pages: 149

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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There is a need to identify local and natural sources of broiler chicken premix in order to meet the growing demand for quality animal protein in the developing world. To this end, the response of broiler chickens fed leaf meal composite as a replacement for vitamin-mineral premix was investigated. The leaf meal composite (LMC) encompassed four locally available leafy vegetables: Fluted pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis), Moringa, (Moringa oleifera), Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) and African basil (Ocimum gratissimum). Growth performance, carcass characteristics, internal organ proportions, haematological indices, serum biochemical indices and feed cost benefit were considered. Six experimental diets were formulated in which the LMC inclusion level was at 0.00 (0.25% premix), 0.125 (0.125% premix), 0.25 (0.0% premix), 0.50 (0.0% premix), 0.75 (0.0% premix) and 1.00% (0.0% premix) at the expense of commercial premix and designated diets 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 respectively. 180 unsexed arbor acer strain broiler chickens were randomly assigned to these 6 dietary treatments which had 30 birds each. The treatments were replicated thrice with 10 birds per replicate in a Completely Randomized Design. Birds were fed these diets from day one; feed and water were provided ad libitum throughout the experiment which lasted for 56 days. For growth performance, exception of initial body weight, other parameters were significantly (p˂0.05) different at the starter phase. T1 had the best final body weight, average daily weight gain and feed conversion ratio, followed by T2. However, birds fed diet 6 had the highest value for feed intake at both phases. For haematological indices at the starter phase, significant differences (P<0.05) were observed in the mean values of all parameters across all dietary treatments except PCV and MCV. Although significant differences were observed in all haematological and serum biochemical indices for the finisher phase, the values did not reveal any health problem. The cut parts (thigh and wings) as well as organ (liver, kidney, caeca, spleen and gall bladder) weights differed significantly (p<0.05). However, there was reduction in abdominal fat of birds fed test diets. Birds fed control diet for the starter phase had the highest revenue and gross margin which was closely followed by birds fed diet 6. Birds fed diet 3 recorded the lowest values. The cost per Kg of diet for the finisher phase was least in T6 diet and highest in T1 diet. The cost of production increased as the level of the composite leaf meal inclusion increased. In addition, birds fed diet 3 and 6 recorded the highest numerical values for revenue and gross margin. The study showed that the LMC has considerable potential as components of broiler chickens diets in developing countries. Inclusion of leaf meal at 1.00% can successfully be used to replace vitamin-mineral premix in finisher diet. However, 0.25% inclusion is recommended only for the finisher phase. Further research should be carried out on the levels higher than 1.00% and the optimal level of inclusion to mitigate potential adverse effects on growth performance.




Title Page                                                                                                                                  i

Declaration                                                                                                                               ii

Certification                                                                                                                             iii

Dedication                                                                                                                                iv                                           Acknowledgments                                                                                                                    v

Table of Contents                                                                                                                     vi

List of Tables                                                                                                                            ix

List of Plates                                                                                                                             x

Abstract                                                                                                                                     xi



            1.1   Background Information                                                                                      1        1.2   Statement of Problem                                                                                           3        1.3   Objectives of the Study                                                                                               4            1.4    Justification of the Study                                                                                     4                                           


2.1    Nutrient Requirements of Broiler Chickens                                                                    6        2.1.1 Energy requirements                                                                                                       7        2.1.2 Protein requirements                                                                                                    7        2.1.3 Fibre requirements                                                                                                          8        2.1.4 Mineral requirements                                                                                                     8        2.1.5 Vitamin requirements                                                                                                      18

2.2    Blood as a Component in Animal Nutritional Studies                                                    29

2.2.1 Significance of haematological profile in nutritional studies of broiler chicken            30

2.2.2 Significance of serum profile in nutritional studies of broiler chicken                         35

2.3    General Overview of Leafy Vegetables used in Poultry Production                                41

2.3.1 Moringa                                                                                                                           41

2.3.2 Fluted pumpkin                                                                                                                43

2.3.3 Sweet potato                                                                                                                    46

2.3.4 Scent Leaf                                                                                                                        46

2.4    Nutritional Potentials of Leaf Meals on Broiler Chicken Production                                 49

2.4.1 Effect of leaf meal on visceral organs and carcass characteristics                                      50

2.4.2 Effect of leaf meal on performance                                                                                 51

2.4.3 Effect of leaf meal on haematological indices                                                                53

2.5.     Evaluation of Composite Leaf Meal in Animal Production                                            54

2.5.1 Feeding trial on broiler chicken production                                                                    54

2.5.2 Feeding trial on pig production                                                                                       57



            3.1    Experimental site and location                                                                            60

            3.2    Duration of study                                                                                                 60

            3.3    Processing and formulation of leaf meal composite                                                       60

3.4    Experimental design                                                                                                        63

3.5    Experimental diets                                                                                                           63

3.6    Experimental animal and management                                                                           67      3.7    Data collection and analysis                                                                                                  69

            3.8    Statistical analysis                                                                                                           78                 


4.1   Growth Performance of Starter Broiler Chickens fed Leaf Meal Composite                      79

            4.2   Haematological Profile of Starter Broiler Chickens fed Leaf Meal Composite                      83

4.3   Serum Biochemical Profile of Starter Broiler Chickens fed Leaf Meal

         Composite                                                                                                                       87

4.4   Feed Cost Benefit Analysis of Starter Broiler Chickens fed Leaf Meal Composite        91

4.5   Growth Performance of Finisher Broiler Chickens fed Leaf Meal Composite                94

4.6   Haematological Profile of Finisher Broiler Chickens fed Leaf Meal Composite            97

4.7   Serum Biochemical Profile of Finisher Broiler Chickens fed Leaf Meal

        Composite                                                                                                                       101


4.8   Carcass Yield and Cut-Parts of Finisher Broiler Chickens fed Leaf Meal

        Composite                                                                                                                      106

4.9   Internal Organ Proportions of Finisher Broiler Chickens fed Leaf Meal

        Composite                                                                                                                       109

4.10 Feed Cost Benefit Analysis of Finisher Broiler Chickens fed Leaf Meal

         Composite                                                                                                                      112



5.1   Summary                                                                                                                        114

5.2   Conclusion                                                                                                                      115

5.3   Recommendations                                                                                                                      115

    References                                                                                                       117








2.1   Vitamin and mineral requirements of broiler chicken                                                   27

3.1   Ingredient and nutrient composition of experimental starter broiler diets                 63

3.2   Proximate composition of starter broiler chicken diet containing leaf  

        meal composite as replacement for vitamin-mineral premix                                        63

            3.3   Ingredient and nutrient composition of experimental finisher diets                  64

   3.4   Proximate composition of finisher broiler chicken diet containing

           leaf meal composite as replacement for vitamin-mineral premix                                                             64

   3.5   Mineral and vitamin content of leaf meal composite                                                                             65

   4.1   Growth performance of starter broiler chickens fed leaf meal composite                               81

   4.2   Haematological profile of starter broiler chickens fed leaf meal composite                       85

   4.3   Serum biochemical profile of starter broiler chickens fed leaf meal

           composite                                                                                                                                               89

   4.4   Feed cost benefit of starter broiler chickens fed leaf meal composite                                           92

   4.5   Growth performance of finisher broiler chickens fed leaf meal composite                   95

   4.6   Haematological profile of finisher broiler chickens fed leaf meal

            composite                                                                                                                                              99

   4.7   Serum profile of finisher broiler chickens fed leaf meal composite                                            104

   4.8   Carcass yield and cut-parts of broiler chicken fed leaf meal composite                                107

   4.9   Organ proportion of broiler chicken fed leaf meal composite                                                                        110

   4.10 Feed cost benefit analysis of finisher broiler chickens fed leaf meal

            composite                                                                                                                                              112







List of Plates

1: Milled Moringa leaves                                                                                                        60

2: Milled Pumpkin leaves                                                                                                                                         60

3: Milled Scent leaves                                                                                                                   61

4: Milled Potato leaves                                                                                                        61











The socioeconomic development of any country as regards to poultry production cannot be overemphasized due to its ability to provide animal protein within a shorter period of time and at reasonable cost (Bonsu et al., 2012). Furthermore, the low level of cholesterol content in broiler carcass also favors the demand of broiler meat, therefore efforts must be deepened not only to increase the number of broilers but also to improve productivity (Ndelekwute et al., 2017). In Nigeria, broiler production seems to be a considerable part of meat production and consumption. In the past two decades, broiler production has grown radically due to numerous researches which further enhanced feed utilization and growth rate (Kafi et al., 2017).

In an intensive poultry enterprise, feed is the major component cost, and the ultimate challenge is to reduce its cost to a minimum without compromising the quality of the products (Ziggers, 2011; Adegbenro et al., 2018). Research efforts in the developing countries including Nigeria in recent times have been directed on the need to address the ever increasing cost of animal feeds which has always constituted a perennial hindrance to the expansion of livestock industry (Aro and Ajiboye, 2016). Adequate knowledge of poultry nutrition, macro and of course micro-nutrients (vitamins and minerals) in agro-industrial by-products and green vegetable plants as alternative feed ingredients for the more expensive conventional feed ingredients is imperative for good ration formulation (Adegbenro et al., 2012).

Vitamins and minerals are nutrients that must be added to feed in amount that meet minimum dietary requirements for proper growth and performance. It may be necessary to add extra amount of some vitamins to achieve minimum levels for other vitamins. Bert and Dianne (2011) stated that higher levels may increase the cost of the complete feed but is better than creating vitamin deficiencies which can be detrimental to production. Vitamin-mineral premix is the mixture of vitamins and minerals which is added to the formulated diet to meet up the requirements of at least few vitamins and minerals that are deficient in the formulated diet (Igugo, 2014). Vitamin-mineral premix inclusion in diet formulated for chicken has become an indispensable practice as feed materials do not contain all essential minerals and vitamins at adequate amount required (Asaduzzaman et al., 2005).

However, their incorporation into animal feed is still negligible in view of the huge dependence on vitamin/mineral premixes which are well adopted sources of micronutrients: vitamins and minerals (Alabi et al., 2008). Furthermore, one of the ways of reducing the cost of poultry feed is by preparing vitamin-mineral premix from locally available feed materials. Leaf meals serve as a protein source and also provide necessary vitamins and minerals (Abu et al., 2015).With this, the cost of producing monogastric diets will be significantly reduced which will in turn increase quality meat production in Nigeria.

In the course of world clamor for sustained food security through organic farming enhancement, the combination of Fluted pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis), Moringa, (Moringa oleifera), Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) and African basil/scent (Ocimum gratissimum) leaf could be as a replacer for the commercial premix often used in poultry diet production. These leaves are obtained from plants widely distributed in Nigeria. They have been asserted to provide various culinary and medicinal properties. As a source of vitamin-mineral premix, they contain vitamins and minerals of nutritional importance.


Nutrition has been a major determinant of profit making in livestock business as feeding accounts for about 70-80% of the costs of producing livestock, most especially poultry (Onunkwo et al., 2018). High cost of feed has been one of the key factors militating against the development of poultry, resulting from a cumulative effect of cost of feed ingredient used in feed production. In Nigeria, concerted efforts have been made to alternative macro feed ingredients especially from agro-industrial by-products and feedstuffs to solve this costly feed problem. These ingredients have however been used mainly to resolve the high cost of energy and protein ingredient in livestock production.

Vitamin-mineral premixes, an important feed ingredient which contribute substantially to animal well-being in terms of providing essential micro-nutrients have however not received same attention. Though this ingredient is normally incorporated into the diet at a relatively low level, such inclusion often comes with a very large cost of the total financial outlay earmarked for the feed component of the livestock enterprise. The reason for this is that most of the vitamin-mineral premixes used in the developing country like Nigeria are imported, and hence sold to the local livestock farmers at a cost that is usually not affordable and mostly unbearable to them. Most poultry farmers observed that among the many commercial vitamin-mineral premixes, few are of poor quality most probably due to adulteration by businessmen. Furthermore, more than 95% of the premixes are synthetically manufactured with chemicals, thus do not come from natural source. Most of the synthetic premixes are isolated, and this makes them lack cofactors and transporters associated with naturally occurring vitamins and minerals. Report from Global Healing Centre (2013) stated that emphasis have been made by Organic Consumers Association (O.C.A) that isolated vitamins and mineral cannot be recognized or utilized by the body in the same way as natural source. Premix formulation from naturally and locally available non-conventional ingredients in developing countries like Nigeria is the most appropriate technology that should be exploited.


The broad objective of this study was to determine the response of broiler chickens fed diet containing leaf meal composite as a replacement for vitamin-mineral premix.

The specific objectives were to determine:

                               i.     the performance of broiler chickens fed diet containing leaf meal composite;

                             ii.     the carcass characteristics and organ proportion of broiler chickens fed diet containing leaf meal composite;

                            iii.     the haematological indices of broiler chickens fed leaf meal composite;

                            iv.     the serum biochemistry of broiler chickens fed diet containing leaf meal composite;

                              v.     the feed cost benefit of broiler chickens fed diet containing leaf meal composite.



The profit of broiler farming mainly depends on economic feeding of balanced, cheap and quality diets. The current global emphasis in broiler production is the formulation of feed at least cost, and also free as much as possible of synthetic products (inorganic feed) owing to the deleterious side effects of consistent consumption of non-biodegradable synthetic products on both animals and human health. In broiler production, the use of organic systems is growing drastically due to consumer demand specifically for “natural” and “welfare friendly” meat (Dan et al., 2012).

The use of locally and naturally available non-conventional feedstuffs feed ingredients like Scent leaf, Sweet potato leaf, Fluted pumpkin and Moringa leaf present in Nigeria are direct method of eliminating these problems. These plants leaves can be processed into composite leaf meal to replace conventional premix in animal diet. They are aromatic plants and spices in daily human nutrition for enhancement of taste, aroma and color of food. These additives have been successfully used in animal nutrition for the improvement of health and animal wellbeing as they are rich in vitamins and minerals. Also, the plants can easily be cultivated and found all around us.

Production and utilization of alternative natural vitamin- mineral premix from leaf composite in animal production will not only help poultry farmers to reduce expenses or eliminate doubtful potency of commercial vitamin–mineral premix, but also improve the efficiency of their production (synthetic form) as well as reduce health risk, environmental pollution and make it readily available when needed.

This research therefore has been designed to enhance efficient productivity by producing improved, readily available and cost effective locally formulated vitamins and mineral premix for broiler chicken. It is hoped that this effort will lead to recommending a suitable leaf meal composite as a source of mineral-vitamin premix to broiler chicken producers.



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