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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009341

No of Pages: 90

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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A 49-day feeding trial was conducted to evaluate the effect of poultry droppings-maggots meal (PDM) on growth performance, carcass characteristics, organ proportion, blood profile and economics of production of broiler chickens. 144 (One hundred and forty four) 7-day old Agrited chicks were divided into four groups of 36 and randomly assigned to the four diets in a Complete Randomized Designed (CRD). The birds were fed straight diets containing different replacement levels of poultry dropping-maggots meal (PDM) for fish meal at 0, 5, 10 and 15% designated as diets D1, D2, D3 and D4, respectively. Highest feed intake of (98.30g/d) was obtained from birds fed diet D(15% PDM) followed by 93.26g/d from birds fed D2 (5% PDM) while lower but similar values of 86.06g/d and 84.70g/d were obtained from birds fed D1 and D3 respectively. The weight gain of birds fed D(31.34g), D2 (30.46g) and D3 (31.29g) were similar (P>0.05) but higher (P<0.05) than that of birds fed D4 (26.64g). Feed conversion ratio (FCR) differed significantly (P<0.05) among treatment groups. FCR values of 2.76, 2.92, 2.70 and 3.70 were obtained from D1, D2, D3 and D4, respectively. Except for wing, head and neck cut part, there was significant differences (P<0.05) in other carcass cut part characteristics measured. Highest dressing percentage of 73.63% was obtained from birds fed D1 followed by those of D3 (70.60%) while the least value of 64.52% was obtained from birds fed D4. There were significant differences (P<0.05) in all the organ proportions measured except the heart, kidney and crop. There was no significant effect (P>0.05) of treatment on haematological indices measured. Total protein, albumin, glucose were similar (P>0.05), but significant differences (P<0.05) existed in values of other blood biochemical indices measured. Lowest feed cost per kg weight gain of 418.50 was obtained from birds fed D3 while the highest feed cost per kg weight gain of 550.56 was gotten from birds fed D4. Highest gross marginal profit of 794.47 was obtained from birds fed D3 followed by 697.91 and 692.12 from D1 and D2 while least values of 494.26 was obtained from D4. The replacement of dietary fish meal with poultry dropping-maggots meal (PDM) for broilers did not show any adverse effect on the birds. However, this study indicated that the replacement should not go beyond 10% PDM for fish meal for optimum performance and cost effective broiler production.


Title Page                                                                                                                    i

Declaration                                                                                                                 ii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iii

Certification                                                                                                                iv

Acknowledgements                                                                                                    v

Table of Contents                                                                                                       vi

List of Tables                                                                                                              ix

Abstract                                                                                                                       x



1.1       Background Information                                                                                1

1.2       Objectives of the Study                                                                                  3

1.3       Statement of Problem                                                                                     3

1.4       Justification                                                                                                    4



2.1       The Role of Nutrition in Animal Production in Nigeria                                5

2.1.2    Nutrient requirement of broiler chickens                                                       6

2.1.2    Protein requirement of broiler chickens                                                         6

2.1.3    Energy requirement of broiler chickens                                                         8

2.1.4    Water requirement of broiler chickens                                                           9

2.1.5    Fat requirement of broiler chickens                                                               10

2.2       Poultry Wastes                                                                                                10

2.2.1    Production of poultry waste                                                                           11

2.2.2    Processing and preservation of poultry wastes                                               12

2.2.3    Nutritive value of dried poultry wastes                                                          14

2.2.4    Feeding value and acceptability of poultry droppings (wastes)                        18

2.2.5    Health hazard of feeding poultry waste                                                          19

2.2.6    Limitation inherent in the value of dried poultry manure                              20

2.2.7    Other beneficial uses of poultry waste                                                           20

2.3       Maggot                                                                                                            22

2.3.1    Production of maggots                                                                                    22

2.3.2    Processing of maggots                                                                                    23

2.3.3    Factors influencing the availability of maggot                                               25

2.3.4    Biological value/ acceptability of maggot                                                      26

2.3.5    Biodegradation of Manure by House-fly Larvae (Maggot)                           27

2.3.6    Chemical composition of maggot meal                                                          29

2.3.7    Utilization of maggot meal in poultry diets                                                   33

2.4       Blood Constituents                                                                                         35

2.4.1    Haematological parameters                                                                            35

2.4.2    Serum biochemical indices                                                                            42



3.1           Experimental Site                                                                               45

3.2           Procurement And Processing of Poultry Dropping - Maggots            45

3.3           Experimental Diets                                                                             45

3.4           Chemical Analysis                                                                              47

3.5           Experimental Birds and Management                                                47

3.6       Experimental Design                                                                                      48

3.7       Data Collection                                                                                               48

3.7.1    Determination of growth parameters                                                             48

3.7.2    Carcass evaluation                                                                                          48

3.8       Blood Profile                                                                                                  49

3.9       Economic of Production                                                                                 51

3.10     Statistical Analysis                                                                                              51



4.1       Proximate Composition of Experimental Diets and Test Ingredient                             54

4.2       Growth Performance of Broilers Fed Poultry Dropping-Maggots

Meal (PDM) (7-56days)                                                                                      56

4.3       Economics of Production of Broilers Fed Poultry Droppings-Maggot Meal

Diets (PDM) (7-56day)                                                                                       58

4.4       Carcass Characteristics of Broilers Fed Poultry Droppings-Maggot Meal

Diets (PDM) (7-56day)                                                                                        60

4.5       Organs Weights of Broilers Fed Poultry Droppings-Maggot Meal Diets

(PDM) (7-56day)                                                                                                 62

4.6       Haematological Parameters of Broilers Fed Poultry Droppings-Maggot

Meal Diets (PDM) (7-56day)                                                                              64

4.7       Serum Biochemistry of Broilers Fed Poultry Droppings-Maggot Meal

Diets (PDM) (7-56day)                                                                                       66




5.1       Conclusion                                                                                                      67

5.2       Recommendation                                                                                           67

References                                                                                                      68








2.1       Chemical analysis of dpw showing proteins, energy, amino acid

and other nutrient on an air dry basis (in percentages).                                      16

2.2       Proximate composition of maggot meals                                                            31

2.3       Amino acid composition of maggot meal                                                           32

2.4       Normal range of haematological parameters of chicken                                     42

2.5       The normal range of serum biochemical indices of broiler chicken                             44

3.1       Composition of experimental diets for broiler chicken                                       46

4.1       Proximate composition of experimental diets and test ingredient                             54

4.2       Growth performance of broilers fed poultry dropping-maggots

meal (PDM) (7-56days)                                                                                       56

4.3       Economics of production of broilers fed poultry droppings-maggot meal

diets (PDM) (7-56day)                                                                                        58

4.4       Carcass characteristics of broilers fed poultry droppings-maggot meal

diets (PDM) (7-56day)                                                                                        60

4.5       Organs weights of broilers fed poultry droppings-maggot meal diets

(PDM) (7-56day)                                                                                                 62

4.6       Haematological parameters of broilers fed poultry droppings-maggot

meal Diets (PDM) (7-56day)                                                                               64

4.7       Serum biochemistry of broilers fed poultry droppings-maggot meal

diets (PDM) (7-56day)                                                                                        66










A major factor limiting animal production in developing countries is inadequate availability of feedstuffs for providing required nutrients. Now-a-days much emphasis is being given on the utilization of cheap, suitable and sustainable alternative or non-conventional protein feed resources and animal waste in feeding livestock and poultry.

With an increasing number of large industrial poultry farms in these zones, protein feed resources are greatly challenged to the extent that small and medium scale poultry enterprises are squeezed out of access to these resources. Feed as part of the general production input in monogastrics account for about 70 - 80% of the total current cost of production (Bouquet and Fiems, 1988; Al-Qazza.z et al., 2016).


Any effort towards reducing the cost of protein feed resources will highly reduce the cost of livestock production and poultry product in particular. For the highly expensive feed resources, poultry dropping-maggot would seem to satisfy the criteria for alternative.

Poultry wastes are the droppings from poultry birds. It has been shown to be potential source of both nitrogen and energy for livestock in providing low-cost feed components (khattab et al., 1982; Spoelstra, 1983). The crude protein of broiler litter and caged layer dropping is 28% or even higher (El-Sabban et al., 1970 and Fontenot et al., 1971). Nitrogen from poultry waste has been shown to be efficiently utilized by livestock (El-

Smith and Calvert, 1976).). Incorporation of poultry dropping has been reported to reduce the cost of concentrate up to 35% and the cost of production by 11.7% (Devyatkin et al., 1983) and also minimize the effects of its contribution to environmental pollution in areas of intensive poultry production. More importantly, it solves partially the shortage of the animal’s requirements of protein and/or energy during the dry season. Chemical composition and nutritive value of poultry waste have been studied by a number of workers (Polin et al., 1971, El-Ashry et al., 2000). It has attracted the interest of animal nutritionists all over the world because of its richness in nitrogen, calcium (5.4%), phosphorus as P2O, magnesium as MgO (0.335%) and minerals (Rhanjhan, 1990; SPFG, 1994). In Nigeria, about 932.5 tonnes of poultry manure is produced annually due to the well-established poultry and livestock industries which are expanding at 6-8% annually (Adejinmi, 2000).


Maggot, the larvae form of housefly (musca domestica) grow extensively on poultry dropping or organic waste in a short period of 2 to 3 days where it digests them to odour free with high nutritive value. Maggots are readily available and free from competition between animal and man. Housefly maggots are rich in protein and energy (Atteh and Ologbenla, 1993) and as dietary ingredient supplies more than the required amino acid complements for broiler chicks (Teotia and Miller, 1973). Maggots have an amino acid profile that is superior to groundnut cake and soybean (NRC, 1984; Adejinmi, 2000).


Maggots have partially supplemented fishmeal in diet of fish including mud catfish fingerlings (Ajani et al., 2004; Sogbesan et al., 2005; Ogunji et al., 2006, 2008). The qualities of housefly maggots are indicative that it has potential to replace some of the expensive protein supplements in livestock feeds if well processed. Maggots are ready for harvesting in 5 to 6 days. Indeed 10,000 capacity poultry farm has been estimated to have the capacity for generating 1.5 tonnes of housefly larvae monthly (Atteh, 2002). Its inclusion in upgrading the poultry droppings will further improve the biological value of the droppings, thus its nutritive value in the feed for broiler chicken. 



The broad objective of this study is to evaluate poultry dropping-maggot as feed resource for broiler chicken.

The specific objectives are:

i.         To determine the optimal inclusion levels of poultry dropping-maggot (PDM) for broiler chicken.

ii.         To determine the effect of the different inclusion levels of poultry dropping-maggots meal on growth performance of broiler chicken.

iii.         To determine the different inclusion level of poultry dropping-maggot (PDM) on the carcass and organ characteristics of the broiler chicken.

iv.         To determine the different inclusion levels of poultry dropping-maggot (PDM) on the haematology and serum chemistry of the broiler chicken.

v.         To evaluate the economics of production of feeding different dietary levels of poultry dropping-maggot to broiler chicken.



The average protein need for adult is 0.75g/kg/day (FAO/WHO/UNU, 1985). The developing countries (which Nigeria belongs) fall far below the expected average of this value. This is because of low productivity of animal protein and the poverty level of the populace.

Animal production is highly hampered by high cost of production in which feeding constitute about 60-70% of the cost due to high cost of conventional feedstuff, thus , there is need to source for alternative by the use of non-conventional substitutes.

Poultry droppings have been reported to contain high crude protein level of 28- 31% (Banerjee, 1996).

Maggot from Musca domestica is also high in protein, energy and essential amino acid (Spoelstra, 1983). Upgrading the poultry dropping with maggot may further improve its biological value.



The incidence of high cost and scarcity of protein source for animal feed has led to the search for alternative sources of protein.

Several studies have been done with poultry droppings and poultry waste in feeding livestock, and some others have used poultry droppings to breed or culture maggot as source of protein for livestock. It is believed that a combination of poultry and maggot will result in both bulk and likely improve the protein and energy content compare to poultry dropping only. At the end of this research study, the optimal inclusion level of these feed resource might probably be established.


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