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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009389

No of Pages: 195

No of Chapters: 1-5

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Five experiments were conducted to determine the chemical and nutritional evaluation of Anthonotha macrophylla seed meal as an alternative protein source for broiler chickens. Experiment 1 investigated the proximate, gross energy, anti-nutritional factors, minerals and amino acid compositions of the raw, boiled, blanched and toasted Anthonotha macrophylla seeds meal. In experiment 2, the metabolizable energy of raw and variously processed Anthonotha macrophylla seeds meal were determined using 15 matured broiler chickens by force-feeding method. In experiment 3, the level of inclusion of raw Anthonotha macrophylla seeds meal in broiler chickens’ ration was determined. Experiment 4 evaluated the performance of broiler chickens fed boiled, blanched and toasted Anthonotha macrophylla seeds meal at 2.5% raw inclusion level. Experiment 5 determined the dietary inclusion level of blanched Anthonotha macrophylla seeds meal in broiler chickens’ diet. The experiments were carried out in a completely randomized design consisting of three replicates with 10 birds per replicate. In experiment 1, the crude protein content of toasted Anthonotha macrophylla seeds meal was higher (p<0.05) than others. Toasting resulted in the highest percentage reduction of anti-nutritional factors. Seeds toasted had the highest value for minerals (p<0.05). Blanched seeds meal gave the highest value (p<0.05) for most of the amino acids. In experiments 2, boiled seeds meal had the highest (p<0.05) true metabolizeable energy (2.60kcal/g) and true metabolizable energy corrected for nitrogen (1.64kcal/g). In experiment 3, the raw Anthonotha macrophylla seeds meal significantly (p<0.05) depressed growth as the levels of inclusion increased from 0 to 7.5%. Diet 2(2.5%) showed significantly (p<0.05) higher values for carcass yield and similar (P>0.05) economics of diet with control diet. The blood constituents analyzed revealed normal range values except for MCV and MCH for all the diets and eosinophil’s for diet 4 (7.5%) only. In experiment 4, body weights showed no significant (p>0.05) difference. Diet containing blanched Anthonotha macrophylla seeds meal (diet 3) performed better for carcass yield, FCR, had least cost/kg weight gain and highest gross margin. The blood constituents analyzed revealed normal range values except for neutrophils for all the diets, lymphophils of diet 3 and MCV for diet 1, 3 and 4 only. In experiment 5, birds fed 7.5%  blanched Anthonotha macrophylla seeds meal (diet 3) performed better for body weight gains, cut-parts, FCR and economics of diets among others. Organ weights showed no significant differences (p>0.05).The blood constituents analyzed revealed normal range values except for neutrophils, lymphophils, MCV, MCH for all the diets and eosinophil’s for diets 4 only. It is therefore concluded that blanching emerged as the best processing technique among others. Quantitative replacement of soya bean meal with raw Anthonotha macrophylla seeds meal at 2.5% dietary level of inclusion was not deleterious to broiler chickens. Broiler chickens fed blanched Anthonotha macrophylla seeds meal gave the best performance among the chickens fed differently processed seeds meal at 2.5% dietary level of inclusion. The dietary level of inclusion of quantitative replacement of the soya bean meal with the product of the best processing technique (blanched seeds meal) was 7.5%.


Title page                                                                                                        i

Declaration                                                                                                     ii

Certification                                                                                                   iii

Dedication                                                                                                       iv

Acknowledgment                                                                                           v

Table of Contents                                                                                           vi

List of Tables                                                                                                  xi        

List of Plates                                                                                                   xiv

Abstract                                                                                                           xv


1.0       Introduction                                                                                        1

1.1       Background of the Study                                                                    1

1.2       Objective of the Problem                                                                    2

1.3       Statement of the Problem                                                                   3

1.4       Justification                                                                                        3




2.1      Origin/Distribution                                                                              5

2.2      Common Names                                                                                  5

2.3      Synonym                                                                                              5

2.4      Taxonomy                                                                                            5

2.5       Botany                                                                                                7

2.6       Ecology                                                                                               9

2.7       Management                                                                                       9

2.8       The Fallow System                                                                             9         

2.8.1    Natural fallow                                                                                     10

2.8.2    The planted fallow                                                                              12

2.9       Chemical Compositions                                                                     12

2.10     Mineral Composition of Anthonotha macrophylla Seeds                  15

2.11     Amino Acid Composition of Anthonotha macrophylla Seeds.             18

2.12     Anti-Nutritional Factors                                                                     20

2.12.1 Tannins                                                                                               22

2.12.2  Phytate                                                                                                            23

2.12.3 Nitrate                                                                                                 25

2.12.4 Hydrogen cyanide (HCN)                                                                   26

2.13     Effect of Processing Methods on Anti-Nutritional Factors                27

2.13.1  Boiling                                                                                                28       

2.13.2 Toasting                                                                                              29

2.13.3 Blanching                                                                                           31

2.14     Metabolisable Energy of Anthonotha macrophylla Seeds.                34

2.15     Concept of Metabolizable Energy                                                      36

2.16     Factors affecting the Metabolizable Energy Values of Feeds            37

2.17     Criticisms of True Metabolization Energy Procedures                      38

2.18     Uses of Anthonotha macrophylla                                                       38

2.18.1  Cropping uses             ­                                                                        38

2.18.2  Livestock uses                                                                                    39

2.18.3  Medicinal uses                                                                                    39

2.19     Blood                                                                                                  41

2.19.1 Blood chemistry                                                                                 41

2.19.2 Haematological indices                                                                      45 Haemoglobin                                                                                    45 Red blood cell                                                                                   46 Packed cell volume                                                                           47 White blood cell                                                                               47 Mean corpuscular volume                                                                51 Mean corpuscular haemoglobin                                                       52 Mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration                                52

2.20     Importance of Carcass Quality and Organ Evaluation                       54

2.20.1 Carcass quality                                                                                    54

2.20.2 Organ evaluation                                                                                 54

2.21     Economy of Production                                                                      57

2.21.1  Cost/kg of feed                                                                                   58

2.21.2  Cost of feed consumed                                                                       58

2.21.3 Cost/kg weight gain                                                                            59       

2.21.4  Revenue                                                                                              59

2.21.5  Gross margin                                                                                      59




3.1       Experimental Location                                                                       60

3.2       Feedstuff and Processing of Anthonotha macrophylla Seeds Meal            60

3.3       Experimental Birds and Their Management                                      61

3.4       Experimental Diets                                                                             61

3.4.1   Raw Anthonotha macrophylla seeds meal                                         61

3.4.2    Processed Anthonotha macrophylla seed meal                                  63

3.4.3    Balanced Anthonotha macrophylla seeds meal                                  65       

3.5       Chemical Analysis                                                                              67

3.6       Mineral Determination                                                                       67

3.7       Determination of Anti-Nutrient                                                          67

3.8       Determination of Amino Acid Profile                                                69

3.9       Determination of Metabolizable Energy of Raw And

            Processed Anthonotha macrophylla   seeds meal                               71

3.10     Growth Performance                                                                          72

3.11     Haematological and Blood Chemistry Analysis                                73

3.12     Carcass Evaluation                                                                             77

3.13     Economics of the Experimental Diets                                                            78

3.14     Experimental Design and Data Collection                                         78



4.1       Proximate Composition of Anthonotha macrophylla Seeds Meal            80


4.2       Anti- Nutritional Factors of Raw and Variously Processed  

            Anthonotha macrophylla Seeds Meal                                                86


4.3       Mineral Composition (Macro) of Raw and Variously

            Processed Anthonotha macrophylla Seeds Meal                               89


4.4       Mineral Composition (Micro) of Raw and Variously

            Processed Anthonotha  macrophylla Seeds Meal.                             92

4.5      Essential Amino Acids (%) of Raw and Variously

           Processed Anthonotha macrophylla Seeds Meal.                   94


4.6       Non-Essential Amino Acids (%) of Raw and

            Processed Anthonotha macrophylla Seeds Meal.                              97


4.7       True Metabolizable Energy (TME) (Kcal/g) And

            Metabolizable Energy Corrected to Nitrogen

            Equilibrium (TMEn)   (Kcal/g) Of Raw and Variously

            Processed Anthonotha macrophylla Seeds Meal.                              99


4.8      Experiment Three (Raw)                                                                     101


4.8.1   Proximate and gross energy compositions                                          101


4.8.2   Anti nutritional factors                                                                        103


4.8.3   Growth performance                                                                           105


4.8.4   Cut- parts                                                                                             108


4.8.5   Organ weights                                                                                      110


4.8.6   Haematological indices                                                                       112


4.8.7   Blood chemistry indices                                                                      114


4.8.8   Economic analysis of feed                                                                   116


4.9      Experiment Four (Processing Methods)                                              118


4.9.1   Proximate and gross energy composition                                            118


4.9.2   Anti- nutritional factors                                                                       120


4.9.3   Growth performance                                                                           122


4.9.4   Cut- parts                                                                                             124


4.9.5   Organ weights                                                                                      126


4.9.6   Haematological indices                                                                       128


4.9.7   Blood chemistry indices                                                                      131


4.9.8   Economic analysis of feed                                                                   133


4.10    Experiment Five (Blanched Seeds)                                                     135


4.10.1 Proximate and gross energy composition                                           135


4.10.2 Anti- nutritional factors                                                                      137


4.10.3 Growth performance                                                                          139


4.10.4 Cut- parts                                                                                            142


4.10.5 Organ weights                                                                                     144


4.10.6   Haematological indices                                                                     146


4.10.7   Blood chemistry indices                                                                    149


4.10.8   Economic analysis of feed                                                                 151


Conclusion and recommendation                                                                   154


References                                                                                                      158


Appendix                                                                                                        176














2.1       Vegetation density and botanical composition of

            three and seven-year-old bush fallows in Eastern Nigeria.                11       


2.2       The proximate composition (%) of

            Anthonotha macrophylla seeds meal.                                                 13


2.3       Proximate composition and gross energy of raw and variously            

processed (boiled) Anthonotha macrophylla seeds meal.                  13


2.4       Proximate composition and gross energy of

            Anthonotha macrophylla seeds meal.                                                 13


2.5       Mineral compositions (macro) of raw and

            variously processed (boiled) Anthonotha macrophylla seeds meal.            16


2.6       Mineral compositions (micro) of raw and

            variously processed (boiled) Anthonotha macrophylla seeds meal.            16


2.7       Essential amino acids (g/100%g) of raw and

            variously processed (boiled) Anthonotha macrophylla seeds meal.            19


2.8       Non-essential amino acids (g/100%g) of raw and

            variously processed (boiled) Anthonotha macrophylla seeds meal.            19


2.9       Anti-nutritional factor of raw and variously

            processed (Boiled) Anthonotha macrophylla seeds meal.                 21


2.10     True metabolisable energy (TME) and metabolizable

            energy corrected to nitrogen equilibrium (TMEn) of raw and

            variously processed (boiled) Anthonotha macrophylla seeds meal.            35


2.11     Physical constants of Anthonotha macrophylla seeds meal.              40


2.12     Normal range of blood chemistry indices of

            broiler chickens                                                                                  44


2.13     Shows the mean and normal range of haematological

            indices of blood for broiler chickens.                                                 53


3.1       Composition of experimental diets using raw

            Anthonotha macrophylla seeds meal.                                                 62


3.2       Composition of experimental diets using processed

            Anthonotha  macrophylla seeds meal.                                                64



3.3       Composition of experimental diets using blanched

            Anthonotha  macrophylla seeds meal.                                                66


4.1       Proximate composition of raw and variously processed

            Anthonotha macrophylla seeds meal.                                                 85       


4.2       Anti-nutritional factors of raw and variously

            processed Anthonotha macrophylla seeds meal.                                88


4.3       Mineral composition (macro) of raw and

            variously processed Anthonotha macrophylla seeds meal.                91


4.4       Mineral composition (micro) of raw and variously

            processed Anthonotha macrophylla seeds meal.                                93


4.5       Essential amino acids (%) of raw and variously

             processed Anthonotha macrophylla seeds meal.                               96


4.6       Non-essential amino acids (%) of raw and

             variously processed Anthonotha macrophylla seeds meal.               98


4.7       True metabolizable energy (TME) (kcal/g) and metabolizable

            energy corrected to nitrogen equilibrium (TMEn) of raw and

            variously processed Anthonotha  macrophylla seeds meal.               100     


4.8.1    Proximate composition and gross energy of

            experimental diets                                                                              102


4.8.2    Anti- nutritional factors in experimental diets                                   104


4.8.3    Growth performance of broiler bird fed raw

             Anthonotha macrophylla seeds meal.                                                107


4.8.4    Cut- parts (as expressed as % dressed weight)

             of broiler birds fed raw Anthonotha macrophylla seeds meal.            109


4.8.5    Organ weights (as expressed as % dressed weight)

            of broiler birds fed raw Anthonotha macrophylla seeds meal.            111


4.8.6    Haematological indices of broiler bird fed raw

             Anthonotha macrohylla seeds meal.                                                  113


4.8.7    Blood chemistry of birds fed raw

            Anthonotha macrophylla seeds meal.                                                 115


4.8.8    Economics of broiler birds fed raw

            Anthonotha macrophylla seeds meal.                                                 117



4.9.1    Proximate composition and gross energy

            composition of experimental diet                                                       119


4.9.2    Anti- nutritional factors in experimental diets                                   121


4.9.3    Growth performance for broilers birds fed variously

            processed Anthonotha macrophylla seeds meal.                                123


4.9.4    Cut Parts (as expressed as % dressed weight)

            of broiler birds fed variously processed

            Anthonotha macrophylla seeds meal.                                                 125


4.9.5    Organ weights (as expressed as % dressed weight)

            of boilers birds fed variously processed

            Anthonotha macrophylla seeds meal.                                                 127


4.9.6    Haematological indices of boilers birds fed

            variously processed Anthonotha macrophylla seeds meal.                130


4.9.7    Blood chemistry values of broiler birds fed

            variously processed Anthonotha  macrophylla seeds meal.               132


4.9.8    Economics of broiler birds fed variously

            processed Anthonotha macrophylla seeds meal.                                134


4.10.1 Proximate composition and gross energy

            composition of experimental diet                                                       136


4.10.2 Anti nutritional factors in experimental diets                                      138


4.10.3 Growth performance of brother birds fed

            various levels of blanched Anthonotha macrophylla seeds meal.            141


4.10.4 Cut parts (as expressed as % dressed weight) of

            broiler birds fed various levels of blanched   

            Anthonotha macrophylla seeds meal.                                                 143


4.10.5 Organ weights (as expressed as % dressed weight) of

            broiler birds fed various levels of blanched  

             Anthonotha  macrophylla seeds meal.                                               145


4.10.6 Haematological indices of broiler birds fed

            various levels of blanched 

            Anthonotha  macrophylla seeds meal.                                                148


4.10.7 Blood chemistry values of broiler birds fed

            various levels of blanched

             Anthonotha  macrophylla seeds meal.                                   150


4.10.8 Economics of broiler birds fed

            various levels of blanched

            Anthonotha macrophylla seeds meal.                                                 153     









 1: Anthonotha macrophylla seeds                                                                 6

 2: Anthonotha macrophylla plant showing the branches,

     leaves and pods                                                                                          8














The development of alternative plant protein feed stuffs in livestock and poultry diets will continue to receive attention in Nigeria as long as the conventional protein sources like soya bean meal, groundnut cake and fish meal continue to be scarce and expensive. These feedstuffs are costly because they are competed for by humans and industrial users. It has become imperative therefore to turn attention to the exploitation of other novel legumes, particularly those indigenous to the tropics (Tuleum et al., 2012; Akinmutimi and Iboro, 2012). The protein intake of Nigerians has also been on a decline because of the increasing population. This level of animal protein consumption has direct influence on the general well-being and health of the populace (Izukanne et al., 2015).


Broiler production has a considerable potential in the developing countries for the supply of the much needed animal protein to meet the increasing demands of the Nigerian teeming populace (Alikwe and Tuagha, 2013; Abdullahi et al., 2013; Ogunbode et al., 2014) due to short generation interval and rapid growth rate of broiler chickens (Akinmutimi and Iboro, 2012).


Feed accounts for 70-80 percent of the total cost of broiler production in Nigeria (Adetola et al., 2012). This has been attributed to over-reliance on the conventional feedstuffs such as soyabean and groundnut cake (Abdullahi et al., 2014; Izukanne et al., 2015). The need has therefore arisen to source for alternative but promising feedstuffs that are not being consumed by man, and also has no industrial use as at now; Anthonotha mycrophylla falls into this category.

Anthonotha macrophylla (Beauv, 1964; Durunna, 2006) is a leguminous plant that is found growing in the wild in Nigeria specifically in South-Eastern states of the country (Durunna, 2006). It has a crude protein content of 21.10 – 27.74% (Durunna, 2006; Ubak, 2012) and ME (metabolizable energy) of 2070kcal/kg (Ogwumike,2012)  and it is widely available called Ububa or Ububra (Igbo), aba (Yoruba), Oghabo (Bini), aban (Isekiri) evborhi (Urhobo), derebiya (Ijaw), aghabo (Etsako), nya (Ibibio) and hereby called Durubeans (Durunna, 2006).


Presence of natural toxic compounds such as tannin, nitrate, trypsin-inhibitor, phytate and hydrogen cyanide (HCN) has been reported in raw Anthonotha macrophylla seeds meal (Adekunle and Oyerinde, 2004; Ubak, 2012; Ogwumike, 2012).



1.            To determine the proximate composition, gross energy composition, amino    acid     profile, mineral composition and anti-nutritional factors (Tannin,     phytate,           HCN and nitrite) of raw and processed Anthonotha macrophylla   seeds meal.

2.              To determine the metabolizable energy of both raw and processed Anthonotha     macrophylla seeds meal.

3.              To determine the dietary level of inclusion of raw Anthonotha macrophylla    seeds   meal as a replacement for soya bean meal in broiler diet that will    enhance good performance using parameters such as growth performance,   cut-parts, organ weights, haematological and biochemical properties of blood         as indices.

4.              To determine the best or recommended processing method of Anthonotha     macrophylla seeds meal in broiler diet using parameters such as growth            performance,   cut-parts, organ weights, haematological and biochemical        properties of blood as indices.

5.               To determine the optimal dietary level of inclusion of the best or             recommended processing method of Anthonotha macrophylla seeds meal       using   parameters such as growth performance, cut-parts, organ weights,             haematological and biochemical properties of blood as indices.

6.               To determine the economics of diets.



1.             Conventional protein sources for poultry feeding are scarce, expensive and less      cost-effective.

2.              Anthonotha macrophylla seeds is a potential protein source as it is cheaply            available and without competitive utilization. Research work on proximate      composition, gross energy composition, anti-nutritional factors, amino-acid           profile and mineral composition is scanty. Information on metabolizable            energy for both raw and processed is yet to be reported.

3.               The dietary level of inclusion of the raw and processed Anthonotha     macrophylla    seeds meal as replacement for soya bean meal that will enhance            good performance in broiler chicken is yet to be reported.



At the end of the experiment the proximate composition, gross energy composition, amino acid profile, mineral composition and anti-nutritional factors of both raw and processed Anthonotha macrophylla seeds meal would be better known and documented. Also the metabolizable energy would have been documented and hence ascertain it’s used in ration formulation. When the economics of the diet is established and levels of Inclusion of both raw and processed Anthonotha macrophylla seeds meal that will give good performance are determined, it will help to reduce the cost of broiler production in Nigeria. This will encourage reduction in the unit price of broiler meat and make the product more affordable, leading to increase in the consumption of animal protein in Nigeria.


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