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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009357

No of Pages: 162

No of Chapters: 1-5

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Four studies were carried out to evaluate three grasses (Gamba, Elephant and Guinea) as alternative feed resource for broiler chickens. Nutrient composition and anti-nutritional factors of the various grasses were evaluated in experiment I. In experiment II, the true metabolizable energy of the three grasses were respectively determined. Experiment III, Gamba, Elephant and Guinea grass meals were incorporated into diets at 10% inclusion level. In experiment IV, graded level of elephant grass meal were incorporated into broiler diet.  One hundred and twenty (120) day old Abor Acre strain of broiler chickens were used in experiment III and IV respectively. The birds were randomly assigned to 4 treatment diets, replicated into 3 with 10 (ten) birds per replicate in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD). Each of the experiments lasted for eight weeks. There were significant differences (P<0.05) among various grasses for all the parameters considered in experiment I. The crude protein was least in Gamba grass meal (14.73) and best in Elephant grass meal (19.23). The Gamba grass meal had the highest (P<0.05) gross energy of 3.93kcal/g, followed by Elephant grass meal 3.88kcal/kg. The ash was least in Guinea grass meal (6.07) and best in Elephant grass meal (8.66). The Gamba grass meal had the best content of Phosphorus (0.41%), magnesium (0.32%) and Guinea grass meal had the highest value for potassium (0.82%), while Elephant grass meal had the best value for sodium (0.29%). Elephant grass meal was significantly (P<0.05) superior in Iron, Zinc and manganese, while Guinea grass meal had the best significant (P<0.05) value for copper. All the anti-nutritional factors measured were at tolerable level to broiler chickens. In experiment II Gamba grass meal had the highest (P<0.05) true metabolisable energy of 3.91 kcal/kg, followed by Elephant grass meal (3.86). In experiment III, the growth performance of birds on dietIII compared (P>0.05) with birds on dietI (control diet). The carcass characteristics of birds fed dietIII also compared (P>0.05) with values for live weight, bled weight, de-feathered weight and dressed weight of the control dietI. On blood constituents, broiler fed dietIV had the lowest value in red blood cell (RBC) (2.18 x 10lµl) count, which indirectly increased the value of the MCV. Biochemical indices showed significant differences (P<0.05) for total protein and globulin. Broilers fed dietIII compared favourably with broilers fed dietI in terms of cost of feed consumed, cost of production, revenue and gross margin. There were increase in size of the gizzard, small intestine, large intestine and proventriculus of broilers fed dietII, dietIII and dietIV as compared to broilers fed dietI but reduced in the abdominal fat of broilers fed dietII, dietIII and dietIV. In the histopatological test, the grasses showed no detrimental effect on the broilers fed diets DI, DII, DIII and DIV.  In experiment IV, broilers on dietII compared (P>0.05) with those fed dietI in growth performance, carcass characteristics and organ proportion. The MCV of broilers fed diet DII compared (P>0.05) with the broilers fed dietI in haematological parameters. There were significant (P<0.05) differences in some of the serum indices. Broilers fed dietII was statistically (P>0.05) similar with broilers fed dietI in the total protein, albumin, globulin and creatinine. The cost per kilogram weight gain, cost of production, revenue and gross margin of broiler fed dietII were statistically (P>0.05) similar to the control dietI. Broilers fed diets DII, DIII and DIV which in various inclusion levels of elephant grass meal had heavier weights for heart, liver, gizzard, large intestine, proventriculus, crop and pancrease as compared to broilers fed dietI but reduced abdominal fat. From the reports above, it could be concluded that Elephant grass meal can partially replace maize at 10% inclusion (DietII) to give an optimal performance for broiler chicken.


Title page                                                                                                                   i

Declaration                                                                                                               ii

Certification                                                                                                              iii

Dedication                                                                                                                iv

Acknowledgement                                                                                                    v

Table of Contents                                                                                                     vi

List of Tables                                                                                                            xiii

List of Plates                                                                                                             xv

Abstract                                                                                                                    xvi                                                                  


1.1      Background Information                                                                               1

1.2     Objective of Study                                                                                          2

1.2.1   The study are to determine                                                                            2

1.3     Statement of Problem                                                                                     3

1.4     Justification of Study                                                                                      4


2.1. Nutrient Requirements of Broiler Chicken in the Humid Tropices                             5

2.1.1. Constraints to broiler chicken nutrition                                                         5

2.1.2. The need for dietary alternatives                                                                    6

2.1.3. The nutritional impact of forages in poultry diet                                           7

2.2. Grasses                                                                                                               8

2.3. Origin and Geographic Distribution/ Botany of Gamba grass                        8

2.3.1. Botany of Gamba grass                                                                                  9

       2.3.2. Agronomy of Gamba grass                                                                                    9

2.3.3. Utilization of Gamba grass                                                                             9

2.3.4. Gamba grass used as feed for animals                                                           10

2.4.0. Origin and Geographic Distribution/ Botany of Elephant grass                             10

2.4.1. Botany of Elephant grass                                                                                10

2.4.2. Agronomy of Elephant grass                                                                          11

2.4.3. Utilization of Elephant grass                                                                          11

2.4.4. Elephant grass used as feed for animals                                                         12

2.5.0. Origin and Geographic Distribution/ Botany of Guinea grass                             12

2.5.1. Botany of Guinea grass                                                                                  12

2.5.2. Agronomy of Guinea grass                                                                             13

2.5.3. Utilization of Guinea grass                                                                             13

2.5.4. Feed value of Guinea grass                                                                            13

2.6.    Proximate Composition of Gamba, Elephant and Guinea Grass                             14

2.6.1.        Crude protein and Amino acids                                                               14 Crude protein and Amino acid of Gamba grass                                          14 Crude protein and amino acid of Guinea grass                                           14 Crude protein and amino acid of elephant grass.                                       14       

2.6.3. Gross energy                                                                                                   15

2.6.4. Crude Fibre                                                                                                     15

2.6.5. Ether Extract                                                                                                   16

2.6.6. Ash                                                                                                                  16

2.7. Challenges Associated with Feeding Forages to Chickens                               17

2.7.1. High fibre content in forages                                                                          17

2.7.2. High moisture content in Forages                                                                  18

2.7.3. Non-protein nitrogen (NPN)                                                                          18

2.7.4. Anti-nutritional factors                                                                                   19 Tannins                                                                                                        19 Saponins                                                                                                     19 Oxalate                                                                                                        20 Phytate                                                                                                         21 Mycotoxins                                                                                                  21

2.8.    Mechanism of Toxicity                                                                                  21

2.9. Methods to reduce the level of anti-nutritional substances in the feed                      22

2.10. Growth performance of broilers fed diets containing Guinea grass                     23

2.11. Carcass Quality                                                                                               24

2.12. Organ Proportion                                                                                             24

2.13. Hematological Parameters                                                                               25

2.13.1. Red blood cells (RBC)                                                                                 25

2.13.2. White blood cells (WBC)                                                                             26

2.13.3. Packed Cell Volume (PCV)                                                                         26

2.13.4. Haemoglobin (Hb)                                                                                        27

2.13.5. Mean corpuscular volume (MCV)                                                               27

2.13.6. Mean Corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH)                                                      28

2.13.7. Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin concentration (MCHC)                             28

2.14. Serum Biochemistry                                                                                        29

2.14.1. Total Protein                                                                                                 29

2.14.2. Globulin                                                                                                        30

2.14.3. Albumin                                                                                                        30

2.14.4. Urea                                                                                                              31

2.14.5. Creatinine                                                                                                     31       

2.14.6. Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP)                                                                        31

2.15. Metabolizable energy (ME)                                                                            32

2.16. Histopathology                                                                                                32


3.1 Experimental Site                                                                                               33

3.2  Procurement and Processing of the Experimental Material                              33

3.3 Experiment 1                                                                                                      33

3.3.1 Chemical Evaluation of the Test Materials                                                                 33 Proximate compositions and gross energy of Gamba, Elephant

                 and Guinea grass                                                                                     34  Determination of Crude protein:                                                                 34

3.3.2.     Mineral determination                                                                                34

3.3.3.    Determination of Anti-nutritional Factors                                                  35 Determination of Oxalate                                                                            35 Determination of phytate                                                                             35 Determination of Saponin                                                                           35 Determination of tannins                                                                             35

3.4. Experiment 2                                                                                                     35

3.4.1. Determination of metabolisable energy of the test materials                       35

 3.5. Experiment 3                                                                                                    37

3.5.1. Effect of Gamba, Elephant and Guinea grass meals on the

    performance of Broiler                                                                                         37

3.5.2. Experimental Birds and Design                                                                      37

3.5.3. Experimental diets                                                                                          37       

3.6 Experiment 4                                                                                                      38

3.6.1 Effect of graded levels of Elephant grass meals on the

         performance of broilers.                                                                                  38 Experimental diets                                                                                        38   Experimental birds and procedure                                                             39

3.7 Data Collection                                                                                                  40

3.7.1 Growth Parameters                                                                                          40

3.7.2 Evaluation of the carcass characteristics and organ proportions of Broiler

           chickens fed graded levels of Gamba, Elephant and Guinea Grass meal.          41

3.7.3 Histopathological Evaluation of Broiler Chickens fed graded levels of Gamba,

          Elephant and Guinea Grass Meals.                                                                42

3.7.4 Evaluation of the Heamatological parameters and serum chemistry of Broiler

             chickens fed Gamba, Elephant and Guinea Grass Meals.                             42           

3.8 Gross Margin / Economics of the Diets                                                             44

3.9 Experimental Design and Statistical Analysis                                                   44


4.1 Experiment I                                                                                                       45

4.1.1 Proximate composition and gross energy of Gamba,

          Elephant and Guinea grass meals                                                                   45

4.1.2 Macro and micro mineral composition of Gamba,

          Elephant and Guinea grass meals                                                                   49

4.1.3 Anti-nutritional factors composition of Gamba, Elephant

          and Guinea grass meals.                                                                                 53

4.2 Experiment II                                                                                                      56

4.2.1 True metabolisable energy value of Gamba, Elephant and

         Guinea grass meals                                                                                          56

4.3 Experiment III                                                                                                    57

4.3.1 Performance of broilers fed diets containing different grass meals.                   57

4.3.2 Carcass characteristics of broiler chickens fed different grass meal diet              59

4.3.3 Organ  characteristics of broilers chicken fed different grass meal diet              60

4.3.4 Blood profile of broiler chickens fed different grass meal diets                              62

4.3.5 Serum chemistry of broiler chickens fed different grass meal diets                     63

4.3.6 Economics of production of broiler fed different grass meal diets                             64

4.4 EXPERIMENT IV                                                                                             65


4.4.1 Performance of broiler chickens fed graded levels of Elephant grass meal            65

4.4.2 Carcass characteristics of broiler chickens fed graded level of

         Elephant grass meal                                                                                        67

4.4.3 Internal organ characteristic of broiler chickens fed diets containing

         graded levels of Elephant grass meal                                                              68

4.4.4 Hematology value of broiler chickens fed diets containing graded

         levels of Elephant grass meal.                                                                         70

4.4.5 Serum chemistry of broiler chickens fed diet containing graded

         levels of Elephant grass meal.                                                                         71

4.4.6 Economics of production of broiler chickens fed with graded

         levels of Elephant grass meal.                                                                         72

4.5 Histopathological results and Discussion                                                           74

4.5.1 Liver of broilers fed diets I, II, III and IV                                                       74

4.5.2 Spleen of broilers fed diets I, II, III and IV                                                     75

4.5.3 Gizzard of broilers fed diets I, II, III and IV                                                   77

4.5.4 Proventriculus of broilers fed diets I, II, III and IV                                        79

 4.5.5 Heart of broilers fed diets I, II, III and IV                                                      80

4.5.6 Lungs of broilers fed diets I, II, III and IV                                                      82


5.1 Conclusion                                                                                                          84

5.2. Recommendations                                                                                             85

      References                                                                                                          87









1: Proximate composition of maize, Gamba grass, Elephant grass and

               Guinea grass                                                                                              17

2: Normal range of haematological values for broiler chicken                                 29

3.1: Percentage Composition of straight broiler chickens diets containing

Gamba, Elephant and Guinea grass meals                                                               38

3.2: Percentage composition of broiler chickens diets containing graded

levels of Elephant grass meal (0-56days).                                                                39

4.1: Experiment 1: Proximate composition and gross energy of Gamba, Elephant

       and Guinea grass meal                                                                                      48

4.2: Macro mineral composition of Gamba, Elephant and Guinea grass meal                        51


4.3: Micro mineral composition of Gamba, Elephant and Guinea grass meal                     51


4.4: Anti-nutritional factors composition of Gamba, Elephant

     and Guinea grass meals                                                                                       54

4.5: The true metabolisable energy of Gamba, Elephant and

       Guinea grass meals                                                                                            57

 4.6:  Growth Performance of broiler chicken fed diets containing

     10% of Processed Gamba, Elephant and Guinea grass meal                              58

 4.7: Carcass characteristics of broiler chicken fed diets containing

      10% of Processed Gamba, Elephant and Guinea grass                                      60

 4.8: Organ proportion of broiler chicken fed diets containing

      10% of Processed Gamba, Elephant and Guinea grass                                      61

4.9: Heamatological Parameters of broiler chicken fed diets containing

     10% of Processed Gamba, Elephant and Guinea grass                                       62

4.10: Serum chemistry of broiler chicken fed diets containing

        10% of Processed Gamba, Elephant and Guinea grass                                    64

4.11: Economics of production of broiler chicken fed diets containing

         10% of Processed Gamba, Elephant and Guinea grass                                   65

4.12: Growth Performance of broiler chicken fed diets containing

         graded levels of processed Elephant grass meal                                             66

4.13: Carcass characteristics of broiler chicken fed diets containing

         graded levels of processed Elephant grass meal                                             68

4.14:  Organ proportion of broiler chicken fed diets containing

         graded levels of processed Elephant grass meal                                             69

4.15:  Heamatological parameter of broiler chicken fed diets containing

         graded levels of processed Elephant grass meal                                             71

4.16: Serum chemistry of broiler chicken fed diets containing

       graded levels of processed Elephant grass meal                                               72

4.17: Economics of production of broiler chicken fed diets containing           

      graded levels of processed Elephant grass meal                                                73







4.1: Shows the liver of broilers fed diets I, II, III and IV                                         74

4.2: Shows the spleen of broilers fed diets I, II, III and IV                                      75

4.3: Shows the gizzard of broilers fed diets I, II, III and IV                                    77

4.4: Shows the proventriculus of broilers fed diets I, II, III and IV                       79

4.5: Shows the heart of broilers fed diets I, II, III and IV                                        80

4.6: Shows the lungs of broilers fed diets I, II, III and IV                                       82











To bridge the gap in protein intake in developing countries where animal protein intake is below recommended standard, poultry production will help play important role (Onyimonyi et al., 2009; Melesse et al., 2011). Poultry is practically kept by every household in Nigeria especially in the rural communities. Poultry feeding however stands out as a major item of cost in poultry production. It accounts for 70 – 80% of cost of production (Ndelekwute et al., 2018). Poultry meat is an important provider of the essential polyunsaturated fatty (PUFAs), especially the omega-3Fatty acids and some trace minerals and vitamins (Yu et al., 2008; Farrell 2013).  Out of the several challenges facing the poultry industries in the tropics, feed availability remain the most pressing (Girma et al., 2011). Hence, the need to search for alternative sources to bridge the gap created by the inadequate supply of these expensive conventional protein and energy sources.

One possible source of cheap feedstuff is the use of forage, which can bring about reduction in the amount of conventional feed ingrediets required by the birds. The feeding of forage to chickens is not a common practice in commercial production. They can serve as a supplement to chickens in a basic concentrate diet in order to meet the fibre and some of the vitamins requirements (Ndelekwute et al., 2018). It can also serve as a back-up of nutrients such as vitamins, fibre, protein and compounds like omega-3 fatty acid (The Poultry Site, 2013). According to Obua et al. (2012), the nutrient content of Guinea, Elephant and Gamba grasses were shown to have 9.54, 13.82 and 11.85% crude protein content respectively. In the same manner, they are also said to be rich in ash (6.76 – 6.96%), ether extract (2.51 – 2.78%), crude fibre (23.62 – 34.18%), Nitrogen Free Extract (33.41 – 49.92%) and metabolizable energy 2244.41, 1902.72 and 2211.17Kcal/kg respectively for Guinea, Elephant and Gamba grasses.

Chicken is a single-stomached (monogastric) specie as opposed to ruminants. Monogastric are animals that cannot efficiently digest fibrous feed (feed with high level of lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose) but depend on high quality, low fibre diets (Choct, 2001; Slominski, 2011; Ndelekwute et al., 2018). Ingested feed is digested by acid and enzymes in the stomach, while soluble components are absorbed in the small intestine. Indigestible components such as non-starch polysaccharides, fibre-bound protein reach the ceaca and together with endogenous secretion are fermented by the inhabiting microbes (Siriwan, 2012)



This research work aims at evaluating three common forages as alternative energy sources in broiler diets.

1.2.1. The study are to determine the;

- Chemical composition of Elephant, Guinea and Gamba grass.

- Metabolizable energy (ME) of Elephant, Guinea and Gamba grass.

- Growth performance of broiler chicken fed Elephant, Guinea and Gamba grass as both energy and fibre substitutes in maize – based diets.

- Carcass and organ characteristics of broiler chicken fed Elephant, Guinea and Gamba grasses as both energy and fibre substitutes in maize – based diets.

- Hematology and serum chemistry of broiler chicken fed Elephant, Guinea and Gamba grass as both energy and fibre substitutes in maize – based diets.

- Histopathology of broiler chickens fed Elephant, Guinea and Gamba grass as both energy and fibre substitutes in maize – based diets.

- Economic efficiency of broilers fed Elephant, Guinea and Gamba grass as both energy and fibre substitutes in maize – based diets.

- Effect of graded levels of Elephant grass on the performence of broiler chickens.



- The use of conventional energy feedstuffs such as maize, sorghum, and millet in livestock feeding, especially in monogastric nutrition has generated serious competition between humans, industry and the livestock.

- The conventional energy feedstuffs are scarce, highly competitive and expensive, thereby resulting in increased cost of livestock production.

- The use of forages as feedstuff for broiler is yet to be fully exploited and accepted in poultry nutrition.

- The safe and economically feasible dietary inclusion levels of these forages (Elephant, Guinea and Gamba grass) in broiler chickens are yet to be established.

- The economic efficiency of broilers fed these forages (Elephant, Guinea and Gamba grass) are yet to be established.



- Forages are presently under-utilized by both humans and chickens due to inadequate research of their nutritive value.

- The success of this research work would inadvertently reduced the quantity of maize and other cereal grains required in the formulation of Broiler chicken feed in Nigeria.

- This would reduce the cost of broiler production and thereby facilitates reduction of the unit price of broiler meat in Nigeria.

- This would also make the poultry product (meat) more affordable and thereby increased intake   of animal protein in Nigeria.

- The drive towards organic agriculture for health reasons is also trending.

- The ever increasing cost of maize, a major energy source in poultry nutrition has become an issue of great importance. This would therefore be curtailed when the quantity of maize required is reduced.

- These forages can easily be cultivated and also abound naturally all around us.

- Forages can serve both as fibre and energy sources.


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