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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009392

No of Pages: 123

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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An experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of using five different sources of dietary plant protein and enzyme supplementation on productive performance and economics of production of broiler chickens in a 5 x 2 factorial arrangement in a Completely Randomized Design experiment. Two hundred broiler chicks aged one week old were assigned to ten experimental diets. Diet 1contained Cashew Nut Meal(CNM), while Diets 2,3,4,and 5 contained Soyabean Meal(SBM),Groundnut Cake(GNC),Full Fat Soya(FFS) and Cottonseed Cake(CSC) without enzyme supplementation, while Diets 6,7,8,9 and 10 were supplemented with  CIBENZA® DP100 which is a protease enzyme in the same order. Each dietary group had 20 birds with 10 birds per replicate. Birds fed Groundnut cake diet (3 and 8) have the highest mean daily intake (110.6g) that was significantly different (P<0.05) from others while Soyameal diet( 2 and  7) gave the best feed- to-gain ratio(2.95) which is closely followed by Full fat soya diet ( 4 and 9) as well as Cashewnut meal diet(1 and 6).Birds fed Cashewnut meal diet(I and 6)  had the highest revenue(₦­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­632.59)which was significantly (P<0.05) different from others and performed best. Results indicated that CIBENZA® DP100 supplementation reduced ADFI and was significantly different (P<0.05) from treatments without enzyme supplementation. Treatments with enzyme supplementation had the best feed-to-gain ratio  (2.94) compared to those without enzyme supplementation (4.03).It is concluded that enzyme supplementation  had tremendous beneficial effect on production parameters and economics of production, while Cashewnut meal  performed best among the comparable protein source.



Title Page                                                                                                                         ii

Declaration                                                                                                                       iii

Dedication                                                                                                                        iv

Certification                                                                                                                     v

         Acknowledgements                                                                                                         vi

Table of Contents                                                                                                             vii- x

         List of Tables                                                                                                                   xi

Abstract      xii



1.1   Background Information                                                                                                   1

1.2   Enzymes Usage in Poultry                                                                                                 2

1.3   Study Objectives                                                                                                               4

1.3.1 Main Objectives                                                                                                                4

1.3.2 Specific Objectives                                                                                                           4

1.4   Justification of the Study                                                                                                  4


2.1   The roles of poultry in human nutrition                                                                             6

2.2   Nutrients requirements of broilers                                                                                     9

2.2.1 Energy requirements of broiler chickens                                                                           11

2.2.2 Protein requirements of broiler chickens                                                                          12

2.2.3 Water requirements  of  broiler chickens                                                                          13

2.2.4 Mineral and vitamins requirements of broiler chickens                                                    15

2.2.5 Cost of feed in recent times                                                                                               18

2.3   Protease roles in Nutrition                                                                                                   19

2.4   Protease on Nutrients utilization and animal performance                                                  21

2.5   Protease in combination with other enzymes                                                                       23

2.6   Pure protease supplementation                                                                                            25

2.7   Efficacy or impact of protease supplementation                                                                 28

2.8   Economic and environmental impact of enzymes utilization in poultry diet                      29

2.9   Other factors affecting the bio-efficacy of proteases                                                          31

2.10 Economic approaches of protease supplementation                                                            32                                                     

2.11 Cottonseed meal utilization in poultry diets                                                                        33

2.12 Cashewnut meal utilization in poultry diets                                                                        36

2.13. Utilization of full fat soya in poultry diets                                                                         38

2.14. Utilization of GNC in poultry diets                                                                                    40

2.15. Utilization of soybean meal in poultry diets                                                                       42


3.1   Location of the study                                                                                                           47

3.2   Enzyme composition                                                                                                            47

3.3   Animal and experimental diet                                                                                              47

3.4   Experimental birds and managements                                                                                  48

3.5   Data collection                                                                                                                      52

3.6  Cost analysis                                                                                                                          52

3.7   Experimental design                                                                                                             53

3.8   Proximate analysis                                                                                                                53

3.9   Statistical analysis                                                                                                                54


CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION                                                                      55

4.1 Effect of sources of plant protein on Performance                                                                56

4.1.1 Performance characteristics of broiler chickens fed different plant protein diet sources with and without enzymes supplementation.                                                                                       56

4.1.2 Average Daily Feed intake (ADFI) and Total Feed Intake (TFI) of Broilers fed   different plant protein diet sources with and without enzymes supplementation                                       57

4.1.3 Average Daily Weight Gain (ADWG) of Broilers fed   different plant protein diet sources with and without enzymes supplementation.                                                                               57

4.1.4 Feed to Gain  Ratio (FGR) of Broilers fed   different plant protein diet sources with and without enzymes supplementation.                                                                                               58

4.2 Effect of sources of Plant Protein on Economics of Production                                            59

4.2.1 The impact of different  sources of plant protein on feed cost per kg weight gain             60

4.3 Effect of Enzyme on Performance                                                                                          61

4.4 Effect of Enzyme on Economics of   Production                                                                    63

4.4.1The impact of effect of enzyme on economics of production                                               64

4.5 Effect of Interaction on Performance                                                                                      65

4.5.1 The impact of interaction on performance                                                                            66

4.6 Effect of Interaction on Economics of   Production                                                               67

4.6.1 The impact of interaction on the economics of production                                                  68                   

4.7 Discussion                                                                                                                                68

4.7.1 Final weight and final weight gained                                                                                   68

4.7.2 Feed to Gain Ratio                                                                                                               71


5.1 Conclusion                                                                                                                               73

5.2 Recommendations                                                                                                                   74








                                                               LIST OF TABLES


2.1Nutrient Requirements of Broilers as percentages or as milligrams or units per kilogram of diets                                            17

3.1 Percent composition of broiler diets containing different protein sources and with and without enzyme supplementation   49                                                                                               3.2Determined proximate composition of different test ingredients                                            50

3.3Determined Proximate composition of the diet                                                                      51

4.1 Performance characteristics of broiler chickens fed different plant protein diet sources with and without enzymes supplementation.                                                                                        56

4.2 Effect of sources of Plant Protein on Economics of Production                                            59

4.3 Effect of Enzyme on Performance                                                                                          61

4.4 Effect of Enzyme on Economics of   production                                                                    63

4.5 Effect of Interaction on Performance                                                                                      65

4.6 Effect of interaction on Economics of   production                                                                67






The strategic position occupies by poultry industry in the livestock sector of the Nigerian economy are due to increasing demand for its products, short gestation period and fast growth rate, greater affordability, ease of raising, absence of taboos and barrier to production as well as consumption in all part of the country. Ibe (2004) Obioha (1992a) and Oluyemi and Roberts (2000) further stated that poultry enjoys a relative advantage over other livestocks in terms of its ease of management, high turn-over, quick return to capital investment and wide acceptance of its product for human consumption. The contribution of poultry meat to overall animal protein supply cannot be over- emphasized with approximately 370 g/kg of total animal protein thus there exist great potential for  growth and expansion(Khatun et al., 2003). There is possibility of total demand for meat to double by 2050,thus production of such an increment in livestock production calls for usage of alternative feed ingredient to make the appropriate feed amounts meet the needs and sustain livestock production(FAO, 2012).However, the success recorded recently in the  poultry sector is currently being hampered by increasing feed cost,competitive demand for them by man and animals, scarcity of  conventional feed ingredients especially animal and plant protein source, that is, fish meal and  soyabean meal respectively. This feed cost account for 70% to 80% of total production cost, in order to minimize it, various researches had been done to evaluate the nutritive value of alternative renewable protein sources which can substitute the hitherto expensive, scarce conventional protein ingredients used in poultry feed. (Obioha 1992,Awodun et al .,2007),

For alternative protein sources to be economically viable, it must be inexpensive, locally available and efficient. In addition, nutritive value should be taken into cognizance during the process of utilization as it may suffer, thus careful application of enzymes may proffer a solution.



The supplementation of poultry feed with exogenous enzymes in order to increase their performance is not a new concept and research articles in this field date back to the first half of the 20th century (Hastings, 1946), with the first published article in 1925 (Rosen, 2010). Since then, more than 2500 independent tests on the potency and utilization of feed enzymes for broilers while more than 450 have emerged for layers thus representing one of the most heavily researched area in the fields of Avian Science (Rosen, 2010). Despite this enormous research effort, relatively few publications have led to genuine paradigm shifts in animal production efficiency or in the consistency or magnitude of feed enzyme efficacy. One of the facts that underpins this relatively poor profitability when some 3000 independent tests are contrasted with a fairly modest expansion of mechanistic understanding is the law of diminishing returns. As expounded by Cowieson and Bedford (2009) and Cowieson (2010),feed enzymes augment the animals existing digestive processes and as digestibility of any nutrient cannot exceed 100%, the chance for an enzyme to generate or elicit a beneficial response is proportionate to the quantity of undigested nutrients that exit the intestine.

The usage of commercial feed enzymes by poultry producer was dated back to  the late 1980s,of all the enzymes, the first to gain commercial recognition and acceptance were the phytases which was followed by carbohydrases. The addition of the enzymes serves to improve feed digestibility. Specifically, phytases when added to feed maximizes the phosphorus available which is necessary for cells growth and repair, carbohydrases on the other hand increase starches and sugars  digestibility  both main  sources of energy in the feed.BRI(2014).

Recently, however, because of the escalating cost of protein feed ingredients have enlarged this focus to add enzymes that can further digest animal and plant protein in the feed, thereby reducing the quantity of protein needed.

Consequently, proteases are an evolving group of enzymes feed additives which are attracting interest as well as traction within the market. BRI (2014).

Since the addition of protease feed additives into the market is fairly recent and customers have various commercial protease products from which to choose, factors for poultry producers to take into cognizance when deciding which product will work best for their operations includes, nutritional efficacy, economic returns and compatibility.BRI(2014).

In summary,  protease feed enzyme had  made a transformational transition from laboratory to commercial usage as it possess the following characteristics; heat-stable, broad-spectrum, robust, optimal working condition in the animal’s digestive tracts and high environmental compatibility. BRI (2014)



The objectives of the study are as follows:


i.                 To evaluate the performance of broilers fed different protein sources.

ii.               To evaluate the effects of protease enzyme supplementation on broilers




i.                 To evaluate the performance characteristics of broiler chickens and effects of protease enzyme supplementation on different protein sources on nutrient utilization.

ii.               To evaluate economic efficiency of different protein sources and enzyme supplementation

iii.             To evaluate effect of interaction between different protein sources and enzyme supplementation on economics of production of broilers



Almost all the existing knowledge with respect to exogenous enzymes usage in poultry feeds, have been extracted majorly from experiments carried out with rations which contain high amount of barley, wheat, rye and sunflower (which are mostly found in the temperate regions) with high cellulose. There seems to be little or no information available on similar works with how it will work with tropical feedstuffs compared with temperate feedstuffs.

With the proliferation of various protease enzymes from different company and claims of nutritional efficacy and benefits accruable in their usage in poultry feed, it becomes increasingly imperative to ascertain its potency in tropical alternative protein feedstuffs.

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