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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009313

No of Pages: 134

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of Panax ginseng extracts (PGEs) and ascorbic acid (AA) in the management of heat load in finisher broiler chickens in hot humid environment. A total of 225 Anak broiler finisher chickens were used in the experiment and were randomly assigned to treatment groups of 45 birds per treatment with 3 replicates of 15 birds per replicate. The treatment groups were as follows: T1 (Control), T2 (200mg AA), T3 (Composite mixture of 100mg AA: 100mg PGEs), T4 (200mg of PGEs) and T5 (300mg PGEs). PGEs at 200mg significantly increased packed cell volume in T4 (27.65%) showing possible increase in blood formation. The recorded value of white blood cell in T4 (2.97 x103/µl) and T3 (2.78 x103/µl), which is within normal range shows that PGEs at 200mg single oral administration or when mixed at 100mg PGEs: 100mg AA enhanced the cellular immunity of the mature broiler chickens. The significantly (P<0.05) increased values of lymphocytes in T5 (81.57%); T4 (46.47%); T3 (38.43) and T2 (38.78%) suggested that single oral administration of AA and PGEs or combined administration could induce antigen response in broiler chickens exposed to increased heat load. The significantly (P<0.01) low value of globulin recorded in T1 (0.83mg/dl) indicated a reduction in the disease-fighting ability of the body system which could result in high mortality. T4 and T5 similarly recorded significantly low (P<0.05) mean values in oxidative stress markers of homocystein (10.25ng/ml and 8.58ng/ml respectively); adrenocorticotrophic hormone (1.96ng/ml and 1.67ng/ml respectively) and triiodothyronine (0.76ng/ml and 0.58ng/ml respectively); probably suggestive of a synergestic effect to reduce heat production. The average liver weight of the experimental broiler chickens was significantly (P<0.05) higher in the control group T(5.27g) than in T3 (3.76g), T2 (3.06g), T5 (2.76g) and T4 (2.52g) suggesting that apart from AA having a protective effect on the liver, combining it with PGEs could enhance its protective effects during periods of heat load in hot humid environment. The non-significant values (P>0.05) of linear body traits obtained in this result implies that oral administration of AA and PGEs had no significant influence on linear body traits of broiler chickens exposed to heat load. The lower significant (P<0.05) values of mortality recorded in T3 (5.83%), T4 (6.00%) and T5 (6.01%) suggested that PGEs have a positive effect on the immune modulators and hence, it is recommended for use at combined level of 100mg AA: 100mg PGEs ratio or administered singly at 200mg in the management of heat load to enhance production, blood characteristics, stimulating antibody responses to immunization against various pathogens in organic broiler production in hot humid environment.



Title page                                                                                                                    i

Declaration                                                                                                                 ii

Certification                                                                                                                iii

Dedication                                                                                                                   iv

Acknowledgements                                                                                                    v

Table of Contents                                                                                                       vi

List of Tables                                                                                                              xiii

List of Figures                                                                                                             xiv

List of Plates                                                                                                               xv

Abstract                                                                                                                       xvi



1.1       Background Information                                                                                1

1.2       Statement of Problem                                                                                     5

1.3       Objectives of the Study                                                                                  6

1.4       Justification of the Study                                                                                7



2.1. Poultry Production in Hot Humid Tropical Environment.                                  8

2.2. Adaptation of Broiler Chicken to Hot Humid Topical Environment.                        9

2.2.1. Radiation                                                                                                           11

2.2.2. Convection                                                                                                       11

2.2.3. Conduction                                                                                                       11

2.2.4. Evaporation                                                                                                       11

2.2.5. How body heat is produced                                                                              13

2.2.6. How birds lose heat                                                                                          14

2.2.7. How birds respond to increasing temperature                                                  15

2.3. Panting in Broiler Chicken                                                                                  17

2.4. Measuring Thermal Stress                                                                                   20

2.5. Rectal Temperature                                                                                             21

2.6. Temperature-Humidity Index (THI)                                                                   22

2.6.1. Effect of temperature humidity index on rectal temperature of birds                24

2.7. Ginseng                                                                                                                26

2.7.1. Botanical classification of Panax ginseng                                                        27

2.7.2. Chemical composition of Panax ginseng                                                         30

2.7.3. Heat stress and ginseng                                                                                    32

2.7.4. Ginseng and oxidative stress                                                                            32

2.7.5. Anti-oxidants                                                                                                    36

2.7.6. Super oxide dismutase (SOD)                                                                          36

2.7.7. Catalase (CAT)                                                                                                 37

2.7.8. Glutathione peroxidase (GPx)                                                                          37

2.7.9. Poly unsaturated fatty acid (PUFA)                                                                  37

2.8. Biological effects of Panax ginseng                                                                    38

2.8.1. Anti-oxidant effects                                                                                          38

2.8.2. Aphrodisiac effects                                                                                           38

2.8.3. Cardiovascular effects                                                                                      38

2.8.4. Cellular effects                                                                                                 39

2.8.5. Cholesterol effects                                                                                            40

2.8.6. Blood circulation effects                                                                                  40

2.8.7. Endocrine effects                                                                                              40

2.8.8. Hormonal effects                                                                                              41

2.8.9. Fertility effects                                                                                                 42

2.8.10. Sexual effects                                                                                                 43

2.8.11. Hepato-protective effects                                                                               44

2.8.12. Immuno-modulating activity                                                                          44

2.8.13. Lipogenesis effects                                                                                         45

2.8.14. Protein synthesis effects                                                                                 45

2.8.15. Pulmonary effects                                                                                           45

2.8.16. Pulse alteration                                                                                               45

2.8.17. Steroid-like effects                                                                                         46

2.8.18. Stimulatory/growth effects                                                                             46

2.9. Ascorbic Acid                                                                                                      46

2.9.1. Ascorbic acid supplementation of poultry ration                                             47



3.1. Location and Duration of the Experiment                                                           49

3.2. Experimental Animals and Management                                                            49

3.3. Experimental Design and Experimental Materials                                              55

3.4. Treatment Administration                                                                                  57

3.5. Experimental Procedures and Data Collection                                                    58

3.5.1. Ambient temperature-relative humidity index and rectal temperature     58

3.5.2. Panting observation                                                                                          58

3.5.3. Description of panting rate                                                                               59

3.6. Haematological and Biochemical Parameters                                                     61

3.6.1. Haematological parameters evaluated                                                              61

3.6.2. Biochemical parameters evaluated                                                                   62

3.7. Enzymatic Anti-oxidants and Oxidative Stress Markers Evaluation                         62

3.8. Production Parameters                                                                                         64

3.8.1. Body weight                                                                                                     64

3.8.2. Feed and water consumption                                                                            64

3.8.3. Carcass evaluation                                                                                            65

3.8.4. Linear body measurements                                                                              65

3.9. Statistical analysis                                                                                               66



4.1. Haematological Parameters                                                                                 67

4.2. Serum Biochemical Parameters                                                                          72

4.3. Enzymatic Antioxidant Parameters                                                                     76

4.4. Oxidative Stress Parameters                                                                                78

4.5. Carcass Characteristics                                                                                       80

4.6. Organ Weight Characteristics                                                                             83

4.7. Linear Body Characteristics                                                                                85

4.8. Rectal Temperature Characteristics                                                                    86

4.9. Temperature Humidity Index (THI)                                                                    89

4.10. Panting Rate                                                                                                      92

4.11. Production Performance Parameters                                                                 95



5.1. Conclusion                                                                                                           100

5.2. Recommendations                                                                                               101

References                                                                                                                  102



Table                                                                                    Page

2.1.      Chemical Composition of Panax ginseng                                          31

2.2.      The Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species                                      33

2.3.      Anti-oxidant Defense Mechanisms                                                    35

3.1.      Vaccination and medication Program during the Experiment            51

3.2.      Formulated Broiler Starter Diet                                                          53

3.3.      Formulated Broiler Finisher Diet                                                       54

3.4.      Treatment Specifications                                                                    56

3.5.      Panting Gradient (Panting Rate)                                                        60

4.1.      Effect of Panax ginseng extracts and ascorbic acid on

haematology of finisher broiler chickens exposed to heat load            67


4.2.      Effect of Panax ginseng extracts and ascorbic acid on serum

            biochemical parameters of finisher broiler chickens exposed to

heat load                                                                                             72                   

4.3.      Effect of Panax ginseng extracts and ascorbic acid on enzymatic

            antioxidant parameters of finisher broiler chickens exposed to

heat load                                                                                             76                                                                   

4.4.      Effect of Panax ginseng extracts and ascorbic acid on oxidative

stress parameters of finisher broiler chickens exposed to heat load            78


4.5.      Effect of Panax ginseng extracts and ascorbic acid on carcass

             characteristics of finisher broiler chickens exposed to heat load            80


4.6.      Effect of Panax ginseng extracts and ascorbic acid on organ

weight characteristics of finisher broiler chickens exposed to

heat load                                                                                              83


4.7.      Effect of Panax ginseng extracts and ascorbic acid on linear body       

            characteristics of finisher broiler chickens exposed to heat load             85



4.8.      Effect of Panax ginseng extracts and ascorbic acid on rectal

temperature characteristics of finisher broiler chickens exposed

to heat load                                                                                         86


4.9.      Effect of Panax ginseng extracts and ascorbic acid on temperature

Humidity index of finisher broiler chickens exposed to heat load             89       


4.10.    Effect of Panax ginseng extracts and ascorbic acid on panting rate

of finisher broiler chickens exposed to heat load                               92       


4.11.    Effect of Panax ginseng extracts and ascorbic acid on Production

            parameters of finisher broiler chickens exposed to heat load             95       









Figure                                                                           Page

2.1. The Response of Birds to Increasing Temperature                                             12


4.1. Panting rate of effect of Panax ginseng extracts and ascorbic acid in

       the management of heat load in finisher broiler chickens in hot humid    

       environment                                                                                                         98


4.2. Rectal temperature of effect of Panax ginseng extracts and ascorbic

       acid in the management of heat load in finisher broiler chickens in

       hot humid environment                                                                                       99








Plate                                                                                               Page

2.1. Energy and heat flow in poultry                                                              10

2.2. Response of chicken to heat load                                                            13

2.3. Heat and moisture balance for a naturally ventilated broiler chicken            16

2.4. Panting broiler chicken                                                                           17

2.5. Signs of heat stress                                                                                  19

2.6. Chicken exposure to environmental heat (external heat)                                    20

2.7. Response of chicken to heat stress                                                          23

2.8. Root of Panax ginseng                                                                            28

2.9. Panax ginseng root and leaves                                                                29








The livestock industry in Nigeria has continued to witness tremendous developments but the animal protein needs of the citizens have not fully been achieved. Broiler production is important in food security for the rapidly increasing human populations of the world. In recent years, poultry production has been extended into hot climates, despite the fact that high environmental temperatures arrest the growth and production potential of poultry (Khan et al., 2012). Today, a large number of the world’s poultry population is found in regions where heat load is a major management problem at some particular periods of the bird’s productive lives (Ajakaiye et al., 2011). Farm animals including poultry species have a known zone of thermal comfort (ZTC) which depends on the type of species, the physiological status of the animals, the relative humidity, velocity of ambient air and the degree of solar radiation (Ajakaiye et al., 2011).

Evidently, poultry farmers do experience economic loss because ambient temperature conditions intermittently venture outside the ZTC (St-Pierre et al., 2003). Heat stress results from a negative balance between the net amount of energy produced by the animal to its surrounding environment and the amount of heat energy produced by the animal (St-Pierre et al., 2003). Heat stress adversely affects feed intake, body weight, growth, carcass characteristics. St-Pierre et al. (2003), opined that the total annual financial losses to the livestock industry as a result of heat stress are between 1.69 and 2.36 billion US Dollars. Of these losses, 128 to 165 million US dollars was in the poultry sector.

Several strategies have been suggested to relieve the negative impact of heat load and improve poultry performance during this heat stress phase. Environmental strategies include keeping birds in open-sided cages, increasing ventilation, intermittent light schedule, early heating conditioning, early feed restriction and lowering stocking density (NRC, 1981; Siegel, 1995, Lin et al., 2006). Genetic strategies include selection of heat tolerant lines and using major genes (naked neck gene, frizzle gene and dwarf gene) have also been proven beneficial.

Due to high costs and impracticality, some of the aforementioned recommendations cannot be applied satisfactorily. Alternatively, nutritional manipulation have been a common approach in poultry production (Sahin et al., 2009). Nutritional modification of the poultry food during the period of increased heat load mainly impacts energy, protein and other specific nutrients that are considered to be the prime cause of cost-effective losses associated with heat stress (Lin et al., 2006; Sahin et al., 2009). Decreasing the amount of protein with associated increases in amino acid balance has been found to relieve the negative effects of increased heat load (Sahin et al., 2009). Supplementation of electrolytes in cold drinking water also favorably improves weight gain in broilers and egg shell quality in laying hens under heat-stress (Ait-Boulahsen et al., 1995, Balnave and Muheereza, 1997; Hayat et al., 1999; Lin et al., 2006). The use of other nutrients like probiotics, trace elements and vitamins has also been found helpful in relieving heat stress adverse effects (Lin et al., 2006; Sahin et al., 2009).

Globally, the need for a phytotherapy which is the use of plants for their healing abilities especially as animals respond to any influence or stress that is eminent. This is because of the growing interest in therapeutic strategies with neuro-protectants aimed at counteracting oxidative stress induced damage associated with neurodegenerative diseases (Moosman and Behl, 2002; Barnham et al., 2004). Also, there is increasing advocacy for organic farming within our climes. Consequently, researches geared towards finding non-antibiotic substances, especially of natural origin, have been stimulated in rabbit production as stated by Iwuji and Herbert, (2012). Animals reared without antibiotics but with natural substances that perform the roles of antibiotics and fed with feeds from non-genetically engineered plants, are more valued because they are safer for consumption. Various natural substances or plant origin are being explored in this area. One of these substances or plant materials, which may be seeds, herbs, or roots, is Panax ginseng.

Ginseng is one of the eleven types of slow-growing perennial plants which have plump roots, belong to the genus Panax, of the family Araliaceae (De Jong et al., 2005). Ginseng is found in North America and in Eastern Asia (mostly Korea, North East China, Bhutan, Eastern Siberia), naturally in chiller weathers. Panax vietnamensiss, discovered in Vietnam is the Southernmost ginseng known (Baeg and Seung, 2013). The major active components of ginseng are a diverse group of steroidal saponins, labeled ginsenosides (Ang-Lee et al., 2001). Ginsenosides are thought to be all-healing and are digested into pharmacologically active substances by intestinal micro-organisms (Lee et al., 2004). Every part of the plant has pharmacological action, but the root is commonly used and has higher ginsenoside content (WHO, 1999). Apart from ginsenosides, ginseng contains a lot of chemical components which include antioxidants, essential amino acids (especially arginine), fatty acids, calcium, cobalt, copper, peptidoglycans, phosphorus, vitamins (especially ascorbic acid and B-vitamins), volatile oil, zinc etc. (Zhang et al., 2001, Cho et al., 2001; Glock et al., 2002).

The history of scientific research on ginseng started as early as 1854 by Garrques, an American scientist who isolated a saponin from ginseng; but the actual introduction of ginseng to the West happened after World War II (De Jong et al., 2005). Since then, ginseng has been widely researched, characterized, and various chemical components identified, of which ginsenosides (saponins) are the most prevalent and active component (Ang-Lee et al., 2001). Various studies on human and animal models have demonstrated a wide range of biological effects and activities of Panax ginseng, making it to be regarded as a universal remedy for many ailments (all-healing). Panax ginseng has been demonstrated in scientific studies to possess antioxidant properties, enhance immune function, and synthesis of nitric oxide (De Jong et al., 2005; kim et al., 2005). Numerous other demonstrated properties of Panax ginseng include, but not only analgesic effects, anti-aging effects, anti-cancer effects, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-platelet aggregation, lipid lowering effects, neurological effects, endocrine effects, haematological effects, hepato-protective effects, and protein synthesis effects (Metori et al., 1997; Jiangming et al., 2000; Kim et al., 2000; Nah et al., 2000; Yun et al., 2001; Peng et al., 2001; Pan et al., 2002; Lee et al., 2005; Ahn et al., 2006).       

Unfortunately, the wide range of researches involving ginseng in both human and animal models have not really favoured poultry production, as evidenced by very scanty studies using poultry. Over the years, animal model studies with ginseng have focused mainly on rats and mice, with very little on livestock species like poultry, pigs and rabbits. It therefore becomes imperative to widen ginseng studies in livestock species like poultry, particularly broiler chicken, which is a major source of animal protein for man. Therefore, the many beneficial properties of Panax ginseng in human and other animal models reported in numerous studies will be necessary to be employed in broiler production.

Furthermore, integrating Panax ginseng dietary inclusion with ascorbic acid in counteracting the damaging effects of increased heat load among broiler chicken could be a more effective way of maximizing the biological benefits of Panax ginseng extracts in broiler chicken diet. Ascorbic acid has been recommended in poultry feeds as a supplement to alleviate stress, on the assumption that during increased heat load, the requirements may exceed the synthesizing ability (Gous and Morris, 2005). Also, it has been opined that birds under heat stress can recognize feed supplemented with ascorbic acid and adjust their need according to their requirements. Kutlu and Forbes (1993) showed that broilers under heat stress utilized more supplemented feed when ascorbic acid fortified feed was coloured. Consequently, this study evaluated the growth performance and physiological responses of heat-stressed broiler chicken administered Panax ginseng extracts (PGEs) and ascorbic acid in a warm wet environment.


In the recent times, poultry production has been extended into hot climates despite the fact that high environmental temperatures arrest the growth and production potential of poultry (Khan et al., 2012). Heat stress adversely affects feed intake, body weight, carcass characteristics and other traits associated with successful production, and is the principal cause of mortality for birds in tropical environments (Roberts and Ball, 1998). Therefore, the mission to achieve a robust broiler production in hot humid environments like some parts of Nigeria requires that concerted efforts be directed to investigating the combined effects of Panax ginseng extracts (PGEs) and ascorbic acid on physiological and biological activities of broiler chicken. Hence, dietary supplementation of Panax ginseng extracts (PGEs) and ascorbic acid (AA) in the broiler chicken diet is hoped to ameliorate the harmful effects of heat load in broiler chicken as well as adaptogenically produce safer broiler table meat devoid of high deposits of veterinary antibiotics residues.

Incidentally, the adverse effects of synthetic materials like drugs on animal products and the advocacy for organic farming in livestock production (Iwuji and Herbert, 2012) necessitates research in alternative natural sources to synthetic drugs in livestock production (broiler production in particular). Considering the harsh tropical environment in countries like Nigeria, where heat load arising from high temperature, and more debilitating scenario of extreme panting conditions as obtainable in most hot, humid tropical environments; which adversely affect broiler production, it becomes imperative that these problems need extensive research to proffer solutions to them.


The general objective of this study was to assess the effect of Panax ginseng extracts (PGEs) and ascorbic acid (AA) in the management of heat load in a warm wet environment. The specific objectives were to determine:

(a)   the effect of Panax ginseng extracts and ascorbic acid on haematology of finisher broiler chickens exposed to heat load                                               

(b)  the effect of Panax ginseng extracts and ascorbic acid on serum biochemical parameters of finisher broiler chickens exposed to heat load

(c)   the effect of Panax ginseng extracts and ascorbic acid on enzymatic antioxidant parameters of finisher broiler chickens exposed to heat load

(d)  the effect of Panax ginseng extracts and ascorbic acid on oxidative stress    parameters of finisher broiler chickens exposed to heat load

(e)   the effect of Panax ginseng extracts and ascorbic acid on carcass characteristics of finisher broiler chickens exposed to heat load           

(f)   the effect of Panax ginseng extracts and ascorbic acid on organ weight  characteristics of finisher broiler chickens exposed to heat load         

(g)  the effect of Panax ginseng extracts and ascorbic acid on linear body        characteristics of finisher broiler chickens exposed to heat load         

(h)  the effect of Panax ginseng extracts and ascorbic acid on rectal temperature characteristics of finisher broiler chickens exposed to heat load         

(i)    the effect of Panax ginseng extracts and ascorbic acid on temperature humidity    index of finisher broiler chickens exposed to heat load                            

(j)    the effect of Panax ginseng extracts and ascorbic acid on panting rate of  finisher broiler chickens exposed to heat load                                              

(k)  the effect of Panax ginseng extracts and ascorbic acid on Production parameters of finisher broiler chickens exposed to heat load                     



The increasing demand for poultry production for efficient nutritional needs of rapidly growing Nigerian population, and the prevailing global climatic warming with serious thermal stress implies a deregulation in the thermo-neutral zone of the animals, which could lead to changes in the biological functions of animals. Finding the effects of Panax ginseng extracts and ascorbic acid in the recently very hot-humid tropical environment, is pertinent.

Literature and data on various growth and physiological effects of administrating Panax ginseng extracts and ascorbic acid emanating from this study are required in making recommendations to poultry farmers and particularly broiler breeders on the combined use of Panax ginseng extracts and ascorbic acid in broiler production.



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