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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008825

No of Pages: 89

No of Chapters: 5

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This study investigates the effect of financial literacy on investment decisions among retail investors in the stock market in Kaduna. Utilizing a structured questionnaire, data were collected from 148 participants to evaluate the impact of three dimensions of financial literacy—financial skills, financial awareness, and financial knowledge—on investment decisions. The analysis revealed that financial skills had the most significant effect on investment decisions, with 40.5% of respondents strongly agreeing that they understand how to calculate returns on investments and manage budgets. Financial awareness also had a notable impact, with 47.3% of participants strongly aware of the potential financial consequences of identity theft and the various investment options available. Financial knowledge was significant as well, with 50.7% of respondents strongly agreeing on understanding the importance of saving money for future goals. The regression analysis showed that financial skills had the highest coefficient (β = 0.45), indicating the strongest influence on investment decisions. Financial awareness followed with a coefficient of (β = 0.35), while financial knowledge had a coefficient of (β = 0.30). Hypothesis testing results indicated that financial skills significantly affect retail investors' decisions (p < 0.01), financial awareness significantly affects investment decisions (p < 0.05), and financial knowledge also has a significant effect (p < 0.05). The study concludes that enhancing financial literacy across all dimensions—skills, awareness, and knowledge—is crucial for improving investment decision-making. It is recommended that financial education programs be expanded to include practical skills, raise awareness about financial risks, and deepen financial knowledge to support better investment outcomes.





1.1        Background of The Study. 4

1.2        Statement of The Problem.. 8

1.3        Objectives Of The Study. 11

1.4        Research Question. 12

1.5        Hypothesis of the Study. 12


1.7        SCOPE OF THE STUDY.. 13




2.1        Conceptual Review.. 15

2.1.1         Concept of Investment Decision. 15

2.1.2         Concept of Financial Literacy. 16   Concept of Financial Awareness. 19 Concept of Financial Skill 20 Concept of Financial Knowledge. 21


2.2.1 Financial Literacy On Investment Decisions. 27

2..2.2       Financial Knowledge and Investment Decision. 36

2.2.3 Financial Behavior and Investment Decision. 37

2.2.4 Financial Awareness and Investment Decision. 39

2.2.4         Financial Skills on Investment Decisions. 40

2.3 Theoretical Framework. 41

2.3.1 Dual Process Theory. 41

2.3.1 Theory of Planned Behavior. 42

2.3.2 Social Learning Theory. 43

2.2.4 Expected Utility Theory. 43

2.4 Conceptual Framework. 45



3.1        Research Design. 46

3.2        Target Population. 46

3.4        Sampling Technique and Sample Size. 47

3.5        Data Collection Method. 48

3.3.1     Variable Measurement 49

3.4        Method of Data Analysis. 50

3.4.1         Regression Model Specification. 50

3.5        Justification of Methods. 51



4.1 Introduction. 52

4.2 Analysis of Demographic Information. 52

Table 1: Gender Distribution of Respondents. 52

Table 2: Age Distribution of Respondents. 54

Table 3: Marital Status of Respondents. 55

4.3 Analysis of Research Questions. 57

Table 3: Responses on Financial Literacy. 57

Table 4: Responses on Financial Knowledge. 60

Table 5: Responses on Financial Skills. 62

Table 6: Responses on Financial Awareness. 65

Table 7: Responses on Investment Decision. 67

4.4 Test of Hypotheses. 70

Hypotheses. 70

Multiple Regression Analysis. 70

Analysis and Interpretation. 71

4.5 Discussion of Findings. 72



5.1 Summary. 74

5.2 Conclusion. 75

5.3 Recommendations. 77

5.4 Implications for Future Research. 78

5.5 Limitations. 79





Table 1: Gender Distribution of Respondents. 53

Table 2: Age Distribution of Respondents. 54

Table 3: Marital Status of Respondents. 56

Table 3: Responses on Financial Literacy. 57

Table 4: Responses on Financial Knowledge. 60

Table 5: Responses on Financial Skills. 63

Table 6: Responses on Financial Awareness. 65

Table 7: Responses on Investment Decision. 67

Hypotheses. 70

Multiple Regression Analysis. 70

Analysis and Interpretation 



1.1       Background of The Study

The world economy has become more complex and thus, every individual needs to be active and smart in investment decisions in order to manage the rising cost of living. Many individuals are interested in one investment or the other, they view investments to be fascinating because they make decisions and later see the outcomes of the decisions they make (Awais, et al., 2021). So virtually everybody partakes in one form of investment or the other, even those that do not partake in buying and selling of specific financial assets such as stock, they still undertake investments through participation in employee saving programme and pension plan or through purchase of life insurance or by some other kinds of investments such as real estate investment and through depositing of cash in fixed savings accounts of banks (Fazal, 2017). However, not all investments lead to profit, as investors will not always be right in their investment decisions (Oteng, 2019).Financial literacy play a vital role in the global economy by providing knowledge, awareness, and skills for the investors to efficiently deploy their wealth (Gustiarum & Kusumawardhani, 2023). Within a dynamic and ever-changing economic environment, investors encounter choices that possess the potential to significantly influence not just their own financial well-being but also wider financial system (Saputri, el al 2023). The investment choices are impacted by a complex and interrelated set of variables, including the risk perception, financial literacy, herding behavior, and financial behavior (Pratidina & Anggraini, 2023). The business world is developing, growing and expanding rapidly. In order to make revenues and  gains  in  the  future,  investors  or  shareholders must  be  knowledgeable on investment  decision  so  they  can  evaluate  the potential  investment  and  the  most  profitable business to spend their money based on their capital and returns, the time they will stick their money in long-term  or  short-term,  the  risk  of  investing  in specific  sector,  and  the  opportunities  they  have. In developed countries, there is a greater focus on educating an average family which involves helping it balanced its budget, build assets, save for children's education and retirement planning. Although financial education includes individuals of all ages, education of young people in the area of finance is more significant the young age encounters more financial risks and more complicated financial products than their parents (Janor, et al., 2016). With all its importance, Fazal (2017), stated that it is one of the disciplines that has not received much attention. It was therefore not surprising that Owusu (2015) stated that the concept has been given little attention in Nigeria and advocated for more studies in this area.

In Nigeria, financial literacy has over the years gained attention from a wide range of stakeholders which include government agencies, banking institutions, grass-roots consumer and community interest groups among other institutions. Interested groups, including policy makers, are concerned about the lack of adequate knowledge of financial concepts by citizens as they do not possess the necessary tools  [financial knowledge, skills, and risk tolerance,] that are needed to make sound investment decisions which will enhance their economic well being and their participation in the capital market most especially individual investors in Kaduna metropolis,  as a result the federal government of Nigeria developed A financial literacy framework (FLF) in 2013 to provide a blueprint for implementing financial literacy for the attainment of financial system stability and as a key component for the implementation of the National Financial Inclusion Strategy. The Government of Nigeria recognized the need for improving the levels of financial inclusion and in 2012, launched the National Financial inclusion Strategy, which aims to increase financial inclusion from 53.7 percent in 2010 to 80 percent in 2020. The Strategy sets as one of its goals client empowerments, defined as 'an increase in the bankability of the population through the increase of financial literacy and coordinated national financial literacy initiatives that are complemented by consumer protection, National Financial Literacy Framework (2015).

Besides, traders’ forms majority of business people in the world hence their knowledge on financial literacy should be prioritized. The situation is the same in the Kaduna Metropolis; it is important that these retailers are educated in finance as early as possible since their investment decision will lift the metropolis higher in development. Some years back in Nigeria, Kaduna precisely, some investors lost their investment to some microfinance organizations such as Miriam Moses microfinance, Cash flow finance organization, Rich Harvest and the likes. Most of those victims were retailers or individual investors. Proper financial knowledge on investment and other financial related issues should have prevented those investors from being victims of such financial scams. Another issue that arose was that of ‘money doubler’ in Kaduna metropolis where people mostly traders lost a chunk of their capital in false investment. Thus the need for investors to increase their knowledge on financial issues; especially, in today’s financial markets.

According to Ajay and Sharma (2016), investment awareness and financial literacy have always been a very significant approach for informed financial decision-making process for every person. Besides, financial decision making has been widely acknowledged as one of the important factors that influence financial capability and financial wellbeing (Janor et al., 2016). Thus, distinguishing factors that are positively correlated with financial decisions is essential and is one of the central points for individual and national advancement. The factors being examined in this research are classified into following categories: This research explores the association amid dependent variable, "investment decisions," and three independent variables, "financial skills," financial awareness," risk tolerance". The present research takes into account the mediating factor of "financial literacy" and moderating factor of "risk perception." The notion of financial literacy involves broad spectrum of decisions that people make about their investment budgets and plans, spending patterns, and savings habits (Hildebrandus, et al, 2023).

With all its importance, Fazal (2017), stated that it is one of the disciplines that has not received much attention. It was therefore not surprising that Owusu (2015) stated that the concept has been given little attention in Nigeria and advocated for more studies in this area. However, behavioral factors have been playing vital role in investment decisions making. For instance, the financial literacy and investment experience are supposed to be the significant reasons  having  an  effect  on  risk  tolerance  and investment  decisions  (Awais,  et  al.,  2016).

Nonetheless, several studies have associated between the importance of the quality of decision making and the effectiveness  of  financial  literacy, Gaining an inclusive understanding of the complexities linked with financial markets, including inherent dangers and possibilities they provide, is necessary in order to make intelligent investing choices (Almansour, et al, 2023).

1.2       Statement of The Problem

According to data from the Nigerian Exchange Group (NGX), retail investors took a step back from the stock market in February 2024, which force a declined of Total transactions by 21.78% to N223.37 billion in March 2024 from N285.58 billion in January 2024. However, Investors in the Nigeria stock market fortunes have been steadily declining since the Nigerian Stock Market's all-time high performance of N13.5 trillion in March 2008, and the country's equity culture has been noted to be weak however there is room for optimism, highlighted by the continued expansion of retail real estate offering (Ogbebor, et al 2020). N173.32 billion was removed from the Nigerian stock market by foreign investors in (2021) revealed by (punch 2021). Another report  by (This day 2022), revealed that Several challenges have impeded the sector from fully leveraging the potential of its large consumer market, such as inflation, volatility in the exchange rate and a vulnerability to external price fluctuations.

According to a report of Nigeria Exchange Ltd (NGX) in 2024, the Nigerian stock market continued its decline as investor sentiment drove sales in banking, consumer goods, and industrial sectors, it also witnessed a decrease in market capitalisation by N49 billion or 0.09%, closing at N56.126 trillion from an opening of N56.175 trillion (Bismarck Rewane 2024). The All-Share Index also fell by 0.09% or 87 points to end at 99,217.60, down from Monday’s 99,304.12, bringing the Year-To-Date (YTD) change to 32.69% lower (Bismarck Rewane 2024). Stocks like Zenith Bank, United Bank of Africa (UBA), Access Corporation, Dangote Sugar, Honeywell Flour, and Nigerian Breweries experienced significant sell-offs, contributing to the market’s downturn.

Nevertheless, the market's breadth was positive, with 27 gains and 23 losses. Gainers included Okomu Oil, which increased by 10% to N291.50 per share, John Holt, which increased by 9.79% to N3.14, and Consolidated Hallmark Holdings, which increased by 9.43% to N1.74. On the other hand, UPL dropped 9.09% to N2.50, while Oando saw the worst dip among losers, plunging 9.75% to N12.50. (Yusuff, 2016) But compared to the previous section 16 June (2024) trading activity dropped by 68.09%, with 8,511 transactions involving the exchange of 361.57 million shares for N6.16 billion.  With 47.51 million shares traded, Transnational Corporation led in volume, and with 37.85 million shares valued at N1.65 billion, GTCO led in value (vanguard 2024). Institutional investors beat ordinary investments by 2%, according to Guardian Business 2024. When domestic transactions in April and May 2024 were compared to the current month, they showed that retail transactions had climbed from N100.77 billion to N113.53 billion, a 12.66% increase.

Furthermore, in December 2021, it was reported that investors lost N553 billion in four days, with two losses recorded for every three transactions (This Day news, 2021). The Nigerian Exchange Limited's most recent statistics indicates that in the first three months of this year, both domestic and foreign investors withdrew a total of N339.06 billion from the country's stock market. According to the report, local investors withdrew N248.94 billion from the Nigerian stock market in the first quarter, while international portfolio investors sold assets worth N90.12 billion. However, The institutional composition of the domestic market decreased by 5.66% from N124.63 billion in April to N117.57 billion in May 2024, Although the stock market closed the year 2023 with positive. But Over a 16 year period, domestic transactions decreased by 10.95% from N3.556 trillion in 2007 to N3.167 trillion in 2023; while foreign transactions also decreased by 33.28% from N616 billion to N411 billion over the year [Helen Oji, 26 June 2024].

This negative performance of the Nigerian stock market made it one of the worst performing markets across the globe, this poor performance of the Nigeria stock market may not only be linked to the macroeconomic factors but also to the financial knowledge and skills of the investors  in the capital market. The increased complexity and volatility of financial markets need a thorough analysis of the many elements that influence investor decision-making. Purpose of study is to analyze the variables  ( financial literacy, financial awareness, financial knowledge and financial skills) in order to provide investors thorough understanding of decision-making process. However the available data suggests a notable underperformance in retail investors in Kaduna, which may be attributed to several factors, including ineffective financial literacy practices because effective financial literacy practices are known to significantly enhance investor decision toward investment activities, Hence, this study seeks to delve into the Effect of financial literacy on investment decision among retail investors in Kaduna metropolis. Successively, (Nairametrics, 2020) report that The Nigerian Stock Exchange (“NSE” or “The Exchange”) has expressed its commitment to redefining and improving investors’ overall experience in the Nigerian capital market, and ensuring that it remains modern, convenient and secure.  Specifically, it aims to analyze how financial Awareness, financial skill and financial Knowledge collectively influence investment decision among retail investor in Kaduna metropolis.

In the same vein, prior studies such as  Cao, Nguyen & Tran, 2021; Davis and Emerenini 2015; Edeh, 2020; Quddoos, Rafique, Kalim & Sheikh, 2020, Ghalandari & Ghahremanpour, 2013; Hamidon & Kehelwalatenna, 2020; Haritha, 2020; Ibrahim & Umar, 2017;  Mahmood et al., 2020;  Nsonwu and David, 2021; Rajeshwaran, 2020, sulistyowati: 2021 among others, have financial literacy in various contexts. However, none of these prior studies have specifically examined the combined effect of financial Awareness, financial skill and financial Knowledge on investment decision among retail investor in Capital Market. This study aims to fill these gaps by investigating how Financial literacy influence investment decision, focusing on retail investor, Kaduna.

1.3       Objectives Of The Study

The main objective of this study is to examine the effect of financial literacy on investment decision among retail investors in capital markets in Kaduna metropolis.

The specific objectives of the study are as follows:

1.      To examine the effect of financial awareness on investment decisions among retail investors in capital markets in Kaduna metropolis.

2.      To establish the impact of financial skills on investment decisions among retail investors in capital markets in Kaduna metropolis.

3.      To establish the effect of financial knowledge on investment decisions among retail investors in capital markets in Kaduna metropolis.

1.4       Research Question

The research questions, which would guide the study, are as follows:

1.      Does financial awareness affect investment decision among retail investors in capital market in Kaduna metropolis?

2.      What is the impact of financial skills on investment decision among retail investors in capital market in Kaduna metropolis?

3.      What is the effect of financial knowledge on investment decision among retail investors in capital markets in Kaduna metropolis?

1.5       Hypothesis of the Study

In order to pursue the objectives of the study which is focused on mediating effect of retail investors’ decision on financial literacy and investment decisions in Nigerian capital market, the following hypotheses has been formulated and will be tested:

Ø  H01: financial skills do not significantly affect retail investor’s decision.

Ø  H02: financial awareness do not significantly affect retail investors’ decision.

Ø  H03: financial knowledge does not have significantly effect on individual investment decision


The quality of research work lies on the relevance to the society being studied.  The importance is the ability to know the significant effect of financial literacy on investment decision among retail investors in capital markets in Kaduna metropolis.

Again, this research will be of immense value to the different sectors of the capital markets (both public and private retail investors) most especially individuals. The study would be of immense help to the government, monetary authority, individuals, economists, students, planners, financial analysts, stock brokers and other investors who might be interested in researching into the field in the future, by shedding more light into the widely held view about the effect of financial literacy on investment decision


The scope of this study will be majorly on individual investors.  In addition, today’s world has changed to a rather sophisticated financial products calling for a certain level of financial literacy for better investment since losing direction can only be helped by possessing prerequisite knowledge. This work will not cover the corporate bodies but will look at the financial literacy as being used by individual investors for the stabilization and avoidance of inadequate investment decisions. In the view of the issues raised above, the study therefore, sought to examine the effect of financial literacy on investment decisions among retail investors in capital market in Kaduna metropolis.


Financial Literacy: Financial literacy refers to the extent to which an individual possesses the understanding of key financial concepts, the confidence and ability to make appropriate short term and long term investment decisions, while considering the changing economic conditions (Nye, Pete & Cinnamon, 2013).

Investment: Investment is the activity involved by people looking for positive rate of return, whom possess some savings in order to impose them in capital assets or goods and services (Bhalla, 1982).

Decision Making: Decision-making can be defined as the process of selecting a right and effective course of action from two or more alternatives for the purpose of achieving a desired result. Decision-making is the essence of management. According to (P. F. Drucker, What­ever a manager does he does through making decisions.” All matters relating to planning, organising, direction, co-ordination and control are settled by the managers through decisions which are executed into practice by the operators of the enterprise. Objectives, goals, strate­gies, policies and organisational designs are all to be decided upon in order to regulate the performance of the business.

Retail: Retail is the sale of goods and services to consumers, in contrast to wholesaling, which is sale to business or institutional customers. A retailer purchases goods in large quantities from manufacturers, directly or through a wholesaler, and then sells in smaller quantities to consumers for a profit (Wikipedia).

Investor: An investor is a person or organization that provides capital with the expectation of earning a return on their investment. Investors assume the risk that a venture may fail and are compensated in the form of a return if they are successful (Brian Baker, 2023)

Capital Market: A capital market is a financial market in which long-term debt or equity-backed securities are bought and sold, in contrast to a money market where short-term debt is bought and sold (Wikipedia).

Financial Knowledge: define financial knowledge to mean the understanding of significant financial concepts such as inflations, interest rate computation and diversification of risk in portfolio (Gina, Akoto and Despard (2012).

Financial Skills: Ability to prepare budget and acquisition of borrowing and saving knowledge (Amos, 2014).

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