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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007441

No of Pages: 39

No of Chapters: 5

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“The role of Financial Statement in Investment Decision Making”. Financial statement is a formal and comprehensive statement describing financial activities of a business organization such as the financial institutions and also to decision making pertaining to cost planning, investment planning, expected returns and performance evaluation. For such a business entity, financial statement is a statement that reports all relevant financial information, presented in a structured manner and in a form easy to understand for managerial use for taking prompt and informed decision making related to investment. It is thus set out to achieve objectives among which are to; (i) Determine how a set of analytical tools will aid prospective investors in assessing the financial position of the corporate organization.; (ii) Evaluate the performance of a company for investment decision making; (iii) and Appraise the fundamental use of financial statement information for investment decision making. The primary source of data was employed and the instrument of data collection was the questionnaire. The major findings of this research includes Internal control system ensure proper use of organization fund and asset, there is appropriate of credit assessment process used by Jigawa State Investment and Property, Development Inadequate feasibility study affects loan repayment in the banking industry, financial statement helps users to know the state of affairs of the companies. It is therefore we recommend that all financial institutions should publish their financial statement every year, as it helps shareholders to know the financial position of the companies and change at any point in time, in order to know whether to continue holding, dispose or buy more shares in the companies; Every company should ensure that all material fact is reflected in their financial statement; There should be prompt provision of the financial statement at the end of each financial year; Every company should adhere to the demand of subjecting their financial statements to statutory audit as a way of authenticating their contents







Title page   ...........................................................................................................................            i

Approval page .....................................................................................................................            ii

Declaration …………………………………………………………………………………          iii

Dedication..............................................................................................................................          iv

Acknowledgement ................................................................................................................          v

Abstract……..........................................................................................................................          vi

Table of Contents …………………………………………………………………………            vii


1.0 Introduction ………………………………………….……………………………… 1

1.1   Background of the Study -.............................................................................................         1

1.2   Statement of the Problem -...........................................................................................           2

1.3   Objectives of the Study ................................................................................................          3         

1.4 Statement of Research of Hypothesis …........................................................................ 3       

1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Study ................................................................................           3         

1.6   Significance of the Study..............................................................................................           4

1.7    Definition of key Terms .............................................................................................            4



2.1   Introduction………………………………………………,,,……………...…………           6

2.2 Conceptual Review………………………………...……………………….…………            6

2.2.1 Definitions of Financial Statements ……………………....…………………….…  6

2.2.2 Problems of Published Financial Statement ................................................................           7

2.2.3 Types of Financial Statements…….….……….………………………..………..… 9

2.2.4 Use and Users of Financial Statement…...………………...........................................          10

2.2.5 Attributes of an ideal Financial Statement …...............................................................          11

2.2.6 Qualification on the Usefulness of Financial Statements…………..……….………            13

2.3 Empirical Framework………………………………………………………..……….. 13



3.1 Introduction …………………………………………………………………………....          15

3.2 Research Design ……………………………………………………………...……… 15

3.3 Population of the Study ………………………………………………………..………          15

3.4 Sample Size and Sampling Techniques ……………………………………………… .15

3.6 Methods and Sources of Data Collection ………………………………………..…….          15

3.7 Method of Data Analysis………………………..…………………...………..……..…          16



4.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................  17

4.2 Data Presentation and Interpretation...............................................................................          17

4.3 Discursion of Major Findings..........................................................................................           23



5.1.1 Summary of Research ............................................................................................    25

5.1.2 Summary of Major Findings……….………………………………………………………        25

5.2 Conclusion ..................................................................................................................   26

5.3 Recommendation…...................................................................................................... 27

Reference………..................................................................................................................           29

Appendix………...................................................................................................................           32






1.1 Background of the Study

A financial statement refers to a summary explaining or providing a picture of the financial position/business performance (Atrill & Mclaney 2015) or activities of a business during a certain period. Corporate organizations is obligated to fully disclose matters concerning their operations and financial state, to aid investors in making investment decisions. Both large and small organizations in addition to satisfying the legislating requirement tend to retain existing investors and to attract potential ones through the publication of their financial statements where the capital stock of a corporation is widely held and its affairs are of interest to general public relations. The discussions and illustrations of the study is centered on the financial statement presented to shareholders and also available for potential investors, bond holders and trade creditors as a tool of information for investment decision. Financial statement based on result for the past activities was analyzed and interpreted as a basis for predicting future rate of returns and assessment of risk, according to Institute of Chartered Accountant of Nigeria (ICAN, 2013).

Financial statement is a formal and comprehensive statement describing financial activities of a business organization such as the financial institutions. For such a business entity, financial statement is a statement that reports all relevant financial information, presented in a structured manner and in a form easy to understand for managerial use for taking prompt and informed decision making related to investment (IASB, 2007a) and also to decision making pertaining to cost planning, investment planning, expected returns and performance evaluation. The financial statement comprises of statement of financial position, statement of financial performances, statement of equity changes, and cash flow statements (reports on a company’s cash flow activities, particularly its operating, investing and financing activities). Although, these statements are often complex and may include an extensive set of notes to the financial statement and explanation of financial policies and management discussion and analysis, International Accounting Standard Board (IASB, 2007). The notes typically describe each item on the statement of financial statement, income statement and cash flow statement in further detail. Notes to financial statement are considered as an integral part of the financial statements. However, the approaches that the notes and financial statement are presented and reported are critically for investment decision making by existing and prospective investors in order to earn optimal returns on their investments.

This indicates that financial statement methods in terms of information disclosure pattern, transparency, auditing, reporting standards, regulatory control and flexibility, corporate governance, and financial scandals have influence on investment decision making in any organization, especially in financial institutions with extensive range of investment activities that requires comprehensive financial facts that can be obtained from a financial statement. Financial statement provides important information for a wide variety of decision, investors draw information from the statement of the firm in whose security they contemplate investing. Decision makers who contemplate acquiring total or partial ownership of an enterprise expect to secure returns on their investment such as dividends and increase in the value of their investment [capital gain].

Both dividends and increase in the value of shares of company depends on the future profitability of the enterprise. So investors are interested in future profitability. Past income dividend data are used to forecast returns from dividend and increase in share prices.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

It was observed that the role of financial statements in investment decision making in Nigeria has been a problem to both investors and managers of business organizations, who are ignorant of the importance of interdependence relationship that exist between investors and business organizations. Such problems include;

i. How analytical tools are set to aid prospective investors in accessing the financial position of the corporate organization.

ii. Evaluation of company performance in investment decision making.

iii. How to determine the profitability of a company?

iv. How to appraise the fundamental use of   financial statement information.

The problems analyzed tend to scare away both existing and potential investors. The reason of this study is to adequately look into the above problems and suggest possible solution to any of them. Nevertheless, this research will find possible key factors to solving these problems because financial statement in investment decision making in Nigeria is crucial to every organization especially investment industries to the potential investor.

1.3 Objective of the Study

The general objective of the study is to ascertain the role of financial statement in investment decision making. The specific objective is to;

i. Determine how a set of analytical tools will aid prospective investors in assessing the financial position of the corporate organization.

ii. Evaluate the performance of a company for investment decision making.

iii. Appraise     the fundamental use of financial statement information for investment decision making.

1.4 Statement of Research Hypotheses

The following research hypotheses were developed for the study

H0: Financial statements do not determine how a set of analytical tools will aid prospective investors in assessing the financial position of the corporate organization.

H1: Financial Statements do determine how a set of analytical tools will aid prospective investors in assessing the financial position of the corporate organization.

H0: Financial Statements are not useful for predicting company’s performance.

H2: Financial Statements are useful for predicting company’s performance.

H0: Financial Statement does not determine the profitability of a company.

H3: Financial statements determines the profitability of a company

H0: The fundamental use of financial statement information is insignificant for investment decision making.

H4: The fundamental use of financial statement information is significant for investment decision making

1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study cover “the role of financial statement in investment decision making” and specifically Jigawa State Investment and Property Development.

There are some limitations encountered in the process of this research which limited the scope to only Jigawa State Investment and Property Development, some of the limitations are as follows:

Uncooperative attitudes of the respondents; the researcher could not get some necessary information from the respondents because of their negative attitude in their response to the oral interview with the bank officials and the questionnaires.

Time constraints; despite the time provided, it was not still enough for the researcher to go all the relevant places like banks and company etc to get relevant information and due to the combination of project and academics work.

Financial constraints; financial constraints are also another factor that limited the researcher to go to many branches of first bank and even other banks and organizations. As a researcher, due to the distance of my case of study the financial aspect for transportation was insufficient, electronic library etc.

Limited literature; There are limited literature sources to explain all is needed in regard to the role of financial statements in investments decision making in the context Jigawa State Investment and Property Development.

1.6 Significance of the Study

Banks: This study will be immense benefit to banks by improving the banking performance financial analyst, investors, companies and financial organization.

Stockholders: The study intends to help these stockholders in decision making.

Students: It serves as a reference to students in the noble institutions who may interest to embark on a future research.

Investors: Financial statement is a significant or document because investors and regulators rely on accounting information to make managerial decisions.

Organizations: it makes the organization to appreciate the importance of sound financial statement in the provision of information necessary for decision making.

1.7 Definition of key Terms

Accounting Principles: are the rules and guidelines that companies must follow when reporting financial data. The common set of U.S.  accounting principles is the generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).

Analysis: A systematic examination and evaluation of data or information, by breaking it into its component parts to uncover them inter relationships. An examination of data and facts to uncover and understand cause-effect relationships, thus providing basis for problem solving and decision making.

Bank: A bank is a financial institution that accepts deposits from the public and creates credit. Lending activities can be performed either directly or indirectly through capital markets.

Bond: A bond, also known as a fixed-income security, is a debt instrument created for the purpose of raising capital. They are essentially loan agreements between the bond issuer and an investor, in which the bond issuer is obligated to pay a specified amount of money at specified future dates.

Cost Planning: Cost planning is a management process that seeks to control design development in line with the client's budget.

Expected Returns:    Expected         return is           the       profit   or         loss      an investor anticipates on an investment that has known or expected rates of return. It is calculated by multiplying potential outcomes by the chances of them occurring and then summing these results.

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