The Impact of Kaduna Refinery and Petro-Chemical Company (KRPC) on the Adjoining Settlements in Chikun Local Government Area, Kaduna State. The presence of industrial facilities often has significant effects on the surrounding areas, including the environment, economy, and the well-being of local communities. This study focuses on examining the impact of the Kaduna Refinery and Petro-Chemical Company (KRPC) on the adjoining settlements in Chikun Local Government Area, Kaduna State, Nigeria. The Kaduna Refinery and Petro-Chemical Company (KRPC) is one of the major oil refining and petrochemical production facilities in Nigeria. It plays a crucial role in the country's energy sector and contributes significantly to the local and national economy. However, the operations of such industrial facilities can have both positive and negative consequences for nearby communities. This study employs a mixed-methods approach to investigate the impact of KRPC on the adjoining settlements. Data collection methods include surveys, interviews, and observations. The research examines various dimensions of the impact, including environmental pollution, socio-economic effects, and the quality of life in the affected communities. Preliminary findings indicate that the operations of KRPC have resulted in both positive and negative consequences for the adjoining settlements. On the positive side, the presence of KRPC has created employment opportunities for local residents, thereby contributing to the economic development of the region. Additionally, the company has undertaken corporate social responsibility initiatives, such as the provision of basic amenities and infrastructure, which have improved the living conditions in the settlements.
1.0 Introduction 4
1.1 Statement Of Research Problem 5
1.2 Aims And Objective Of The Study 6
1.3 Scope And Delimitation 6
1.3 Justification of the Study Area 7
Literature Review
2.1 Introduction 8
2.6. Air quality and Noise . 9
2.7 Strategies for the Protection of the Environment 9
2.8 Effect of Petrochemical Industries on adjoining settlement. 10
2.9 Case Studies Reviewed 11
2.9.1 Impact of Oil Production on Human Condition in Nigeria. 11 Consequences of Environmental Pollution in Nigeria 13 Solutions To Consequences Of Environmental Pollution In Nigeria. 13
2.9.2 Impacts of Industrial Activities on the Soil, Air and Surface and Underground Water Qualities in Prairies and parts of southern Ontario, Canada. 14 to Impacts of Industrial Activities on the Soil, Air and Surface and Underground Water Qualities in Prairies and parts of southern Ontario, Canada. 14
2.9.3 Effects of Industrial Activities within the Obuasi Municipal Area Ghana 15 Solution to Effects of Industrial Activities within the Obuasi Municipal Area Ghana 16
2.10 Impact of Oil Refinery in Kenya Turkana 16
2.12 Impacts of crude oil refinery pollution on environmental, plants and human in India. 19
2.12.1 Health impacts and hazards of petroleum hydrocarbon refinery in India. 20
2.12.2 Treatment strategies for crude oil contamination on adjoining settlement of India. 21
3.1 Back Ground of the Study Area 24
3.1.1 Brief History of Kaduna Refining and Petrochemical Company. 24
3.1.2Brief History of Rido village as adjoining settlement. 24
3.2 Location of the Study Area 25
3.3 Physical Characteristics 31
3.3.1 Topography of the Study Area 31
3.3.2 Geological Formulation 31
3.3.3 Relative Humidity 32
3.3.4 Climatic Condition 32
3.3.6 Soil 33
3.3.7 Population 33
3.4 Methodology 34
3.4.1 Introduction 34
3.4.2 Data required 34
3.4.3 Sources of Data 36 Primary Source of Data Collection 36 Interview 36 Questionnaire 37 Oral interview and Personal Observation 37 Secondary Source of Data Collection 37 GIS and remote sensing 37
3.5 Sample Frame 37
3.6 Sample Size 38
3.7 Sampling Technique 38
3.8 Data Analysis and Presentation Method 38
3.8.1 Data Analysis 38
3.8.2 Data Presentation 39
Data Analysis and Presentation
4.0 Introduction 40
4.1The Socio-Economic Characteristic of the People in the Study Area (socio-economic impact.) 40
4.1.1Sex Distribution of Respondents 40
4.1.7 Provision of Basic Infrastructure to Support Community 43
4.1.8 housing Tenure of Respondent 44
4.1.9 Density per room / number of person per room 44
4.1.10 Household size 45
4.2.0 Environmental impact of refinery to adjoining settlement. 46
4.2.1 Distance from Refining Area (Km) 46
4.2.2 Refinery the major cause of environmental pollution? 47
4.2.3 Commonest disease caused by emission of gases from refinery 48
4.2.4 Water Pollution has Caused: 49
4.4.18 Solid Waste has impacted on: 51
4.3.0 social impact 53
4.3.1 Commonest Crime 53
4.5 Summary of Finding 54
1.0 Introduction
Oil is a major source of energy in Nigeria and the world in general. Oil being the mainstay of the Nigerian economy that plays a vital role in shaping the economic, social and political destiny of the country. Although Nigeria’s oil industry was founded at the beginning of last century, it was not until the end of the Nigeria civil war (1967 - 1970) that the oil industry began to play a prominent role in the socio-economic life of the country.The role of the Kaduna Refining and Petrochemical Company (KRPC) as a potent factor of increase economic activities in the adjoining settlement which are widely acknowledged because of the strong influence it exerts on economic activities within and around the study area probably this fact is what underlies the rapid growth of the adjoining settlement.
Rido is a settlement found in the southern part of Kaduna, Located in Chikun Local Government Area. The existence of the settlement was prompted by the location of Kaduna Refinery. Kaduna Refinery is located to the west of Rido village. The settlement is predominantly occupied by Fulani, Hausa, gwaris and Kaduna tribes. The settlement of Rido can be described as an organically Developed settlement this is because so far and investigated, there is no physical development plan, that has been prepared to guide development in the area and thus bring about physical planning benefit.
In these studies of the impact of KRPC on Rido village, the positive and negative influence of the giant multi-million naira petrochemical company on the settlement will encompass socio-economic impact, environmental impact, and physical impact. This will be undertaken to ensure that the living condition of the people or dwellers of Rido will find life convenient and accommodating. This will ensure orderliness within the environment. The role of the environment cannot be over or underestimated as it is the niche within which we subsist and have our being.
1.1 Statement Of Research Problem
Despite the fact that oil has been the mainstay of Nigerian economy, a lot of problem has been created over the time in the study area, these existing problems include:
Poor Environmental Condition: This has to do with the environment and the settlement, waste discharged through smoke and liquid residue which affects the dwellers and the environment. The condition of the environment become very poor due to the gaseous emission of chemicals to the environment which lead to air pollution, land pollution and water which impacts affect negatively to the adjoining settlement. the liquid residue reduce soil fertility and productivity as well as the smoke affect human respiration and ozone layer.
Although, refinery are important sources of revenue to people, but the excess carbon oxide emitted within rido area causes adverse impacts on the biodiversity (Air, Soil, organised, Surface and underground water), health of the local people and visitors. The environmental impacts from the refinery also include the pollution of water and air as a result of the effluents emitted by the refinery, there is also noise pollution which is unavoidable for settlements very close to the refinery in the area.
High standard of living: the present of Kaduna refinery has led to the increase demand for accommodation and has trigger the rate at which people would want to settle. settlement has brought about serious development and development has increase the value of these area leading to high cost of accommodation, high cost of commodity sale ,rental need and transportation. Due to the impact of KRPC on adjoining settlement it leads to increase in land value, increase in demand for accommodation, increase in house rent. As a result of job opportunity and wealth creation by KRPC, people tend to move from their various place of living to live within the KRPC settlements which lead to congestion and overcrowding within. There has been a general boost in trade and commercial activities, as a result of the influx of people into the adjoining settlements due to the presence of the refinery thus leading to increase in demand. Housing is on the increase in quality and quantity in the area, there is increase in rents due to increased demand for both residential and commercial premise by virtue of the location of the refinery in the study area. Land value is also on the increase as the population of the study area increases due to immigrants, land value increases and acquisition of land for whatever purpose becomes quite cumbersome.
Haphazard development: this refers to an unorganized, unarranged pattern of settlement which leads to congestion, obstruction to access road within the community and mixture of land uses houses are built without proper allocation as to what term (land uses) and has led to poor development. In the study area no development control mechanism which lead to abuse and misuse of land, houses are built without proper allocation as to what term (land uses) and has led to poor development. Everyone would want to own and develop it with his her little resources not able to comply with building rules and regulation inadequate facilities, utilities and services.
Social problem: Crime rate is also on the increase due to the presence of the refinery in the study area as well as the flamboyant lifestyle of the refinery employees living within and around the study area. Social effects (commercial sex, .alcoholism and conflicts among the youths, STDS)
1.2 Aims And Objective Of The Study
The aim of the study is to examine the physical and socio economic impact of Kaduna Refinery on adjoining settlement with a view to proffer physical planning recommendation.
To achieve this aim, the study has the following objectives are set To:
I. Literature review on causes, effects of petrochemical production on environmental quality and strategies, case studies of impact of refinery on adjoining settlement. .
II. Examine the physical and socio-economic characteristic of the area.
III. Identify the Impact of the KRPC to the adjoining settlement
IV. Proffer physical planning recommendations for improvement.
1.3 Scope And Delimitation
The study will cover the physical and socio economic impact of KRPC to its adjoining settlement (area). The study is delimited to Maraban rido to the East, kashibu at the south, oil village at west and bounded with Nissi village to the North.
1.3 Justification of the Study Area
They reason of embarking on the study is to examine the impact of the Kaduna Refining and Petrochemical Company (KRPC) on the Adjoining Settlement which will be of immense benefit to the dwellers of the study area, Government and also the researcher when fully implemented, it will go a long way to improve the physical and socio economic activities of the dwellers.
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