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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00002685

No of Pages: 50

No of Chapters: 5

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Agriculture has been the topmost priority of every successive administration Nigeria. This is due to the fact that the extent of development of a nation is also measured interims of the quality and quantity of food available to her people. Though the struggle at improving food status has been on course before intendance. It reminds us of 1959, when the western government grated agriculture land mark and sent a representative to Israel who brought the form settlement scheme modeled after the Israel Mosheim. As a result other regional government embraced the idea and established form settlement various part of their region. But due to the discovery of crude oil that led to the temporary abandonment of primary production of food by the government there was a negative attitude toward farming and rapid pursuit of quick money led to drastic drop in production, there Nigeria stated importing foods from developed countries which brought a great set back to over economy. The factor that led to the fall of farm facilities such as improper construction of residential, lack of maintains culture.  









Title page                                                            




Table of content

List of table/ Figures /plate



1.1      Introduction  

1.2      Background study

1.3      Statement of problem/motivation/justification                                              

1.4      Aim and objective of study                            

1.5      Scope                                                           

1.6      Limitation of the study  

1.7      Expect Contribution to the body of knowledge                             

1.8      Research methodology                                  

1.9      Conclusion                                                     

1.10  Literature Review



2.1   Case study one shonga farm centre                

2.2 History                                                                     

2.3 Site Location                                                      

  2.4 Case Study Two (Obasanjo Farm  Iseyin)                   

 2.5 Site Location                                                          

 2.6 Case Study Three(Obasanjo Farm  Ota)                            Site location                                                            


3.1 location analysis                                              

3.2 Site location                                                     

3.3 Site location criteria                                

3.4 Geographical /climate                                       

3.5 Conclusion                                                       


4.1 Design criteria 

4.2 Brief analysis (client/ users requirement              

4.3 Conceptual development 


5.1 construction methodology and materials       

5.1 Recommendations                                           

5.2 Summary 

Reference/ biography                                                    




Farm Settlement is modern village where building were erected for farmer with different infrastructural amenities such electricity, school, Hospital for purpose of agriculture.

The board aim of farm settlement embraces all the productive occupations of man in which he works with nature s in order to make his plant and animal grow better , so that they may products, which he harvests.

A farmer plants his crops at the beginning of the rainy season and lets than grow with the rains, but  he may plant tree to check the fprce of the wind or build shed to protect his animals from harsh weather conditions, a farmer grows his plants and animals with the  express purposed of harvesting them. It is clean from the above that any treatment of farming should including growing crops and rearing livestock.  


Something collect the farm settlement Revolution, was the world’s first historically verifiable revolution in agriculture. It was the wide scale transition of many human cultures from a life style of hunting and gathering to one of agriculture and settlement which supported an increasingly large population.

However the revolution involved far more than the adoption of a limited set of food producing techniques during the next millennia it would Trans form the small and mobile groups of hunter gathers that had hither to dominate. Sedentary societies based in built up villages and towns, which radically modified their natural environment by means of specialized food crop cultivated (e.g. irrigation and food storage technologies that allowed expensive surplus food production.)


There are many problem facing farm settlement today’s world these problem include:

The migrations of young people which can leave the area in question with an ageing population, which can infect harm the area because the area can deteriorate without the input of new generations. Farm settlement.

In many farm settlement area, there is very high dependence of agriculture most of the terms as their main source of income and this can also be attributed to the low level of basic and manufacturing industry.

Finally a very important problem facing farm settlement is the lack of investment being put into these areas without investment many farms and business can die and this would leave the town community in an even worse states.


The motivation behind investment in research and development come from a commitment to the development of a world leading, sustainable and profitable aquaculture industry injecting in as well as the families commitment to the social and economic welfare of their community significant contribution rural sector investment.

It refined packaging developing an innovation and successful.


Agriculture had been abandon since time age but the government thought of  it recently in july ,2003 and came up with a programmed called “BACK TO FARM SCHEME” with the purpose of reviving agriculture .  As a result, this project(Farm Settlement} was chose to support and complement government ‘s effort in the  development of agriculture. Such as increasing food production and ensuring food sufficiency for all, providing gainful employment for teeming unemployment youths engaged in anti-social activates e.t.c


AIM OF THE PROJECT                                                

To design a standard farm settlement to efficiently accommodate the required livestock and human begins.


To design a settlement that will create human and animal comfortability.

To design stable structure that will enhance easy maintenance culture.


1.          Cattle clinic

2.          Cattle shed

3.          Ante natal

4.          Abattoir

5.          Administrative block

6.          Marketing unit

7.          Milk parlour

8.          Milk factory


In the farm settlement design, there is a limit to some extent within my scope and limitation there are some other thing which cannot be include in order to avoid high cost in erecting the project due to high cost of material.


The Nigerian livestock industry is performing below expectation in its role of providing adequate animal protein for the grow thing population while annual population growth rate is about 3.0% estimate annual growth rate of the output of the major livestock product is nearly stagnant also the contribution of the livestock subsection of the gross domestic product (GDP) has been declining


In order to have a well functioning farm settlement that people will appreciate it is necessary to know what the people especially the farmer want and what is require of a farm settlement this is done in this way.


To interview a number of people in the state to know what is expected of farm settlement people to be interview range from sub section farmer to commercial farmer this will help a lot in the design of the project.


Visiting the existing one to know what is required and their merit and demerit.


Consultation of some architecture text book in order to know what is expected of farm building or farm house. among the books are ARCHITECT DATA by Ernst neuter farm building by john wale poultry production in warm wet climate by J A oluyemi and FA Roberts and the complete book of raising live stock and poultry by katie tear and for Alistair teaser


Conclusively, more than this, these are the need to evolve a new design guideline that would ensure formational as well as appropriate from settlement. This been the thrust of the research aspect of this work.

Ludwig Mies Vander Rohe described very succinctly the valve of Architectural his famous pronouncement that in Architecture “less is more” is demonstrated in his design which as simple and have exposed structural simple and have exposed structural element serving as aesthetic as well as a functional purpose, it is believed that the design consideration allowed would ensure that the design achieved and the final design for the proposed project would thoroughly befit what Mis Vander Role would “less is more”    


It is important to know about crops which the Nigerian farmers grows, the condition under which they are grown and their important in the economy but, only oblique reference were made to the methods a farmer uses, and a little was said of the problems he encounters, the local method of farming in Nigeria was little variation from what obtains in other parts of Africa.

They derive raw materials from agriculture conducted  for the most part by peasants cultivators.

A peasant cultivator is a person who depends on his labour to assist him put such hired labour is of minor importance in the economy.

Mostly, peasants farmer depends on hoe and cutlass for practically all the farm operations. These tools vary in shape and size from place. In the high forest zone of the country, the small farmers must clear thick push every three or four years. Each year he must clear prepare heaps for yams and ridges for crops like maize, groundnut, cassava, guinea corn and this is done with the aid of hoe.

During harvest the crude tools are used. The work involved is hard, demanding and relatively unproductive when compared with mechanized system of farming.

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