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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009397

No of Pages: 156

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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The implications of urbanization on the city settlement of Umuahia, Abia State Nigeria was studied to examine if infrastructural facilities, income and expenditure profile, rent paid on accommodation and urban governance have been improved with growing population in the study area. There are twenty layouts/estates that spread across the study area. These layouts were zoned in clusters according to their locations, viz, urban (A), north (B), south (C), east (D) and west (E). Random sampling produced 10 layouts (50 percent). Households were systematically administered questionnaire. Out of 389 households sampled 353 responded completely representing 90.75 percent success. Data collected were analyzed with descriptive and inferential statistics. The tables of response - age, sex, educational qualification, head of household, and relationship with head of household were validated with mean comparison of clusters using One Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The result shows that head of household and educational qualification were statistically significant p = 0.005 and p = 0.010 respectively. The availability of infrastructural facilities to the population of the study area was analyzed using Multiple Linear Regression. Result shows that amount spent on road transport, amount spent on electricity, and distance to waste disposal point were statistically significant p = 0.05. The relationship between household incomes and expenditure profile of the study area was analyzed using Simple Linear Regression. The result shows that there is statistically significant relationship existing between expenditure and household income, p = 0.000 (p < 0.01). The average rent of accommodation for settlement livability was analyzed with One Sample t-Test. The mean rent of population was not significantly different from zero p=1.000. Mean rents of north, urban, south, and west clusters were not statistically significant (p > 0.05).  The mean rent of east cluster was statistically significant p = 0.000 (p < 0.01). The perception of people in the study area on urban governance in relation to standard of living was analyzed using Kruskal Wallis-H test. Result shows that there is a statistically significant difference in perception of study area on urban governance, χ2 (4) = 15.425, p = 0.004, (p < 0.01). The Post Hoc test shows that the difference on urban governance lies between west and east clusters p = 0.011 (p < 0.05) and urban and east clusters p = 0.019 (p < 0.05). The analyses of data in this research were based on 0.05 level of significance.  Overall result shows that there is infrastructure deficit in the study area. Accordingly, the SDG Goal II, sustainable cities and communities, make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable would be a ruse if collaborative efforts of residence of Umuahia and government of Abia State at large were not pooled together to strategize and rijig the present state of affairs.


Title Page                                                                                                                                i

Declaration                                                                                                                             ii

Certification                                                                                                                            iii

Dedication                                                                                                                               iv

Acknowledgment                                                                                                                   v

Table of Contents                                                                                                                   vi

List of Tables                                                                                                                          ix

List of Figures                                                                                                                         x

List of plates                                                                                                                           xi

Abstract                                                                                                                                    xii


CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION                                                                                                   

1.1 Background of the Study                                                                                                  1

1.2 Statement of the Problem                                                                                                 3

1.3 Aim and Objectives of the Study                                                                                     4

1.4 Research Questions                                                                                                          5

1.5 Scope of the Study                                                                                                            5

1.6 Justification of the Study                                                                                                  6



2.1 Theoretical Framework                                                                                                    7

2.1.1 Ecological complex                                                                                                       7

2.1.2 Political economy models                                                                                             9

2.2 Brief History of Cities                                                                                                      11

2.2.1 Pre-industrial period                                                                                                      11

2.2.2 Cities of the industrial era                                                                                             12

2.2.3 Cities of the post-industrial epoch                                                                                 14

2.3 Concept of Urbanization                                                                                                  16

2.4 Urbanization Trends in Developed and Developing Countries                                       19

2.5 Consequences of Urbanization                                                                                         22

2.5.1 Infrastructural facilities                                                                                                 22

2.5.2 Income and expenditure profile                                                                                     23

2.5.3 Settlement livability                                                                                                      24

2.5.4 Urban governance                                                                                                         25

2.5.5 Environmental effects of urbanization                                                                          25

2.6 Sustainable City                                                                                                                28

2.6.1 Infrastructural facilities for sustainable cities                                                               29

2.6.2 Income and expenditure profile for sustainable cities                                                   30

2.6.3 Settlement livability for sustainable cities                                                                    32

2.6.4 Urban governance for sustainable cities                                                                       32



3.1 Brief History of Umuahia                                                                                                 34

3.2 Sources of Data                                                                                                                39

3.2.1 Secondary data sources                                                                                                 39

3.22 Primary data sources                                                                                                      39

3.3  Sample Frame                                                                                                                  40

3.4 Sampling Techniques                                                                                                       54

3.4.1 Systematic sampling                                                                                                      54

3.5 Description of the Instrument Used for Data Collection                                                  55

3.6 Description of Statistical Tools Used in Analyses                                                           56

3.6.1 One-way analysis of variance                                                                                       57

3.6.2 Multiple linear regression                                                                                              57

3.6.3 Simple linear regression and correlation analysis                                                         58

3.6.4 One sample t-test                                                                                                           59

3.6.5 Kruskal-wallis-H test                                                                                                     59

 3.7 Validity and Reliability of the Instrument                                                                       60



4.1 Data Presentation and Analysis                                                                                        61

4.1.1 Determine the extent of availability of infrastructural facilities                                     63

4.1.2 Assess the relationship between household incomes and expenditure profile                 78

4.1.3 Determine the average rent of accommodation for settlement livability                     80

4.1.4 Ascertain the perception of people on urban governance                                             86

4.2 Discussion of Results                                                                                                       89



5.1 Conclusion                                                                                                                        98

5.2 Recommendations                                                                                                            99

      References                                                                                                                        101

      Appendices                                                                                                                       107





3.1: Geographical location of layouts in Umuahia                                                                 41

3.2: Sampled layouts and percentage representation according to clusters/groups                        42

3.3 Result of systematic sampling on the household of the ten layouts in the study area  55

4.1: Validation of responses by mean comparison of cluster                                                 61

4.2 Average household size                                                                                                    63

4.3: Multiple linear regression estimates of the model                                                          64

4.4; Is the access to your residence paved/tarred?                                                                 65

4.5: Do your roads have potholes?                                                                                         66

4.6: Who are incharge of these roads?                                                                                   66

4.7: Are the roads maintained?                                                                                              67

4.8: Are you connected to public electricity?                                                                        68

4.9: Supply of electricity in hours per week                                                                           69

4.10: What is the source of water for household use?                                                            69

4.11: Do you pay for the water                                                                                               70

4.12: How does your household store waste before disposal?                                               71

4.13: Where do you disposed waste?                                                                                     72

4.14: Which agency does your household pay sanitation fees?                                             77

4.15: Simple linear regression estimate of the model                                                            78

4.16: Are you employed?                                                                                                       79

4.17: Employment status                                                                                                        79

4.18: One sample statistics                                                                                                     80

4.19: One sample test                                                                                                             81

4.20: One sample statistics (groups)                                                                                       81

4.21: One sample test (groups)                                                                                               82

4.22: Are you a tenant?                                                                                                          84

4.23: Test statistics                                                                                                                 86

4.24:  Mean rank                                                                                                                     86

4.25: Pairwise comparisons of perception on urban governance                                           87

4.26: Do you have security challenges in your layout/estate?                                               88

4.27: Do you have security outfits?                                                                                        89




3.1: Abia State in the national setting                                                                                    36

3.2: Location of Study Area in Abia State setting                                                                 37

3.3: Study Area and communities                                                                                          38

3.4: Distribution of sampled layouts                                                                                      43

3.5: Eghem Layout                                                                                                                 44

3.6: New Town Layout                                                                                                           45

3.7: New Industrial and Housing Layout                                                                               46

3.8: Uzo Avoiteyi Layout                                                                                                       47

3.9: Ehimiri Housing Estate                                                                                                   48

3.10: IBB Phase 1 Layout                                                                                                       49

3.11: Amuzukwu Layout                                                                                                        50

3.12: Isieke Housing Layout                                                                                                   51

3.13: Low Cost Housing Estate                                                                                              52

3.14: Ukaegbu Housing Estate                                                                                               53



4.1: ASEPA waste receptacle at item street by Umuwaya Road                                           73

4.2 Filled up and overflowing ASEPA receptacle at Afara Olokoro Road

      adjoining Federal Low Cost Housing                                                                               74

4.3: Dilapidated ASEPA waste receptacle at Awolowo Street by Umuwaya Road                      75

4.4: Recovered receptacle for refurbishment                                                                         76

4.5 Informal settlement                                                                                                          85








Urbanization is a global phenomenon that has taken various dimensions in the world continental history. In all of its spheres, it has a beginning but the end of urbanization is usually neither determinable nor foreseeable in all the countries it is taking place. This is because of many reasons that border on its origin, culture, economy, administration, demography, development and other implied reasons that might have propelled it. Accordingly, urbanization has been described as demographic, United Nations Development of Economic and Social Affairs/Population Division (UNDESA/PD, 2012); ecological, Travernia and Reed (2009); sociological, Pivo (1996) and economic, Bao and Fang (2012) phenomena that concentrate population in urban areas. They further stated that it has the potential to either stimulate or retard growth and development of the towns, cities, metropolis, mega cities, megalopolis in both developed and developing countries. Based on this description, it is logical to conclude that urbanization is a veritable phenomenon that takes place within the purview of two basic factors; population growth and urban environment. Thus Palen (2012) stressed that the term urbanization refers to the proportion of persons living in urban places.

In Nigeria, towns and cities have experienced growth in population encouraged by the creation of 36 states. For instance, the population of Nigeria increased from 140, 431, 790, at the growth rate of 0.0318 in 2006 census (National Population Commission, 2006) to a projection of 199, 681, 159 at the growth rate of 0.032 in 2017 (NPC, 2017). In the same manner, the population of Abia State increased from 2,845,380 in 2006 to 3,829,356 in 2017 (NPC, 2017). At the creation of Abia State on August 27, 1991, there were three major cities, Aba, Umuahia and Ohafia as well as many development centers adjudged as growth points in Abia State.

However, Umuahia, the capital of Abia State experienced a population upsurge as it became the seat of government. Thus the population of Umuahia has grown from 220,104 in 1991 to 528,729 in 2015 (Abia State Planning Commission, 2015). This is an increase of more than 140 percent which could have been caused by factors that include increased birth rate, low death rate and immigration. The pertinent question is, with this galloping population of Umuahia, has there been a corresponding and commensurate increase in the construction of road, supply of electricity and water, provision of adequate housing and livable human settlements, environmental sanitation, public buildings for government workers, institutions such as education, health, better standard of living and good governance? This is actually what this study is set out to discover.

Apart from the fact that the Umuahia Capital Territory is coterminous with the geographical coverage of Umuahia North, Umuahia South and parts of Ikwuano Local Government Areas, it has never had any Master Plan since Abia State was created. Master Plans are development schemes on which all forms of development programmes whether physical, economic, administrative, social, among others. depend upon. It is essentially a development compass that tailors the achievement of an ideal city. In this regard, it presupposes that Abia State does not have an informed scheme that guides and orders the process of development for Umuahia and the Umuahia Capital Territory at large. Presently, the study area which is an integral part of Umuahia Capital Territory has 20 residential layouts that were framed for the housing and settlement of the population in the city. These layouts appear not to have been fully opened, developed and accessed by the growing population. Consequently, the aftermath of this situation is the springing up and mushrooming of unplanned neighbourhood and informal sector settlements at the city fringes. The implication of this state of affairs in the circumstance of urbanization in Umuahia city settlement would be ascertained by this study. This is with particular reference to Goal II of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) which centers on sustainable cities and communities with the aim of achieving inclusive, safety, resilience and sustainable city.


The orderly and organized development of any city is expected to be a priority for governments at all levels. Cities planned and developed form centers of economic, social, political and cultural activities. If these activities complement each other and interact in cities unguarded, it usually would generate an urbanization process that might overtime congest and impinge negatively on the existing facilities and infrastructure of such cities, to the unavoidable detriment of the city settlers.

The population of Umuahia city has grown astronomically high and it is doubtful if the existing infrastructural facilities could support and sustain it. The reason is that the existing roads, public water supply sources, electricity supply equipment and other facilities were those built and installed in the 1970s and are now dilapidating.

Furthermore, it was not evident that new public buildings such as adequate offices for government workers and institutional buildings like hospitals, schools, post offices have been constructed to adequately serve the teeming population. Also, most of the present twenty residential layouts, in the study area still remained bushy and vacant because they lacked the needed accommodation and infrastructure that would encourage the public to access and develop them to full capacity. This has given rise to the inundation of unplanned neighbourhood, shanty and makeshift buildings at the city fringes to provide the needed accommodation for the burgeoning population in the study area.

In this regard, it is suspected that this situation could cause unsightly and untidy environment as there might not be adequate waste receptacles and bins in the Umuahia city for waste collection. Arising from above, it is difficult not to assume that the standard of living of the Umuahia city settlements and the existing urban governance would be likely low and substandard as the incidence of urbanization kept rearing its head in the city.

Accordingly, this research was geared towards studying the extent to which these challenges suspected to have been created by urbanization in the city settlements of Umuahia would be assessed in relation to the Goal II of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).


The aim of this research is to study the implications of urbanization on the city settlements of Umuahia, with a view to providing guidelines for achieving a sustainable city.

The following specific objectives were generated to achieve the aim of this study:

i.      To determine the extent of availability of infrastructural facilities for the population of the study area

ii.     To assess the relationship between household incomes and expenditure profile of the study area in comparison to the per capita income of the United Nations

iii.   To determine the average monthly rent of accommodation for settlement livability in the study area.

iv.   To ascertain the perception of people in the study area on urban governance in relation to standard of living in the five clusters.



The following research questions were raised on this study:

i.      What is the extent of availability of infrastructural facilities to the population of the study area?

ii.     What is the relationship between the household incomes and expenditure profile of the study area in comparison to the per capita income of the United Nations?

iii.   What is the average monthly rent of accommodation for settlement livability in the study area?

iv.   What is the perception of people in the study area on urban governance in relation to standard of living in the five clusters?


This research concentrated on the implications of urbanization on the city settlements of Umuahia, Abia State Nigeria. Umuahia in the context of this study encapsulates both Umuahia North and South local government areas while city settlements connote the established government and private layouts where people were expected to acquire plots, develop and live within the study area. These layouts were conventionally required to possess all the necessary infrastructural facilities of modern residential settlements. They were at the time of study twenty in number, grouped according to their locations as follows: Urban (A), North (B), South (C), East (D) and West (E). This is for proper identification and convenience of this study.

Also, infrastructural facilities in this research meant road transport, electricity and pipe borne water while income referred to as monthly household incomes (take home package)  and related expenditure of the people in the study area. This research would also delve into determining the average monthly rent for accommodation in the study area in order to elicit the necessity of developing layouts and housing estates for occupation by intending residents. Accordingly, this research would be conducted on the households residing in the layouts in the study area. The analyses of data were based on 0.05 level of significance.


This study is justified as it would reveal whether urbanization has affected the city settlements of Umuahia positively or negatively. The reason is that urbanization which is a trending phenomenon is imbued with dimensional intricacies that would have either progressed or retrogressed the development of a growing city such as Umuahia.

This research would therefore provide an array of data and information on household size, income profile, residential layout, existing infrastructural facilities among others that would serve as academic referrals to lecturers and research students. This research would also considerably unveil the status and development perspective of the study area with particular reference to infrastructural provision, relative livable human settlements, standard of living,  and existing urban governance. The availability of these data and information would be employed for predictive purposes or projection into the future for proper planning for Umuahia city, Abia State and Nigeria at large.


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