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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00006157

No of Pages: 76

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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The research  examine the impact assessment of rural development project in Danja and Bakori  local government areas of Katsina state, the objectives of the study are to examine the nature of the relationship between immunization exercise and rural development in Danja and Bakori Local Government Areas, To determine the effects of adequate funding of education on rural development in Danja and Bakori Local Government Areas. Survey research was used and questionnaires were distributed to the respondents, descriptive analysis was employed. The finding of the study reveals that generally, there is significant negative relationship between proper immunisation exercise and health facilities attendance in Danja and Bakori Local Government Areas. That is, the higher the people immunised, the lower the attendance level to health facilities and vice-versa. There is general significant positive correlation between adequate funding and pupils enrolment in public primary schools in Danja and Bakori Local Government Areas. That is the higher the funding the higher the enrolment and vice-versa. Specifically, there is strong negative relationship between proper immunisation exercise and health facilities attendance in Danja Local Government, while the relationship between proper immunisation exercise and health facilities attendance in Bakori Local Government Area turned out to the positive i.e. the higher the people immunised, the higher the attendance level and vice-verse. The research end of by a recommendation that since there is strong correlation between proper immunisation exercise and level of attendance to health centres in the two local government areas, more immunisation facilities should be made available and public awareness campaign be strengthened in order to drastically reduce the number of people that attend hospitals.


1.0 Background to the Study 1
1.2 Statement of Research Problem 2
1.3 Objectives of the Study 3
1.4 Research Question 3
1.5 Hypotheses 4
1.7 Significance of the Study 4
1.7 Scope and limitation  of the study 5
1.8 Definitions of Concepts 5

2.2 Concept of Rural Development 8
Futures of rural areas: 8
2.3 Some Approaches and Theoretical Foundations of Rural Development 14
2.3.2 The Basic Resource Approach 15
2.3.3 The Growth-Centred Approach 17
The Nigerian Primary and Secondary Education System 22
2.5 Theoretical framework: The ‘Network Paradigm’/‘Third way’ 26
Exogenous Development 27

3.1 Introduction 29
3.2 Research Design 29
3.3 Population of the study 29
3.4 Sample and Sampling Technique 31
3.5 Method of Data Collection 31
3.5.1 Sources of Primary Data 31
3.5.2 Sources of Secondary Data 31
3.6 Method of Data Analysis 32
3.7 Administration of Instrument 32

4.1 Data Presentation 33
4.1.2 The Nature of Vaccine Administrators during Immunisation Exercise in Danja Local Government Area. 34
4.1.3 The Nature of Vaccine Administrators During Immunisation Exercise in Bakori Local Government Area 35
4.1.4 The Proficiency of Vaccine Administrators in Danja Local Government Area 35
Table 3: the Level of Proficiency of Vaccine Administrators in Danja and Bakori Local Government Area 36
Table 4: the Level of Proficiency of Vaccine Administrators in Bakori Local Government Area 36
4.1.7 Community Participating During Immunisation Exercise in Bakori Local Government Area 39
4.1.8 Adequacy of Vaccines in Community During Immunisation Exercise in Danja Local Government Area 40
4.1.9 Adequacy of Vaccines in Communities during immunisation Exercise in Bakori Local Government Area 41
4.1.10 Performance Level of Primary Schools in Danja Local Government Area 42
Table 9: The General Performance Level of Public Primary Schools in Danja Local Government Area 42
4.1.11 Performance of Primary Schools in Bakori Local Government Area 42
Table 10: The General Level of Performance of Public Primary Schools in Bakori Local Government Area 42
4.1.12 Determinants of Performance of Public Primary Schools in Danja Local Government Area 44
4.1.13 Determinants of Performance of Public Primary Schools in Bakori Local Government Area 45
4.2. Data Analysis 46
4.2.2 Immunisation in Bakori Local Government Area 47
4.2.3 Funding on Education in Danja Local Government Area 48
4.2.4 Funding on Education in Bakori Local Government Area 49
4.2.4 General Immunisation and Attendance Level in Danja and Bakori Local Government Area 50
4.2.5 General Funding Level and Overall Enrolment of Pupils in Danja and Bakori Local Government Areas 51
4.8 Major Findings 51
Expenditure pattern of Bakori Local Government Council of some selected Departments from 2017 - 2021 56
Expenditure pattern of Danja Local government Council of some selected Departments from 2017 - 2021 56
Comparison of average expenditures of Danja and Bakori Local Government Councils 58

5.1 Summary 60
5.2 Conclusions 61
5.3 Recommendations 61
Section A 70
Section B 70
Section 71


1.0 Background to the Study
In order to ensure rapid sustainable development, the Nigerian constitution divides power among the three levels of government i.e. federal, states and local governments. Subsequently, responsibilities are decentralized to each of these governmental levels, each with its distinct areas of functions. However, due to their importance, certain areas need to be legislated on by both federal, states and local governments in order to provide as much services as required by the teaming Nigerian population. For example, health, education, water supply are the concurrent responsibilities of all levels of government. For this reason, Chapter 17 (3) (d) under Chapter II of the constitution makes it a fundamental principle of the state (government) to provide adequate medical and health facilities for all persons. Also, Chapter 18 (3) provides that government shall strive to eradicate illiteracy to the extent of providing free, compulsory and universal primary education. Moreover, under the Fourth Schedule, the Constitution clearly spells out the functions of local government to include among others, the provision of health and educational facilities. Under this Schedule, Chapter 2 (a) provides that the local government shall ensure the provision and maintenance of primary, adult and vocational education. While Chapter 2 (d) saddles the local government with the responsibility of providing and maintenance of health services.
Nigeria have had a number of policies and programmes initiated and implemented on rural development right from the past Military Regimes to the present Democratic Republic. We have had, in Nigeria, the Directorate for Food Road and Rural Infrastructure (DFFRRI), Mass Mobilization for Social Justice and Economic Recovery (MAMSER), National Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy (NEEDS), State Economic Empower and Development Strategy (SEEDS), Local Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy (LEEDS), Universal Basic Education Programme (UBE), the National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA) among others. Majority of these programmes and policies have been made to develop the rural areas and general grassroots. However the operations of these polices would have led to the presence of multiple projects that could have facilitated the general grassroots development.

1.2 Statement of Research Problem
Various rural development programmes and projects have, over the years been designed and implemented by international Donour Organizations, Such rural development projects are visible in most Nigerian rural settlements  especially in the aspect of social development. For example the UNICEF and WHO have been solely expending huge amount of resources towards improving the health status and educational development of the rural population. However, these international donor organizations in some cases, collaborate with the federal and state governments in Nigeria to help address rural development challenges. To be more specific, the work of World Health Organization is visible in the areas of preventive health measure. 
This organization (WHO) has, over the period of five (5) years i.e. 2017-2021, been able to administer routine immunization exercise to significant number of the people in the two local government areas. Data have shown that there has been an increase in the number of people immunized over the years in the two local government areas. In 2017, a total number of 128,404 were immunized. The figure rose to 161,962, 152,863, 172,963 and 173,991 in 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 respectively (National Health Management Information System (Various Years). On the areas of funding to educational sector, the expenditures of both local governments have over years been on the increase. For example, in 2017 total expenditure of Danja was N69, 586, 824 and it rose to N853,188,890 in 2021 denoting 22.6% increase, while that of Bakori was N71, 047, 393. However, the  data from SUBEB, Katsina State (various years) have shown that the enrolment figure of primary school pupils in Danja and Bakori Local Government Areas has not significantly increased (SUBEB, various years).

1.3 Objectives of the Study
1. To examine the nature of the relationship between immunization exercise and rural development in Danja and Bakori Local Government Areas.
2. To determine the effects of adequate funding of education on rural development in Danja and Bakori Local Government Areas.
3. To examine which of the two local government councils impacts more on rural development in terms of health and educational development.

1.4 Research Question
Given all this, the researcher is determined to undertake an investigation to determine what causes all these discrepancies. To help guide this study, we have the following research questions:
1. What is the nature of the relationship between immunization exercise and rural development in Danja and Bakori Local Government Areas?
2. How does adequate funding of education affect rural development in Danja and Bakori Local Government Areas?
3. Which of the two local government councils more positively impacts on rural development strategy in terms of health projects and educational development?.

1.5 Hypotheses
H0: There is no significant correlation between immunization exercise and rural development in Danja and Bakori Local Government Areas.
H0: There is no significant relationship between adequate funding of education and rural development in Danja and Bakori Local Government Areas.

1.7 Significance of the Study
Number of research work has been embarked upon by a number of researchers on issues related to rural and rural development. Majority of these work focused on the economic aspect of the rural communities, emphasizing mostly on agriculture and marketing of such agricultural products and how this affects income. However, this research work focuses on the social development of the rural communities in Danja and BakoriLocal  Government Areas. More precisely, the work explored how health and educational facilities in these local government areas induce level of human development and thus the general level of rural development in the areas in question. Therefore, this research work will be significant and unique in that, it will be able provide accurate answer to such questions like, how many people does we need to immunize to reduce health facilities‟ attendance to a certain level? What percentage increase of funding do we need to improve rural development to a certain level?.

1.8 Scope and limitation  of the study
In order to have specific focus for the research work, the researcher narrows down the scope of the study to social development aspect of the entire development. More precisely, the researcher focused on two areas of rural development which are health care services and primary education, because these are the most important determinants of social/human development in rural communities. The study covered the period between 2017 – 2022 i.e. only projects between this period were taken into consideration. And the areas  within which the study focused or narrow its analysis is Danja and Bakori local governments alone.
The number of each Facilities Development Committee were increased by local government from four 4 to six 6. Their duties were extended to the supervision of other facilities ie education water supply and sanitation in addition to their traditional responsibility of monitoring and supervision of primary Health Care Programme and projects. Also, the number of Ward Development Committee was increased from the then six (6) prior to 2016 to ten (10). In the same way, the responsibility of this committee has been extended to education and health issues. Therefore, the researcher chose the period in question under the assumption that this committee reform could improve the quality of social development facilities in the various communities.

1.9 Definitions of Concepts
Rural development
Rural development, according to this research, refers to a significant improvement in the general standard of living of the rural populace with regards to the following:
A substantial improvement in the health status of the majority of the rural population which is measured in terms of the quality of health facility available in the rural communities. This is measured in terms of health facilities attendance, number of people immunized, and mortality rate in relation to attendance as well as patient referral out for a specific period of time. The rural area is therefore said to have developed with reference to the following indicators:
- a continuous significant decrease in the health facilities attendance of not less than an average of fifteen per cent (15%)for the period of five(5) years i.e. 2017 to 2022
- a continuous significant reduction in general mortality rate in relation to attendance of not less than an average of fifteen per cent (15%) for the period of five (5) years i.e. 2017 to 2022
- a continuous decrease in the number of patients referred out from the health facilities of the two local government areas. This decrease should not be less than 15% (average) of the period of five years i.e. 2017-2022.
- a substantial improvement in the education sectors of the local government areas which, in this research, will be measured by the enrolment in to the primary schools of the rural communities primary schools. From educational perspective, for rural areas to have developed, a significant increase of not less than twenty per cent (20%) of pupil‟s enrolment into the primary schools must be recorded every year.
Immunization exercise
This refers to the process of preventing people from a disease or diseases by giving them an injection of a vaccine or other drugs. This is an important preventive measure towards improving the health status of people. An effective immunization exercise can lead to a significant reduction into the health    facilities‟    attendance    level    in    the    rural    areas.    An    effective immunization exercise, in this research, means a continuous significant increase in the number of people immunized of not less than twenty per cent (20%) average of the period of five years i.e. from 2017 to 2022.
Adequate funding
This refers to the amount of money expended for the purpose of developing education facilities which will subsequently improve the knowledge and skills of the populace. Such amount expended could be in the area of provision of school equipments like desks, renovation of classrooms, building of additional classroom of even construction of more schools with the ultimate target of increasing the enrolment figures of the pupils in order to meet the demand of the increasing population of the nation. For this reason, expenditure on education should consistently be on increase in order to meet the aforementioned demand. For the purpose of the research, adequate funding refers to continuous increase of public expenditure of not than an average of 20% on education over the period of five (5) years i.e. 2017-2022.

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