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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009266

No of Pages: 55

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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The study was carried out in Old Akpabuyo Local Government Area which comprises of Bakassi Local Government Area and New Akpabuyo Local Government Area in Cross River State. The Study assessed the participation of youths in community development projects in the area. The objectives of the study were to identify the personal and socio – economic characteristics of the youths in the study area; identify the types of rural development projects that youths were involved in the study area; assess the extent to participation of youths in rural development projects in the study area, ascertain the perception of youths towards rural development projects in the study area, and to ascertain the constraints the youths encounter in rural development projects in the study area. Youths between the ages of 15 and 35 were randomly selected from 12 rural towns and 2 villages each were purposively selected from the villages. Data were collected with structured questionnaire and were analysed using descriptive statistics, and 3 and 4 likert-type scale. 5 respondents were randomly selected from each of the 24 villages given a total of 120.  The study revealed that youths that are single participated fully in rural development (65.83%). Development activities mostly found was maternity centres (52%). The major rural development activity which youths participate in was transportation (64.7%). The perception of youths towards rural development was that it empowers rural people (29.17%). Major constraint was lack of capacity building for youths (50.83%). It was recommended that government and NGO‟s should build the capacity of the youths and empower them to participate in rural development activities.



Title Page…………………………………………………………………………… i-ii

Certification………………………………………………………………………..  iii

Declaration ……………………………………………………………………….. iv

Dedication …………………………………………………………………………  v

Acknowledgements……………………………………………………………….vi- vii

Table of Contents…………………………………………………………………viii-ix

List of Tables ………………………………………………………………………x

Abstract ……………………………………………………………………………..xi



1.0 Introduction…………………………………………………………………..  1

1.1 Background Information………………………………………………….1-3

1.2 Statement of Problems…………………………………………………….4

1.3 Objective of the Study……………………………………………………..4-5

1.4 Justification of the Study………………………………………………….5



2.0  Literature Review…………………………………………………………… 6

2.1  Concept of Youths Participation in Rural Development……….6-8

2.2  Factors affecting Participation 

 Youths in Rural Development…………………………………………8-10

2.3  Importance of Youths Participation

 in Rural Development…………………………………………………  10-11

2.4  Contributions of Youths to community development  and types of contributions………………………………………     11-12     

2.4.1  Educational Project……………………………………………                  12

2.4.2  Water Project…………………………………………………………………13

2.5 Types of Rural Development …………………………………………   13

2.5.1  Community development……………………………………………     13

2.5.2  Agric Extension strategy ……………………………………………  13-14

2.5.3  Integrated Rural Community Development………………………  14 Others – Health and electrification projects……………………………..   14

2.6 Influence of socio – economic characteristics

                                            On participation in rural development……………………………  14-15

2.7 Theoretical Concept……………………………………………………      16

2.7.1 Functional Perspective theory……………………………………    16-17

2.7.2  Social change and social problem theory……………………… 17-18  



Chapter Three

3.0 Methodology…………………………………………………………………… 19

3.1 Area of Study……………………………………………………………….    19

3.2 Population ……………………………………………………………………   19  

3.3 Sampling and Sampling Techniques………………………………  19-21


Chapter Four

4.0 Results and Discussions…………………………………………………  22

4.1 Personal Characteristics of the respondents…………………… 22-24

4.2 Types of Rural Development activities in the study area…. 25-27

4.3 Level of Participation……………………………………………………  28-


4.4 Youths perception in the study area……………………………… 32-34

4.5 Constraints/Problems of youths in the study area…………… 35-37

4.6 Levels of contributions…………………………………………………  37-38


Chapter Five

5.0  Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation …………………..   39

5.1 Summary………………………………………………………………………  39

5.2 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………39-40

5.3 Recommendation ………………………………………………………   40-41

                                                              References ………………………………………………………………..  42-43



4.1 Personal characteristics of respondents…………………………  22-23

4.2 Types of rural development activities in the study area…… 25-26

4.3 Level of participation of the youths in the study area………   29

4.4 Results of youths‟ perception in the study area……………… 33-34

4.5 Constraints/problems of the youths in the study area………36-37

4.5.1          Level of contributions/participation of      youths in rural development in the study area………………39

4.5.2    Types of contributions made to rural 

   development project…………………………………………………39-40













In the present scenario, youth has to play a prominent role to provide leadership for the future and also in the implementation of the developmental programmes. In order to create awareness among the youths about their roles to be played in the society thereby enhancing their capabilities in leading society towards development; National Reconstruction Corps (NRC) was launched by the government of India as a pilot project in two phases covering 120 districts all over the country (Reddy,2004).


Youths are one of the greatest assets that any nation can have (Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999), not only are they legitimately regarded as future leaders; they are potential and actually the greatest investment for a country‟s development. (Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999)


Around the world, greater engagements of youths and communities are becoming feature to many governments both public and private organization. Young people are expected to be involved and to have a say in the business of government and the decisions of organization that affect their interests. Many are concerned with two levels of development and youth participation in planning and implementation of development activities in our communities which have contributed to reduction in the trust in public and private institutions. (Daily Trust October 2008). 

Odebode (2000) reported that rural youths also constitute a strong and very important labour force on development activities of rural communities. Therefore, the youths participation in rural development project is geared towards bringing an improvement in the standard of living of the people and change in their attitudes, knowledge, behaviors and skills.


In recognition to all these, therefore drastic step need to be taken to integrate the physically and mentally-active individuals (youths) into developmental programmes or projects that take place in our rural areas.


According to Nigeria‟s National Youth Developmental Policy (2001), the youths comprises of all young persons of ages 18 to 35 who are citizens of Federal Republic of Nigeria. This category represents, the most active, the most volatile and yet the most vulnerable segment of the population. The youth has also been viewed as a concept defined in an individual‟s life which runs between the end of childhood and entry into world of work (Onuekwusi and Effiong, 2002). People in this age bracket definitely constitute a sizeable thick of the nation‟s population in which the burden of nation‟s building falls. Any country that wants to embark on any meaningful rural development has the youths as their resource base. Lagun (2002), observed that investment in the youth is the only way to ensure the future growth and development of any country. He also declares that increasing number of young people must be trained and as quickly as possible to provide leadership in so many areas like industries, government and rural development, agriculture etc. So many aspects of their development should be put into consideration. It is required of these youths to develop intellectually, morally, socially and with relevant skills to face rapidly advancing technological world.


Youth‟s participation in rural development is very essential as they have potential to contribute actively and productively in all significant aspect of rural development including agriculture.

Therefore, youth participation in rural development must be enhanced and further sustained as a necessary tool for ensuring rural and socioeconomic development.


On the other hand, Ekong (2003) defined development as a process of socio-economic changes involving the transformation of agrarian society so as to reach a common set of development and goals which are based on the capacity and needs of rural populace. In order words, rural development can be said to mean results of conglomerate changes that occur when the living standards of a given rural populace is improved.




Development of the rural areas has a lot of hitches as it is not sustained. This has been as a result of bureaucracy in government policies and sometimes not being committed to programme implementation. It is a general observation that many of the youths in the rural areas, prior to their youthful life tend to be satisfied with their earnings from agriculture in the rural areas because there is little or no socio-economic pressure on them. They however became less satisfied as more demand placed on their meager earnings from agricultural activities could no longer sustain their livelihood. (Torimiro and Oluborode 2006). This now will no doubt make the youths to pull action from the urban centers where they could earn more and enjoy better social infrastructure which are not available in the rural areas. The aged and the unproductive ones in the rural areas will not face challenges of carrying out this assignment (development) that are meant for the youths. This will now bring out inefficiency and unproductiveness and, therefore, constitute a bane to rural development project. (Torimiro and Oluborode, 2006)



The broad objective of the study was to assess the participation of youths in rural development projects in Old Akpabuyo Local Government Area of Cross River State.


The specific objectives were to;

1.            identify the personal and socio-economic characteristics of youths in the study area;

2.            identify the types of rural development projects that youths are involved in the study area.

3.            assess the extent to participation of youths in rural development  projects in the study area.

4.            ascertain the perception of youths towards rural development projects in the study area and

5.            ascertain the constraints the youths encounter in rural development projects in the study area.



The justification of this research seeks to provide pragmatic way of curbing youths ill-feeling towards participating in rural development.


This research is also aimed at challenging the youths in the study area on their inability to participate fully in harnessing the resources in their locality not only to develop their area, but to live a worthy life.


It will also offer practicable solutions to problems youths encounter while participating in rural development. The study will equally look at how to restore dignity not only in agriculture but in all other aspects of rural development through youths‟ participation in the study area. 


There may be existing information in this research. More will be added to that after this study. The Federal government, Cross River State government, Non – Governmental Organizations (NGO) youth activists, policy makers may also find it useful as a working guide.


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