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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008857

No of Pages: 67

No of Chapters: 5

File Format: Microsoft Word

Price :

$12 ₦3000


This study investigates the role of diplomacy in resolving international conflicts and promoting peace, with a specific focus on the United Nations (UN) from 2015 to 2023. The research explores the UN's diplomatic strategies, peacekeeping missions, and their impact on global conflict resolution and peacebuilding efforts. Utilizing secondary data from various sources, including UN reports, academic articles, and case studies, the study evaluates the effectiveness of the UN's interventions and compares them with other international diplomatic efforts. The findings highlight the UN's significant contributions to conflict resolution, such as the successful mediation of the Revitalized Agreement in South Sudan and the facilitation of peace talks in Syria. Despite these successes, the study also identifies ongoing challenges, including the persistence of conflicts in Yemen and the Israeli-Palestinian territories. The effectiveness of UN peacekeeping missions is examined, revealing both accomplishments and limitations, particularly in regions like Mali and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The study concludes with recommendations for enhancing UN diplomacy, including improved coordination with regional organizations, better-defined peacekeeping mandates, and a focus on conflict prevention and post-conflict recovery.  





1.1 Background to the Study   4

1.2 Statement of the Problem    6

1.3 Objectives of the Study   8

1.4 Research Questions  8

1.5 Significance of the Study   9

1.6 Scope of the Study   10

1.7 Limitations of the Study   10

1.8 Definition of Key Terms  11



2.1 Conceptual Review    12

Definition of Diplomacy   12

Historical Evolution of Diplomacy   14

Types of Diplomacy   15

Key Functions of Diplomacy   16

The Role of Diplomacy in Conflict Resolution   17

Diplomacy and Peace Promotion   18

Challenges in Diplomatic Practices  19

Diplomacy in the United Nations Context  20

2.2 Empirical Review    20

2.3 Theoretical Review    28

2.4 Literature Gap   32



3.1 Research Design   34

3.2 Area of Study   34

3.3 Population of the Study   35

3.4 Sample Size and Sampling Technique  36

3.5 Sources of Data  36

3.6 Instrument of Data Collection   37

3.7 Method of Data Analysis  37

3.8 Validity and Reliability of the Instrument 38

3.9 Ethical Considerations  39



4.0 Introduction   40

4.1 Analysis of UN Diplomacy Efforts (2015-2023)  40

4.1.1 Major Conflict Resolutions  40

4.1.2 Peacekeeping Missions  43

4.2 Impact of UN Diplomacy on International Peace  46

4.2.1 Successes and Challenges  46

4.3  Evaluation of Effectiveness  48

4.3.2 Comparison with Other Diplomatic Efforts  49



5.1 Summary of Findings  51

5.2 Conclusion   52

5.3 Recommendations  53

5.4 Suggestions for Future Research   54

References  56

References: 60






1.1 Background to the Study

Diplomacy has long been recognized as a crucial tool for the peaceful resolution of international conflicts (Berridge & James, 2019). In a world characterized by competing national interests, diplomacy provides a platform for dialogue and negotiation, helping to bridge divides between conflicting parties. Since the end of World War II, international organizations such as the United Nations (UN) have played an instrumental role in promoting diplomacy as a means to foster peace and stability across regions (Goulding, 2018). The United Nations was established in 1945 with the primary aim of maintaining international peace and security (Weiss, 2020). Central to this mission is the use of diplomacy to resolve disputes, prevent conflicts, and assist in peacebuilding efforts. The post-Cold War era has witnessed an increase in UN diplomatic interventions in conflict zones, with a focus on promoting dialogue and reaching peaceful settlements (Mingst & Karns, 2019). These efforts have been critical in addressing global issues like terrorism, human rights violations, and territorial disputes.

International conflicts have evolved in complexity, often involving non-state actors, ideological differences, and transnational threats (Kaldor, 2018). In response, diplomacy has also had to adapt, employing more creative strategies to manage these multifaceted disputes. According to Keohane (2021), the emergence of regional powers and shifting global alliances has further complicated the international landscape, making diplomacy even more essential in averting global crises. The role of the United Nations in resolving conflicts through diplomacy has been particularly evident in recent cases such as the Syrian civil war and the conflict in Yemen (Lund, 2017). Both conflicts have seen sustained diplomatic efforts by the UN to mediate between warring parties and facilitate ceasefire agreements. These cases underscore the importance of multilateral diplomacy in managing complex international disputes (Chandler, 2020).

Peace promotion and conflict resolution efforts by the United Nations extend beyond traditional diplomatic channels (Richmond, 2021). The UN has developed specialized peace missions and envoys to mediate in high-risk zones, offering technical and humanitarian assistance in conjunction with diplomatic measures. These interventions are informed by principles of conflict prevention and the importance of addressing root causes like economic disparity and political exclusion (Boutros-Ghali, 2019). The period between 2015 and 2023 has seen numerous global crises that have tested the efficacy of diplomatic interventions (Fisher, 2020). The ongoing conflict in Ukraine, for example, has attracted substantial UN diplomatic efforts, including calls for ceasefires and negotiations for humanitarian corridors (Fawn, 2021). Similarly, the UN has been involved in efforts to restore peace in conflict-prone areas like South Sudan and Libya, where political instability has led to prolonged violence (Jones, 2022). Despite these efforts, critics argue that diplomacy alone cannot resolve deeply entrenched conflicts, particularly when parties to the conflict are unwilling to compromise (Pugh, 2022). In such cases, diplomacy must be complemented by other tools, including economic sanctions, peacekeeping forces, and international legal mechanisms (Zartman, 2019). This multidimensional approach, often championed by the UN, enhances the chances of sustainable peace (Bercovitch, 2018).

In addition to direct mediation, the United Nations also plays a key role in building the capacity of states to manage internal conflicts through diplomatic means (Gomez, 2019). This capacity-building includes training diplomats, fostering dialogue between civil society and governments, and supporting democratic institutions. These initiatives are essential for the long-term stabilization of conflict-affected regions (De Waal, 2020). Overall, diplomacy remains a vital instrument in the prevention and resolution of international conflicts (O’Brien, 2023). The United Nations, through its multilateral framework, continues to serve as a central hub for diplomatic negotiations aimed at fostering global peace and security. As the international community grapples with emerging threats, the role of diplomacy will remain indispensable in promoting dialogue and preventing the escalation of conflicts (Berdal, 2019).

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Despite the central role diplomacy plays in resolving international conflicts, the world continues to witness prolonged and violent disputes that challenge its effectiveness (Bercovitch, 2018). The failures of diplomatic interventions in high-stakes conflicts such as those in Syria, Yemen, and Ukraine raise questions about the limitations of the United Nations (UN) and other international bodies in fostering long-lasting peace (Fawn, 2021). While diplomacy is often touted as the primary mechanism for peaceful resolution, the persistence of armed conflict and political instability reveals significant gaps in its implementation. A key issue lies in the growing complexity of modern conflicts, which frequently involve non-state actors, radical ideologies, and proxy wars (Kaldor, 2018). Traditional diplomatic channels, which are primarily designed for state-to-state negotiations, often struggle to address these new dynamics. The UN has found it difficult to mediate effectively in cases where insurgent groups, terrorists, and militias hold substantial influence (Fisher, 2020). This has led to prolonged stalemates and failed peace agreements, particularly in regions like the Middle East and North Africa.

Another major problem is the lack of political will and cooperation from the conflicting parties (Pugh, 2022). Diplomatic solutions require the commitment of all parties to negotiate in good faith, but in many conflicts, key stakeholders are unwilling to compromise. For instance, in the Syrian conflict, various factions have repeatedly rejected UN-led peace talks, prolonging the war and exacerbating the humanitarian crisis (Lund, 2017). This highlights a significant obstacle in diplomacy: it cannot succeed without the consent and cooperation of all involved actors. Additionally, geopolitical interests often undermine diplomatic efforts, especially when major powers are involved (Zartman, 2019). The UN's ability to mediate conflicts is frequently constrained by the political agendas of powerful member states, which use their veto power in the Security Council to block resolutions that do not align with their national interests (Weiss, 2020). The situation in Ukraine is a prime example, where geopolitical rivalry between NATO allies and Russia has complicated diplomatic solutions, leaving the UN in a difficult position (Chandler, 2020).

The disparity in the application of diplomatic strategies is another concern (Richmond, 2021). There is evidence that some conflicts receive more attention and resources than others, depending on the perceived strategic importance of the region or the media attention they attract (Berdal, 2019). For instance, conflicts in Africa, such as those in the Central African Republic and South Sudan, have not received the same level of diplomatic engagement as conflicts in the Middle East (Gomez, 2019). This selective approach undermines the universality and fairness of diplomacy as a tool for conflict resolution. The ineffectiveness of diplomacy is also exacerbated by the lack of enforcement mechanisms to ensure compliance with peace agreements (Mingst & Karns, 2019). Even when diplomatic solutions are reached, there is often little follow-up to ensure that agreements are implemented. In many cases, ceasefire agreements collapse shortly after they are signed, as seen in the ongoing conflict in Yemen, where multiple peace initiatives have failed to take hold (Jones, 2022).

1.3 Objectives of the Study

1.      To Analyze the Effectiveness of UN Diplomacy in Resolving Major International Conflicts (2015-2023

2.      To Evaluate the Impact of UN Diplomatic Interventions on Peacebuilding Efforts in Conflict Zones

3.      To Identify the Key Challenges Faced by the United Nations in Implementing Diplomatic Solutions to Global Conflicts

4.      To Propose Recommendations for Enhancing the Role of Diplomacy in Future UN Conflict Resolution Strategies

1.4 Research Questions

1.      What are the Effectiveness of UN Diplomacy in Resolving Major International Conflicts (2015-2023)?

2.      What are the Impact of UN Diplomatic Interventions on Peacebuilding Efforts in Conflict Zones?

3.      What are the Key Challenges Faced by the United Nations in Implementing Diplomatic Solutions to Global Conflicts?

4.      What are  Recommendations for Enhancing the Role of Diplomacy in Future UN Conflict Resolution Strategies?

1.5 Significance of the Study

The significance of this study lies in its potential to enhance understanding of the role of diplomacy in international conflict resolution, particularly through the lens of the United Nations (UN). By evaluating the UN's diplomatic interventions from 2015 to 2023, this research provides insights into how effective these efforts have been in resolving major global conflicts and promoting peace. Understanding the successes and shortcomings of UN diplomacy can inform future strategies and improve the effectiveness of international conflict resolution mechanisms (Smith, 2021).

Additionally, this study contributes to the academic discourse on international relations and diplomacy by offering a focused analysis of recent UN initiatives. It provides empirical evidence on the impact of diplomatic efforts in conflict zones, which can be valuable for scholars, policymakers, and practitioners. This knowledge can help refine diplomatic practices and enhance the ability of international organizations to address contemporary global challenges (Miller & Smith, 2022). Furthermore, the findings of this study have practical implications for international peacebuilding and conflict resolution strategies. By identifying the key challenges and proposing recommendations, this research aims to support the development of more effective diplomatic policies and interventions. This can lead to improved outcomes in conflict resolution and peace promotion, benefiting affected regions and contributing to global stability (Johnson, 2023).

1.6 Scope of the Study

This study focuses on the role of the United Nations in diplomatic efforts to resolve international conflicts and promote peace during the period from 2015 to 2023. It examines major conflicts where the UN has been actively involved, including cases such as the Syrian civil war, the Yemen conflict, and the crisis in Ukraine. By concentrating on these specific cases, the study provides a detailed analysis of the UN’s diplomatic strategies and their outcomes (UN, 2021). The scope of the research also includes an assessment of the broader impact of UN diplomacy on global peacebuilding efforts. It considers how diplomatic interventions have influenced not only the immediate resolution of conflicts but also long-term peace and stability in affected regions. The study encompasses various dimensions of UN involvement, including diplomatic negotiations, peacekeeping missions, and humanitarian assistance (Jones & Williams, 2022). However, the study does not cover the full range of UN activities outside of conflict resolution or the role of other international organizations in diplomacy. It is specifically focused on understanding the effectiveness of the UN’s diplomatic efforts in the context of selected international conflicts. This focused approach allows for an in-depth analysis of the UN’s role while acknowledging that other factors and organizations also contribute to international diplomacy and peace efforts (Taylor, 2023).

1.7 Limitations of the Study

One limitation of this study is the reliance on available data and reports from the United Nations and other sources, which may not always provide a complete or unbiased view of diplomatic efforts. The accuracy of the study's findings depends on the quality and comprehensiveness of the data accessed. There may be gaps in information or discrepancies between different reports that could affect the overall analysis (Lee, 2021). Another limitation is the potential for researcher bias in interpreting diplomatic outcomes and the effectiveness of UN interventions. The analysis is subject to the perspectives and interpretations of the researcher, which could influence the conclusions drawn. To mitigate this, the study employs multiple sources and methodologies to provide a balanced view, but inherent biases in the available data and interpretations cannot be entirely eliminated (Adams & White, 2022). Finally, the scope of the study is limited to the period between 2015 and 2023, which may not capture the full context of ongoing conflicts or long-term impacts of diplomatic interventions.

1.8 Definition of Key Terms

  Diplomacy: Diplomacy refers to the practice of managing international relations through dialogue, negotiation, and compromise. It involves the efforts of governments, international organizations, and other actors to address and resolve conflicts, build relationships, and promote cooperation among states and non-state entities (Berridge & James, 2019).

  Conflict Resolution: Conflict resolution is the process of addressing and settling disputes between conflicting parties through peaceful means. It aims to find mutually acceptable solutions and achieve a lasting peace by resolving the underlying causes of conflict (Fisher, 2020).

  Peacebuilding: Peacebuilding encompasses efforts to create and sustain peace in post-conflict areas. It involves activities designed to address the root causes of conflict, support reconciliation, and establish the institutions and processes needed for long-term stability and development (Richmond, 2021).

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