It is evident
today that Nigerian economy is characterized by a number of challenges. From
the inception of military regime, the economy was burdened by mismanagement
which brought in additional problem such as high fiscal deficits which, threw
macroeconomic services in to despair, epileptic power supply which rendered
growth activities in the country handicapped, there was low output in
production, high unemployment, and a crushing external debt overhand prevailed,
all this existed prior to the inception of a civilian democratic leadership of
president Olusegun Obasanjo. There has been tremendous changes and growth in
the economy and national development of Nigeria from 1999-2010.
This study
employ the secondary data, such as books encyclopedia, journals, internet
materials and government publications, in gathering information that enabled
better understanding of the subject matter.
In these findings,
the study identifies the historical background of Economic Diplomacy of the
past regime and there policy and as a result of the epileptic and mismanagement
of political as well as economic activities, these made the new civilian
administration of president Obasanjo employ his 'idiosyncrasies' cum methods.
And the extent to which he has been able to exert influence on foreign policy
matters through the general reforms from 1999 to 2010
The study
recommends that for the identified strategies to be fully impactful for
economic growth of the country as well as the national development there must
be transparency of government and earring official must be persecuted.
Title Page
List of
Table of Content
1.1 Background to the Study
1.2 Statement of the Problem
1.3 Objective of the Study
1.4 Research Question
1.5. Rational for Study
1.6 Scope/ Limitation of Study
1.7 Literature Review
2.1 The Subject Matter of Economic Diplomacy
in Nigeria
2.2 Meaning and use of Diplomacy
2.3 Economic Diplomacy from the Ancient to the
Modem time
2.4 Main Tenets of Nigeria's Economic
3.1 Foreign policy as a tool for Nigeria
Economic Diplomacy
3.2 A History of Nigeria’s Foreign Policy
3.3 Significant of Foreign Policy in Nigeria
4.1 The impact of Economic
Diplomacy on Nigeria's Foreign Policy: 1999-2003.
4.2 National Development Strategies cum
Economic Reforms
4.3 Anti-Corruption Crusade
4.4 Debt Cancellation.
5.0 Summaries
5.1 Recommendation
5.2 Conclusion
List of
ACT-EU: Economic Partnership Agreement ADB African
Development Bank
APPA: .. African Growth and Opportunity Act
AU: . African
CET: .. Common External Tariff
CMAG: .. Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group
COPAZ: . Commission and the Co-Prosperity
Alliance Zone
DFID: Department for International Development
ECOMOG: ... West African Peace Monitoring Force
ECOWAS: Economic Community of West African States
EEC: European Economic Community
EFCC: Economic and
Financial Crimes Commission
EPA: Economic Partnership Agreements
EU: .. European Union
FATF: ... Financial Action Task Force
FCT: .. Federal Capital Territory
FDI: Foreign Direct
G-7: Group of
Seven Countries.
GAIT: .. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
GDP: Gross Domestic Product
GOS: .. Government of Sudan
ICPC: .. Independent Corrupt Practices and
other related offences Commission
JLO: . International Labour Organization
IMF: . International Monetary Fund
1.1 Background of the study.
Harun ur Rasid,
(2005) looks at diplomacy from a traditional sense, that us "diplomacy as
political diplomacy". This means that diplomats are primarily engaged in
political relations because close or strong political relations lead to
relations in other area including economic. Harun went to state that empirical
evidence suggests economic relations are not initiated in a significant way in
a political vacuum in which there is a lack of trust. (Ibid 2005).
relations may act as glue to political relationship. There is a growing
realization that if economic relationship are strong. It impacts on political
relationship and whatever ripples occurs in political relations, it gets sorted
out because the countries involved have a stake in not losing out beneficial
economic relationship. Harun further argues that the term "Economic
diplomacy was earlier known as Trade Diplomacy and trade diplomacy comes with
the nationalization of industries in many countries from the 1950s to the
19790. This resulted in gradual involvement of diplomats in trade matters that
is to help sell products of nationalized industries. Meanwhile that "bread
and butter" issues are the principal objectives for growth and prosperity
of the people. Added is that while strong economy exists, it can stabilize the
political terrine and guarantee the leaders longer tenure in power.
Now the term
"economic diplomacy" has become a buzz-word in all countries. In the
process the term has raised confusion among many as to its exact meaning,
although everyone has a formulation and advancing policies relating to
production, movement or exchange of goods, services, labour and investment in
other countries. A distinctive feature of economic diplomacy is that private
sectors are involved in the decision making process to influence negotiating
position to remain in the global or regional competitive market. Harun Ur
Rashid (Ibid 2005:1- 2) some consider economics diplomacy to be a fairly recent
addition to the work of professional diplomats, who previously tended to
concentrate almost exclusively on political tasks.
Commercial work,
like other functional sectors, consular or cultural, was traditionally viewed
with disdain, and represented a secondary career track for high-flying
However, in a globalized
and interconnected world, economics is more important than ever as a determine
element in international affairs. It is also a sizable component of relations
between states. Thus economics has moved to center-stage in diplomacy and now
extends beyond 'commercial diplomacy'. Aside from foreign trade, it includes
external investments, financial flows, aids, bilateral and multilateral
economic negotiations and technology exchanges, which all 'band' countries
contributes to nation building.
diplomacy is an active and interconnected factor in integrated diplomacy, where
the lines of division between functional areas are blurred and each sector
influences the other. In some ways, we have evolved back to the earliest
recorded days of relations between kingdoms and principalities, when commerce
was an important motivation for reaching out to other foreign entities. It led
ancient civilization to exchange spices, silks and other precious commodities
with distant lands, thereby creating the norms and procedures within the
exchange could be carried out. These were the first 'international' accords and
treaties that were not only concerned with conquest and territory, but with
mutually beneficial commercial dealings within a legal framework. This portal
explores the multiples dimensions of modern economic diplomacy as a component
of international relations as analyzed by Ambassador Kishan Rana. (2002).
The emergence of
a democratic Nigeria in May 1999 ended 16 years of consecutive military rule
(Bureau of African Affairs June 2007). Military rule in Nigeria has a
devastating effect on the countries economy. Economy diplomacy and national
development has haphazard, policies were distorted, and implementation
processes undermined. In addition, corruption, fraud, general mismanagement and
lack of respect for human right became the order of the day. As such, the
Nigerian economy as well as the nation's development was in a serious comatose
when the civilian regime of Chief Olusegun Obasanjo assumed office in May 1999.
However, hopes and expectations were high, and the Nigerian people were
yearning for the dividends of democracy in socio-economic aspect. But how did
the new civilian administration fair in the management of the national
development with the use of economic diplomacy and what are the results? These
are the issues to be addressed by this study. Going backwards a little the late
General Sani Abacha regime, came to power in November 1993 under the pretence
of resolving the political logjam, occasioned by the annulment of the June 12,
1993 presidential elections, but instead sought to perpetuate himself in power.
In the process,
institutions were subverted, polity undermined and political crisis
intensified. The economy was the worse for it. The junta 'through its
repressive and dastardly acts undermined the economy as well as the national
development" (Adebonyon and Madasiru 2001). At the time that President Obasanjo
came into office in 1999, the economy was stagnating and was characterized by
poor management of public expenditure, low investor confidence, widespread
corruption, infrastructural decay, a high debt burden severely eroded social
capital and high incident of poverty, with 70% of the population in 1996 living
in absolute poverty. Inflation was at its peak and double standard became the rule
of operation, the economy, after about four decades of political independence
and economic management, suffered from fundamental structural defects, and
remained in a persistent state of disequilibrium (federal republic of Nigeria
April 2000). Its relationship with the outside world was poor and production as
well as technological base was weak, outdated, narrow, inflexible and
externally dependent (April 2000): Also, infrastructure was poor, inadequate,
lacked maintenance and economic incentives were generally low, giving rise
"to inadequate utilization of the factors of production. This mirrored the
Nigerian economic, national development and the entire situation of the country
until June 8, 1998 when the head of the military junta General Sani Abacha died.
Immediately after the provisional "Ruling Council met and decided the
General Abdul Salam Abubakar should fill the vacuum.
It is important
to stress here that the morning of May 1999 witnessed a turning point in the
political history of Nigeria as civilian political leaders were sworn in and
the birth of the fourth republic became a reality after a prolonged military
rule. The newly born fourth republic became highly instructive considering the
scope and array of economics and political problems bequeathed to the country
by the prolonged years of military rule and which the newly elected civilians
have to cope with. Thus it is interesting to note that the performance of the
Nigerian economy as regard its foreign policy in 1999 was mixed. Inflationary
pressures eased especially during the second half of the year. At this period,
inflationary pressures had decreased to 6.1 per cent. This was a great decrease
as it had risen up to 70 percent in 1995 and 1996 (Mash a 2000: 36). This
coincided with period of expansionary fiscal deficit and money supply growth.
Also, the Naira
exchange rate was stable as the dollar exchanged for N92.00 to a dollar as at
the last quarter of 1999. However, the later part of year 2000 witnessed a
drastic increase in the exchange rate. At this period up to the second half of
year 2000, a dollar was exchanged for N35.00 this shows a decrease of about 50
percent in the value of the Naira (CBN 1990). Although, on assumption of office
in May, 1999, the Obasanjo administration immediately took decisive diplomatic
steps to put in place on enabling environment for the thriving of democracy,
regaining international respectability, and credibility and putting the economy
on the path to sustainable growth and development. (Mudasiru and Adebonyon,
As at 1996,
Nigeria's external debt stood at US$31,407,000.00 which presented Nigeria as
the highest indebted country in Africa followed by Cote d'Ivoire which has
US$19,713,000.00 (cited in Southern, 2000). However, as at the end of December
1998, Nigeria's debt service obligation amounted to some 36 per cent of the
National budget which translated into a payment of some $1.68million out of the
$3.61 6illion that was actually due for 1998 (The Guardian 13, September,
However, it is
important to stress that Nigeria borrowed some $28.025 billion over the period
1979 to 1995 and paid back $35.845 billion in principal and interest, yet the
outstanding debt as at the end of 1997 still stood at a staggering $27.008
billion (The News, 1999). A total US$724.9 million was used to service the
country's debt in 1999 representing an increase of US$ 452.4 million over that
of 1998 (CBN 1999). Also, there was a decline in the debt conversion scheme in
1999 as applicable for the as application for the program dropped from 29 in
1998 to 20 in 1999. The value of the application for the program dropped from
29 in 1998 to 20 in 1999. The value of the applications also dropped to
US$276.5 million from US$20,060.8 million.
the total debt redeemed declined from U8$88.4 million in 1998 to U8$ 59.7
million in 1999 (IBID 1999). Therefore, the cumulative value of debt redeemed
between 115 and 1999· amounted to $524.32 million. Therefore, on assuming
office as earlier pointed out, the Obasanjo's administration took certain
decisive steps to put in place an enabling environment for the thriving of
democracy which in turn leads to national development, regaining international
respectability and credibility and putting the economy on the path of
sustainable growth and development (Madasiru and Adabonyon 2001)
1.2 Statement
of the problem
diplomacy connotes an instrument for the purpose of achieving a desired end;
much of its focus is on how state and political elite employ its instrument of
economic in advancing national development. With the inception of the regime of
Ibrahim Babangida in August 1995, the conduct of Nigerian foreign policy was
said to have been basterdized. The need for Obasanjo's economic diplomacy from
1999-2007 as a result of the economic relations that existed between Nigeria
and the outside world, in which Nigeria was regarded as one of the 'risky'
countries to enter into business with and was also listed among other countries
with a threatened economy (Guardian 2006). Talking about the intricacies of
economic diplomacy which needs to be understood, it is imperative to note that
Obasanjo led a crusade of anticorruption, even when Nigeria was rated as one
of the most corrupt nation in the world with its position rising between 4th and 61t1 in the last six
years (Ibid) the following thought provoking question have emanated thus. What
are the factors responsible for national development, does economic diplomacy
really aid development? And to also ascertain if foreign policy through
economic diplomacy real~ leads to national development, to also see what extent
has foreign policy with the instrument of economic diplomacy aid the countries
national development.
1.3 Objective
of the Study
The broad
objectives of this study are to examine Economic Diplomacy and National
Development. An appraisal of its impact in Nigeria 1999-2007. Other objectives
To examine the policies and the strategies adopted in achieving
To investigate the connecting fabric between economic
diplomacy and national development.
iii. To examine the
effect of Obasanjo's policy of economic diplomacy and national development on
the Nigerian economy between the period of 1999-2007.
1.4 Research
i. What were the objectives of the impacts of
economic diplomacy and national development on Nigeria economy?
ii. Did Nigeria government engage to economic
iii. What method
of economic diplomacy did the Obasanjo's administration undertake?
Was economic diplomacy actually a triggering force for
national development?
1.5 Rationale
for the Study
The rationale
for the study varies in the sense that firstly the work attempts to examine the
origin of diplomacy cum economic diplomacy, secondly this work attempts to
examine the impact of economic diplomacy on national development, the work also
provide knowledge on how government and political elite should better employ
foreign policy for the betterment of the nation at large as the return of
democracy to Nigeria in 1999 improved the countries image all over the world,
this will allowed the country to be more active in the international arena.
Obasanjo has been several part of the globe in a bid to restore foreign
investment flow back to the country, after the break down of relation with the
wider world. This study also attempts a contribution to the literature of Nigeria’s
economic diplomacy in the world. It is particularly important because it
examines how obasanjo has made Nigeria a country to be recon within the
international scene after a long while.
1.6 Scope/limitation
of Study
By virtue of the
vastness of the details that the researcher requires in this work the
methodology of drawing of a sample frame may be difficult; the researcher
thereby seeks to structure the work in that, studying the past to understand
the present which will involve the reference to historical antecedents to
explain the present day manifestations. To this effect, secondary data
collection techniques, which involves sourcing for information and available
data analysis from libraries, internet, newspaper and journals as well as
articles is explored.
1.7 Literature Review
On this on this
interesting subject of economic diplomacy and national development, there are
various issues that will surface, such as the state of Nigeria before the
Obasanjo's administration in (1999) as well during his time in office, as a
result of the need to resolve these issues. It is pertinent to note that there
are numerous and vast volumes of publication and journals to the credit of
notable scholars, their immense contribution provide us with secondary data
thereby providing necessary fact but not all.
The encyclopedia
Britannia, (331) Defines diplomacy as the establish method of international
discourse or the art of managing international relations chiefly by
negotiation. Historically diplomacy means the conduct of official relations
between sovereign states, usually bilaterally.
In the 20th
century, diplomacy expanded to cover summit meeting and other international
conferences, public and parliamentary diplomacy, the international activities
of supranational and sub national entities, unofficial diplomacy by non-
governmental elements and the work of international civil servant.
The first
contact between individual tribes as they started communicating with each other
for various reasons can historically speaking is considered as the origin of
diplomatic practice. The appearance of tribal societies, together with their
co-existence and mutual competitiveness brought about the need for at least
occasional mutual dialogue. Diplomatic activities thus appeared in a
rudimentary form quite early on in human history, and the time of its origin is
definitely tied to the reasons and the form of its manifestation (Nicolson,
1988:5) thus here we can establish that the institution of diplomacy is as old as
human history (Benco, 1997) but if we accept this thesis that "the state
has to be considered as the key factor in diplomacy', then it is necessary to
conclude that, although we observe the origin of diplomacy in the ceremonial
and symbolic elements of communication between individual tribes,
"Diplomacy proper only appears with territorial social groups and the
state as their essential forms of organization'. (Ibid 1997) in this context
according to Milan Jazbee we can identify the era of the Greek city state as
the most important one in the development of diplomacy.
A very important
mile stone in the development of diplomacy appears with the emergency and rise
of Italian city states, which in the 14th and
especially the 15th century
contributed with their varied activities to the establishment of diplomacy and
all these elements of it that still determines its basic nature. Intensive
political and economic mutual contacts as well as contact with other states,
gave rise to a need for permanent emissaries from these states in those with
which they cooperated most intensely (Banco 1998:49).
Permanent diplomacy representations the basis of which were established
in this period, is one of the two foundations of diplomacy. The other, the
mutual communication between the state sending the representative and its
mission in the receiving state appear, parallel with the introduction of
permanent representatives and bodies of representatives.
Thus we can
conclude that in the mid ages especially in the 15th century. The basic elements of diplomatic practice
were formed. The institution of permanent diplomatic representative was widely
establishment and accepted as was mutual communication (albeit at a low
technical level) between the state sending the representative and the
representative himself. This communication is built mainly upon the instruction
to the diplomatic representative and upon his report on the condition of the
state receiving him. Even at this point, communication was mainly taking place
between rulers rather than state this was the time when according to (Nicolson,
1988: 10) "diplomacy as a
profession can be said to have been generally recognized". This phase of
the formation of clear outline in diplomatic practice ended with the peace of
Westphalia in 1648 which among other things facilitated the start of the
classical era of European diplomacy (Satow 1994:5).
The most
important period in the formation of what we know as classical diplomacy is
during the 18th and 19th centuries when Western Europe
began and developed its overseas economic expansion, with alternating
combinations of balance of power and constantly rearranging political relations
within the leading group of European state. This facilitated the further
development and formulation of diplomatic practice and encouraged the
development of international law and its codification. The development of
classical diplomacy reached its apogee at the congress of Vienna in 1815, when diplomacy was first recognized as
a profession or an activity with its own internationally recognized rules of
behavior (Sen. Nicolson). According to Barston (2006:1) diplomacy is concerned
with advising, shaping and implementing foreign policy. Diplomacy has been said
to be concerned with the management of relations between state and other
actors. As such he states that it is the means by which states through their
formal and other representatives, as well as other actors, articulate,
coordinates and secure of exchange of views, lobbying, visits, threats and
other related activities. On the other hand Harold Nicolson (1959: 4-5)
describes diplomacy as the management of international relation by negotiation.
It refers to the process of barging among state in order to narrow areas of
disagreement, resolve conflicts or reach accommodation on issues over which
agreement cannot, otherwise be reached. Bargaining itself could be according
John Spanier, (1979) either or tacit (i.e. disguised). When it is explicit, it
is essentially a peaceful process. Hence he continues that diplomacy is
generally defined as the method by which international relations are managed
and adjusted by ambassadors and envoys, that is, by those trained in the art of
peaceful management of international relations. However, when bargaining is
tacit, diplomacy could take the form of fighting aimed at establishing leverage
over an opponent in negotiation, it is in this sense that 'war is said to be a
continuation of diplomacy by other means'. Narrowly conceived in the manner
defined above, diplomacy is different from foreign policy. While foreign policy
is the substantive aspect of external relation, diplomacy is the procedural
aspect. In this restricted sense, diplomacy is the process of putting into
effect the foreign policies of nation-states (op.cit, 1959)
For Nicolson, it
consists of strategies and tactics for implementing foreign policy. It is
therefore, distinct from the substantive formulation of a nation's goals and
objectives in its relation with other actors in the international system.
Flowing from the above, diplomats carry out policies using whatever tactics
seem appropriate within the prescribed guidelines. Its primary tool is
negotiation, mainly by accredited envoy, though political leaders also
negotiate. Foreign policy is generally publicly enunciated; but most diplomacy
is to further the state's interest which are dictated by geography, history,
and economy. Safeguarding its independence, security and integrity-territorial,
political and economic comes first. Diplomacy seeks to strengthen the state,
gaining advantage and allies while neutralizing its opponents. Thus, it tries
to create goodwill towards the state it represents (Encyclopedia Britannia,
It should be
noted, however, that, though in principles, a distinction may be made between
foreign policy as substantive and legislative and diplomacy as procedural and
executive, in practice, both diplomacy and foreign policy are contemporary. In
some cases, they are even indistinguishable; as the process of implementing
foreign policy entails a measure of policy decision-making and alteration of
declared objectives. It is in this broad sense that the term diplomacy should
be conceived if we are to make any meaning of the concept of "economic diplomacy’.
Diplomacy is
often thought of as being concerned with peaceful activities, although it may
occurs within war or armed conflict or be used in the orchestration of
particular act of violence, such as seeking over flight clearance for an air
strike, more generally there is also a widening content of diplomacy. At one
level the changes in the substantive forms of diplomacy are reflected in terms
such as "oil diplomacy" "resource diplomacy"
"knowledge diplomacy” “global goutce" and "transition
diplomacy". Certainly what constitutes diplomacy today according to him
goes beyond the sometimes matter narrow politico-strategic conception given to
the term. Nor is it appropriate to view diplomacy in a restrictive or formal
sense as being the preserve of foreign ministries and diplomatic service
personnel. Rather diplomacy is undertaken by a wide range of actors including
'political', diplomats, advisors, envoy and official forms of wide range of
'domestic' ministries or agencies with their foreign counterparts, reflecting
its technical content; between official from (different international
organizations such as the international monetary fund (lMF) and the united
nations (UN) secretarial 'or involving foreign corporations and a host
government transitionally; and with or through non-governmental organizations
(NGOs) and 'private' individuals.
Chapters one and
two of the book (Barston 2006) is concerned with discussing some of the main
changes that have taken place in diplomacy since the 1960s, but before looking
at the changes, it is important to discuss the task of diplomacy. According to
Barston, the function of diplomacy can be broken into six broad areas -
Ceremonial, Management, Information/Communication, International negotiations,
duty of protection and normative/legal diplomacy, particular function within these
categories are set out below. The significance of each will vary from state to
state, as for some, diplomacy may be largely devoted to ceremonial
representation; others may allocate resources to high level roving envoys or in
support of an established role in international rule making. The functions of
diplomacy are particularly closely related to evolving events and issues such
as international crises, outbreak of violence, human and natural disaster which
shift diplomatic sport light unto previously remote geographical area or
Tasks of diplomacy
include protocol, representation and visits
This has to do with day to day problems, bilateral co-ordination, multilateral
cooperation, strengthening bilateral relationship, explanation and defense of
policy, promotion of interest (Political, economic, scientific, military, and
Information and
Communication:- This has to do with assignment, reporting and monitoring.
Negotiations:- This has to do with duty of protection.
Contribution to
International Order:- This has to do with normative/rule making mediation/pacific
diplomacy is said to have been associated with the first of the functions as
stated above. Formal representation, protocol and participation in the
diplomatic circuit of a national capital' or institutional continue as
important element in state sovereignty and as part of the notion of
international society. Al a substantial
level, much of the business of diplomacy is concerned with the management of
short term routine issues in bilateral and unilateral relations (Co-ordination,
consultation, lobbying, adjustment, and the agenda of official or private
visits). Which include the promotion and management of interest which for most
states are dominated by financial, economic, resources issues and terrorism
along with threat management.
The term ''threat
management “is used to differentiate these forms of diplomacy from defense
security policy or traditional military security activities. According to R.P
Barston (2006), in discussing the development of diplomacy, an overview of the
periods will help to give some perspective in which to consider the major
changes that have taken place, and this is as a result of providing bench mark
and highlights aspects that which have been noted as part of the development of
diplomacy. According to him the argument is not about 'old' or 'new' but rather
as Hocking B. (1999:21-24) and others suggest, seeing diplomacy in an
evolutionary sense. But rather David Davenport (2003) sees diplomacy as the
subject of constant change, rather than major shifts constituting a new firm.
Nicolson's analysis, written in 1961 in Foreign Affairs on the theme 'Diplomacy
then and now' is coloured especially by the impact of the cold war, the
instruction of ideological conflict into diplomacy and it effect on
explanation, and the transformation from the small inter elite in old-style
diplomacy to a new or 'democratic conception of international relationship
requiring public explanation and 'open' diplomacy despite its growing
complexity. According to Barston (2006) a further stinking change from Nicolson
was in values, especially in the relations based on the 'creation of
confidence, and the acquisition of credit'. Writing shortly after Nicolson was
Livingston Merchant (1964: 117-35), he noted the decline in the decision-making
power of ambassador but the widening of their area competence through economic
and commercial diplomacy; he states that the use of personal diplomacy: and the
burden created by multilateral diplomacy with its accompanying growth in the
use of specialists. Writing at the same time, Robert Pranger (1964)
additionally drew attention to methods, commenting on the growing volume of the
visits and increases in the number of treaties. Adam Watson (1982), reviewing
diplomacy and the nature of diplomatic dialogue noted wide range of ministries
involved in diplomacy; the corresponding decline in the influence of the
foreign minister; the increase in the direct involvement of head of government
in the details of foreign minister; the increase in the direct involvement of head
in the details of foreign policy and diplomacy; and the growth in importance of
the news media.
Hamilton and
Langhorne (1995, 224), writing in the mid-1990s, in the post-soviet and
Yugoslav context, highlighted that 'established diplomatic procedures have, as
in earlier periods of political upheaval and transition, been exploited from
distinctly undiplomatic ends'.
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