This premise of this research is based on the Impact
of National Poverty Eradication Programme (NAPEP) on Economic Development of
Nigeria. The research adopted a survey research design. A well structured
questionnaire was designed and administered to respondents. A sample size of
one hundred (100) was drawn from the population of study. The sampling was made
based on a simple random sampling technique.
The data gathered were presented in
tables and analysed with simple percentages. The hypothesis formulated was
analysed with the use of Chi-Square technique. It was concluded that - National
Poverty Eradication Eradication Programme (NAPEP) has impacted positively on
the economic development of Nigeria. Recommendations
were proffered that; all funds ear-marked for any programme should be made
complete before embarking on such programmes, this is aimed at reducing the
rate of abandoned programmes on the bases of inadequate funding.
Contents Pages
Front Page i
Title page ii
Certification iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgment v
Table of contents vi
Abstract ix
1.1 Background
of the Study 1
1.2 Statement
of the Problems 3
1.3 Objective
of the Study 7
1.4 Hypothesis
of the Study 7
1.5 Significance
of the Study 8
1.6 Scope
of the Study 8
1.7 Limitations
of the Study 8
1.8 Definition
of Concepts 9
1.9 Organisation
of the Study 9
2.0 Introduction
2.1 Theoretical
Framework 12
2.2 NAPEP’s
Review 19
2.3 Empirical
Literature 24
2.4 Review
of Related Literature 29
3.0 Introduction
3.1 Study
Location 34
3.2 Population
of the Study 34
3.3 Estimation
Procedures 35
3.4 Sources
of Data 35
4.0 Introduction 36
4.2 Interpretation
of Results 46
4.3 Evaluation
of Working Hypothesis 49
5.0 Recommendation
5.1 Summary
of Findings 50
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Policy
Recommendations 55
The concept of poverty and material
deprivation is a critical one in contemporary social discussions. Social
Sciences’ literature is replete with attempt by Economists and other Social
Scientists to conceptualize the phenomenon. Poverty has economic, social and
political ramifications. The poor are materially deprived, socially alienated
and politically excommunicated. Basically, Poverty has been conceptualized in
the following ways:
a. Lack of access to basic needs/goods and
b. Lack of or impaired access to productive resources.
Poverty as lack of access to basic needs/goods is essentially economic or
consumption oriented. Thus the poor are conceived as those individuals or
households in a particular society, incapable of purchasing a specified basket
of basic goods and services. Basic goods as used here include; food, shelter,
water, health care, access to productive resources including education, working
skill and tools, political and civil rights to participate in decisions
concerning socio-economic conditions (Ajakaiye and Adeyeye 2001 in Gbosi,
2004). It is generally agreed that in conceptualizing poverty, low income or
low consumption is its symptom.
The level of poverty in Nigeria
since the implementation of SAP in the 1980s has tremendously increased (UNDP
Nigeria, 1998; FOS, 1999; World Bank, 1999).
The poverty profile in Nigeria showed that the incidence of poverty increased
from 28.1% in 1980 to 43.6% in 1985 but declined to 42.7% in 1992 and rose
again to 65.6% in 1996 (FOS 1999). Since 1990 the country has been classified
as a poor nation. The UNDP Human Development Indices (HDI) for 2001 ranked Nigeria the
142nd with HDI of 0.40 among the poorest countries.
From 1980-1996, the population of poor Nigerians increased four folds in
absolute terms. The percentage of the core poor increased from 62% in 1980 to
93% in 1996 whereas the moderately poor only rose from 28.9% in 1992 to 36.3%
in 1996 (FOS, 1999). The analysis of the depth and severity of poverty in Nigeria showed
that rural areas were the most affected. Several reasons accounted for the
situation viz;
a. the large concentration of the populace in the rural areas,
b. many years of neglect of the rural areas in terms of infrastructural
development and lack of information on the way government is being run.
The CBN/World Bank study on poverty Assessment and Alleviation in Nigeria (1999)
attested to the fact that the living and environmental conditions of those
living in the rural areas have worsened. Urban poverty is also on the increase
in the country. This has been attributed to the under provision of facilities
and amenities which are already inadequate to match the growing demand of the
urban populace as well as the rural-urban movement which has caused serious
pressure on the existing infrastructural facilities.
Concern about this problems as well as efforts made to eradicate or at least
reduce it cannot be said to be new. While major reductions in poverty level
have been made in developed countries, developing countries, Nigeria
inclusive, have been battling with poverty, from one poverty alleviation
programme to another eradication programme, but all to no avail.
The concern over increasing poverty levels in Nigeria and the need for its
eradication as a means of improving the standard of living of the people has
led to the conceptualization and implementation of various targeted or
non-targeted poverty eradication and alleviation-programmes. Both the Nigerian
government and donor agencies have been active in efforts in analyzing and
finding solutions to the increase of poverty level. Government programmes and
agencies designed to impact on poverty include:
a. The Directorate of Food, Roads and Rural Infrastructure (D.F.F.R.I).
b. The National Directorate of Employment (NDE)
c. The establishment of the Peoples Bank of Nigeria in 1989.
d. The Better Life Programme (BLP)
e. The Family Support Programme (FSP)
f. The Agricultural Development Programme (ADP)
g. National Agricultural Land Development Authority (NALDA).
h. The Nomadic and Adult Education Programme established in 1986.
And most recently, with the return of democracy on May 29, 1999 the Federal
Government embarked on poverty reduction programme specifically, the government
put up the National Poverty Eradication Programme (NAPEP) in the year 2000
which took off in 2001. It was aimed at eradicating absolute poverty and it
consist of four schemes namely;
a. Youth Empowerment Scheme, Rural Infrastructures and Development Scheme
b. Social Welfare Services Scheme
c. Rural Resources Development and
d. Conservation Scheme.
To implement thus programmes, the government placed emphasis on
complementation, collaboration and coordination between the various tiers of
government on the one hand and between government, Donor/Agencies, non-governmental
organizations and local communities on the other. A multi-agency implementation
structure with coordination, monitoring and evaluating organ was introduced in
order to ensure cost effective delivery target with optimal social benefit.
Particularly this programme, NAPEP is being implemented in Nigeria till
date. The questions arising from the implementation of NAPEP include:
a. Is poverty eradicating programe appropriate for Nigeria?
b. How has government’s concept of NAPEP affected its success?
c. How has NAPEP’s activities impacted on poverty reduction as a boost to
economic development?
In spite of all the laudable efforts at addressing poverty, the problem still
persist in Nigeria.
Today, poverty is widely addressed as a global problem. Poverty affects over
four billion people. It is important to know that most of the poor people live
in the developing worlds of Africa, Asia and Latin America
(Gbosi 2004). On the average 45-50 percent of sub-Saharan Africans live below
the poverty line. And in Nigeria
about 43% of the population was living below the poverty line of N305 a year in
1985 prices, (World Bank, 1996). This figure has been purging upwards to over
60% in recent time.
Poverty is indeed a global problem. To this effect the United Nations declared
1996 the international year of eradication of poverty and 1997-2006 a decade of
poverty eradication. In pursuance of this target, government in both developed
and developing countries became increasingly aware of the poverty problem and
several development efforts to alleviate poverty therefore have been embarked
upon world-wide. There is a high incidence of poverty in Nigeria today.
Especially, the incidence of poverty is very high among the unemployed, the
uneducated women and rural dwellers (Gbosi 2004). In 1980, the poverty level
was only 28.1% but by 1996 it had jumped to 66.6%. Having been mindful of the
implications to the economy, the government needs to make concerted efforts in
order to reduce poverty in the country. This is because a high incidence of
poverty is not good for the health of a developing country like Nigeria. A
review of the economic history of Nigeria shows that successive
governments have expressed concern of the need to alleviate poverty in the
Unfortunately, the issues of poverty eradication has proved to be the most
difficult challenge facing the less developed Countries ( Nigeria inclusive)
where majority of the people live in absolute poverty. However, the government
has continued to respond in order to ameliorate the worsening conditions of the
poor by shifting public expenditure toward poverty eradication. Different
poverty eradication programmes and projects to cushion the effects of poverty
have been initiated over the years. This was received with high hopes. Poverty
eradication was seen as a means through which the government could revamp the
battered economy and rebuild self-esteem in majority of Nigerians.
Consequently, on assumption of office in 1999, President Obasanjo indicated
that the poverty situation in which over 60% of Nigerians live below the
poverty line requires concerted efforts to prevent it from becoming worse. In
this vein, the government in addition to previous efforts (aimed at poverty
eradication) introduced a number of programmes and measures aimed at tackling
poverty. These include:
a. The launching of the National Economic
Empowerment and Development Strategy NEEDS, which has poverty reduction as one
of the four primary goals (NEEDS documents, 2004).
b. The Launching of the Universal Basic
Education (UBE) programme,
c. The poverty alleviation programme (PAP)
d. The constitution of the Ahmed Joda Panel in
1999 and the
e. Ango Abdullahi Committee in 2000 (Obadan,
The immediate concern of the Panel or Committee was the streamlining and
rationalization of existing poverty alleviation institutions and the
co-coordination, implementation and monitoring of relevant schemes.
These resulted in the introduction (in early 2001) of the National Poverty
Eradication Programme (NAPEP) in Nigeria. Data has it that over
N25billion from 2001 till date have been received by NAPEP for the fight
against poverty in Nigeria.
Unfortunately poverty level seems to be unresponsive to these windfall of resources
addressed for the fight. In spite of this huge resources devoted to NAPEP,
deterioration in fiscal discipline, corruption and inconsistent policies which
had undermined past efforts still makes poverty eradication in Nigeria a
paradox. The rate of unemployment has continued to rise and the poverty
situation has exacerbated.
In a reaction to an allegation of mismanagement of funds meant for the war
against poverty in Nigeria,
by the Nigeria
senate, NAPEP said that it has generated funds from other sources and expended
N21.725 billion on the programme from 2001 to 2008. The National Coordinator of
the programme and Special Assistant to the President Dr. Magnus Kpakol
explained that since inception in 2001. The programme has received N11.8
Billion as budgetary allocation, N4billion for procurement of Keke NAPEP,
N10billion from State Governments and commercial banks for multi- partnership
programme and N8.2 billion from the Millennium Development Goal (MDG). This
totals N34billion. However, the NAPEP boss explained that about N21.7billion
has been spent so far. (Daily Champion, Wednesday February 18, 2009 pg7). In a
motion titled "Dismal Performance of the National Poverty Eradication
Programme" Senator Kure observed that poverty have continued to be on the
increase with about 70% of the Nation’s population currently living below
poverty level. He lamented that since its establishment in 2001, the agency
have not efficiently impacted on the lives of Nigerians despite huge resource
committed through budgetary allocations and Millennium Development Goal ( MDG)
As a mater of fact, the need arises to take a careful look at the issues of
poverty in Nigeria, coming against the background of continuing efforts on the
part of the government to address it, if close to N30billon has been gathered
for poverty eradication in 8years and these resources are utilized efficiently,
there should have been significant improvements in the living standard of the
generality of the people and the poverty level should ordinarily be reduced.
However, in order not to pre-empt the outcome of this study, this is aimed at
finding out how the activities of NAPEP has impacted negatively or positively
on Economic Development and the generality of the lives of Nigerians from 2001
till date.
Broadly, the objective of this study is to examine the impact of the National
Poverty Eradication Programme (NAPEP) on the Economic Development of Nigeria.
Though this study uses Ohaukwu Local Government Area of Ebonyi State as a case
study, the conclusions derived shall be used to generalize on its impact on the
whole country. The specific objectives include:
a. To access whether National Poverty
Eradication Programme (NAPEP) has achieved its objectives of poverty eradication
in Nigeria.
b. To identify areas of deficiencies,
problems and failures, and proffer some policy recommendations based on the
findings of this study.
H0: National Poverty Eradication Eradication
Programme (NAPEP) has not impacted positively on the economic development of Nigeria.
National Poverty Eradication Eradication Programme (NAPEP) has impacted
positively on the economic development of Nigeria.
To the masses this research work
intends to publicise the activities and programmes of NAPEP, and how it has
affected the well being of Nigerians.
To the Government and Policy-makers, it identifies and reveals the successes
and failures, challenges and prospects of NAPEP and affords them the
opportunity of designing and implementing a holistic approach, procedures and
strategies and better ways of tackling this hydra- headed menace called,
Also to the students and fellow researchers, it reveals the operations and the
impact of NAPEP on the people. While it serves as an addition to the stock of
knowledge, it also serves as a basis for further research.
This study covers the impact of National Poverty Eradication Programmes (NAPEP)
on Economic Development in Nigeria; A case study of Ohaukwu Local Government
Area of Ebonyi State. The period of study covers from 2001-2009.
Being a programme that has lasted for just nine (9) years, I had difficulties
in assessing materials done in this area. Also combining this research work
with my classroom work was very demanding.
Financial constraints to a large extent also affected the way this work may
have be carried out.
Finally the secondary data used in this work cannot be qualitatively guaranteed
by me as they were compiled by different bodies. With regards to the primary
data, some respondents may not return their questionnaires while some may be
damaged in the process.
a. Poverty:
It could be defined as a situation where ones income is too low to allow the
purchase of goods and service that will satisfy its basic need and when it has
no financial resources kept in the form of accumulated or acquired wealth.
b. Poverty Line:
It is defined as the money cost of a given person at a given time and place of
a reference level of welfare. The people who do not maintain this level is
called the poor and those who do are not.
c. Poverty level:
It is used to denote those living below the poverty line.
d. Respondents:
These are people whom the research questionnaires were given to for responses.
The study is divided into five chapters:
Chapter one, contains introduction
which is subdivided into: Background of
the study, Statement of the study, Objective of the study, Hypothesis of the
study, Significance of the study, Scope of the study, Limitations of the study, Definitions of concepts and
Organizations of the study.
Chapter two contains literature review subdivided into theoretical and
empirical literature. Chapter three discusses the research methodology, chapter
four dwells on data analysis, interpretation of results and chapter five talks
about summary of findings, conclusions and policy recommendations.
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