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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008540

No of Pages: 50

No of Chapters: 5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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This project work on “the impact of modern office equipment on the job performance of office managers” will indicate the need for the use of office machines. It elaborated and spotted-out the importance and advantages of adapting the application of modern office machines. The research work is divided into five chapter, In chapter one the researcher define some terms used in the course of this work (project) it described how the secretarial staff of today is exposed to modern office machines and skill expertise in the handling of some. The chapters are also described the secretary productivity and efficiency since the advent of modern office machine. The researcher described the significance and the scope of the research topic as it relate to business organization. Also in chapter two the researcher discussed the fascinating phenomena in modern office machine in business organization .It stated further the impact and implication of machine on the see and the business organization at large. Furthermore, the advantage of applying modern information and office machines by see in business organization.  The benefit of modern office machines as enumerated by Ekwoyota were clearly stated in this project work in other to make it a huge success. Finally the chapter three described the method used in carrying-out the research and in the last chapter the finding of the research were summarized and conclusion was research by the researcher and make recommendation for further study.


Title Page                                                                                          i

Approval Page                                                                                   ii

Dedication                                                                                         iiii

Acknowledgement                                                                              iv

Abstract                                                                                             v

Table of Contents                                                                               vi



1.1 Background of the Study                                                             1

1.2 Statement of the Problem                                                              3

1.3 Aims and objectives                                                                     4

1.4 Research Questions                                                                      5

1.5 Scope of the Study                                                                       5

1.6 Limitation of Study                                                                       6

1.7 Historical Background of the Study Area                                      8

1.8 Definition of terms                                                                       8

1.9 Plan of the Study                                                                          9



2.1 The role of expected office machines                                             10

2.2 Types of modern office machines                                                12

2.3 The implication of modern office machine of the secretary             14

2.4 The Benefits and advantages of modern office machine                 15

2.5 Factors to consider in choosing modern office machines                17

2.6 Positive impact of modern office machine on the secretary             18

2.7 Theoretical framework                                                                  19




3.0 Introduction                                                                                 22

3.1 Research Design                                                                          22     

3.2 Method of Data Collection                                                            23

3.3 Sampling techniques                                                                     23

3.4 Population of the study                                                                 24     

3.5 Sample Size                                                                                 24     

3.6 Validation of instrument                                                               24

3.7 Method of Data analysis                                                               24


4.0 Introduction                                                                                 25

4.1 Presentation and analysis of Data                                                  25

4.2 Demographic of the respondent                                                     25



5.1 Summary                                                                                     34

5.2 Conclusion                                                                                  35

5.3 Recommendations                                                                        36








The development of modern office equipment has brought closer the “electronic” office, which is the term used in describing the way modern office is developing.  The development of modern office equipment has made it possible for workers to be versatile in their career.  Additionally, ethnological changes have brought about job changes in organizational structure (Ahukannah, 2002).

Anyautonwu (2001) opined that the use of modern office equipment in the highly industrialized countries has made so much progress in the world of business that people now evaluate its true impact on the secretary in particular and workers generally, increasing use of modern office equipment tends to create some uncertainties and insecurities on the part of the workers.  As a result, there is this fear of human labour displacement in the minds of the workers, which can create unemployment to many people especially to those with little or no knowledge of manipulating these machines.  Within the last two decades, many achievements were recorded in the area of modern office work which would have been too cumbersome without the use of these office technologies.  New jobs opportunities are generated everyday for office managers wishing to match the challenges.

Anionwu (2000) is of the opinion that as new machines and equipment are developed, new skills and knowledge are required by the secretary for the operation of these modern facilities.  The development and installation of modern equipment have made possible for the office processing revolution by offering everyone means of sending and retrieving information quickly and cheaply within an organization and throughout the world office work generally, is all about handling and processing of information.  Despite the wide use of the telephone and computers, office work has also been associated with paper pusher (Azuka, 1994).

The modern office machine according to Ohakwe, Idih and Chukwumezie (2002) are those tools or instruments that are used to perform office functions, these machines are of immense importance to every worker and to the organization of all sizes.  This implies that with the use of modern office equipment, every establishment aims at enhancing productivity onward movement towards achieving greater effectiveness and efficiency in organization objectives.  However, with the current pace on the development of technology worldwide, modern office equipment is experiencing a dramatic evolution.  This has actually been made possible because of the introduction of the telephone which has gone revolutionized from analogue to digital cordless to mobile cellular system today, the functions of office managers have shifted from the use of traditional equipment.  Such as manual typewriters to sophisticated ones like electronic typewriters, computer, photocopiers, fax machines, word processor, and tele-computers, analyzes system (RAS) and computer information management, dictating and recording also affect secretary performance.

Uwandu (2000) opines that in the past, many offices were organized traditionally, so that many people handled the same sheet of paper as it passes through the organization.  Today, this procedure has changed and will continue to change as new technologies are introduced in the work place.

Njoku (1994) also remarked that office work could have been very cumbersome and indeed unattainable without this modern equipment.  Elendu (2001) noted that modern office equipment from the most import and tools which, when put into proper use bring about efficiency in work.

Danyer J. C. (2002) stated that for nearly three decades secretary’s performance has been portrayed as the application of skills to business operations.  He further stated that recent developments have called for an indeed dictated the need for a new orientation on the impact of modern office equipment in a secretary’s performance.  Following the above assertions, one can say that the secretary has been identified as key factor in the fulfilment of organization goals, keeper of records and resource person in every organization.  Sincere effort should be made to provide her within adequate modern equipment.  This will enable her cope with diverse challenges posed by the global emphasis on office machines.  It was rightly observed by some authors that modern office equipment has led to highly skilled office managers which in effect have resulted to the increase of the competence and efficiency in productivity of the secretary’s achievement in an organization (Little Field C. U. 2000).

Finally, in the view of Ani, (1999), the secretarial staff must develop herself by having a though knowledge of what today’s office demand from her and ensure proper application of modern office machines in a bid to contribute generously to the improvement and development of the establishment to promote the secretarial profession and ensure increase in organizational productivity.


Before the introduction of modern office equipment, office managers depended largely on manual skills for the performance of their functions that was the period when office managers had little or no knowledge of modern office equipment in the business circuit.  As a result, the impact of office managers fell beyond expectations because of lack of automated equipment.  This made people loose interest in studying secretarial duties in our higher institutions.

Recently, secretarial studies ought to be one of the professions that have benefited from technological development since the introduction of modern office equipment in the organization.  The problems of a fatigue, lack of respect for office managers still persists inspite of these innovations.  It is most possible that the acquisition of modern office equipment has negative effects such as displacement of workers and other cost implications.  Office managers are often denied of useful training that could help them acquire skills to operate this equipment.


The aim of this study was to assess the impact of modern office equipment on the job performance of office managers in Kaugama Local Government. 

The Specifically, Objectives of the study attempted to:

       i.            To determine the impact of reprographic machines on the job performance of the office managers.

     ii.            To determine the impact of telecommunications equipment on job performance of the office managers.

  iii.            To identify the various modern office machines in use in the modern office.

   iv.            To find out wither office manager are being trained in the use of modern office machines.

     v.            To ascertain the factors to be considered in choosing an office for these modern office machines.


The following research questions were asked to make the project work has focus.

       i.                What are the various modern office machines used in the modern office?

     ii.                Are office managers being trained in the use of modern office machines?

  iii.                What are the factors to be considered in choosing an office for these modern office machines?

   iv.                Do photocopy machines have an impact on job performance of the office managers?

     v.                What are the impacts of telecommunication machines on the performance of the office managers?


A study like this will not only be of great advantage to students, but to institutions to identify the impact of modern office machine used in training prospective office managers.  This study is beneficial to the government establishment because they can take sound decisions from information gathered from work.  The information obtained will help update their curriculum, increase their ego.

The study will also enable students acquire the skills to operate those equipments, with the help of this study, institutions will now find ways to remedy the problems of modern office equipment either liaising with business organization or by ensuring that students office equipment.

Finally, the result of this research work, therefore will establish the fact that if office managers are given the chance to make use of this modern office equipment, this will greatly increase the productivity of the office managers achievement in an organization.


The study is delimited in scope of the impact of modern office equipment on the office managers performance in  Kaugama Local Government.

The researcher will also concentrated and the impact of modern office machines and its growth or the secretary and selected organization at large.


The researcher encountered a few constraints in the course of carrying out this study.  The study was designed to cover the impact of modern office equipment on the secretary’s performance in selected government establishment in Kaugama Local Government.  The limitation includes time, finance and attitudes.

       i.            Lack adequate time for research to be carried-out

     ii.            Lack of time for adequate guidance’s and counseling for detail development of the research topic

  iii.            Inadequacy of money for materials for the proper development of this study

   iv.            The attitude and researches consulted for the information’s needed for this work


Kaugama local government has been old town in hadejia emirate as the name comes from a kanuri language, meaning a black stone. The local government was in 1991 along side the present jigawa state by the present general retired (Ibrahim badamasi babangida) the local government, which comprised at the whole of kaugama districts initially was in the extreme and of jigawa state in the north with maigatari local government in the east by malam madori local government, while in west by taura local government and gagarawa local government and finally in the south by auyo local government.

The local government has the population at over three hundred and fifty thousand (350,000) in habitants comprising of hausa tribes and Fulani tribes as the majority followed by kanuri tribes and other. It is newly additional three district heads presently they are dakaiyawa district, markets yola districts. Also is has eleven wards they are:

Askando, arbu, dakiyawa, dabuwaran, girbobo, hadin, jae, kaugama, marke, unguwar jibrin yola.

The predominant religion of the people is islam, kaugama local governemt has rich a land of farming and finishing, however, hadejia jama    

It has newly additional three districts heads presently they are Dakaiyawa Districts, Markc Districts, Yalo Disliicts. Also is has eleven wards they are:

Askando, Ailms, Dakaiyawa, Dalmwaran, (iiihoho, lladin, Jae,

Kangama, Matlxe, ungnwar jibril  Yalo.

The predominant religion of the people is Islam. Kaugama local government has a rich land for farming and Fishing, however, hadejia lama’are river basin (HJRB) has penetrated from the south and has posnively contributed to the development of the area through lishing and agricultural activities in which agriculture becomes the major occupation of the area.

Therefore, these makes the local government becomes the further target groundnut producer in Ji :nwa state, it also become the producer of water melon, beans seed Arahie (him, Cotton, Cassava, Rice, Maize, Millet and wheat.

However, the main occupation of the people at the area is farming and rearing animal while trading and black smith also participate.


To ensure effectiveness and proper understanding of this research work. The researcher has defined some terms of this project work.

Office: According to Ohakwe (2005) defined the office as a place where clerical work is done and where all kinds of proper work is carried-out that is letter; files records, memos, dealt with.

Office: Ejeka, (2006), further stated that an office is a place where information is received storted acted upon, file and passion.

Office machines: According to Okagdara-Okiti (2000) defined office machines as the basic office tools equipment used for5 office work.

Office machines: To crown it all, Njoku, seminar, (2001) stated that office machine includes stamping machines, fax machine, adding machine, computers, electronic, calculators and photocopies.

Modern office: A modern office is a contemporary workplace environment that incorporates advanced technologies, innovative design principles, and flexible organizational structures to enhance productivity, collaboration, and employee well-being.

Office managers: A person who is employed to take care of records, letters, and routine work for another person. Is an officer of a business corporation or society who is in charge of the letters and records and who keeps minutes of meetings.



The project is carried out of the impact of modern office equipment on the job performance of secretary’s

 The project contains five chapters, chapter one deals with general introduction, statement of the problem, aims and objectives of the study, research hypothesis, purpose and significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study, Historical Background Of Study Area definition of key terms, plan of the study and references.

Chapter two consist of literature review and theoretical frame work of the project. References

Chapter three contains research methodology, introduction of the chapter, population of the study, sample size, sampling techniques, method of data collection, research instrument, method of data Analysis and references.

Chapter four consist of Data presentation and analysis, introduction of the chapter,

Demographic data of the Respondents, Response of the presentation and Analysis and References.

Finally, chapter five of this project comprises the summary, conclusion, and recommendations, Bibliography and appendix


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