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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007472

No of Pages: 42

No of Chapters: 5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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Almost all the populated countries especially under developed countries are facing traffic problem in their major big city Maiduguri in Borno State. There are number of possible solutions as widening the roads, make overheads, and make different routes to same destination etc but these all require healthy resources. There is a requirement to optimize the current road model by properly allocating the time to traffic signals. Researchers have proposed different simulation models and used various approaches to optimize the traffic light signals. In this project work has provided information about the traffic light simulator that is implemented using Visual Studio 2008 in C#. It also illustrated the genetic algorithm (GA) approach that will have used to optimize the traffic light signals using the simulator. Result shows that our simulator works better and GA provides better results as it matures.

Table of Contents

Contents                                                                                                                             Page

Title page                    -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -

Certification                -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           ii

Dedication                  -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           iii

Acknowledgement                  -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           iv

List of Figures -          -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           v

List of Tables-             -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           vi

Table of contents                    -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           vii



1.1              Introduction and Background of the Study - -           -           -           -           -           1         

1.2        Statement of the Problem       -           -           -           -           -           -           -           3

1.3       Objectives of the Study  -       -           -           -           -           -           -                       4

1.4       Scope of the Study     -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           4

1.5       Significance of the Study      -           -           -           -           -           -           -           4

1.6              Operational Definition of Terms         -           -           -           -           -           -           5



2.1       Introduction    -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           6

2.2       Review of Related Work on Traffic Signals -            -           -           -           -           6

2.3       Standards of Traffic Signal    -           -           -           -           -           -           -           9

2.4       Lane Control   -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           11

2.5       Types of Traffic Signal           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           12




3.1       Introduction    -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           15

3.2       Research Methodology           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           15

3.3       Source Codes  -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           15

3.4       Advantage of the New System          -           -           -           -           -           -           15

3.5       Documentation/User Guide     -         -           -           -           -           -           -           16

3.6         System Review and Maintenance -  -           -           -           -           -           -           16

3.7        Problem of the Existing System        -           -           -           -           -           -           17



4.1       Introduction    -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           18

4.2       Choice of Programming Language     -           -           -           -           -           -           18

4.3       System Design            -           -           -           -           -           -           -                       18

4.4       Program Implementation        -           -           -           -           -           -           -           21

4.5       Software Testing and Integration       -           -           -           -           -           -           21



5.1.1        Summary         -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           23

5.2              Conclusion      -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           23

5.3              Recommendations       -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           24

References                  -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           25

Appendix (Source Code)        -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           27

List of Figures

Figures                                                                                                         Page

Fig. 4.1 Animated Vehicles Designed             -           -           -           -           -           -           19

Fig. 4.2 Animated Four Way Traffic Light Interface Design  -           -           -           -           19

Fig 4.3: Program Control Flow Chart -         -           -           -           -           -           -           20

Fig. 4.4:  Main System implementation window         -           -           -           -           -           21



1.1              Introduction and Background of the Study

Managing vehicles traffic congestion at highway junctions on urban roads have been a major challenge to many cities. On most cases, it resulted into a deadlock where no vehicle moves. Many cities used human to control such congestion but with limited capability. As a result, its impact on immediate community include air pollution, noise pollution, and heat generation, other effect include delay in reaching your destination, and many more. Many cities are now using traffic lights at highway junctions that are already programmed to coordinate vehicles movements Traffic lights are important component and difficulty in the urban road network, caused by an exceeded usage of road capacity. There is no doubt that time separation of traffic conflicts using traffic signals is one of the most powerful tools for urban traffic control available to city authorities. Their correct design and operation can improve both traffic performance and the safety of all road users (TRL, 2018).

The world’s first traffic light came into being before the automobile was in use, and traffic consisted only of pedestrians, buggies, and wagons. Installed at an intersection in London in 1868, it was a revolving lantern with red and green signals. Red meant "stop" and green meant "caution." The lantern, illuminated by gas, was turned by means of a lever at its base so that the appropriate light faced traffic. On January 2, 1869, this crude traffic light exploded, injuring the policeman who was operating it. After the coming of automobiles, the situation got even worse. Police Officer William L. Potts of Detroit, Michigan, decided to do something about the problem. What he had in mind was figuring out a way to adapt railroad signals for street use. The railroads were already utilizing automatic controls. But railroad traffic traveled along parallel lines. Street traffic traveled at right angles. Potts used red, amber, and green railroad lights and about thirty-seven dollars’ worth of wire and electrical controls to make the world’s first 4-way three color traffic light. It was installed in 1920 on the corner of Woodward and Michigan Avenues in Detroit. Within a year, Detroit had installed a total of fifteen of the new automatic lights. At about the same time, Garrett Morgan of Cleveland, Ohio realized the need to control the flow of traffic. A gifted inventor and reportedly the first African American to own an automobile in Cleveland, Ohio, he invented the electric automatic traffic light. Though it looked more like the semaphore signals you see at train crossings today. Many others had obtained US Patents for Traffic Signals, some as early as 1918. But Morgan's Patent was purchased by General Electric Corporation and provided the protection they needed to begin building a monopoly on traffic light manufacture (Pietrasik, 2018).

Traffic is increasing at a rapid pace on the roads proportional to the increase in population. According to Warberg et al., (2018), in 2002, 750 million Euros loss has been reported in Greater Copenhagen due to traffic problem. Different approaches can be used to minimize the traffic problem such as public transport can be improved, existing communication mechanisms can be expanded or using the present available roads, by proper handling of the signal times. The first two approaches require many resources as money, labor, area etc. They seem very difficult to achieve in many places due to lack of resources. But the third approach looks a better choice to adopt in these circumstances. Researcher has proposed different strategies to provide a mechanism to properly set the traffic signal parameters. People are using cars or other vehicles that basically use roads as media; for moving to their destination; is increasing day by day. Current analysis of big cities shows that the number of cars on the roads is increasing tremendously and the available resources are limited. Proper handling of traffic seems to be the market demand (Ashfaq et al., 2012).

According to Wiering et al., (2014), intelligent optimization algorithms are the necessity of an optimal control of traffic light signals. Traffic light problem is a well-known optimization problem from a decade or so. Traffic congestions can be minimized by proper handling of traffic light (Nugrahani, 2016).

They may be helpful in enhancing the capacity of the roads and traffic flow too. Several intelligent algorithms are proposed for achieving this purpose as fuzzy logic, swarm algorithms as particle swarm optimization (PSO) or ant colony optimization (ACO), reinforcement learning, genetic algorithm etc. Simulations made for analyzing different problems are thought to be powerful tools for analyzing complex problem that change with situation as in traffic light problem; the amount of traffic changes randomly (Hanna and Ruwanpura, 2013).  

The technology behind the design may vary from place to place, but the fact remains that in all cases an electronic (logic) circuit is made to control a power circuit. The electronic logic circuit is normally composed of the basic digital components of electronic design which includes oscillators, timers, counters, decoders, microprocessors, etcetera, while the power circuit includes the lamps and the driver’s circuits. The digital circuit is designed to give an output commensurate to the design choice. The power supply unit is designed to generate a steady supply voltage which is used to power the logic circuit. The output consists of a series of lamps which are expected to light in a particular sequence depending on the design. By the logic circuit design, the lamps are made to come up in a particular sequence depending on the design with each colour meaning different motional status of the vehicles in that column.

1.2              Statement of the Problem

Traffic lights were designed to organize the way in which people and cars utilize an intersection, reducing accidents and encouraging the flow of traffic. However, many problems have been found in the traffic light system, from decreasing one type of accident while significantly increasing another to adding traffic to residential streets. As a result, many areas began to experience congestion on one street during hours of heavy traffic, making traffic delays another disadvantage of traffic light. Diverted Congestion to avoid congestion, drivers will use alternative routes, usually residential streets.

1.3       Objectives of the Study  The objectives of the study are to:

i.      develop a four-highway junction traffic light simulation

ii.    implement the (i) above using (Visual Basic .net and blender animator)

iii.  test the software using unit testing, integration testing and system testing

1.4       Scope of the Study

The entire system was built using an electronic circuit using digital components and a few linear components such that a digital output is raised to control the traffic at cross (+) junction using lamps rather light emitting diodes LEDS. At the input is an Astable Multivibrator (AMV) built using 555 timers that provides the intelligence clock signal that determines the timing based on what the time sequence generator interprets from the clock (10 ten-decade counter). This traffic light is made with the help of counter IC, which is mainly used for Sequential Circuits. We can also call it as Sequential Traffic Lights. Sequential Circuits are used to count the numbers in the series. Coming to the working principle of Traffic Lights, the main IC is 4017 counter IC which is used to glow the Red, yellow and green LED respectively. 555 timer acts as a pulse generator providing an input to the 4017 counter IC. Timing of glow of certain lights totally depends upon the 555 timer’s pulse, which we can control via the Potentiometer so if you want to change the time of glow, you can do so by varying the potentiometer, having the responsibility for the timing.

1.5       Significance of the Study

The primary purpose of the traffic light is to attain the safest and most efficient overall traffic flow possible. When properly timed, a traffic signal increases the traffic handling capacity of an intersection, and when installed under conditions that justify its use, a signal is a valuable device for improving the safety and efficiency of both pedestrian and vehicular traffic. In particular, signals may reduce certain types of accidents, most notably, right-angle (broadside) collisions.

1.6              Operational Definition of Terms

Highway:  a highway is a main road, especially one that connects towns or cities.

Traffic Light: a set of automatically operated coloured lights, typically red, amber, and green, for controlling traffic at road junctions, pedestrian crossings, and roundabouts.

Simulation: a simulation imitates the operation of real-world processes or systems with the use of models. The model represents the key behaviours and characteristics of the selected process or system while the simulation represents how the model evolves under different conditions over time.

Visual Basic (VB): is an event-driven programming language and environment from Microsoft that provides a graphical user interface (GUI) which allows programmers to modify code by simply dragging and dropping objects and defining their behavior and appearance.



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