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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00006003

No of Pages: 65

No of Chapters: 5

File Format: Microsoft Word

Price :



Web Technology is increasingly being utilized as a tool for information dissemination and collection. Information is an important tool used in the realization of any objective or goal set by individuals. Effectiveness of any information dissemination system is measured in terms of accessibility, timeliness as well as relevance of the information provided. Accessing Academic Information in University of Maiduguri has been marked with numerous challenges.

This research provides a detailed study of the information needs of students in University of Maiduguri, the techniques currently used to disseminate information, how a web technology for information dissemination can be designed, developed and tested and if the web technology solves the challenges that are faced when using the current information dissemination techniques. Data analysis was done which led to the development of the Web technology to be used to disseminate information.

The Methodology has a series of steps that make the user much more involved in the development process. The software was tested to check if functional and non-functional requirements were met. Testing was conducted by both the developer and potential users of the application. Finally, a responsive website was developed to facilitate students to be able to access timely, less costly, efficiently disseminated information.








TITLE PAGE…………………………………………………………………….i






TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………...vii



1.0    Introduction. 1

1.2 Statement of the Problem.. 3

1.3 Aim and Objectives. 4

1.4 Significance of the study. 4



2.0 Introduction. 6

2.3.2 Wikis. 12

2.4 Notices. 13

2.4.1 Importance of Notices. 14

2.4.2 Types of Notices. 14

2.5 The Notice Board System.. 15

2.5.1 Advantages of Notice Board: 15

2.5.2 Notice Board System in University of Maiduguri 15

2.6 An Online Notice Board System.. 16

2.7 Problem with the Existing System.. 18



3.0    Introduction. 19

3.1 Feasibility Study. 19

3.2 The Proposed System.. 20

3.2.1 Advantages of the Proposed System.. 21

3.3 System Requirements 21

3.3.1 Functional Requirements 21

3.3.2 Non-Functional Requirements. 22

3.3.3    System Actors and Users. 22

3.4 Requirement Engineering. 23

3.5 Hardware Specification and Requirement 24

3.6 Software Specification and Requirement 24

3.7    System Design. 25

3.8 Database Management System.. 25

3.8.1 Database Management System.. 25

3.9 Choice of the Database Management System and Programming Language. 25

3.10 Database Design. 27

3.10.1  Database Design Structures 27

3.11 Build Phase. 28

3.12 Use-Case Diagram.. 28

3.13 Class Diagram.. 30


4.0    Program Testing. 31

4.1 Test Schedule. 31

4.2 System Implementation. 32

4.3 Conversion. 32

4.4 Training. 32

4.5 Installation. 33

4.6 System Operation. 33

4.7    Web Application Components 33

4.7.1 Dashboard. 33

4.7.2 Login. 33

4.7.3 Uploads 33

4.8 System Screen Shot 33

4.8.1 Home Page. 34

4.8.2    Registration Module. 34

4.8.3 Login Module. 35

. 36

4.8.3    User Sign Up Module. 36

With the Sign-Up module, new users are to sign up for registration. 36

4.8.4    Dashboard Module. 36

4.8.5 Manage Module. 38

4.8.6    User Profile. 38



5.0    Summary. 39

5.1   Conclusion. 40

5.2    Recommendation. 41

5.3    Suggestions for Future Work. 41





Table 3.1:   Admin Table……………………………………………………...27

Table 3.2:   Notice Table……………………………………………………...27

Table 3.3:   User table…………………………………………………………27





Fig. 3.1: New System Use case………………………………………………...30

Fig. 3.2: New System Class Diagram………………………………………….30

Fig. 4.1: Home Page……………………………………………………………34

Fig. 4.2: Public User Register Page Module……………………………………35

Fig. 4.3 (a): Admin Login Page………………………………………………...35

Fig. 4.3 (b): User Login Page………………………………………………….36

Fig. 4.4(a): Admin Dashboard Module………………………………………...37

Fig. 4.4(b): User Dashboard Module………………………………………….37

Fig. 4.5: Admin Notification Page Module…………………………………….38

Fig. 4.6: User profile Module…………………………………………………38





1.0     Introduction

The inclination of making the manually controlled things automatic has become a common practice these days. The process of making things automatic is being exploited in almost all the major fields of life. Making things automatic reduces burden on the humans. The time utilized and the effort used in manually controlled processes is much higher than the automated systems. Considering the commonly used notice board system in our schools, colleges and universities and the advancement in technology, there occurs a gap between the two. In these institutes, we still use manual way of putting the important notices, class, examination schedules, results, etc. on the notice boards. This manual system needs more effort and time to get the written announcements from the department and then put it on the notice board.

In this project, An Online Notice Board System will be developed which is automatic in nature and will provides us the means by which we can update the notices, change schedules quickly on the display system without the intervention of another person. The advancements in technology which has put together to make an effort to automate the process of manually publishing notices. There is a widespread research interest in information and communication technologies. Information has a vital role in every society, body or organization. It could be knowledge communicated or received concerning a particular fact or circumstance or it could be knowledge gained through study, communication, research, instruction etc. At its most fundamental, information is any propagation of course and effect within a system. It is conveyed either as the content of a message or through direct or indirect observation of something, that which is perceived can be construed as a message in its own right, and in that sense, information is always conveyed as the content of a message. Information can be encoded into various forms for transmission and interpretation (for example, information may be encoded into a sequence of signs, or transmitted via a sequence of signals). It can also be encrypted for safe storage and communication. Information resolves uncertainty. The uncertainty of an event is measured by its probability of occurrence and is inversely proportional to that.

Before assessing the various approaches used to disseminate information, it is worth revisiting the reasons for disseminating information in a given community or organization. In this way, the overall vision and purpose can be validated and criteria established to measure success at various stages of implementation, or improvement of services and systems used to support dissemination. There are usually good reasons why organizations decide to disseminate information. These reasons are not necessarily independent of one another but can nonetheless be categorized to emphasize the motivation of an organization when initiating dissemination. Also, there are many ways of circulating information in different organizations depending on the type of information to be disseminated and the audience or recipients. The various method of dissemination includes: web sites, audio, on-line publications, electronic newsletters and information services, inventory management, warehousing report development, outreach and marketing services, pigeon-hole and the conventional notice board method.

Traditional methods of delivering legal information by paper leaflet still have many advantages, but the internet is increasingly being used. Its availability 24/7 means it is there when people need it. This method has its advantages yet its drawbacks are not farfetched. It faces challenges like misappropriation of correspondence, insecurity, lack of remote access etc.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

In spite of the importance of information on notice boards, it has come under a severe threat by the manual system of information broadcast. This is very much applicable in most educational institutions. The manual system involves placing letters coming in and outside of the departments on notice boards located in the department. Students come once in a while to check for available or pending notice/letters placed on the notice board. Sometimes these notice/letters are not checked out for a period of time and hence the information contained is not functional and if students are not presently around, all notice/letters are unread and as such, notice/letters which require urgent attention are neglected. Notice/letters can also be mixed up or misplaced if not kept properly in the designated notice board and would result to not reaching the targeted recipient. Also, a major setback of this system is insecurity as notice/letters are kept without proper safety measures and can be accessed by unauthorized persons.

In the case of University of Maiduguri, there is still manual method of passing information around as they are pinned on the notice board as they are placed in strategic positions around the university campus. Notice boards are located in all the respective faculty buildings, departments, hostels, etc. Notices are manually passed across from officers to student’s populace and public at large

1.3 Aim and Objectives

The aim of this project is to design and implement An Online Notice Board System. This system will embrace information technology and ease information propagation thereby doing away with the traditional information circulation in the institution, University of Maiduguri.

The objectives of this project are;

·        To create an interface/platform where students can view notices

·        To Design, implement and test a normalized Database that support the creation, retrieval, deletion and updating of record during the process.

1.4 Significance of the study

The importance of this work is that it will provide a platform for dissemination of information in University of Maiduguri to be computerized. The significance of this Study can also be given below.

·        Effective update of notice/letter intake, whenever there is an arrival of notice/letters, the admin updates it within a very short time of notification.

·        Time management, the system minimizes the time used in maintaining notice/letters in manual operations.

·        Minimization of fraud-enabling the notification to be out of bound to all unauthorized users.

1.5 Scope and limitation of the study

The project will cover mainly the bulletin system in University of Maiduguri and also find out an appropriate way of computerizing the new system with effective software. There are many sectors to be computerized in the institution, but as regards to this project is limited to Basic bulletin System such as module for administrators of each department for sharing notice/letters in the institution as well as a module for class representative of each level in the department for sharing information.

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