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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00002949

No of Pages: 48

No of Chapters: 5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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This project is aimed at developing an online ticket reservation system for Movies. The Ticket Reservation System is an Internet based application that can be accessed through the use of the internet and can be accessed by anyone who has a network connection. This application will automate the reservation of tickets. This online ticket reservation           system provides a website where any user of internet can access it. The Movie hall should have at least multiplex with 3 screens and each screen has three different types of classes/seats. Only 50% of seats can be reserved online. User is required to login to the system and needs a bank credit card for booking the tickets.  Tickets can be collected at the counter. Watching movies with family and friends in theatres is one of the best medium of entertainment and relaxation after the daily hectic schedule. But all this excitement vanishes after standing for hours on long queues to get tickets booked. The website provides complete information regarding current running movies on all the screens with details of show timings, available seats and fare charges for different classes.  Seats can be reserved for different classes as well for same show and screen also. Ticket reservations are done using credit card and can be cancelled if needed. The online tickets reservation system is one of the best opportunities for those who do not have enough time to get their tickets reserved standing in long queues. People can book tickets online at any time of day or night. Our reservation system also provides option to cancel the tickets which are reserve previously.


TITLE PAGE                                                                                    i

CERTIFICATION                                                                              ii

DEDICATION                                                                                  iii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT                                                                 iv

ABSTRACT                                                                                     v

TABLE OF CONTENT                                                                    vi



1.0  INTRODUCTION                                                                 1       

1.1     OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT                                           2

1.2     PROBLEMS DEFINITION                                      3       

1.3     SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PROJECT                                    4       

1.4     SCOPE OF THE PROJECT                                                    4

1.5     LIMITATIONS                                                            5       

1.6     DEFINITION OF TERMS                                                      5



2.0     A BRIEF HISTORY OF MOVIES IN NIGERIA                    7       

2.1     REVIEW OF PAST PROJECT                                                        12

2.2     REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE                                13

2.3     HISTORY OF E-TICKET BOOKING                                    15

2.4     BRIEF HISTORY OF BLUE ROOF CINEMA OF LTV                  16



3.0     OVERVIEW OF EXISTING SYSTEM                                  18

(LAGOS TELEVISION BLUE ROOD CINEMA)                                    

3.1     BENEFITS OF EXISTING SYSTEM                                              18

3.2     PROBLEMS OF EXISTING SYSTEM                                  19     

3.3     PROPOSED SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS                          20     

3.4     OVERVIEW OF PROPOSED SYSTEM                                20     

3.5     BENEFITS OF PROPOSED SYSTEM                                   22     

3.6     DATABASE DESIGN                                                            22


DESIGN OF PROJECT                                                          23


3.7.2  DATA FLOW INPUT/OUTPUT DIAGRAMS                       25






4.0     CHOICE OF PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE                       29     

4.1     SYSTEM CONVERSION                                                       30     

4.2     DOCUMENTATION & USER GUIDE                                  30     

4.3     SYSTEM REQUIREMENT                                                    32



5.1     AREA FOR FURTHER IMPROVEMENT                                      33

5.2     CONCLUSION                                                                       34

5.3     RECOMMENDATION                                                           34

          REFERENCE                                                                          35

          APPENDIX A                                                                         36     

APPENDIX B CODE                                                              39                                           












The online Electronic Ticket System (ETS) is a web-based system used in developed countries for booking seats by customers for concerts, movies and other social events requiring customers to show interest in up-coming social events. The customers can buy ticket online and cancel seat reservations at any suitable time which could be two days before the show to one hour before the show. To enhance the refund function, all the customer has to do is to register to become a member before buying tickets.

Staffs can use the system to add and delete data such as film description, time, and seat reservations among other things and this will update the webpage; the webpage is a dynamic page, changing according to the data input in the database. Also, staffs can check the statistic information from the system.

This project will produce an online ticket ordering system, showing the design, implementation and testing details of the system.




The main purpose of the online ticket booking system is to provide a simple and convenient way for the customers to buy movie ticket. It is an automated system which operates on the data input to the database; Staffs need not deal with the order receive through the system. In fact, there is similar system on the internet, but there is no refund method found in the existing system.  This system is basically aimed at providing the customers the complete information of the currently running movie, according to which the customer can book the tickets and the refund facility provides more flexibility to the system. The goals of the system are:

1.                 To provide a convenient, anytime and anyplace ticket booking service for movie viewers

2.                 To minimize the numbers of staffs at ticket box.

3.                 To increase the profit margin of movie houses/galleria.

4.                 To promote a healthy use of internet through movies ticket booking on the internet

5.                 To reduce queue at ticket stands.

6.                 To obtain statistic information from the booking record for research purpose.



Ø Manual Process: Customers queue at box office to first check for currently playing movies before buying tickets which may take hours.

Ø New System

Here is a detail flow diagram about now playing movies and number of tickets available in a particular theatre for particular movie, movie details, ticket cost for registered users and queue awaiting sale of ticket through manual process such as booking through telephone or booking at designated box office.



The main significance of online ticket reservation system is to provide another way for the customer to book for movie. The Ticket Reservation System is an internet based application that can be accessed through the use of the internet and can be accessed by any one who has an internet connection. It is an automated system, where we will automate the reservation of tickets and enquiries about availability of tickets. After inserting the data to the database, staffs need not to worry about the orders received through the system and hence reduces the manual labour.



The main scope of this project is to create room for reservation online and to enable customers choose the most desirable movie; It saves the customer’s time and labour. On the other hand, half of the tickets of the movie are provided for booking online while the remaining is for manual box office sale. This reduces the labour of staffs and the system can be accessed by anyone who has internet connection at any time of the day or night, thus providing customer’s comfort. And also plays a major role in promoting the multiplex and the movies.



1.                 Access to Ministry of Communication not granted.

2.                 Financial Resources: Due to financial constraint I was limited to some certain information because I will have to pay before accessing any private information from the communication department of the state.


1.6     DEFINITION of Term

1.                 Users – persons throughout the organizations who add, delete, modify data in the System. System – a collection of interrelated parts that comprises a single function.

2.                 Ticket – a paper or card on an item giving information as it owner, identity makers of price.

3.                 Database – they provide assessment of the information needs.

4.                 Place – district under an officer of the excise.

5.                 Pay – the process of payment for services

6.                 Booked – to acquire by paying an agreed price.

7.                 Login – to sign in through registered ID.

8.                 Administrator module:

          The Administrator is maintaining the user Details, Movie details, Theatre details, and Check the No of seats available. .

9.                 User module

The user can first Registration in enter the Personal details, and User login and If you          want to update personal Details and you and update. The user collects all information details.

10.     Reservation module:

The Users will search for the movie, airline, hotel and then book the tickets online.

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  • TJ

    10 hours ago


  • Anonymous

    10 hours ago

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  • Anonymous

    1 day ago

    Sure plug ♥️♥️

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  • Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

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    Good work and satisfactory

  • Anonymous

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    Good job

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    Fast response and reliable

  • Anonymous

    2 weeks ago

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  • Anonymous

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    Very good 👍👍

  • Anonymous

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    Honestly, the material is top notch and precise. I love the work and I'll recommend project shelve anyday anytime

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    Well and quickly delivered

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    I am thoroughly impressed with! The project material was of outstanding quality, well-researched, and highly detailed. What amazed me most was their instant delivery to both my email and WhatsApp, ensuring I got what I needed immediately. Highly reliable and professional—I'll definitely recommend them to anyone seeking quality project materials!

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    Its amazing transacting with Projectshelve. They are sincere, got material delivered within few minutes in my email and whatsApp.

  • TJ

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    ProjectShelve is highly reliable. Got the project delivered instantly after payment. Quality of the work.also excellent. Thank you