The age of digitalization and globalization has given
unprecedented impetus to the development audio-visual technology. Audio-visual
instructions in schools have therefore continued to accelerate students’
understanding and appreciation of learning.
The value of audio- visual media is further
underscored by their positive impact in school libraries, the libraries
positive influence of the academic performance of students and the enhancement
of teacher’s performance. Libraries are no doubt veritable instruments in a
nation’s educational development.
The work therefore focuses on the use of audio-visual
technology in school libraries, evaluated the effects of the use of
audio-visual technology on the academic performance of students, and proffers
solutions to problems hampering the effective application of audio-visual
technology in our educational process.
Title page ii
Approval page iii
Certification iv
Dedication v
Acknowledgement vi
Abstract vii
Table of content viii
Introduction 1
Background of the Study 4
Profile of IELC/DISS 5
Purpose of the study 6
Significance of Study 7
Scope of the Study 8
Research Questions 8
Hypotheses 9
Definition of Terms 10
Literature Review 14
Development and trends in Audio-Visual Technology 14
Relevance / Value of Audio-Visual technology 20
Impact of Audio-Visual Instructions on students 24
Factors Affecting Audio-Visual Material and Equipment 30
Research Methodology 36
Area of the Study 36
Population of the Study 37
Sample Plan 37
Data Collection Techniques 38
Data Analysis techniques 38
Presentation and Analysis of
Data 39
Discussions and Findings 50
Conclusion and Recommendations 56
Summary of Findings 56
Recommendations 58
Appendix 63
global wave in the use of educational technology and its revolutionary effects
is a major attraction to the choice of this topic for study. This project
examined systematically the effects of the use of students in developing nation
like Nigeria taking the case of a private primary cum secondary school library.
The choice of private school is pertinent, as most government schools have no
functional libraries. There is a growing consciousness among some private
school owners on the relevance of functional school libraries.
This project identified that an ideal library exists in
International Early Learning Centre /
Dority International Secondary School
Aba in Abia State. A wide range of audio-visual materials and their equipment
for operation abound in the library.
However, many a time
materials and equipment are not used in
the library. Similarly, the students are unable to use the materials and
equipment themselves. There is no convenient time for them to use the
audio-visual materials and equipment.
Despite all these constraints, audiovisual technology is
adequately used in the school in teaching and learning.
The results gathered
indicated that students’ academic performances are significantly improved after
being taught using audiovisual technology.
Nowadays, knowledge is recorded in many physical forms.
Before printing was invented, the papyrus, vellum, codex etc were used in
recording human knowledge. With the invention of printing came books and other
printing forms.
Recently, another form of media has come into prominence
and that is the audio-visual media. Audio-visual may include graphic materials
such as pictures, maps charts, sides etc, and finally multimedia packages such
as motion pictures, video recording etc. There are also information-bearing items like
microforms, computer readable data files
and three- dimensional objects e.g. botanical specimens.
Audio-visuals have a variety of definitions. It is derived
from a latin work meaning, “I hear”.
In library and information science, it is replay of sound which we hear. This
covers microforms, disc recorders, amplifiers, loud-speakers and their
enclosures and any other techniques which are used to record or replay sound
waves (Sincher, 1977).
Audio-visuals mean something related to sound and visual or
light. They include printed materials and their equipment.
Audio-visual materials can be categorized into audio
materials and visual materials – Audio
include Radio, lecture/talk, Audio tapes/cassette compact Disc, Telephone, etc.
Visual materials can be identified by grouping than into two ways-2 dimensional
and 3 dimensional; projectiles and Non projectuals. Visual materials can also
be classified under graphics/photographic.
Audiovisuals are a combination of audio and visuals. They
include TV programmes, multi-media packages, VCR, and even computer programmes.
Some cannot be treated without the equipment for using them as progectors, TV
receiver, microreader, Record player, photocopying machine, VTR laminating,
35mm camera with accessories etc. they can also exist in some other forms as
slides of computer screens, down loading
of computer screens to create a simulation of a computer search, interactive
video disc which requires the image storage medium, a TV monitor or computer screen,
appropriate software, and a means of receiving inputs.
They are usually not in book and so are not easily
available. They are usually expensive because some of them require projectors,
moreso, they are usually hard to process because they lack some of the normal
bibliographic details. They, however, can be catalogued using the territorial
areas. Finally, they are of easily accessible to users. They are used mainly as reference materials, and
user are encouraged to borrow them.
This research work titled. “The use of Audio – visual Technology in
school libraries and students Academic performance” is informed by the
prevalent global wave in the use of educational Technology Vis the – a vis the
situation of nursery, primary and secondary schools in Nigeria. Being an
experimental research, the study investigated the use of audio-visual material
and equipment in a typical school library (International Early Learning
Center/Dority International Secondary School Aba) and evaluated the impacts of
the use of such technology on the academic performance of students.
is a private nursery, primary and secondary school. IELC is for the secondary
division. The school is owned by Mrs. Zovannah Onuma; an American woman married
to Eng. E. Onumah from Abia State, Nigeria.
The nursery
section was established in 1984 along faulks Road Aba while the primary section
was opened in 1986. However, owing to rapid increase in population of school
children, the school relocated to its permanent site in 1992 and it was in the
same year that the DISS was opened.
The school
is situated at no. 19-21 Umuodu Avenue Abayi Osisiona L. G. A,Abia State. It
has a population of over 5,700 and more than 500 workforce including the
non-teaching staff.
The school
is aimed at graduationg students who are academically competent, constructively
self-directed and who are oriented towards being positive, intelligent,
sensitive and mature citizens of this country. The school vigorously pursues
the attainment of these heart warming objectives.
The school
has a library with a strong collection of both print and non-print materials.
The library is headed by a professional librarian; a HND graduate in library
science and assisted by a professional librarian also, there is also library
with the exponential increase in materials owing to the new policy of the
school to purchase of daily basis a copy of daily newspaper and regular
acquisition a of new materials, accommodation for the materials has become a
problem. The library also needs more personnel to help in rendering effective
service to users and to maintain orderliness and absolute quietude especially
when students are using the library.
This research work although is carried out primarily to
fulfill the basic school requirement for the award of Technical Teacher Certificate (TTC) is also essentially
set to achieve the following objectives:
a. Identifying the various kinds of
audio-visual learning aid used in school libraries and in IELC/DISS in
b. Examining the use of audio-visual
materials and their media in the school
c. Evaluating the impacts of the use or
otherwise of the A/V materials on the academic performance of the students in
the school under study.
d. Discovering the constraints inherent in
the use of A/V material and their equipment in school library and suggesting
ways of redeeming them.
research topic is chosen to investigate the impact of the use of A/V material
sand equipment would have on pupils in nursery, primary and is IELC/DISS Abayi,
Aba, Abia State.
The desire
to carry out this work is consequent upon the new wave of educational
technology sweeping across the globe. The study investigated how school
libraries in Nigeria could brace up the challenges posed by education
This study
is particularly important to school managers and government as it would enable
them to know the various A/V materials and media that can be used in school
libraries and possibly come to realize the positive impacts the use of A/V
technology has on students academic performance and hence take positive steps
to develop our school libraries and position them to encompass these media in
their holding so as to meet the challenges of this information age.
This study is limited to how A/V materials and equipment
are used and assessed in IELC/DISS library for effective use on the academic
performance of students. There is no comparative analysis as it is purely an experimental
research. It rather tested the impacts of the use of the A/V media on students
of the school studies. The study covered all sections of the school-nursery
section, only the upper nursery was studied. The reason for this being that
pupils in the lower nursery might not be sensitive enough to answer the
research questions.
1. What is the population of students
Does a library exist in the school under study?
3. Does the school use audio-visual
materials and equipment in teaching the students and what is the range of the
audio-visual materials in use?
4. Which places are designated for the use
of the A/V materials and equipment?
5. Can the students use the A/V resources on
their own and what range of materials are they able to use unaided?
6. What reasons account most for the non-use
of the A/V materials and equipment?
7. Does teaching with audio-visuals
facilitate understanding and in what areas is the impact most felt?
8. How adequate is the use of the materials
and what factors account for the inadequacy of use?
After a
careful study of this research topic, the following assumptions were made and
of which the research findings were expected to authenticate of disprove that:
(a) There are varieties of audio-visual
materials and equipment that can be used; in school libraries.
(b) The use of A/V materials and equipment
increases chances of students comprehension oft he subjects taught.
(c) Audio-visual materials and equipment are
not effectively used in school libraries in Nigeria.
(d) Many pupils in nursery and primary school
and students in secondary school cannot effectively use the A/V materials and
equipment themselves.
(e) Certain factors such as finance,
accommodation and skilled manpower affect the effective use of A/V materials
and equipment in school libraries.
To properly
grasp the content to his work, some concepts used need operational definition.
Some of the concepts are Audio-visual
technology, school libraries, students and academic performance.
Audio-visual Technology
Technology in this context simply means audiovisual materials and their
equipment of use. This term is usually inter changeably used with such terms or
concept as educational technology, Audiovisual resources, educational material
etc Educational technology according to Madu (2000) is a machinery or hardware
of education of education or a highly structured approach to teach like
programmed learning. The same Madu (2000) defined audiovisual as a combination
of audio and visual materials which are used in the instructional or learning
process to facilitate teaching and
the Macmillan dictionary of
information technology as a general term for non-book materials that can be
viewed or listened to such as films
filmstrips, tapes, and overhead transparences. There are a wide categories of
there materials and equipments as have been briefly high lightened in the
School libraries are
libraries found in primary and secondary schools whose collection are simply
for the young people. However the scope of school libraries have expanded and
so is the opinion of experts in the field on what a modern school library
should be. A school library is presently referred to as a multimedia Center,
Media Resource Centre, School Media Centre, Instructional Resource Centre etc. The variation in
terminology not with standing. A school library is an information center
located in a school environment for ht purpose of providing information
services to support teaching and learning process of the school. To Iroha
(1985) a school library is a collection of wide variety of library materials
and resources housed in each school, centrally agonized by a staff
professionally to offer services to students and teachers that will enrich and
support the education programmes of the school.
From the definitions given, certain features of a school
library are discernible. It is an information center which contains both, books
and non-book materials and is organized and
managed by a professionally trained librarian or qualified teacher librarian
who uses available information resources to provide information to support teaching and learning activities of the teachers and
The school library in this era of information revolution
and has taken sweeping wave of globalization, has taken a new dimension in a
media content, function and services.
It is am media Resource Centre and hence, emphasizes the
provision and utilization of both print and non-print and non-print media.
Essentially, a school library is aimed at achieving the
following objectives.
teaching and learning within the school system
the development of reading skills and encourage long term learning through
research and independent study
opportunities for further reading and use classroom textbooks
material for recreation and encourage students to read for pleasure.
pupils / students with vocational information leading to choice of a suitable
1.7.3 Students:
In this project, students is a
generic term used to designate school children in nursery, primary and
secondary schools. They are those who are taught by the teachers and they
constitute a greater number of users
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