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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008200

No of Pages: 101

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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This research work determined the chemical composition of enriched pap made from yellow corn and red sorghum. The Specific objectives were to determine the proximate composition of enriched pap made from yellow maize and red sorghumthe mineral composition of enriched pap made from yellow maize and red sorghumassess the vitamin composition of enriched pap made from yellow maize and red sorghum and anti-nutrient composition of enriched pap made from yellow maize and red sorghum. The work used experimental design to determine the proximate composition, minerals, vitamin and anti-nutrient content, as well as sensory properties of the enriched pap were evaluated using statistically analyzed by one way analysis of variance using Statistical Package for Social Science version 23.0. The proximate composition revealed that the moisture content (77.26 to 82.73%), crude protein (5.03 to 13.08%), fat (0.84 to 3.74%), dietary fibre (0.02 to 0.05%), ash (0.65 to 0.97%), carbohydrate (2.69 to 12.98), energy value (70.62 to 105.66kcal) of the enriched pap. Minerals like phosphorus (138.67 to 285.12 mg/100g), calcium (73.49 to 80.44mg/100g), sodium (36.53 to 49.99mg/100g), potassium (199.65 to 327.56mg/100g), magnesium (48.95 to 81.06mg/100g), iron (4.35 to 6.28) were obtained in the enriched pap. The enriched pap possessed pro vitamin A (3.44 to 58.68), Vit B(0.34 to 0.52mg/100g), Vit B2 (0.07 to 0.61 mg/100g), Vit B3 (1.37 to 2.43mg/100g), Vit C (2.86 to 3.14 mg/100g) and Vit E (0.58 to 1.77 mg/100g). The antinutrient contents of the enriched pap show the presence of Tannin (0.44 to 0.54 mg/100g), Phytate (0.26 to 0.38 mg/100g), Oxalate (0.14 to 0.27 mg/100g), The sensory evaluation content of the enriched pap revealed that the mean score for appearance ranged from 4.80 to 6.85, whereas 5.10 to 6.30, 5.00 to 6.50, 5.05 to 7.10 and 5.20 to 7.45 was obtained as the mean score for taste, mouth feel, consistency, and general acceptability of the enriched pap. This study showed that nutritious and acceptable enriched pap samples with its antinutrient constituents where processed from yellow corn and red sorghum. 



TITLE PAGE                                                                                                              I

CERTIFICATION                                                                                                      II

DEDICATION                                                                                                           III

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS                                                                                       IV

TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                                 V

LIST OF TABLES                                                                                                     IX

LIST OF FIGURES                                                                                                    X

ABSTRACT                                                                                                               XI




1.1       Background of the Study                                                                                1

1.2       Statement of the Problem                                                                               3

1.3       Objectives of the Study                                                                                  5

1.3.1    General Objective of the study                                                                       5

1.3.2    Specific objectives of the study                                                                      5

1.4       Significance of the Study                                                                               6




2.1       Maize                                                                                                              7

2.1.2    Maize flour                                                                                                     8

2.1.3    Taxonomy of maize                                                                                        9

2.1.4    Nutritional value of maize                                                                              9

2.1.5    Health benefits of maize                                                                                 12

2.1.6    Medicinal value of maize                                                                               13

2.2       Sorghum                                                                                                         14

2.2.1    Description                                                                                                     15

2.2.2    Taxonomy of Sorghum                                                                                   15

2.2.3    Nutritional value of sorghum                                                                         17

2.2.4    Food application of sorghum                                                                          17 Tuwo Production                                                                                            17 Sorghum Ball Production “Fura”                                                                  18 Gruel Production                                                                                            19

2.3.4    Nutrient composition of sorghum                                                                   20

2.3       Pap                                                                                                                  21

2.3.1    Pap Enrichment                                                                                              22 Milk                                                                                                                19 Composition of milk                                                                                       23 Egg                                                                                                                  23 Egg Nutrients                                                                                                  25 Proteins                                                                                                        26 Carbohydrates                                                                                              26 Vitamins and Choline                                                                                  27 Minerals and Trace Elements                                                                      28 Lipids                                                                                                           28




3.1       Experimental Design                                                                                      29

3.2       Sample Collection                                                                                          29

3.3       Sample Preparation                                                                                        29

3.3.1    Preparation of pap from yellow corn and sorghum                                        29 Preparation of pap (ogi) from yellow corn                                                     29 Preparation of pap (ogi) from sorghum                                                          31

3.4       Packaging and Storage of Sample                                                                  32

3.5       Chemical Analysis                                                                                          32

3.5.1    Proximate Composition                                                                           32 Determination of moisture content                                                                 32 Determination of ash                                                                                      33 Determination of fat                                                                                       33 Determination of crude protein                                                                      34 Determination of dietary fiber                                                                        35 Determination of carbohydrate content                                                          35

3.5.2    Determination of Vitamins.                                                                            36 Pro-Vitamin A                                                                                                36 Vitamin B1 (Thiamin)                                                                                                37 Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)                                                                                38 Niacin                                                                                                             39 Determination of Vitamin E                                                                                       40

3.5.3    Mineral Content Analysis                                                                               41 Determination of Phosphorous                                                                       42 Iron Determination                                                                                         42 Determination of Calcium and Magnesium                                                  43

3.6       Statistical Analysis                                                                                         46




4.1       Proximate Composition of Enriched Pap Made From Yellow Corn and                              Red Sorghum                                                                                                  47

4.2       Mineral Content of Enriched Pap Made from Yellow Corn and                             Red Sorghum                                                                                                  55

4.3       Vitamin Content of Enriched Pap Made From Yellow Corn and                            Red Sorghum                                                                                                  61

4.4       Anti-Nutrient Content of Enriched Pap Made From Yellow Corn and                              Red Sorghum                                                                                                  67

4.5       Sensory Properties of Enriched Pap Made From Yellow Corn and                                                 Red Sorghum                                                                                                  70




5.1 Conclusion                                                                                                            75

5.2 Recommendations                                                                                                76


REFERENCES                                                                                                         77




Table 2.1: Nutrient composition of maize                                                                  11

Table 4.1: Proximate Composition of Enriched Pap Made From Yellow Corn and                                 Red Sorghum                                                                                                  48

Table 4.2: Mineral Content of Enriched Pap Made From Yellow Corn and                                     Red Sorghum                                                                                                  56

Table 4.3: Vitamin Content of Enriched Pap Made From Yellow Corn and                                     Red Sorghum                                                                                                  62

Table 4.4: Antinutrient Content of Enriched Pap Made From Yellow Corn and                              Red Sorghum                                                                                                  68

Table 4.5: Sensory Properties of Enriched Pap Made From Yellow Corn and                              Red Sorghum                                                                                                  72








Figure 3.3.1: Flow chart for the production of Ogi from yellow corn                     30

Figure 3.3.2: Flow chart for the production of Ogi from sorghum                            31








Cereals have become one of the important sources of food throughout the world. Sorghum has the highest growth rate of major food crops in Western Africa and it is believed to have the greatest potential among food crops for attaining technological breakthroughs that will improve food production in any region. Sorghum constitutes about 75% of the cereals consumed in all parts of Nigeria today (Ekpenyong et al., 2012).

Cereals often present low contents of proteins and micronutrients, including iron and Zinc (Newell, 2008). According to Peck et al. (2008), no studies have been conducted to evaluate the effect of Zinc on the quality of grains or to assess if the increase of available Zinc can raise protein concentration in grains (Alloway, 2009), because Zinc deficiency results in low protein content in plants (Moinuddin and Imas, 2010).

The most frequent nutrient deficiencies in humans are those of iron, Zn, iodine and vitamin A, and these deficiencies occur especially among women and children in developing countries (WHO, 2002). Zinc deficiency in humans is common, and it is estimated to affect 25% of the world population (Maret and Sandstead, 2006), especially in several regions with soils deficient in zinc, including India, Pakistan, China, Iran and Turkey (Cakmak et al., 2010; Hotz and Brown, 2004).

The lack of this micronutrient in human beings is responsible for severe health complications, including problems in physical growth, impaired immune system, reduced learning ability, increased risk of infections, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) damage and cancer development (Gibson, 2006; Hotz and Brown, 2004; Prasad, 2007). It is possible that low quality cereal grains occur because the main goal of plant breeding programs has been to increase yield during the last decades and not considering the nutritional contents (Peleg et al., 2008).

In soils with slight Zinc deficiency, the yields and quality can be affected without any evident symptoms (Alloway, 2009), which can result in food production with low nutritional value. Therefore, the enrichment of such cereals with Zinc is an important global challenge and of great priority in research (Cakmak et al., 2010). Therefore, agronomic techniques suitable to elevate Zinc, protein and carbohydrate contents in grains are of great.

Pap is fermented maize also known as “Ogi”. Ogi or Pap is a local generic name for a semi solid food made from cereals (commonly Sorghum, Maize and Millet). It is called by different names in Nigeria like ‘agbada’. ‘igbado’, ‘yangan’ (Yoruba); ‘masara’ or ‘dawar masara’ (Hausa); ‘ogbado’ or ‘oka’ (Igbo) (Adeyemo and Onilude, 2018).

Pap (Ogi) is a staple cereal fermented product found predominantly in western and Southern Nigeria and is usually the first native food given to babies at weaning. It is produced generally by soaking maize grain (zea mays) in warm water for 2-3 days followed by wet milling and sieving through a screen mesh. Nnanyelego and Onofiok (2004) reported the use of Ogi as a weaning food in western Nigeria to supplement breastfeeding between ages of 3-6months for young children.

It is a fermented maize product obtained as smooth gel or mixed with boiling water to form a porridge, which has a sour taste. Similar maize preparations are referred to as “Akana” and “Kenkey” in Ghana (Charlotte et al., 2015). It is a popular staple and most popular traditional weaning food in West African countries (Bolaji et al., 2015).



Cereals are grasses mostly cultivated for their edible grains, and they represent important source of minerals and proteins in the developing world. Grains are used as basic food stock in most countries (Cakmak, 2008). In developing countries, their diet is often based on cereal consumption, which has low zinc (Zn) content and bioavailability (Cakmak et al., 2010).

However, the nutritional composition is equally important and has been largely neglected in such programs, especially concerning micronutrient contents (Cakmak, 2002). Thus, future studies assessing more efficient Zinc application methods to promote Zinc uptake in plants and to maximize the accumulation of this micronutrient in grains must be developed (Camak, 2008).

More than 2 billion people are affected by micronutrient deficiency (World Health Organization (WHO), 2001) a condition often referred to as “hidden hunger.” Micronutrient deficiency is particularly prevalent in poor rural and urban areas where limited economic resources prevent diversity in diets. The most common micronutrient deficiencies are connected to low dietary intakes of vitamin A, iron, and iodine (Allen et al., 2006).

Micronutrient deficiency has been considered as a major risk factor for child survival in Nigeria, increasing the risk of death from common diseases such as acute gastroenteritis, pneumonia, and measles (Ekweagwu et al., 2008). The prevalence of micronutrient deficiencies in Nigerian children under 5 years of age was reported by the Nigerian Food Consumption Survey as, 23.3%, 34.0%, 13.0%, and 20.0% for Vitamin A deficiency, iron deficiency anemia, Iodine deficiency disorder, and zinc deficiency disorders respectively (International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 2004).

However, other more neglected micronutrient deficiencies are due to non-availability of selenium, zinc, and calcium in the diet which significantly affect the health of individuals (Hagan et al., 2010). It has been reported that zinc deficiency contributes to the death of 800,000 children globally per year, whereas rickets caused by calcium deficiency is gaining more attention than before (Hagan et al., 2010), Omega-3 fatty acid deficiency is also important.

Enriched pap is a good source of carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, minerals and fat depending on the food items the pap is enriched with. According to United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund and World Health Organisation (UNICEF/WHO) (2017) statistics which reported that children of under-five age are the most vulnerable group as a result of inadequate care and feeding practices from the respective parent and care-givers.

However, the report of UNICEF/WHO (2017) shows that the prevalence rate of malnutrition among under-five children in Nigeria was 31.5% for underweight (weight for age), stunted (height for age) 46.3%  and wasted (weight for height) 10.8%. 

Since pap is mostly used as food for infant and young children in West African countries, enriched pap is a food that its nutrient contents or value has been increased or improved and can be used as complementary food for children older than six months of age and therapeutic diet for people with dysphagia and other gastrointestinal tract problems which will improve their nutritional status as well as reduce the rate of protein energy malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies also known as ‘hidden hunger’ among under 5 children and diseased person  in our societies. The study is designed to prepare enrich pap from yellow corn and red sorghum and analyze their chemical composition.



1.3.1    General Objective of the study

The general objective of this study was to determine the chemical composition of enriched pap made from yellow corn and red sorghum.

1.3.2    Specific objectives of the study

The specific objectives of the study are to:

1.     determine the proximate composition of enriched pap made from yellow maize and red sorghum

2.     determine the mineral composition of enriched pap made from yellow maize and red sorghum

3.     assess the vitamin composition of enriched pap made from yellow maize and red sorghum

4.     determine the anti-nutrient composition of enriched pap made from yellow maize and red sorghum



This study will improve the knowledge of people and be of great importance since it will increase the awareness about the use of yellow maize and red sorghum to improve the nutritional quality of pap. It will beneficial in the weaning of infants and young children so as to improve their nutritional status.  The study will reduce feeding cost in the societies compare to the use of infant formula since corn is one of the staple foods in the country and will be cheaper than infant formula.

The result of the study will be useful to Nutritionist and Dietitians, Pediatrician and other health professionals as enriched pap can be used as therapeutic diet for stabilization and rehabilitation of malnourished infant and children in the society to reduce the prevalence of under nutrition among children of under 5 years of age and general population.

The result of the present study will also be used by health professionals in the treatment of different diseases especially in tube feeding and gastric feeding.


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