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Product Code: 00009325

No of Pages: 57

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This study was carried out on the Awareness of breast cancer and practice of self-breast examination among women in Rijiya Bakwai Quarters Birnin Kudu Jigawa State. A description cross sectional design was used for the study. A systematic random method was used to select the subject for the study. The sample size of 200 was determined using Taro-Yamane’s formula and Structured questionnaire was used to collect data. Results were analyzed and presented using frequency, distribution and percentage. Findings revealed that majority of the respondents are aware of breast cancer, and some of the women have some knowledge on the preventive measures of breast cancer since they agreed that breast cancer can be prevented by changing the risk factors under control. The findings also showed that majority of the respondents are not aware and do not practice breast self-examination due to lack of knowledge. Therefore, it was recommended that Nurses and midwives should intensify teaching of procedure of breast selfexamination in antenatal, postnatal and gynecological clinics as part of their health talk and women of Rijiya Bakwai Quarters should encouraged to practce breast self-examination. Fallow up programmes should be introduced by teaching hospitals, general hospitals and various community health center through heath visitors to create means by which women remind one another to practice beast self-examination.

Keywords: Awareness, Practice, Breast Cancer, Breast Self-Examination




TITLE PAGE..................................................................................................................................... ii

DECLARATION............................................................................................................................... iii

CERTIFICATION............................................................................................................................. iv

ABSTRACT...................................................................................................................................... v

DEDICATION.................................................................................................................................. vi

ACKNOWLEGEMENT.................................................................................................................... vii

LIST OF TABLE............................................................................................................................... x

CHAPTER ONE................................................................................................................................ 1

1.0 Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Background of the Study........................................................................................................ 1

1.2 Statement of Problem............................................................................................................. 3

1.3 Objectives of the Study.......................................................................................................... 5

1.4 Research Questions................................................................................................................ 5

1.5 Significance of the Study....................................................................................................... 5

1.6    Scope of the Study.............................................................................................................. 6

1.7 Operational Definition of Terms................................................................................................. 6

CHAPTER TWO........................................................................................................................ 7

LITERATURE REVIEW............................................................................................................ 7

2.0 Introduction........................................................................................................................... 7

2.1 Conceptual Review................................................................................................................ 7

2.2 Theoretical Review.............................................................................................................. 20

2.2.1 Health promotion Model (HPM)............................................................................................ 20

2.2.2 Application of the Theory...................................................................................................... 21

2.3 Empirical Review................................................................................................................ 21

CHAPTER THREE.......................................................................................................................... 25

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY....................................................................................................... 25

3.0 Introduction................................................................................................................................ 25

3.1 Research Design......................................................................................................................... 25

3.2 Research Setting......................................................................................................................... 25

3.3 Target Population ....................................................................................................................... 26

3.4 Sample Size Determination.......................................................................................................... 26

3.5 Sampling Technique.................................................................................................................... 26

3.6 Instruments for Data Collection.................................................................................................... 27

3.7 Validity of the Instrument............................................................................................................ 27

3.8 Reliability of Instrument.............................................................................................................. 28

3.9 Method of data Collection............................................................................................................ 28

3.10 Method of Data Analysis........................................................................................................... 28

3.11 Ethical Consideration................................................................................................................ 28

CHAPTER FOUR............................................................................................................................ 29

4.0 Data Analysis and Presentation.................................................................................................... 29

4.1 Results....................................................................................................................................... 30

Table 4.1.1 Socio-Demographic data of the respondents (n=170)..................................................... 30

Table 4.1.2 Distribution of respondents according to Level of Knowledge of Breast Cancer (n=170)   32

Table 4.1.2 Distribution of respondents according to Level of Breast Self-Examination (n=170)         33

Table Distribution of respondents according to Preventive Measures of Breast Cancer (n=170)          34

4.2 Answering Research questions..................................................................................................... 35

CHAPTER FIVE.............................................................................................................................. 36

5.0 Introduction................................................................................................................................ 36

5.1 Discussion of Findings................................................................................................................ 36

5.1.1 Socio Demographic Data.......................................................................................................... 36

5.1.2 Level of Knowledge of Breast Cancer Among Women............................................................... 36

5.1.3 Level of Practice of Breast Self-examination Among Women..................................................... 37

5.1.4 Preventive Measures of Breast Cancer....................................................................................... 38

5.2 Implication of the Study to Nursing and Midwifery....................................................................... 38

5.3 Limitation of the study................................................................................................................ 39

5.4 Summary.................................................................................................................................... 39

5.5 Conclusion................................................................................................................................. 39

5.6 Recommendations....................................................................................................................... 40

5.7 Suggestion for Further Study....................................................................................................... 40

REFERENCES................................................................................................................................. 41



1.0 Introduction

This chapter comprises of Background of the study, Statement of the problem, Objective of the research, Research questions, Significance of the study, Scope of the study, and Operational definition of terms.

1.1 Background of the Study

According to World Health Organization (WHO) stated that breast cancer is the top and commonest cancer among women worldwide, and it increases particularly in developing countries where the majority of cases are diagnosed in late stages. Breast cancer as the most common in woman worldwide comprises 16% of all female cancer.

According to Coleman et al (2018), breast cancer survival rate greatly world wide ranging from 80 or over in North America, Sweden and Japan to about 60 in middle income countries. The low survival rate in less developed countries can be explained mainly by the lack of early detection program resulting in a high proportion of women preserving with late stages disease as well as by lack of adequate diagnosis and treatment facilities. 

Globally, breast cancer is the leading cancer-related disease both in morbidity and mortality among women, affecting about 2.1million annually, and over half a million died in 2018 at estimation. While breast cancer rates are higher among women in more developed regions, rates are increasing in every region internationally, including Nigeria. According to global cancer estimates of Bray et al (2017), compared to other regions, the extents of cancer mortalities in Asia (57.3%) and Africa (7.3%) were greater than the proportions of incidence (48.4% and 5.8%, respectively) because there were various spreading of cancer categories and advanced case fatality rates in these regions. Particularly, the study indicated a higher estimated cumulative risk of dying from cancer among women in the horn of Africa (11.4%), (Charles and Desjardin, 2019). According to National cancer initiative (2017), stated that breast tissue, a common malignant in women of the United States.

 In Nigeria, according to the National Cancer Control Plan (2018–2022), cancer is responsible for 72,000 deaths in Nigeria every year, with an estimated 102,000 new cases of cancer annually.

According to Mayo clinic staff (2017), stated that breast cancer is a cancer that forms in a breast. There are numerous types of cancer of the breast but ductal cell carcinoma is the most common type. World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended breast self-examination as an alternative lost effective screening method for breast cancer to all women of reproductive age. So practice of breast self-examination (BSE) is important to all women of child bearing age in prevention of lump in the breast (THOMAS 2018). Breast cancer is the most common invasive cancer and the second leading cause of death in women after lung cancer.

The prevalence of breast cancer is increasing in the developing nations as a result of a rising number of senior citizens and lifestyle-related breast cancer risk factors like eating unhealthy foods, obesity, and using harmful substances (WHO, 2018). Developing nations those suffering the dual saddle of cervical and breast cancer to implement economical and inexpensive interventions to confront these greatly preventable diseases (WHO) recommends.

 The Breast Self-Examination (BSE) practice has been appreciated to enable women, taking concern for their health. BSE is a suitable and cheap means that can be implemented regularly. The American Cancer Society and other leading cancer agencies recommended the monthly practice of BSE (American Cancer society 2018).


A country with inadequate resource facilities and poor health systems ought to promote early diagnosis programs based on breast self-exam, awareness of early signs and symptoms, and prompt referral to diagnosis and treatment. BSE would be an alternative method to prevent and control breast cancer morbidities and mortalities, even though mammography is the finest screening technique (sarwar et al, 2018). There was no similar research regarding the awareness of breast cancer and practice of self-breast examination among women which influence the researcher to conduct the research on awareness of breast cancer and practice of self-breast examination among women in Rijiya Bakwai Quarters Birnin kudu.

1.2 Statement of Problem

World Health Organization (WHO, 2018) has recommended breast self-examination as an alternative lost effective screening method for breast cancer to all women of reproductive age. According to American Cancer society (2019), it is recommended that women should undertake breast self-examination once a month, within 3 to 5 days after menstrual period start. Breast self -examination should be observed by women in their early 20s for early detection of breast cancer .in some countries BSE is required to be conducted on a monthly basis. Globally, breast cancer now represents one in four of all cancers in women. Since 2008, worldwide breast cancer incidence has increased by more than 20%. Mortality has increased by 14 %( Stedman 2020).

 In Nigeria, The incidence rate of Breast cancer ranges from 43.6 to 56.7/100,000 with age standardized of 48 years and mortality rate of 72,000 occur annually and 102,000 new cases are diagnosed from its population of 200,000000 people ( American Cancer society 2019).

In Jigawa, some women were knowledgeable about breast cancer and breast self-examination but few actually engaged in breast self-examination. That is the reason most of the women developed breast cancer while some are at risk of developing breast cancer (Oluwatosin, 2018).

Wardle et al (2017), surveyed female university students drawn from 20 European nations, the researchers revealed that 54% of the study respondents never engaged in BSE while 8 percent practiced on a monthly basis. 

According to cancer research conducted very recent in United Kingdom (2018), stated that although fewer cases occur in group, breast cancer is still the most common cancer in women under 35years of age, by the age of 35-49, over 6,700 women are diagnosed with breast cancer each year and it's continue to be a major cause of morbidity and mortality across the world. There are many consequences of breast cancer, both physical and psychological. Physically, breast cancer can cause pain, swelling, and loss of function in the affected breast. It can also cause lymphedema, a condition where fluid builds up in the lymph nodes and causes swelling. Psychologically, breast cancer can cause anxiety, depression, and body image concerns. It can also lead to sexual dysfunction and difficulties with intimacy (American Cancer society, 2019). All pregnant women should be informed and teaching them how to perform the breast selfexamination during antenatal visit. Health care provider should help women to be aware of breast self-examination and give them health talk on breast self-examination in order to have positive perception against it. Child bearing mothers should be encouraged to practice breast self-examination after each menstrual circle. Motivation of government to allocate right fractioned, and improve practice of breast self-examination in general hospitals and other primary health care in order to reduce the risk of breast cancer (American Cancer society 2020). Despite efforts the health workers are making to enlighten women during antenatal visit, the practice of Breast self- examination is not encouraging. In view of the above, the researcher wishes to conduct the research on the awareness of breast cancer and practice of self-breast examination Among women in Rijiya Bakwai Quarters Birnin Kudu.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

1.      To determine the level of knowledge of breast cancer among women in Rijiya bakwai

Quarters Birnin kudu. 

2.      To identify the level of practice of Breast self -examination among women in Rijiya bakwai Quarters Birnin kudu. 

3.      To identify the preventing measures of breast cancer among women in Rijiya bakwai

Quarters Birnin kudu. 

1.4 Research Questions                                              

1.      What is the level of knowledge of breast cancer among women in Rijiya bakwai Quarters

Birnin kudu?

2.      What is the level of practice of breast self-examination among women in Rijiya bakwai

Quarters Birnin kudu?

3.      What are the preventive measures of breast cancer at Rijiya bakwai Quarters Birnin kudu?

1.5 Significance of the Study

It was hoped that the study would improve knowledge of breast cancer as well as the practice of breast self-examination among women in Rijiya bakwai Quarters Birnin kudu. 

The women will be aware of causes and the way of prevention of breast cancer and also how to practice breast self -examination.

This study will increase the knowledge of nursing and midwifery professionals and serves as a reference point for other researchers who will wish to conduct research on a similar study. This study will also help the NGOS to know how to tackle the issues about breast cancer by improving awareness.

The study will also call the attention of government to train health workers on breast self- examination in order to reduce the high risk of Breast cancer. The result will help to strengthen the practice of controlled measures against breast cancer. Finally, the finding will also provide useful information to researchers to carryout similar studies.

1.6    Scope of the Study

This study is focus on assessment of level of awareness of breast cancer and practice of  selfbreast-examination among women in Rijiya bakwai Quarters Birnin kudu.

1.7 Operational Definition of Terms

Awareness – is the quality or state of being aware: knowledge and understanding that something is happening or exists. It can also be defined as a state of being conscious of something more specifically it is the ability to directly know and perceive to feel or to be cognizant.

Practice – a method of learning by repetition.

Breast Self-Examination– is a method of finding abnormalities of the breast, for early detection of breast cancer. The method involves the woman herself looking at and feeling each breast for possible lumps, distortions or swelling.

Women –is a female adult being associated with a particular place activity and occupation. Cancer: refers to a condition in which the cells of the tissue undergo uncontrolled (and often rapid) proliferation.

Malignant: presence of tumor cancer

Breast Cancer-is a disease in which cells in the breast grows out of control and also divided it mostly occur in women rarely seen in men treatable by medical professional and require a medical diagnosis or it is an invasive tumor that develop in the mammary gland which can be detected using breast self-examination or biopsy.

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