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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008533

No of Pages: 52

No of Chapters: 5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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Corruption is any form of dishonesty or criminal behaviour undertaken by a person or organization entrusted with public funds or a position of authority, to acquire illicit benefit or abuse of power for one's private gain. Corruption has penetrated every facet of human life in Nigeria; politics, judiciary, governance, commerce and industry, taxation, health, education and, religion, to mention a few, and has caused serious negative effects on national security, unity, integration, peace and development. This paper presented discussions on corruption as an endemic that gave birth to numerous contemporary issues bedeviling well-being of Nigerian citizenry. In other words, most of the social issues/problems prevailing in this country like armed robbery, vandalism, theft, drug abuse, banditry, kidnappings, unemployment, human trafficking et cetera are direct products and consequences of corruption.  The design of this study was descriptive survey. It is a position paper that presented the concept of corruption, its types, causes and detrimental effects on Nigerians. The paper also proposed/described how Counselling as a professional helping discipline can contribute towards ameliorating the menace. It is recommended that Counselling programmes should be established in schools at all levels so as to guide the leaders of tomorrow (students) on the implications of corruption and how to avoid it.; Government at levels should implore and support the intervention of counsellors towards counselling Nigerian leaders and workers in both public and private sectors on the need to join hands to stop corruption; and Well-equipped counselling centers be established at every ministry or parastatal/agency for the public servants to get free assistance on ceasing corruption.



COVER PAGE           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           i

APPROVAL PAGE   -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           ii

DECLARATION       -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           iii

DEDICATION           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           iv

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT     -           -           -           -           -           -           -           v

TABLE OF CONTENTS       -           -           -           -           -           -           -         vi

ABSTRACT   -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           viii


 1.0  INTRODUCTION         -           -           -           -           -           -           -           1

1.1              BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY  -           -           -           -           -           1

1.2              STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM- -           -           -           -           -          2

1.3       AIMS AND OBJECTIVES   -           -           -           -           -           -           3

1.4       RESEACH QUESTIONS      -           -           -           -           -           -           5

1.5     SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY     -           -           -           -           -         6

1.6              SCOPE OF THE STUDY      -           -           -           -           -           -           7

1.7              OPERATIONAL DEFINITION OF TERMS            -           -           -           7

1.8              PLAN OF THE STUDY -      -           -           -           -           -           -           8





2.1   INTRODUCTION        -           -           -           -           -           -           -           11

2.2   CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK       -           -           -           -           -           11


2.4 FORMS AND CAUSES OF CORRUPTION -         -           -           -           -13

2.5 TYPOLOGIES OF CORRUPTION     -           -           -           -           -           -15



RESEARCH QUESTIONS AND HYPOTHESIS -        -           -           -           -23


PUBLIC SERVICE IN JIGAWA STATE-           -           -           -           -           -28

2.9 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK        -           -           -           -           -           -29




3.1 INTRODUCTION           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           33

3.2 RESEACH DESIGN          -        -      -           -           -           -          -                -33

3.3 SAMPLE AND SAMPLING TECHNIQUE -          -          -     -          -             33

3.4 RESEARCH INSTRUMENT         -          -          -          -          -          -           34

3.5 VALIDATION OF THE INSTRUMENT -          -          -     -         -                  34

3.6 METHOD OF DATA COLLECTION -            -           -          -          -            - 35

3.7 METHOD OF DATA ANALYSIS -           -           -          -          -                   35



4.0   INTRODUCTION         -           -           -           -           -           -           -           36

4.1 DEMOGRAPHIC OF THE RESPONDENT         -          -          -          -          36

4.2 PRESENTATION AND INTERPRETATION OF RESULT -   -           -           38



5.1       SUMMARY   -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           41

5.2   CONCLUSSION           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           42

5.3   RECOMMENDATIONS           -           -           -           -           -           -           43





1.1 Background of the Study

Corruption, an enduring and deeply entrenched issue, poses a formidable challenge to Nigeria's socioeconomic and political landscape. It permeates various facets of the nation's functioning, including its public administration. Public service, as the bedrock of governance, bears a significant responsibility in providing essential services to citizens and fostering national development. However, corruption casts a long shadow over these noble objectives, thwarting efforts aimed at achieving efficiency, transparency, and effectiveness in public service. The repercussions of corruption extend far beyond fiscal losses; they encompass the erosion of public trust, impaired service delivery, and the perpetuation of poverty and inequality.

Corruption in Nigeria has historical and systemic roots. Over the years, it has become deeply ingrained in the fabric of the nation's public institutions and society at large. From petty bribery to grand embezzlement, corrupt practices have infiltrated all levels of government and have become a norm in many areas. This phenomenon is not unique to Nigeria, but it is particularly pernicious due to the country's vast resources and potential for development.

In the context of public service, corruption takes various forms. It may involve the misappropriation of public funds, nepotism in hiring and promotion, embezzlement, bribery, and extortion. These corrupt practices not only hinder the efficient functioning of public institutions but also result in the misallocation of resources that could otherwise be used to improve the lives of Nigeria's citizens.

The impact of corruption on public service is multi-dimensional. It undermines the principles of fairness, accountability, and transparency that are essential for good governance. It distorts decision-making processes, diverts resources away from essential services, and erodes public trust in government institutions. Moreover, it perpetuates a culture of impunity, where individuals engage in corrupt practices with little fear of consequences, further entrenching the problem.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Nigeria's struggle with corruption is well-documented, and its detrimental effects on public service are palpable. Jigawa State, like many other regions in Nigeria, is not immune to this systemic issue. The corrosive influence of corruption on public service delivery in Jigawa State demands an in-depth examination. While corruption is often discussed in broad terms, there is a pressing need for a localized and comprehensive study to discern its specific impacts within the context of Jigawa State.

The specific problems that this research seeks to address include:

1. The extent and nature of corruption within Jigawa State's public service.

2. The tangible and intangible effects of corruption on the delivery of public services.

3. The underlying root causes and drivers of corruption that persist within the public service.

4. The effectiveness of existing anti-corruption measures and strategies currently employed in Jigawa State.

Understanding these issues is pivotal to developing targeted interventions and evidence-based strategies for preventing corruption in the public service of Jigawa State.


1.3 Research Objectives

The primary aim of this research is to conduct a rigorous investigation into the impact of corruption on public service in Jigawa State, Nigeria. This study will seek to achieve the following specific objectives:

1. To assess the extent and nature of corruption within Jigawa State's public service.

2. To critically examine the tangible and intangible effects of corruption on the delivery of public services.

3. To identify the underlying root causes and drivers of corruption that persist within the public service.

4. To explore the existing anti-corruption measures and strategies currently employed in Jigawa State.

5. To propose evidence-based strategies and recommendations for preventing corruption within Jigawa State's public service.

These research objectives will guide the systematic investigation and analysis of corruption in Jigawa State's public administration, providing valuable insights for policy development and reform.

Examining the Effects of Corruption on the Delivery of Public Services in Jigawa State

The second research objective delves into the tangible and intangible effects of corruption on the delivery of public services in Jigawa State. This examination will include:

- Assessing the impact of corruption on the quality and accessibility of public services, such as healthcare, education, and infrastructure.

- Investigating how corruption exacerbates disparities and inequalities in service provision among different communities within the state.

- Analyzing the consequences of corruption on citizens' trust in public institutions and their overall well-being.

Through a thorough exploration of these effects, this objective will provide insights into the real-world implications of corruption on the lives of Jigawa State's residents.

Identifying the Root Causes and Drivers of Corruption within the Public Service in Jigawa State

The third research objective seeks to uncover the underlying root causes and drivers of corruption within Jigawa State's public service. This will involve:

- Conducting in-depth interviews and surveys with public servants, whistleblowers, and experts to understand the motivations behind corrupt practices.

- Examining the structural and systemic factors that enable and perpetuate corruption within the public service.

- Investigating cultural and social norms that may either facilitate or deter corrupt behavior.

Identifying these root causes is essential for developing targeted and effective anti-corruption strategies.

Exploring Existing Anti-Corruption Measures and Strategies in Jigawa State

The fourth research objective focuses on the examination of existing anti-corruption measures and strategies employed within Jigawa State. This will entail:

- Reviewing legislative and policy frameworks aimed at combating corruption in the state.

- Evaluating the effectiveness of enforcement agencies, oversight bodies, and accountability mechanisms.

- Analyzing the practical implementation of anti-corruption initiatives and their impact on reducing corruption.

This objective aims to provide an overview of the state's current anti-corruption landscape and pinpoint areas where improvements may be needed.

Proposing Evidence-Based Strategies for Preventing Corruption in Jigawa State's Public Service

The final research objective involves the development of evidence-based strategies to prevent corruption within Jigawa State's public service. This will include:

- Drawing upon the findings from the preceding objectives to formulate targeted recommendations.

- Identifying best practices and lessons learned from successful anti-corruption initiatives in other regions.

- Collaborating with stakeholders, including government officials, civil society organizations, and experts, to craft practical and context-specific strategies.

This objective serves as the culmination of the research effort, offering actionable solutions to mitigate corruption's impact on public service delivery in Jigawa State.

1.4 Research Questions

The research questions posed in this study align with the specified research objectives, ensuring a systematic exploration of the problem. These questions are as follows:

1. What is the nature of corruption within Jigawa State's public service?

2. What are the tangible and intangible effects of corruption on the delivery of public services in Jigawa State?

3. What are the root causes and drivers of corruption within the public service in Jigawa State?

4. What are the existing anti-corruption measures and strategies in place in Jigawa State?

5. What are the strategies can be proposed to prevent corruption in Jigawa State's public service?

1.5 Significance of the Study

This research is significant for several reasons. First and foremost, it contributes to the existing body of knowledge on corruption, with a specific focus on its impact on public administration within Jigawa State. The findings of this study will provide valuable insights for policymakers, government agencies, civil society organizations, researchers, and the general public. By shedding light on the challenges and opportunities in addressing corruption at the state level, this research aims to assist in the development of more effective and context-specific anti-corruption strategies.

Additionally, understanding the local dynamics of corruption in Jigawa State will serve as a blueprint for other states facing similar challenges in Nigeria and beyond. This study has the potential to inform policy decisions that could lead to more transparent, accountable, and efficient public service delivery, ultimately benefitting the citizens of Jigawa State.

Furthermore, this research aligns with international efforts to combat corruption and promote good governance. It contributes to the global dialogue on corruption by providing a case study that offers insights into the challenges and solutions faced by a sub-national entity within a complex federal system.

In summary, this project endeavors to illuminate the pervasive issue of corruption within Jigawa State's public service and contribute to the ongoing efforts to combat corruption and enhance public administration in Nigeria.

1.6 Scope of the Study

This research will focus exclusively on Jigawa State, one of Nigeria's 36 states, to ensure a localized and context-specific examination of corruption within its public service. The study will encompass various sectors of public administration, including but not limited to healthcare, education, public infrastructure, and law enforcement.

The choice of Jigawa State as the research focus is driven by the need for a deep dive into a specific state's experiences with corruption, as state-level dynamics often differ from the national context. Moreover, Jigawa State, like many others, faces unique challenges and opportunities that warrant an in-depth analysis.

While the study's primary focus is on Jigawa State, it is essential to acknowledge that corruption is a complex and interconnected issue. Many of the findings and recommendations may have broader applicability and relevance to other states in Nigeria and even beyond the country's borders.

1.7 Definition of key Terms

To ensure clarity and precision in this research, the following key terms are defined:

- Corruption: The abuse of entrusted power for personal gain, often involving bribery, embezzlement, nepotism, or other illicit practices (Mauro 2016).

- Public Service: Public service refers to the various government departments, agencies, and organizations responsible for providing essential functions and services to the general public (Gray 2018).

- Anti-Corruption Measures: Anti-corruption measures encompass a set of policies, laws, regulations, and actions implemented by governments, organizations, and institutions to prevent, detect, and combat corruption. 

 Anti-corruption measures may include the establishment of regulatory frameworks, codes of conduct, and ethical standards, as well as the enforcement of laws and penalties against corrupt activities (Klingaard 2023).

-Evidence-Based Strategies: Evidence-based strategies refer to approaches and interventions that are formulated and implemented based on empirical evidence and rigorous research.

The term "evidence-based" underscores the importance of using reliable and validated information to design and execute interventions that are more likely to be effective (Pope 2000).

1.8 Plan of the Study

This project is carried out to investigate on the ‘analyzing the impact of corruption on public services and exploring strategies for its prevention Jigawa state as a case study’.

The project contain five chapters, chapter one deals with general introduction, background of the study, statement of the research problem, aims and objectives of the study, research hypothesis, significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study, definition of key terms and plan of the study.

Chapter two consists of literature review/ theoretical frame work of the project, conceptual framework, and other things.

Chapter three contains research methodology, introduction of the chapter,     research design, Population of the study, sample size, instrument of data collection, sampling techniques and procedure, method of data analysis and collection.

Chapter four consists of data presentation and analysis, introduction of the chapter, data presentation, Demographic Data of the Respondent.

Finally, chapter five of this project comprises the Summary, conclusion, and recommendations, Bibliography and Questionnaire design.


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