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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009574

No of Pages: 41

No of Chapters: 5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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This project analyzed the monthly Typhoid fever in Rasheed Shakoni Teaching Hospital from January 2018 - September 2024. The method of analysis here is time series analysis, trend analysis and seasonal index  method. The analysis shows that whether there is  an increase or decrease of typhoid fever cases in Rasheed Shakoni Teaching Hospital. From the analysis of this research, the slope is found to be (-0.310) suggests a slight downward trend over time, as it is negative and the fit It shows a gradual decrease of Typhoid fever over time, aligning with the negative slope of the trend equation. The highest seasonal effect of Typhoid fever cases occurs mostly in the  month of Novermber and the lowest seasonal effect Typhoid fever cases is observed mostly in the months June and December. Lastly, we recommend that government should ensure that there is a proper enlightment on sanitation over the media and printing materials and the people should properly washed vegetables before use.






Title page.............................................................................................................................   i

Certification ......................................................................................................................     ii

Approval page......................................................................................................................   iii

Dedication............................................................................................................................  iv

Acknowledgement..............................................................................................................    v

Abstract...............................................................................................................................   vi

Table of contents...............................................................................................................     vii


1.0 Introduction.................................................................................................................     1

1.1 Historical Background of the study............................................................................     1

1.2 Statements of problems...............................................................................................     2

1.3 AIM and Objectives.....................................................................................................    2

1.4 significant of the study...............................................................................................      3

1.5 scope and limitations..................................................................................................      3

1.6 Statement of Hypothesis ............................................................................................     4

1.7 Definitions of some terms...........................................................................................      4


2.0 Intoduction.................................................................................................................      5

2.1 Literature Review.......................................................................................................      6


3.0 Introduction.................................................................................................................     11

3.1 Research Methodology..............................................................................................       11

3.3 Component Of Time Series.......................................................................................       11

3.4 Time Series Model.....................................................................................................       13

3.5 Method Of Moving Average......................................................................................      14

3.6.1 Advantage Of Moving Average..............................................................................      15

3.6.2 Disadvantage Of Moving Average.........................................................................       15

3.7 Method Of Least Squares.........................................................................................        15

3.7.2 Advantage................................................................................................................     16

3.7.2 Disadvantage..........................................................................................................       16

3.8 Forecasting................................................................................................................        16

3.9 Seasonal Index..........................................................................................................        17


4.0 Data presentation and analysis...................................................................................      18

4.1 Data presentation.........................................................................................................     19

4.2 Data Analysis................................................................................................................    24


5.0 Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation...........................................................        29

5.1 Summary.....................................................................................................................      29

5.2 Conclution.....................................................................................................................   29

5.3 Recommondation.........................................................................................................     29

Reference:...........................................................................................................................    31



Typhoid Fever is a worldwide disease which creates a very serious public health problem. In many under develop countries; the world health organization (WHO) estimated that about one person out of over hundred (100) is suffering from typhoid fever cases. They also identify typhoid as a serious public health problem which incidence is highest in children and young adults between 5-19 years old.

Typhoid fever is a systematic disease caused by dissemination of salmonella typhoid or salmonella paratyphoid mainly characterized by fever was called supply with salmonella typhi (S. typhil), either directly by sewage or indirectly by flies or by faulty personal hygiene. Symptomless carries harbouring the germ in the gall bladder and excreting it in their stools are the main sources of out breaks of disease in this country. The average incubation period is 10-14 days. A progressive fedric illness marks the onset of disease which develops as

the germ invades typhoid tissues, including that of the small intestine (peyers patches)

to profuse diarrheal (peasoup) stools which may become frankly hemorrhagic, ultimate recovery usually begins at the end of the third week. A rose coloured rash may appear on the upper abdomen and back at the end of the first week.

1.2 Historical Background Area of Study

The Rasheed Shekoni Specialist was established in 1998 by a third military administrator of Jigawa state colonial Rasheed Shekoni (Rtd). From the August 1996 to August 1998. He built the hospital and it was after him (Rasheed Shekoni Specialist Hospitals in Dutse), capital of Jigawa state. But it was abandoned for ten years because before it could be equipped and put to use during the first tenure if Jigawa state elected governor ALHAJI SULELAMIDO(CON).

Rasheed Shekoni Specialist Hospital, since the inception of SULE LAMIDO head administration on (16-April, 2014) has received considerable amount of people have patronizes the hospitals for it is efficiency, because of the facilities and consideration the government give to the family.

Rasheed Shekoni Specialist Hospital is a public specialist hospital located in Dan Masara, Madobi ward in Dutse local government area, Jigawa state Nigeria. Some of the basic services provided are section, antenatal care family planning, malaria maternal health, care delivery servicers, measles, immunization, emergency transport. Based on a survey done 16th April, 2014. The faculty utilities included electricity, improved water supply, improved sanitation, vaccines freezers etc. in Rasheed Shekoni Specialist Hospital, day patient attendance in NHS term, is the attendance of a day patient at a day hospital or inpatient word for a way patient at a day hospital or an inpatient word for a day patient care, for at least a half day up to a full day.


Over the last decade, there has been alarming increase in the rate of recorded cases of typhoid fever in our various hospitals especially in Jigawa state. This has led to a very serious questions on the minds of the citizenry in particular and the professionals in our medical fields in general. Ordinary, since typhoid fever is generally associated with a time lot of symptoms such as fever headache, cough etc. these however make it a complicated disease with a very serious economic and social effect on the victims. This study seeks to find the prevalent rate of typhoid fever and suggest possible solutions in preventing it.


The aim of this research work is to analyze the data on  rate of typhoid fever cases (A case study of Rasheed Shakoni Teaching  Hospital from 2018-2024.        


Some of the objectives of this research work includes:

        i.            To estimate the trend of the disease (typhoid fever) whether it's increasing or decreasing for this period of 2018-2024.

      ii.            To estimate the seasonal variation of the recorded cases of typhoid fever from January 2018 To September 2024

    iii.            To fit linear model for typhoid fever cases

    iv.            To predict for October, November and December 2024


This project is significant in the sense that health problem imposed by typhoid fever in this part of the world makes it a serious health issue that requires adequate attention and care. This research work will be of great significance in the following ways:  This study will help the hospital management, the state government and the general public to know the particular months or quarter of the year that were mostly affected by typhoid

fever in order to carryout enlightenment campaign towards reducing the incidence of the disease. If the trend of reported cases of typhoid fever is found to be on increase, it will enable the hospital management to put intensify effort towards applying more preventive measures in order to combat the disease.


This study is designed to cover Rasheed Shekoni teaching hospital Dutse, Jigawa state as recorded on a yearly basis and it will also be carried out from 2018-2024.


The major limitation to this research work was basically on the collection of data and information is regarded as confidential, besides there was inadequate asses to the data due to reluctant attitude of the hospital medical record department to release the data on time as well as the limited available literature which the researcher was able to lay her hands on after much time wasted.


Ho: There is no significant increase in the trend of recorded cases of typhoid fever from


Hi: There is significant increase in the trend of recorded cases of typhoid fever from 2018-2024.

Ho: There is no seasonal variation in the recorded cases of typhoid fever from 218-2024.

Hi: There is seasonal variation in the recorded cases of typhoid fever from 2018-2024.


TYPHOID: Typhoid is a bacterial infection that can spread throughout the body, affecting many organs. Without prompt treatment, it can cause serious complications and can be fatal. It's caused by a bacterium called Salmonella typhi, which is related to the bacteria that cause salmonella food poisoning.

FEVER: A fever is when your body temperature is higher than your normal average temp. Most providers say a fever is either 100.0 F (37.8 C) or 100.4 F (38C). When you have a fever, it’s your body’s normal response to fighting an infection or illness. Fevers usually aren’t a serious concern. They typically go away when the infection passes.

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