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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009421

No of Pages: 161

No of Chapters: 1-5

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In vitro assessment of chemical and medicinal properties of some snail slime and honey samples from different vegetation zones of Nigeria was performed. The study was carried out in four vegetation zones, namely: Mangrove (Eleme-Rivers State), Rainforest (Umudike, Abia State), Derived Savanna Zone (Ezzamgbo-Ebonyi State) and Central Guinea Savanna (Jos North Plateau State) during rainy season. Honey samples were collected by purchase directly from modern bee-keeping farmers in each location. Slime from four snail species sourced from the rainforest zone was employed namely Achachatina maginataAchatina achatinaLimicolaria flamulata and Limicolaria martensis. The honey and snail slime were both analysed for their physico-chemical properties. They were also combined together at different ratios of honey to slime and then applied to some bacteria and fungi samples and the zones of inhibition were observed. Chromatographic analysis of the honey was also done. Results showed that honey from Central Guinea Savanna Vegetation Zone yielded the highest total soluble solids (62.81mg/l), while that of derived savanna was the least (68.87mg/l) which in many cases is a measure of the sugar content of the honey. The honey sample with the highest proportion of vitamins was from the rainforest zone (6.18mg/l) and this came from vitamin C, while the lowest vitamins (0.02mg/l) and it came from Vitamin B2. In the physico-chemical analysis of the snail slimes, it was observed that A. achatina slime had the highest in flavonoid content (0.17), L. martensis, the highest in phenol content (0.005), while Amaginata has the highest alkaloid content (0.028). Heavy metal content was highest in A. achatina and lowest in L. martensis for all the tested heavy metals. A. maginata also had the least acidity (3.86), highest in L. flamulata (3.64). In honey and snail slime combination at different ratios against fungi and bacteria samples zones of inhibition was observed. It was also observed in the control experiment (antibiotics was added). In the results obtained honey and snail slime were found to have great antimicrobial effect. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that honey from central Guinea Savana zone yielded the best efficacy in terms of physico-chemical and medicinal properties. Farmers, cosmeticians, pharmaceutical industries and traditional healers are therefore advised to patronize honey from this ecological zone.


Title Page                                                                                                                    i

Declaration                                                                                                                 ii

Certification                                                                                                               iii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iv

Acknowledgement                                                                                                      v

Table of Contents                                                                                                       vi

List of Tables                                                                                                              viii

List of Figures                                                                                                             ix

List of Plates                                                                                                               x

Abstract                                                                                                                      xi



1.1       Background of the Study                                                                                1

1.2       Statement of Problem                                                                                     4

1.3       Aim of the Study                                                                                            4

1.4       Objectives of the Study                                                                                  4

1.5       Justification of the Study                                                                                5



2.1       Healing Properties of Honey                                                                          6

2.2       Use of Honey as Wound Dressing                                                                  7

2.3       Active Healing Properties in honey                                                                8

2.4       Nitric Acid                                                                                                      9

2.5       Prostaglandins                                                                                                10

2.6       Antibody Production                                                                                      10

2.7       Economic Importance of Honey                                                                     11

2.8       Healing properties of Snail Slime                                                                  11

2.9       Active properties in Snail Slime                                                                     12

2.9.1      Cosmetic benefit of snail slime                                                                      13

2.9.2      Beneficial effect of snail slime on the skin                                                    14



3.1       Study Area                                                                                                      15

3.1.1    Rainforest vegetation                                                                                      15

3.1.2    Derived savanna (Dr. S. Egwu’s Farm in Ohaukwu LGA, Ebonyi State)   18

3.1.3    Central guinea savanna zone (Jos-North, Plateau State)                                20

3.1.4    Mangroove vegetation zone (Eleme LGA Ogoni-Rivers State)                        24

3.2       Sample Collections                                                                                         25

3.2.1    Honey collection                                                                                            25

3.2.2    Snail slime collection                                                                                     25

3.3       Laboratory Analysis                                                                                       25

3.3.1    Total soluble solid (TSS) Determination                                                       25

3.3.2    Refractive index (RI)                                                                                      26

3.3.3    Density                                                                                                            26

3.3.4    pH determination                                                                                            26

3.3.5    Determination of vitamins                                                                              27 Vitamin A                                                                                                       27 Vitamin B1                                                                                                      27 Vitamin B2                                                                                                     28 Vitamin B3                                                                                                      29 Vitamin C                                                                                                      29

3.3.6    Heavy metals                                                                                                  30

3.3.7    Phytochemicals                                                                                              30 Tannins                                                                                                          30 Alkaloids                                                                                                        31 Saponin                                                                                                           31

3.3.8    Microbial analysis                                                                                          32 Source of test organisms                                                                                 32 Sample preparations and extraction                                                               32 Standardization of bacteria cell suspension                                                    33 Antibacterial susceptibility assay                                                                   33 Agar diffusion method                                                                                33 Disc diffusion method                                                                                 33

3.3.9    Minerals                                                                                                          33 Digestion and analysis for minerals                                                               33 Preparation of standards for analysis of minerals in samples                         34 Macro nutrients                                                                                              34 Calcium                                                                                                       34 Phosphorous                                                                                                35 Potassium                                                                                                     36

3.4       Statistical Analysis                                                                                         36



4.1       Physiochemical Analysis of Honey Samples                                                 42

4.1.1    The physiochemical analysis of honey samples from four vegetation

            zones                                                                                                               42

4.1.2    Vitamins                                                                                                         45

4.1.3    Phytochemical screening of honey samples                                                   47

4.1.4    Mineral contents of screened honey samples                                                             49

4.2       Physico-chemical properties of snail slime                                                    51

4.2.1    Phytochemical properties of snail slime samples assessed                            51

4.2.2    Heavy metal content of snail slimes                                                               53

4.2.3    Physical properties of sampled snail slimes                                                   55

4.3       Antifungal and Antibacterial properties of snail                                            57



5.1       Conclusion                                                                                                      70

5.2       Recommendations                                                                                          70


REFERENCES                                                                                                         72

APPENDICES                                                                                                           82





4.1:                  Physiochemical parameters of honey samples collected                         44

4.2:                  Vitamin contents of honey samples                                                   46

4.3:                  Totals of phytochemical contents                                                       48

4.4:                  Mineral contents of honey samples                                                    50

4.5:                  Phytochemical contents of snail slime accessed                                52

4.6:                  Heavy metal content of snail slime assessed                                      54

4.7:                  Physical properties of snail slimes samples                                       56

4.8:                  Zone of inhibition test with 100% slime of A. marginata (fungal)           59

4.9:                  Zone of inhibition test with 100% slime of A. achatina (fungal)           59

4.10:                Zone of inhibition test with 100% slime of L. flammulata (fungal)           60

4.11:                Zone of inhibition test with 100% slime of L. martensis (fungal)           60

4.12:                Zone of inhibition test with 100% honey from mangrove

                        Vegetation zone (Fungal)                                                                   62

4.13:                Zone of inhibition test with 100% honey from rain forest                                                 vegetation zone (fungal)                                                                     62

4.14:                Zone of inhibition test with 100% honey from derived savanna                                   vegetation zone (Fungal)                                                                    63

4.15:                Zone of inhibition test with 100% honey from central guinea

                        savanna vegetation zone (fungal)                                                       63

4.16:                Zone of inhibition test with 100% honey from mangrove

                        vegetation zone (Bacteria)                                                                  65

4.17:                Zone of inhibition test with 100% honey from rainforest

                        vegetation zone (Bacteria)                                                                 65

4.18:                Zone of inhibition test with 100% honey from derived savanna                                   vegetation zone (Bacteria)                                                                 66

4.19:                Zone of inhibition test with 100% honey from central guinea

                        savanna vegetation zone (Bacteria)                                                    66

4.20:                Zone of inhibition test with 100% slime from A. maginata

                        (Bacteria)                                                                                            68

4.21:                Zone of inhibition test with 100% slime from A. achatina

                        (Bacteria)                                                                                            68

4.22:                Zone of inhibition test with 100% slime from L. flammulata                              (Bacteria)                                                                                            69

4.23:                Zone of inhibition test with 100% slime from L. martensis

                        (Bacteria)                                                                                            69



1:                    Map showing rainforest vegetation (Umudike in Ikwuano

                        LGA, Abia State)                                                                                17

2:                     Map showing the study location in Ebonyi State (Ezzamgbo in                          Ohaukuwu LGA, Ebonyi State)                                                         19

3:                     Map showing study area (Jos-North LGA, Plateau State)                        22

4:                    Map of Rivers State showing the study area (Eleme)                         22




1:         Some snail species used for the study                                                            37

2:         Nutrient medium containing ethanol extract of honey and snail

            slime in different combinations. Ready to be analyzed for

            antimicrobial activity                                                                                     38

3:         Checking the cultured nutrient media for zones of inhibitions                         39

4:         Appearance of the nutrient media contanining ethanol extract of

            honey and snail slime in various combinations after culture                         40

5:         Getting the snail slime samples ready for physico-chemical

            analysis                                                                                                           41




1.1       BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY                                   

Honey is a natural sweetener and flavourful product ingested for its elevated healthful value and for its consequences on human health with inhibitive, bacteriostatic, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial elements, as well as lesion and sunburn curing results (Alvarez-Suareaz, et al., 2013). The Codex Alimentarious Commission (1989) explained honey as the unadulterated sweet substance produced by honeybees from the necter of flower. The dominant constituents of honey include sugars such as fructose, glucose, sucrose, maltose as well as trisaccharide sugars. Besides sugars, honey contains an array of chemical nutrients namely protein, vitamins, fats, enzymes, minerals, amino acids, volatile aromatic substances etc (Ahmad et al., 2003).

Simple sugars like glucose (31%) and fructose (38%), are the vital constituents in honeys, and proteins, organic acids, minerals, enzymes, vitamins, aromatic compounds. phenolic compounds, free amino acids and carotenoids form the minor components (Alvarez-Suaez et al., 2010; The National Honey Board, 2017; Bogdanov et al., 2008).

Honey has been reviewed to contain more than 500 active components that are useful and mostly adopted as herbal medicines. These constituents bind to the anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-browning, anti-allergic, anti-parasitory, anti-ulcer, anti-tumour and anti-viral actions (Bogdanou et al., 2008; Vinda-Martos et al., 2008). Vitamins such as phyllochinon (F), thiamin (B1) riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), panthothetic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6), Folic acid (B9), ascorbic acid (O) and α-tocopherol (E) are present in small amounts in honey and their contribution to the permissible day-to-day intake is marginal (National Honey Board, 2017; Bogdanou et al., 2008).

Honey has remarkably increased height of monosaccharaides fructose and glucose and it accommodates about 70 to 80 percent sugar which provides its sweetness, it also has sterile and antibacterial elements. Contemporary medical inquiry has co-ordinated to elicit usefulness of honey in incessant wound management and contending diseases (Juli et al., 2015).

Honey is regularly consumed as an energy food, it has simple sugars that are assimilated into blood stream in the absence of digestion. Honey combines effectively as a sweetener in heated and chilly drinks, honey accompanies nearly all edible materials, the liquid assimilating potentials of honey facilitates cakes, breads, cookies as well as candies remain fresh and longer (Caron et al., 2004).

Natural medicinal commodities have been useful in the remedy of arrays of ailments for millennia (Baker et al., 2007). Although many have been surprised by common medicinal steps, there is contemporarily, revival in concern in the usefulness of honey and honey commodities by the broad public (Manyi-Loh et al., 2011)

Honey’s greatest medical capacities is its utilization as contemporary agent in healing of wounds and dermis contaminations (Carter et al., 2010). Honey has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and immune supportive property, enough of the curative features of honey are as a result to the increased sugar aggregation and the resulting osmotic impact (Osato et al., 1999).

Decreased pH and acidity (Gethin et al., 2008), are as a result of hydrogen peroxide produced from the aerobic alteration of blood sugar to gluconic acid by glucose oxidase upon dilution (Krell, 1996). Studies have pointed out that hydrogen peroxide gets the largest credit for the medicinal advantage of honey (White and Suber, 1964).

Snails secrete viso-elastic mucus with a sticking and greasing potentials and facilitates the organisms to attach to, entirely different kinds of exterior inclusive of uneven or promising antagonistic terrain. In addition, mucus facilitates in prevention of creatures from dehydrating, contributes to them having fairly disgusting characteristics as nutriment for prey (Anon, 2013) and is also perceived to facilitate disease healing.

Snails have been adopted sporadically as dermis therapy since days of the ancient Greeks; Hipporates informatively suggested the application of smashed snails to alleviate incited dermis and two decades later, the efficacy of snail gelled waste (slime) was recognized by Chilean snail cultivators who observed that dermis abrasions healed speedily without traces of blister, when they handled snails for the French foods market (Reporter, 2019). This observation resulted in the production of ‘Elicina’ a Chilean snail slime based product. In 2010, Missha then launched super-Aqua cell renew snail cream, claiming that its 70% snail extracts, soothes, regenerates and heals skin (Missah, 2010).

Snail slime dependent commodities are affirmed to be the trending mystery face fixer in U.S where they are useful in curing of acne, lessen colouration and scurrying and combat wrinkles (Reporter, 2019). Snail products may even be useful in orthopedics researchers at Herriot-Wart University found that the slime of Giant African Land Snails (Archatina archatina) contains usual crystals of calcite in the presence of harsh situations the mollusc will pull back into its covering and manufacture outstanding aggregate of this sludge which dehydrate and speedily solidify to establish the animal’s epiphragm – a shielding housing created across the orifice of the shell-case when the molluscs enters into periods of passionate relaxation (Aitken, 2010).

Snail slime possess outstanding hidden characteristics, abundant of them have been disclosed even in ancient antiquity and in current years, experimental scientists have shown that sludge derived medicine can be useful in a substantial array of cures. For example, it is used in creams to ease skin abrasions and scars, to cure respiratory diseases and heartburn (Chiare and Joshua, 2013). In 1959 the researcher A.P Williams investigated the collagen captured from the physique wall of the garden snail Helix aspersa and explored that it consists of huge number of mucopolysaccharides elements fortified with glycerine, glutamic acid and proline (The chemical composition of snail gelatin, 1960).


Chemical composition and medicinal value of honey and snail slime combination at different ratios have not been ascertained. Although honey and snail slime are used in  traditional medicine.

1.3       AIM OF THE STUDY

The aim of this study was to ascertain the chemical composition and medicinal properties of snail slime and honey samples from different vegetation zones of Nigeria.


The specific objectivs of the study were:

i)      to determine the physicochemical properties of honey and snail slime from the different vegetation zones of Nigeria.

ii)    to determine the physicochemical properties of snail slime

iii)  to access the efficacy of the mixture of snail slime and honey at different ratios on some pathogenic organisms.


Honey is both referred to as nature’s wonder, it has been an important source of food and medicine (Marquis et al., 2016).  Snail slime also has numerous benefits especially in cell regeneration, there has been limited scientific report on curative benefits of honey and snail slime (Carter et al., 2010).

Therefore, this study will provide more information on the physico-chemical and medicinal properties of honey from the four zones: Mangrove (Eleme-Rivers State), Rainforest (Umudike, Abia State), Derived Savanna Zone (Ezzamgbo-Ebonyi State) and Guinea Savanna (Jos North Plateau State) when compared, as well as provide more data to prove the effectiveness of slime from four (4) snail species in Umuahia (Umudike).


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