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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009302

No of Pages: 103

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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Cassava is a starchy root crop that is among the most important tropical food crops in the world. The plant is endowed with a number of characteristics and exciting potential role in combating food shortage and ensuring food securityCassava have varying root yield that are also environmental dependent. Field experiments were carried out in 2016/2017 and 2017/2018 planting seasons to assess twenty four (24) cassava genotypes for yield and reaction to diseases across four agro-ecological zones of Nigeria. The trial was laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replications at Umudike, Otobi, Minjibir and Aliero. The main aim of the study was to; identify high yielding cassava genotypes with good adaptation to the different agro-ecological zones, determine yield stability of the cassava genotypes in these environments, assess the responses of the cassava genotypes to major pest and diseases of cassava genotypes and determine inter-relationships of roots yield and associated traits among the cassava genotypes. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed that genotypes had a highly significant effect on most of the growth, pest, diseases, and yield and associated traits. Yield stability results therefore evidently showed that genotype, location, year, genotype x location, genotype x year and location x year were significant (p<.001, and p<0.05) suggesting rational distribution of genotype to agro-ecological zones with different levels of adaptation. COB 5-17 genotype exhibited high performance in root yield (13.5 t/ha) while genotype CW 52A-1 had the least mean root yield (4.50t/ha). Yield and most of the yield components performed higher in 2016/2017 than in 2017/2018 season. Correlation studies and Path Coefficient Analysis showed that fresh shoot weight, number of leaves/plant and number of roots are the most important traits contributing to cassava root yield and therefore demand close attention as selection indices for improvement of cassava genotypes. Some of the genotypes had stable yield across the four environments suggesting that cassava can easily adapt to dry ecological zones. Genotype COB 5-17 was found to be high yielding but exhibited low yield stability across the locations in the GGE biplot ranking. The study confirmed effect of genotype and genotype by environment interaction which clearly indicated Otobi location as a good test environment for cassava research and production. The biplot also showed that genotype G19, G4and G5 were the best performing genotypes while genotypes G17, G4 and G23 were the most stable genotypes across the environments and over the two seasons.     



Title page                                                                                                                                i

Declaration                                                                                                                             ii

Certification                                                                                                                           iii

Dedication                                                                                                                              iv

Acknowledgement                                                                                                                  v

Table of Contents                                                                                                                   vi

List of Tables                                                                                                                          ix

List of Figures                                                                                                                         xi

Abstract                                                                                                                                  xii


CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION                                                                                        1

CHAPTER 2: LITERTURE REVIEW                                                                 

2.1       Origin and Distribution of Cassava                                                                            5

2.2       Classification and Taxonomy of Cassava                                                                  5

2.3       Cassava Morphology and Botany                                                                               6

2.4       Ecology of Cassava                                                                                                    9

2.5       Major pests and Diseases of Cassava                                                                         11

2.5.1    Diseases of cassava                                                                                                    11

2.5.2    Pests of cassava                                                                                                          15

2.6       Production and Yield of Cassava                                                                               17

2.6.1    Cassava cultivation                                                                                                    17

2.6.2    Weed management                                                                                                     18

2.6.3    Yield of cassava                                                                                                          19

2.7       Economic Importance of Cassava                                                                              21

2.8       Cassava Productivity Constraints                                                                               23

2.9       Dry ecology and Cassava Productivity                                                                      25

CHAPTER 3: MATERIALS AND METHODS                                                                           

3.1       Source of Planting Material                                                                                       27

3.2       Locations of the Experiment                                                                                        29

3.3       Experimental Design                                                                                                  29

3.4       Agronomic Practices                                                                                                  29

3.5       Data Collection                                                                                                           30

3.5.1    Qualitative traits                                                                                                         30

3.5.2    Quantitative traits                                                                                                       32

3.5.3    Pest and diseases data                                                                                                 34

3.6       Data Analysis                                                                                                              35

CHAPTER 4:  RESULTS AND DISCUSSION                                                    

4.1       Soil Physicochemical Properties and Agro-meteorological Data of the

Experimental Sites                                                                                                      36

4.1.1    Physical properties of the experimental sites for 2016/2017                                     36

4.1.2    Agro-meteorological data of the experimental locations for 2016/2017                   38

and 2017/2018 cropping seasons                                           

4.2       Growth Data of Some Selected Cassava Genotype Evaluated in 4 locations                    43

4.2.1    Plant height (m) of the cassava genotypes across four locations                                         43

4.2.2    Branch height (m) of the cassava genotype in the site                                               45

4.2.3    Stem girth (cm) of the cassava genotypes across four locations                                    46                   

4.2.4    Number of leaves/plant                                                                                             49

4.2.5    Fresh shoot weight (kg) of the cassava genotype                                                       51

4.3       Biotic and Abiotic Stress Traits                                                                                 52

4.3.1    Cassava mosaic diseases (CMD)                                                                                52

4.3.2    Cassava bacterial blight (CBB)                                                                                  55

4.3.3    Cassava anthracnose disease (CAD)                                                                          56

4.3.4    Cassava green mite (CGM)                                                                                        57

4.3.6    Leaf retention                                                                                                             57

4.3.7    Stay green ability of the leaf                                                                                      59

4.4       Yield and Associated Traits                                                                                       60

4.4.1    Fresh root yield (t/ha)                                                                                                 60

4.4.2    Number of roots (t/ha)                                                                                               61

4.4.3    % Dry matter content (DMC)                                                                                     65

4.4.4    % Starch content                                                                                                         66

4.4.5    Harvest index                                                                                                              67

4.5       Interrelationship Between Yield and Yield Components                                           67

4.5.1    Correlation studies                                                                                                      67

4.5.2    Path coefficient analysis                                                                                             68

4.6       Yield Stability Analysis                                                                                              71

4.6.1    Summary statistics of yield data                                                                                 71

4.6.2    Additive main effect and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) analysis                       74

4.6.3    Genotype and genotype by environment (GGE) biplot model                                    76

4.7       Discussion                                                                                                                   78



5.1       Conclusion                                                                                                                  83

5.2       Recommendations                                                                                                      83

            References                                                                                                                  85





3.1   List of Planting Materials                                                                                                        28

3.2   Description of the Experimental Sites                                                                                     29

4.1   Soil Physicochemical Properties of the Experimental Sites                                                    37

4.2   Agro- Meteorological data of the Experimental site                                                              39

4.3   Plant height (m) of the 24 cassava genotypes in four locations                                             44

4.4   Plant height (m) across the four locations and the planting seasons                                     45

4.5   Branching height (m) across 4 sites and over 2 years period                                                46

4.6   Stem girth (cm) of the cassava genotypes in four locations                                                    47

4.7   Stem girth (cm) of the cassava genotypes in two planting seasons                                         48

4.8   Stem girth (cm) across four locations and over 2 years period                                             49

4.9   Number of leaves/plant of cassava genotypes across four locations                                    50

4.10 Number of leaves/plant across four locations and over two years                                         51

4.11 Fresh shoot weight (kg)/plot across 4 locations and over 2 years                                           52

4.12 Cassava mosaic disease severity of the cassava genotypes across four locations                      53

4.13 Cassava mosaic disease of the cassava genotypes in two planting seasons                        54

4.14 Cassava mosaic disease of the cassava genotypes over 2 years and in 4 locations          55

4.15 Cassava bacterial blight of the cassava genotypes over 2 years in 4 locations          55

4.16 Cassava anthracnose disease over two years and in four locations                                        55

4.17 Cassava green mite of the cassava genotypes over 2 years and across 4 locations          57

4.18 Leaf retention of the cassava genotypes across four locations                                             58

4.19 Leaf retention of the cassava genotypes over 2 years                                                 59

4.20 Stay green ability of the cassava genotypes in two years period                                           60

4.21 Fresh root yield t/ha of cassava genotypes across four locations                                         62

4.22 Fresh root yield t/ha of cassava genotypes over two years period                                         63

4.23 Number of roots/ha of cassava genotypes over 2 years                                                          64

4.24 Number of roots/ha of the cassava genotypes across 4 locations and over 2 years             65

4.25 % Dry matter content over 2 years and across 4 locations                                                    66

4.26 % Starch content of the cassava genotypes over 2 years and across 4 locations         66

4.27 Harvest index of the cassava in four sites and over two years period                                67

4.28 Correlation matrix between root yield and other attributes of 24 cassava genotypes         69                          

4.29 Path analysis showing direct and indirect effects of other traits on cassava root yield         70   

4.30 Summary statistics describing yield data of 24 cassava genotypes assessed across eight (8) environments                      72


4.31 Anova for AMMI model                                                            74

4.32 AMMI Stability Value (ASV) of 24 cassava genotypes assessed across

        eight (8) environments                                                                                                 75

4.33 First four AMMI selection per environment                                      76












1           Box-plot displaying a graphical representation of the summary statistics for yield data                                          72

2          Colour chart showing the correlation among the test environment for yield of 24 cassava genotypes                               73

3          GGE biplot for yield of 24 cassava genotypes in eight (8) environments              77

4          GGE Environment Scaling Biplot Identifying Mega Environment                 78











Cassava, Manihot esculenta Crantz (Euphorbiaceae) is a starchy root crop that is among the most important tropical food crops in the world. It is commonly called cassava in English, Brazilian arrowroot, yuca in Spanish, mandioca in Portuguese and manioc in French (Dufour, 1988; Westby, 2002). The crop is heterozygous and diploid plant with 18 pairs of chromosome (2n=36) and out crossed by humans, bees and wasp. It is a woody shrub extensively cultivated as an annual crop in tropics and subtropical regions for its edible and valuable starchy tuberous root (Ceballos, 2004). It has the ability to produce economic yields under marginal production conditions which helps to alleviate problems of hunger and carbohydrate intake deficiency, thus its importance in terms of food security in African continent cannot be over-emphasized (Eke-Okoro, 2004).

According to Sarma et al, (1989), cassava as a plant is endowed with a number of characteristics and exciting potential role in combating food shortage and ensuring food security. Some of such potentials include; ability to perform stably in poor or marginal soils, produce leaves and roots consumed unlike other staple crops, non-determinate in maturity and can be   crop combinations, provides raw material for industrial/diverse food forms, offers many different alternative uses as processed food, animal feed, starch, alcohol bio-fuel for vehicles and flexible in planting, weeding and harvesting. About 80% of the cassava produced is consumed by humans, while the remaining 20% is used for animal feeds and agro-industrial purposes. Cassava is the third most important source of calories in the tropics and sixth most important crop, in terms of global annual production (FAOSTAT, 2010).The leading countries in the world production are Nigeria, Thailand, Indonesia, Brazil and Democratic Republic of Congo (FAOSTAT, 2013). Its production and processing provide employment and income for the rural poor, especially women and children

According to Otim-Nape et al (2008), Productivity in cassava entails average measure of efficiency of production or having the plant in abundance with relative good and higher yield capacity which is measured in terms of rate of output (yield) per unit input/given area. The present demands on cassava for food and industrial raw materials make it necessary to always provide the farmers with suitable cassava varieties that is specifically bred for that ecological region to meet the environmental challenges and the farmer’s need in that locality. Despite the importance of cassava, its performance is constrained by some biotic and abiotic factors such as soil, environment, elements of climate and weather, pests/diseases, drought and host of others (CGIAR, 2000).

The physiological responses of cassava to water stress and possible mechanisms underlying the crop's tolerance to drought have been the subject of several studies (Connor and Cock, 1981; Connor and Palta, 1981; Cock,1985; El-Sharkawy ,1987; Alves and Setter, 2000; Ekanayake,2000; Ginthinguri, 2000; al.,, 2010; Okogbenin et al., 2003; El-Sharkawy, 2002; Lenis et al., 2006).

Philips et al (2006) reported that cassava's ability to produce in marginal environments and arid region makes it the ideal food security crop in Nigeria. It has a remarkable ability to tolerate and recover from biotic and abiotic stresses. Drought adaptation studies in over three decades in cassava have identified relevant mechanisms which have been explored in conventional breeding. Drought is a quantitative trait and its multigenic nature makes it very challenging to effectively manipulate and combine genes in breeding for rapid genetic gain and selection process (Olasanmi. 2010).

Previous studies (El-Sharkawy, 1993; Okogbenin, 2013), revealed that cassava can be produced adequately in drought conditions making it the ideal food security crop in marginal environments. Although cassava can tolerate drought stress, it can be genetically improved to enhance productivity in such environments. Cassava's huge potential to produce well in marginal environment has made it a desirable and strategic crop for increasing food productivity by exploring the vast arable lands in the semi-arid and arid ecologies in the tropics. The wealth of genetic resources and the genetic diversity it offers has been deployed in the genetic improvement of cassava for drought tolerance.

Allem (2002) stated that because of metabolic efficiency of cassava plant under marginal conditions, it produces more energy per unit area than other crops under conditions of water stress, in poor soils and not having specific water-stress sensitive growth stages beyond storage root initiation. The plant is very productive and can survive under conditions where other staple food crops, such as grain cereals and legumes, would rarely produce. El-Sharkawy (1993), reported that cassava shows a high degree of tolerance to prolonged drought in areas with low and erratic precipitation of less than 600 mm annually, coupled with dry air, high temperatures (hence, high potential evapo-transpiration), low fertility soil, high pest and disease pressure in drought-prone areas of the Northeastern Brazil, the northern coast of Colombia, the coast of Peru, the Sahelian areas of West Africa, and drought-prone areas of East and Southern Africa and parts of Thailand.

One of the challenges facing cassava breeders is to develop cultivars which will remain productive in poor soils and other unfavorable conditions (Egesi et al., 2013). This research therefore will help cassava breeders and experts to select cassava genotypes that will suit different agro-ecological zones in Nigeria. Hence the objectives of this work are:

1.         to evaluate some cassava genotypes with a view to identify the phenotypes that are for high yielding and with good adaptation to different agro-ecological zones.

2.         determine yield stability of the cassava genotypes in these environments.

3.         assess the reactions of the cassava genotypes to major pests and diseases of cassava across the different agro-ecological zones.

4.         determine inter-relationships of yield and associated traits among the cassava genotypes.



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