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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00005865

No of Pages: 49

No of Chapters: 5

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Training and manpower development is indispensable to the success of any organization as efficiency in the productivity and performance of an organization hinges on the knowledge, attitude and skills of the employees of the organization. This dissertation evaluates the effect of training and development on workers’ performance in Public Sector (A Study of IMT Enugu). One of the difficulties of training and manpower development is how to enhance, and measure the effectiveness of training and manpower development programme. The subsidiary objectives of the study include: the contribution and impact of staff training to the enhancement of the job performance of IMT staff; and to ascertain whether post-training evaluation of the job performance of IMT staff improves training effectiveness. To achieve the objectives of the study, the study adopted the survey research method. While primary data was sourced using questionnaires administered to randomly selected employees of the various Training Schools and Service Departments of the institution; text books, journals and internet materials were employed as sources of secondary data. The research made the discovery that though training enhances the job performance of employees, performance evaluation of trained employees does not enhance, improve or guarantee training transfer. Furthermore, it was found that the effectiveness of training and manpower is being threatened and undermined as there are cases of improper identification of employees’ training needs, and selection criteria of trainees being compromised. Therefore, we recommend the need for proper diagnosis of the training needs of employees before employees are shortlisted or recommended for training programmes. Training evaluation techniques such as interview, observation, etc. are also recommended after a given training programme so as to detect and rectify any deviation from training objectives that are clearly outlined before the commencement of the training activities.



Title                                                                                                          i

Approval                                                                                                  ii

Dedication                                                                                               iii

Acknowledgements                                                                                 iv

Abstract                                                                                                    v


Background to the Study                                                                          1

Statement of the Problem                                                                         4

Purpose of the Study                                                                                5

Research Questions                                                                                  7

Research Hypotheses                                                                               8

Significance of the Study                                                                         8

Scope of the Study                                                                                  10


Conceptual of Attitude                                                                           15

Benefits of Training and Development                                                                     15

Theoretical Framework                                                                            32

Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory                                                                                 32

Empirical Studies                                                                                       34

Summary of the Related Literature                                                                          35



Research Design                                                                                    36

Area of the Study                                                                                   36

Population of the Study                                                                         36

Sample and Sampling Techniques                                                         37

Determination of Sample Size                                                               37

Instrument for Data Collection                                                              37

Validation of the Instrument                                                                  37

Reliability of the Instrument                                                                 38

Methods of Data Analysis                                                                     38


Data Presentation                                                                                  39



Discussion of Findings                                                                               45

Summary of the Study                                                                                             46

Conclusion                                                                                            46

Recommendations                                                                                 47

Suggestion for Further Studies                                                              47

Limitation of the Study                                                                                             47

References                                                                                             48

Appendices -                                                                                          49




Background to the Study

Human resources have been identified as one of the main sources of competitive advantage by many organizations in today's economy Edvinsson and Malone, (2010); Stewart, (2010); Sveiby, (2010); Mayo, (2011). Largely, personnel department has been associated with procuring and hiring the human resources. But, after the newly appointed employees join the organization, it is necessary to impart training to them in order to make them competent for the jobs that they are supposed to handle. Also, in a global, complex and turbulent environment, knowledge is the only reliable source of competitive advantage. Organizational development is always conditioned by human knowledge and skills. Through the process of employee training and development, the management of human resources provides constant knowledge innovation, creates conditions for mutual knowledge and experience exchange and proactive behaviour, in this way contributing to competitive advantage.

Therefore, training and development of manpower is indispensable to organizations, especially organizations that seek to be efficient and effective. This is because the efficiency and effectiveness of any organization depends, among other things, on the performance of its manpower.

Training, as Stahl (2012) observed, is so important that it is more efficient to improve the skills of existing employees to maximum through training than to rely solely on recruitment to provide the hypothetical highly skilled manpower needed. Arnoff (2011) observes that training and development foster the initiative and creativity of employees and help to prevent manpower obsolescence, which may be due to age, attitude or the inability of a person to adapt him or herself to technological changes. According to Obisi (2011), training is a process through which the skills, talent and knowledge of an employee is enhanced and increased. He argues further that training should take place once the needs and objectives for such training have been identified. According to Mamoria (2009) training is a practical and vital necessity because it enables employees to develop and rise within the organization and increase their fringe benefits and job security. Mamoria explains that training helps to mould employees’ attitudes and help them to contribute meaningfully to the organization. The organization benefits because of enhanced performance of employees. He further states that a well-trained employee would make a better and economic use of materials and equipment which go a long way to minimize wastages. According to Ohabunwa (2009) if organizations train their employees very well, managers and superiors would have the confidence to delegate authority to their subordinates but when subordinates are not properly trained, it would be difficult for authority to be delegated to them by their superiors.

Manpower development is a process of intellectual and emotional advancement. It relates to series of activities which enterprises embark upon to improve the managerial capacity and capability of their employees. The emphasis on manpower development is influenced by the belief that it is now desirable to focus more attention on areas which in the past have been relatively neglected because every organization regardless of its size must provide for the needs, interest and desires of its employees within the work environment if it is to earn loyalty, dedication, involvement and commitment necessary to compete effectively.

Training and development help to ensure that organizational members possess the required knowledge, skill and attitudes necessary for the effective performance of specific task or job, take on new responsibilities, and adapt to changing condition. Systematic training and development of organization’s employees is the foundation of efficient and effective utilization and productivity of corporate personnel. To be effective in meeting the organizational goals of efficiency and increased productivity, training must not be conducted in haphazard (unplanned) manner. It should be a deliberate policy instrument designed to meet training needs of individuals, organization and technologically changing environment of production. The training programme should be appropriate and adequate to solve corporate training needs arising from requirements of new workers, shortfalls in employee performance, organizational changes and the individual worker’s expressed or observed training needs.

Human capital can be regarded as the prime asset of an organization and businesses need to invest in that asset to ensure their survival and growth. The organization should ensure that, it obtains and retains skilled, committed and well-motivated workforce it needs. This means taking steps to assess and satisfy future people needs and to enhance and develop the inherent capacities of people-their contributions, potential and employability

-by providing learning and continuous development opportunities.

Global competition has caused organizations to focus on every aspect of their operations, questioning how each function and process can contribute to strategic goals. Training departments are also under pressure to demonstrate their organizational value in the same terms Steed, (2010), this is because organizations spend a considerable time, effort and money in training their employees, but the benefits from these efforts are not clearly visible in organizations in terms of improved performance. To make training and development useful, it should be well planned and systematically implemented Rao and Nair, (2010). The capacity of staff in a firm influences the ability to achieve the desired targets particularly in performance driven enterprises. Human resource is recognized as a critical resource for success. In order to sustain performance of the organization, it is important to optimize the contribution of employees towards achievement of the aims and goals of an organization Armstrong, (2011).

Statement of the Problem

Training is a very important device in personnel management. In spite of the fact that no organization can improve its services without continuous training and re-training of its staff, most workers in Nigerian public sector may not have been adequately exposed to training programme. This probably affects employees’ efficiency adversely and thus, it is certain that the public needs are not always satisfied Eze, (2012). Organizations often plan meticulously for their investment in physical and capital resources. These plans are reviewed with utmost attention to the minute details while rarely do such organizations pay attention to human resources that activate, operate and coordinate other resources of production. Not many organizations consider the necessity for a well-defined and sustainable training and development for their staff members in order to upgrade their performance.

One of the difficulties of successful training programme is how to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of training and development activities in a systematic manner. It is certainly important for organizations to provide a quantitative assessment of how training programmes influence organizational success. However, it is challenging to figure out which metrics to use, and how to incorporate them into post training assessment, how and when to follow-up, and how to adjust future training based on the result. It is one thing to design and develop training programme that is closely aligned with the improvement of job performance of employees so as to realize return on training investment, it is quite another thing to develop a cost-effective training delivery medium that works well for target employees or trainees.


Training is also impeded by constraint of time for preparation and participation in learning events. Scheduling training can be one of the most difficult challenges human resource departments face. Organizations are sometimes reluctant to let employees take much time away from their duties for off-the-job training programme. Furthermore, rapid changes in technology make it difficult to adequately prepare training activities and materials, and deliver training before employees need information and new skills.

Training and development has also been hampered due to little acceptance by learners/trainees of the need to take responsibility for their development. Resistance to learning can occur within an organization if there is no sufficient buy in (persuasion, conviction) at an individual level.

Learning and personal mastery is a question of individual choice and cannot be forced. So, an excellently designed and delivered training activity will be a futile event when trainees show resistance to training activities. There is also the popular misconception of the aim of staff training as it is seen as a tool or means of staff promotion rather than being viewed holistically as a tool for staff development, improved staff performance and retention, as well as the attainment of the corporate goals Adamolekun, (2013).

Other general issues limiting the effectiveness and efficiency of training and development programme of learning organization include: the nagging failure by organizations to clearly identify the specific training needs of learners. It is not always easy for organizations to decide what training (general or specific training) should employees have and who (organization or employees) should bear the financial responsibility of a training (especially general training).

Failure to achieve high value through training transfer. Transfer of learning occurs when the acquisition of knowledge or skills of particular task facilitates the performance of that task. To forestall irreparable mistake, trainee’s previous experience needs be checked and the differences and possible consequences of negative transfer should also be pointed out and properly addressed.


Improving learning/training effectiveness is another concern for personnel management.

Streamlining the training activities, designing a detailed curriculum for a training session, training delivery method, etc. are issues that learning organizations critically weigh in order to have a successful and solid skill development for trainees. It is a common knowledge that all jobs in organizations are done through people, yet over the years, most organizations have failed to attach the necessary attention to employee training and development Mc Namara, (2010). IMT, Enugu has the mission to consistently provide the Aviation Industry with Professionals and other personnel through training and related services for safe air transportation in accordance with International standards. One demanding way to keep this mission in perspective and attainable is to engage in continuous training of staff members. It is also essential that the performance of trained staff be evaluated in order to ascertain the impact and contribution of staff training to the corporate goal of the College.

Objectives of the Study

The basic objective of this study is to evaluate the effect training and manpower development has on the job performance of IMT staff. While the subsidiary objectives of the study are to examine:

·         To determine the challenges associated with training and development in Institute of Management and Technology (IMT) Enugu.

·         To find out whether training and development schemes have positive effects on the performance of workers and its productivity.

·         To ascertain the training and development policy in operation at Institute of Management and Technology (IMT) Enugu.

·         To highlight the benefits of training and development in the public sectors.

Significance of Study

It is expected that the study will inform the management of Institute of Management and Technology (IMT) Enugu and other organizations that to increase productivity, there is also needed to have and retain well trained personnel and maintain a quality work life and advancement of education, which will provide an opportunity for employee’s job satisfaction and self-actualization. Finally, it is to aid the management of Institute of Management and Technology (IMT) Enugu to introduce modern schemes for training and development to be able to meet the challenges of change in the future. The research work will also be of great significance to employees of IMT and other public sectors as it will enable them to appreciate the need for continuous training and development.


Scope of the Study

The study is limited as it looks at the role and impact that training and development have on employee’s policies and activities, and the role it has played in public sector, with Institute of Management and Technology Enugu as a case study.

Accordingly the analysis and conclusion will be based on this time period.

Research Questions

To specify the problem explicitly, the following research questions are asked:

1.      What are the challenges associated with training and development in Nigeria public sector?

2.      To what extent does training guarantees better performance?

3.      What increases job satisfaction and reduce in employee turnover are the benefit of training and development in public sector?

4.      What are the effects of training/development on organizational performance?


Research Hypotheses

In order to direct the focus of this study, the following hypotheses are formulated:

H0: job satisfaction and reduce in employee turnover are not the benefit of training and development in public sector?

H0: effects of training/development on organizational performance does not enhance the effectiveness of training and development.


Operational Definition of Terms

Effect: this refers to the influence and changes in the behaviour, skills, knowledge and contribution of employees that is brought about by training.

Evaluation: evaluation is the systematic investigation to ascertain whether training programme results in knowledge acquisition, skill development, effective behavioural changes in learners, training transfer, etc. or not.

Job performance: this means the ability and capacity of an employee at a given time either before or after a training event (as the case may be)

Learning: a change of a relatively permanent kind which may result in new behaviours, actions, and/or new understanding and knowledge gained through a formal process, spontaneously or incidentally, or through life experience.

Learning organization is one in which employees continuously broaden their horizon and expand their capacity to achieve the result they desire, and where new and expansive pattern of thinking is nurtured and encouraged.

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