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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00005821

No of Pages: 60

No of Chapters: 5

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This study focused on factors affecting students’ attitudes towards development of Vocational Education in Science and Technical Colleges in Enugu State. The specific objectives captured the parental factors environmental factors and socio-economic factors. Target population for the study was students and teachers of the thirty-seven (37) Science and Technical Colleges in Enugu State from which a sample of 300students and 90 teachers from 10 schools were randomly selected and studied. The research design adopted was descriptive research design while analytical tools employed include descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation), and one-sample t-test. Findings revealed that the major parental factors to this effect are parental orientation about vocational training and lack of students’ interest; with regard to environmental factors, the key factors were non-availability of vocational schools and poor infrastructures; while on the socio-economic factors, leading factors were lack of modern day equipments and fear of being unemployed. The study also discovered that these factors have significant effect. Based on these findings, the study recommended among others that Technical and Vocational Boards Officials should educate the public (parents and students) properly on the importance of vocational training in curbing the high rate of unemployment in the State; parents should be encouraged to do more in enlightening their children on the relevance of Vocational Training to the development of the society; Government should lay down adequate structures and provide modern day equipments to technical colleges so as to motivate the students in vocational training. They should equally employ more skillful teachers to guide the students in the training.



Title                                                                                                                                                                                                                    i

Approval                                                                                                         ii

Dedication                                                                                                      iii

Acknowledgements                                                                                                                                                                                           iv

Abstract                                                                                                            v


Background to the Study                                                               1

Statement of the Problem                                                               4

Purpose of the Study                                                                       6

Research Questions                                                                          7

Research Hypotheses                                                                        8

Significance of the Study                                                                  8

Scope of the Study                                                                              10


Concept of Attitude                                                                           11

Concept of Vocational Education                                                     13

Objectives of Vocational and Technical Education in Nigeria          14

Factors Affecting Attitudes of Students and Teachers towards Development Of Vocational Education and Training                         15

Theoretical Framework                                                                       17

Empirical Review                                                                                21

Summary of Reviewed Literature                                                       24


Research Design                                                                                 26

Nature and Sources of Data                                                                26

Area of the Study                                                                                 26

Population of the Study                                                                        27

Sample and Sampling Techniques                                                        27

Determination of Sample Size                                                              27

Instrument for Data Collection                                                             28

Validation of the Instrument                                                                 29

Reliability of the Instrument                                                                29

Methods of Data Analysis                                                                    30


Data Presentation                                                                                 31

Data Analysis                                                                                       34

Discussion of Findings                                                                         38



Summary of Findings                                                                           40

Conclusion                                                                                            41

Recommendations                                                                                42

Suggestion for Further Studies                                                             43

References                                                                                            44

Appendices -                                                                                        45 



Background of the Study

Attitude of learners is a great hindrance to skill acquisition (Ngige, 2012). According to Hina (2017), this attitude represents general orientation of the individual; the views a person takes about objects, people, group, or issues. It is a central concept in social science and plays an important role in influencing much different behaviour. Attitudes are acquired through experiences of social interaction but once established, they tend to be relatively enduring. Overall attitude can be positive, negative, or neutral, and it can vary from situation to situation.

Vocational Training is designed to prepare the individuals for specialized skills, abilities, trade, industries, agriculture and business for self-reliance (Azubuike, 2011). Itinvolveseducation and training that is focused on practical skills and ability to perform tasks related to working in a particular industry (Hina, 2015). It can equally be referred toas the facet of technical education that has more to do with practical work leading to a particular occupation or career.

Vocational training is generally linked with manual and practical skills. It usually does not include academic abilities. It provides activities for learning by doing and enables individual differences to be catered for (Okocha, 2009).However, no attempt is made to create homogeneities in groups of children by practices like streaming and ability grouping which means that in vocational education programmes, there are less stiff formalities in classroom, thus providing opportunity to sit together thus, recognizing the peer group influence on learning (i.e. learning how to work as a group).

Vocational Education Institutes offer basic academic knowledge but is much focused on practical and manual vocational training to prepare students for employment in lower level technical positions. It also provides the labour market with skilled and semi-skilled workforce in different trades (Al-saad, 2007), thus, can be seen as a workable system which can produce such workers that can be employed on a suitable and industrial base.

The importance of vocational education as part of and supplementary to general education has been increasingly accepted. In respect to this,Yusuf and Soyemi (2012) highlighted that, there is currently a growing awareness that besides fostering individual growth and development through the process of education, the school should also accept the function of developing human resources to cater for national economic needs. The education system should also include a component which links the school and the world of work, and hence, facilitate the students in their entry into the labour market. This according to Hina (2017) is to provide support for alleviation of unemployment and as well increase skills of youth for meeting the requirements of industries. The step is also to provide trained manpower in various applied fields, and to provide technical knowledge and vocational skills needed for economic development and industrial growth.

Traditionally, skilled workers are produced through apprenticeship and the "pick-up" methods of acquiring skills. This is because students who were enrolled in vocational classes gained experience which gave them great satisfaction. Moreover, the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) recommendations of 2008 proposed that education should also include a preparation for developing an idea of, taste for, and esteem for manual work; these being an indispensable part of general education. More so, in the study of Akpotohwo (2016) in Bayelsa State, it was observed that entrepreneurial skills are required for effective business operation as it serves both as operational guidelines for those in the business as well as training package for new entrants. The author further stressed that lack or absence of these skills affect graduates in embarking on any business venture.

There are various factors that affect students’ attitudes in the development of vocational education. For instance, Alnaqbi (2016) examined the effect of parents and students’ attitude towards the intention to enter the vocational education in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The author provided practical evidence that the increasing amount of technical education and vocational training resembles to a lowering capacity by business owners in the private industries, while reflecting the negative effects of the basic operating sector of the production of technical education and vocational training. In the same vein, Kumazhege (2017) who examined the factors that influence vocational choice among Technical College students in North East Nigeria provided that environmental factors and parents/guardians related factors influenced their vocational choice in Technical Colleges, while students personality related factors; peer group related factors and career guidance officer do not influence their vocational choice in Technical Colleges. This study however is intended to evaluate Business education students’ attitudes towards development of vocational training in secondary schools in Enugu State.

Statement of the Problem

In Nigeria, emphasis has been on general education, with vocational education at the receiving end. For instance, an average Nigerian parent does not want his son to earn a living as a full time farmer, a watch-repairer, a plumber, a house painter, as they believe that these jobs are for the poor and underprivileged.This has contributed to a large number of educated people remaining unemployed. Moreover, inspite of the apparent weaknesses of the grammar education and the pressing need for vocational education, experiment to implement the syllabus seemed to have failed, because attempts to implement the programmes are only partially done or neglected. Furthermore, although policy statements and issues, scholarly lectures and discussions at seminars and conferences stand to point out the need for vocational education, the training of top-cadre elites through the grammar school type of education has essentially remained the dominant practice.

While there is an expressed need for skilled workers in Nigeria, there is apparently reluctance among the students to choose and prepare themselves for skilled jobs. More so, despite the increasing level of awareness on the need for skilled workforce in development, there is still no sufficient linkage between Technical Education & Vocational Training and work life. Presently, despite government’s tremendous efforts to educate the community on the benefits of the existing Technical Education and vocational training system, most students and parents still choose the academic stream rather than the Technical Education & Vocational Training. They believe that vocational institutes are for students with low academic achievement. These thereby decreases the rate of enrolment and completion rate of Technical and Vocational courses in Technical and Vocational institutes and in other words decreased well trained workforce in the country.

Innovations relating to vocational education have been introduced as a way of reducing "waste' of talent often associated with conventional schools and in other words, provide a more productive stimulus to the economy. In Nigeria, for example, the New National Policy on Education (2004) has not only advocated the integration of productive work into learning but also stipulated the establishment of multi-purpose vocational centres in order to facilitate the training of artisans, craftsmen, technicians, etc. The question therefore is, what are the factors affecting students’ attitudes in the development of vocational education in Science and Technical Colleges in Enugu State?

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors affecting students’ attitudes in the development of vocational education in Science and Technical Colleges in Enugu State. The specific objectives are:

1)    To identify and rank the parental factors affecting students’ attitudes in the development of vocational education in Science and Technical Colleges in Enugu State.

2)    To identify and rank the environmental factors affecting students’ attitudes in the development of vocational education in Science and Technical Colleges in Enugu State.

3)    To identify and rank the socio-economic factors affecting students’ attitudes in the development of vocational education in Science and Technical Colleges in Enugu State.

Research Questions

The following research questions guided this study;

1)    What are the key parental factors affecting students’ attitudes in the development of vocational education in Science and Technical Colleges in Enugu State?

2)    What are the major environmental factors affecting students’ attitudes in the development of vocational education in Science and Technical Colleges in Enugu State?

3)    What are the key socio-economic factors affecting students’ attitudes in the development of vocational education in Science and Technical Colleges in Enugu State?





Research Hypotheses

Based on the research questions formulated above, the study was guided by the following null hypotheses which were tested at 0.05 level of significance.

Ho1: Parental backgroundhas no significant effect on students’ attitudes towards the development of vocational education in Science and Technical Colleges in Enugu State.

Ho2: Environmental factorshave not significantly affected the students’ attitudes towards the development of vocational education in Science and Technical Colleges in Enugu State.

Ho3: Socio-economic factorshave no significant effect on students’ attitudes towards the development of vocational education in Science and Technical Colleges in Enugu State.


Significance of the Study

Vocational education is an essential tool for economic development. Establishment and inculcation of vocational education into Senior Secondary Education Curriculum (SSEC) by the federal government in 2011 was rooted to ensuring that all senior secondary school students be trained in at least one vocational subject. However, the outcome of this study will be beneficial to the following group of people:

§  Government

§  Body of Academics

§  Parents

§  Students

§  Researchers

To the government of Nigeria,the findings of this will be beneficial in making policies and implementations in schools. It will assist in solving the giant problem of high unemployment rate in Nigeria.

It will be relevant to the body of academics as it exposes the need to inculcate vocational education training in secondary schools in Nigeria. It would also be helpful for head of Technical Education and Vocational Training for promotion of Technical Education and Vocational Training system in Nigeria.

The parents will find this study relevant as it will help to educate them on importance of vocational education on the growth and survival of a child especially in a developing nation like Nigeria.

Students’ benefits to this study will go a long way to keeping them at alert and as well providing them with the rudiments to survive the difficult economy.

Future researchers will find this study relevant as it will serve as basis for future researches.


Scope of the Study

The scope of this study is Enugu State. It covered all science and technical colleges in the state as at 2016 post primary school census.It is delimited to factors such as: parental background, environmental factors and socio-economic factors.

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