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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00005822

No of Pages: 58

No of Chapters: 5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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The study is set out to investigate forensic accounting as a tool for fraud detection and prevention in the telecommunication industry. Forensic accounting is an investigative style of accounting used to determine whether an individual or an organization has engaged in any illegal financial activity. This forensic accounting could be an antidote to this problem of fraud in Nigeria telecommunication industry. The research instruments utilized if they study were primary data survey and secondary data survey education. Four hypotheses were adopted for the survey out of a population of 340 staff, 180 permanent staff of a mobile Nigeria Limited Enugu, were randomly selected. Data collected were presented and analyzed using table and simple percentages. This study found out, among others, that forensic accountant have the professional ability backed up by law to examine the book, make discovered and presented the documentary evidence in the law courts. As a result of these findings, the following recommendation others were made that government should make a law which will make forensic accounting a practice in Nigeria such that forensic accountants will have practicing licensee like other developed countries. The institute of chartered accountants of Nigeria (ICAN) should make it a compulsory course in their professional examinations.










Title page         --------------------------------------------------i

Approval page---------------------------------------------------ii

Declaration Page-----------------------------------------------iii


Acknowledgements --------------------------------------------v


Table of contents----------------------------------------------vii


Background of the study--------------------------------------1

Statement of the problem ------------------------------------6

Object of the study---------------------------------------------8

Research question----------------------------------------------9

Scope of the study----------------------------------------------9

Significant of the study---------------------------------------10

Definition of Terms--------------------------------------------11



Conceptual Classification of forensic Accounting or Investigative Accounting-------------------------------------18

Theoretical Framework----------------------------------------21

Empirical Review----------------------------------------------23



Research design------------------------------------------------31

Area of Study---------------------------------------------------31

Population of the study---------------------------------------32

Sample size determination-----------------------------------32

Research Instrumentation       ------------------------------32

Reliability and Reliability of Research Instrument-------32

Sources of Data------------------------------------------------33



Presentation and Analysis of Results----------------------35



Summary findings---------------------------------------------41




Appendix I------------------------------------------------------48






Akomaye (2007), posit that forensic accounting includes the use of accounting and investigative skills to assist in legal matters. It consists of two major components; Litigations services that recognize the role of an accountant as an expert consultant and investigative services that use forensic accountants’ skills as may be required in (possible) court room testimony. It also involves quantitative skill to collect, analyze and evaluate financial evidence, as well as the ability to interpret and communicate findings.

Fraud includes all the multifarious means human in ingenuity can devise that are resorted to by the individual to get and advantage over another by false suggestions or suppression of the truth. It includes surprises, tricks, cunning or dissembling, and any unfair way by which another is cheated (Black’s Law dictionary 1979) Forensic accounting is said to bring significant improvement in the quality of fraud detection and prevention. Financial irregularity is a severe problem of concern globally. It is also epidemic that fraud and corruption is gradually becoming a normal way of life. Financial irregularities are so common that almost every individual cannot wash his or her hands clean of it. In Nigeria today, the telecommunication industry have fraudulent activities which is now a common phenomenon collapsing many companies and hence weakening the economy.

Forensic accounting is an investigative style of accounting used to determine whether an individual or an organization has engaged in any illegal financial activity. A professional accountant may work for government telecommunication or public accounting firm. Although, forensic accounting has been in existence for several decades, it has evolved over time to include several types of financial information scrutiny.

Forensic accounting may be described as being the integration of an individual’s accounting and auditing knowledge with investigative skills that have been gained from years of practical experience. It is the means by which the forensic accountant review instruments given by a client, usually through a solicitor thoroughly investigate those instructions and the underlying contracts and other agreements obtain appropriate evidence, prepare the whole in the form of a report suitable for presentation to the court.

Forensic accounting in its present state can be broadly classified into two categories encompassing litigation support and investigative accounting. Those two major categories form the core around which other support service revolves. However, it could be remise not to define what encompasses litigation support and investigative accounting.

Litigation support: this is the provision of assistance of an accounting nature in a matter involving existing or pending litigation. It is primarily focused on issues relating to the qualification of economic damages, which means a typical ligation support assignment would involve calculating the economic loss or damage resulting from a breach of contract. However, it also extends to other areas involving violations, tracing, asset, revenue recovery, accounting reconstruction and financial analysis, to name a few. Litigation support involves working closely with lawyers in matter involving, but not limited contract disputes, in solving litigation, insurance claims royalty and its, shareholders dispute and intellectual property claim.

Investigative accounting: In contrast, investigative accounting is concerned with investigation of a criminal nature. A typical investigation assignment could be one involving employee fraud, securities fraud, insurance fraud, kick backs and investigative accounting services are required. In many cases, the combination of these services will not be adequate to address unless there is in place an effective programme for fraud risk management.

Forensic accounting which is the application of accounting auditing and investigative skills in preparing and presenting financial information such a manner that will be accepted by a court jurisprudence against perpetrators of economic/ financial crimes as a matter of fact, forensic audit of sales has been playing important roles in the area of detection, investigation and preventing of what the nation has given to the world 419, in plated contracts scam mails, subscription fraud, fixed network, mobile network fraud, prepaid fraud etc. all these crimes harm telecommunication industry and the Nigeria economy in no small measures.

The incidence of fraud continues to increase across telecommunication industry, organizations and across nations. Fraud is a universal problem as no nation is immune although developing countries and their various state suffers the most pain. Fraud includes all the multifarious means human ingenuity can devise that are resorted to by the individual to get an advantage over another by false suggestion or suppression of the truth. It includes surprise tricks, cunning or dissembling and any unfair way by which another is cheated “Black’s Law dictionary”, (1979).

Employee, management fraud and other financial crimes are increasing, therefore accounting and auditing personnel must have training and skills to recognize those crime both at the top level and at the grass root level to better ensure the state prospect in the area of fraud prevention, deterrence, investigation and remediation. In making reference outside the scope of this research to enhance a better need of the service of forensic accounting in Kogi state is the news report following the September 11 attack depicted low terrorist used the international banking system to fund their activities, transfer money and hide their finances and signaled a need for investigators to understand how financial information can provide dues as to future threats. These events raised public awareness of fraud and forensic accounting. The risk of financial irregularities has been in existence for a very long time.

In fact, it was the fear of this and the need to provide users with a means of safe guarding their wealth from embezzlement and misappropriation of what brought about forensic accounting.

These economic and financial crimes are the greater threat to national economic telecommunication industry and development of the nation all large. It has eaten deep into the telecommunication industry. The Nigeria value system and is now threatening to spread to the culture as public for wealth has increased.

Forensic team helps client protect their business for fraud, misconductand non-compliance. Forensic can assist companies, telecommunications industries in deleting fraud by combing the forensic and investigative experience of its professional’s along with the use of technology. Forensic accounting is said to bring significant improvement in the quality of fraud detection and prevention.


In recent times, series of frauds have been committed both in public sector and private sector of many economics of which telecommunication is not left out. This is no doubt are perpetrated under the supervision of the internal auditors. It suffices to say that the independence of the internal auditor is not guaranteed because he works as an employee of the organization then come to the idea of the external auditors, yet frauds are still being committed on daily basis. It has become pertinent that the forensic accounting be introduced and practiced since the external auditors do not or may not have the required training to be able to tackle modern fraud like Cenen (2005). Such as security fraud, embezzlement, contract disputes and possibly criminal financial transactions including money laundry, subscription fraud, fixed network fraud, mobile network fraud, prepaid fraud etc. by organized criminal and also the ability of the forensic accountant to provide litigation support and investigative accounting.

It is obvious that forensic accounting could be an antidote to this problem of fraud in Nigeria telecommunication industry. The research embarked upon the study to ascertain the extent at which forensic accounting techniques are applied in the telecommunication industry as a basic tool for detecting and preventing fraud. This study tends to investigate the extent to which forensic accounting techniques are being applied in telecommunication industry in detecting and preventing fraud in the following ways.

1.     Non-availability of the appropriate litigation support services. It has been discovered that offenders are not given appropriate punishment because the gravity or extent of economic loss or damages cannot be adequately determined,

2.     The increasing rate of crime and corruption in the economy and telecommunication industry. In this case most especially in the area of economic governance and in public corporations have eroded public confidence and trust in matters regarding transparency and financial probity. Four pillars of corporate governance which are transparency, accountability, independence and fairness are totally missing.

3.     Weakness in traditional auditing style in curbing the socioeconomic evil. Auditors are watch-dogs and fraud detectors.

4.     The problem of battered image of the nation both locally and internationally. Nigeria has recorded huge loss of fraud, because of bad image, Nigeria has not been able to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) of a developing country.


To find out how to detect and prevent crime in the telecommunication industry and the Nigeria economy at large through forensic accounting is the main objective of this study and the research therefore intends;

1.     To access the relationship between forensic accounting and provision of litigation support services.

2.     To evaluate the role of forensic accounting in curbing economic and financial crimes in the telecommunication industry.

3.     To evaluate how forensic accounting/accountant can provide offer professional investigation and litigation support services.

4.     To determine if the practice of forensic accountant can repair the battered image of Nigeria locally and internationally.


The important questions that this study is set to answer are:

1.     Is there a relationship between forensic accounting and provision of litigation support services?

2.     Does forensic accounting play any role in curbing economic and financial crimes in the telecommunication industry?

3.     Does forensic account provide more detailed reports that can support litigation service and aid further professional investigations of crimes in the telecommunication industry?

4.     To what extend can the practice of forensic accounting in Nigeria economy and telecommunication industry restore the nation’s image locally and internationally?


In the high broad coverage, due time and financial constraints, the researcher focuses on the fraud detection and prevention in the telecommunication industry using some selected telecommunication companies in Enugu state like 9-mobile Nigeria Ltd, MTN, Glo, Airtel, Multi-link. The scope of this study or research therefore covers present happenings in the telecommunication industry.


Owing to the existing incidence of fraud in the telecommunication industry an d the attendance of problem such as: loss of confidence and trust of both potential and actual investors or customers leading to imperable damage to the industry, as well as the nation as a whole, the study is designed to explore the application of forensic accounting techniques to detect any potential telecommunication fraud and is occasioned, conduct investigation of cases at hand and at least suggest effective ways of preventing the occurrence of such fraud.

The research will be of great importance to the following group of people;

Researchers: This study will be of importance to researcher who may be carrying out research work in such related field.

Students: The research work stands as an offshoot to student who may be undertaking a work in the related field of this and it will also help them as a reasonable literature that can guide their work.

Policy Maker: This will help policy makers, management in airing at decision that will drastically reduce if not eliminate the incidence of fraud, help in making available the necessary internal control procedure of the check-mating fraud and safeguarding assets of the company and most especially in the Nigeria telecommunication industry thereby restoring the lost confidence, the trust and patronage of the public in the industry. This will go a long way in enhancing the economic development of the nation.

Entrepreneur: This research will be an eye opener on the relevance of forensic accounting in fraud detection and prevention which can help in protecting and enhancing the affairs of the business organization.

Government: This study will also be important to the government as it provides forensic auditing as a way of curbing and corruption in the public sector or government establishment.


Forensic: The word forensic is defined as the pertaining to connected with, or used in the court of law or public discussion and debate (websiter’s. dictionary).

Forensic Accounting: This has been defined in many ways but the underlying point is that, forensic accounting involves the use of investigative, accounting and auditing skills to gather and present financial information that will be useful in court or public debate.

Forensic accounting utilizes accounting, auditing and investigative skills to conduct an examination into a company financial analysis that is suitable for court.

Forensic accounting is the use of accounting skills to investigate fraud or embezzlement and to analyze financial information for use in legal proceedings.

Forensic Auditing: This involves the examination of business process for evidence of fraud. It is an aspect of forensic accounting.

FRAUD: This is a deception which is deliberately practiced in order to secure unfair or unlawful gain. It is an act or course of deception, an international concealment, omission or perversion of truth to gain unlawful or unfair advantage.

It is also an act of irregularities done intentionally for the purpose of gaining advantage, the common element of fraud is;

a.     Unlawfulness

b.     Misrepresentation

c.      Intention


These are fraud perpetrated in and or through telecommunication. They are of two types;

Telecommunication Fraud by insiders

Telecommunication fraud by outsiders

FORENSIC INVESTIGATION: This is an inquiry carried out with its result having application to the court of law. It has its peculiar techniques.

FRAUD EXAMINATION: This is similar to the forensic accounting but the difference is that its finding are not used in the courts, it involves the following subsets; investigation, internal control assessment, fraud loss calculation, deterrence, anti-fraud training and fraud prevention.

FRAUD DETECTION: Fraud detection involves the use of specialized detective skills and previously unknown, action oriented, hidden trends, patterns and complex (fraudulent) relationship.

INVESTIGATIVE ACCOUNTING: This means examination of criminal matters.

ANTI-FRAUD INTERNAL CONTROL SYSTEMS: These are those controls, financial or otherwise put in place in an organization designed to ensure adherence to management policies on fraud so as to mitigate fraud risk in the telecommunication industry.

FORENSIC ACCOUNTING TECHNIQUES: Panigrahip (2006), states the techniques and tools used in forensic accounting.

1.     Forensic fraud detective techniques

2.     Forensic fraud investigative techniques

FORENSIC FRAUD DETECTIVE TECHNIQUES: Generally, the detective technique used by forensic accountants include; the proactive and reactive. The proactive and reactive techniques are universally tactical techniques. They are aggressively target types of fraud search for their indicators, symbols or red flags. They include;

a.     Data mining techniques and financial

b.     Five step detection techniques

c.      Fraud hypothesis testing techniques.

The reactive detective techniques, which favour to the philosophy that “we repulse when attacked” wait and see appeals to the use of electronic equipment, such as the circuit, television and whistle blowers.

FORENSIC FRAUD INVESTIGATIVE TECHNIQUES: The following are the forensic investigative techniques;

a.     Interview

b.     Computer

c.      Financial Analysis

d.     Record research

e.     Background  knowledge


According to barney (2007), the use of specialized   techniques and strategies,

Forensic accounting as a specialized field of accounting, perform the following

1.        Background check

2.        Review of internal control and management practices

3.        Fraud programme implementation

4.        Fraud awareness training

5.        Discovery of widen assets

6.        Litigation support services

According to crumley et al (2007); forensic accounting day’s special role in uncovering    maid embezzlement and white cover crime.

They include:

1.        Qualification of damage resulting from financial  irregularities

2.        Preparation of opinion and appealing in courts as in expert witness.

3.        Assisting management in preventing irregularities, and improving work process, through fraud risk assessments techniques.

4.        Conducting due diligence examination prior to investments, acquisition and mergers.

In order to get time picture of the target organization in emphasizing on the roles of forensic accounting, according charity (2005), forensic accountant is often retained to analyze, interpret, summarize and present complete financial and business related issue in a manner which is both understandable and properly supported.

Forensic fraud investigative techniques:

a.        Interview of knowledgeable persons: - forensic accountants will often conduct include current and former employers, vendors and customers. These interviews can shed light on additional  witnesses  and may even help the auditor narrow down the list of suspects

b.        Financial transaction Analysis:-

Forensic accountants are most at home conducting an analysis of company financial transaction. Turning a critical eye to your books may help the investigator identify improper, payments or accounting practices. They will also usually check and validate all vendors and suppliers compare employee and vendor addresses for accuracy and analyzes sales return and allowance courts.

(c) The purposes of computer forensic techniques:-

Is to search, preserve and analyze information on computer systems to find potential  detective use in crime scene investigations have digital counter parts, but there are also some unique aspects computer investigation.

(d) Background search:-

Forensic accountants combine their accounting knowledge with investigative accounting setting forensic accountants employed by public accounting firms forensic accounting divisions by consulting firm specializing in risk consul and forensic accounting services.

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