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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008599

No of Pages: 49

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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The present study aimed at the comparative bacteriological analysis of borehole water and stream water in three communities within umudike for human consumption. Comparative bacteriological analysis of borehole and stream water sources in three randomly selected communities namely: Olokoro, Ibere and Umuariaga conducted to examine their quality and fitness for human consumption. A total of twelve water samples were collected from sic randomly selected boreholes and streams from the stipulated study area were analyzed using standard analytical techniques and instruments. The most probable number technique and the plating out on culture media were used for the analysis. For the most probable number technique, bottles of sterile MacConkey broth (purple) containing inverted durham tubes fot the collection of gases which were added before sterilization of the broth was done. The tubes were incubated at 37oC for 24 hours. There was color change and durham tubes in the bottles trapped gases in both water samples examined but the stream water in Umuariaga and the two streams in Ibere was discovered to more contaminated having 12, 18 and 12 coliforms respectively as compared to the boreholes in same communities having 7, 3 and 5 coliforms respectively. The stream water and borehole in Olokoro and Umuariaga were within the acceptable standard of world health organization. The microbial count (CFU/ml-1) indicated that the microbial load of stream water sample is higher compared with borehole water samples. The heterotrophic plate count of the borehole range from 2.0 X10-5 to 5.5 X 10-4 while the stream range from 3.4 X 10 -5 to 7.4 X10 -4 respectively. The total coliform plate count ranges from 2.3 X10 -5 to 5.5 X10 -4 on the borehole water while the stream water ranges from 2.9X10-5 to 6.5 X10 -4 respectively. Total Staphylococcal plate count ranges from 1.9 X10 -5 to 5.0 X10 -4 on the borehole water and stream water 1.9 X10-5 to 5.1 X10-4 respectively. Salmonella Shigella was counted evenly on the stream water sample than 1.1 X 10-5 to 4.2 X10-4 and also the stream water sample has 1.6 X 10-5 to 6.3 X10-4 respectively. The bacterial distribution of the isolates showed that Staphylococcus aureusEscherichia coliKlebsiella specie and Micrococcus specie was isolated from the boreholes from the three communites while in the streams, Staphylococcus aureusEscherichia coliKlebsiella specieMicrococcus specie and Shigella specie was isolated. Comparing both water sources shows that the stream water from the three communities was more grossly polluted and unfit for human consumption. The research study was done to comparatively evaluate the borehole and stream water within umudike for human consumption.


Title                                                                              Page

Title Page                                                                                                                              i            

Certification page                                                                                                                 ii

Dedication                                                                                                                            iii

Acknowledgments                                                                                                                iv

Table of Contents                                                                                                                  v

List of Tables                                                                                                                        vi

 Abstract                                                                                                                               vii


Chapter One                                                                                               

1.0       Introduction                                                                                                             1

1.2       Aims and Objectives                                                                                                 3

Chapter Two

2.0       Literature review                                                                                                      4

2.1           Sources of Water                                                                                                      4

2.1.0    Atmospheric Water                                                                                                  4

2.1.1    Surface Water                                                                                                           5

2.1.2    Ground Water                                                                                                           5

2.2           Importance of water to man and other organisms                                                    6

2.3           Water  Pollution and its Control                                                                               6

2.4           Water Quality Assessment                                                                                       9

2.4.0    Physical Quality of Water                                                                                       11

2.4.1    Microbiological Quality of Water                                                                           12

2.5           Borehole water and other two sources of water for human consumption               14

Chapter Three

3.0       Materials and Methods                                                                                         16                                     

3.1       Study Area                                                                                                               16

3.1.1    Sampling   Strategy                                                                                                  16

3.1.2    Sample Collection                                                                                                    17

3.1.3    Bacteriological Analysis                                                                                          18

3.1.4    Media Preparation                                                                                                    18

3.1.5    Sterilization of Glass wares                                                                                      18

3.2       Isolation of Bacteria from Borehole and Stream Water Samples                            18                                                                                                                     

3.2.1    Identification of Bacterial Isolates from Borehole and Stream Water Samples      19                                                                                        

3.2.2    Biochemical Tests                                                                                                    19

3.2.3    Most Probable Number (MPN) Test                                                                        22

3.3       Comparison between Bacterial Isolates from Borehole Water and Stream Water Samples      

3.4       Comparison between the Result Generated and the WHO Standard for Drinking Water Quality                                                      23


Chapter Four

4.0       Results                                                                            24                

4.1       Results   Showing the Bacterial Count Isolated from Borehole and Stream Water Samples                  24

4.2       Results Showing the Identification and Characterization of Bacterial Isolates from Borehole and Stream Water Samples.                                                                    27

4.3       Results Showing the Distribution of Bacteria Isolated from Borehole and Stream Water Samples                        29

4.4       Results Showing the Most Probable Number Tests for the Occurrence of the Presumptive

           Coliforms in the Borehole and Stream Water Samples in Comparison with the WHO 

           Standard for Drinking Water Quality                                                                          32

Chapter Five

5.0       Discussion, Conclusion and Recommendation                                                     35

5.0       Discussion                                                                                                                   35

5.1       Conclusion                                                                                         36

5.2       Recommendation                                                                                                        36                                                                                               


References                                                                                                                             38







Table       Title                                                               Page

2.1       The Main Bacterial Diseases Transmitted Through Drinking Water                    9

2.2       World Health Organization Suggested Bacteriological Criteria for Drinking Water  from Un-chlorinated rural Pumps and Other Sources.     14  


4.1       Results Showing the Bacterial Count CFU/ml-1 Isolated from Borehole Water Samples.     25             


4.2       Results showing the Bacterial Count CFU/ml-1 Isolated from Stream Water Samples.    26                                                                                                                   

4.3       Results Showing the Identification and Characterization of Bacterial Isolates from Borehole and Stream Water Samples.                   28

4.4       Results Showing the Distribution of Bacterial Isolates from Borehole Water samples   30         


4.5       Results Showing the Distribution of Bacterial Isolates from Stream Water Samples      31     


4.6       Results Showing the Occurrence Presumption of Coliforms in Test Tubes of the Most  Probable Number in Borehole Water Samples in Comparison with WHO Standard for Drinking Water Quality         33                                                                                                      

4.7       Results Showing the Occurrence Presumption of Coliforms in Test Tubes of the Most Probable Number in Stream Water Samples in Comparison with WHO Standard for Drinking Water Quality         34                                                                                                      









The human body has 55% to 78% water depending on body size. The percentage of water observed in different body parts are as_ muscular tissues 75%, brain contains 90% water, bones 22% and blood 83%. Since water is one of the essential components required by the body , it is important to assess the quality of water, which is being used for household activities as well as consumption whether it is actually reliable and safe for health of the consumers. Water portability refers to the quality of water that can be safe for consumption and use with no risk of adverse health effects. (Ashbolt et al., 2001). Water is a chemical substance with the formula H2O (Ibe et al., 2005). Its molecules contain one oxygen and two hydrogen atoms connected by covalent bonds. Water covers 70.9% of the earth surface and is vital for all known form of life. On earth, it is found mostly in Oceans and other large water bodies (Longe, 2008). To have a safe drinking water is a human right and need for every man, woman and child. Having good water also is essential in breaking the cycle of poverty since it improves people health, strength to work and ability to function, yet over 884 million people around the world live without safe drinking water. (WHO, 2008) In urban and predominantly rural communities with over 85% of the population living below an average income, traditional drinking water sources such as open reservoirs, springs and open wells are still being used. Water from such sources usually complies with the WHO limits for drinking water.  Borehole water has become the most used source of water dating back to ancient China (202BC-220AD), some of the boreholes used were deep reaching as deep as 600m (2000ft), filling the spaces between the rocks and soils are making for an aquifers. Ground water depth varies from place to place and this affects the quality of water obtained. Also the various types of rocks and soils which it moves through affect it too. Water moving through underground rocks and soils may pick up natural contaminants, even with no human activity or pollution in that area.  (Bezuidenhout et al., 2002)

Water is one of the important natural resources useful for the development purposes in both rural and urban areas. Despite this, most of the rural communities in developing countries lack access to portable water supply. They rely commonly on rivers, streams, wells and ponds for their daily need. (Nagpal et al., 2011) However World Health Organization (WHO) maintained that most of this source is contaminated yet they are used directly by inhabitants. Agricultural wastes such as pesticides, fungicides and fertilizers, human and animal feces and sewage from pit latrines and septic tanks, refuse dumps, domestic and municipal waste released into water bodies are often responsible for surface water contamination. (Mohanta et al., 2000) In addition to natures influence, pollution of water can be by human activities, such as defecation dumping of garbage, poor agricultural practices and chemical spills at industrial sites. (Mary et al., 2001) Even though water may be clear it does not necessarily mean that it is safe for drinking. It is very important to judge the safety of water with respect to its physical, chemical and bacteriological property, but with respect to this study only the bacteriology property of water samples will be analyzed.

Water is essential to life. An adequate safe and accessible supply must be available to all. Improving access to safe drinking water can result to significant benefits to health. Every effort should be made to achieve a drinking water quality as safe as possible.  Many people struggle to obtain access to safe water. In developing countries access to both clean water and sanitation are not the rule and water borne infections are common. Two and half billion people have no access to improved sanitation, and more than 1.5 million children die each year from diarrheal disease. (Ukpong, 2013). According to World Health Organization, the mortality of water associated diseases exceeds 5 million people per year. In general terms, the greatest microbial risks are associated with ingestion of water that is contaminated with human or animal feces. Waste water and costal sea waters are the major source of fecal microorganisms, including pathogens. Contaminated water is globally the main vehicle for microbial pathogens in most regions. Therefore, good water quality is important in many settings including those found for all drinking water systems, food production and in the field of agriculture. In water systems with inadequate quality control and sanitation, water could act as a vehicle for pathogenic microorganisms that originate from the feces of wild life including birds, livestock and pet animals, as well as humans. In particular, the spread of enteric viruses’ examples Nor-viruses are repeatedly related to poor water quality.  (Grondahl-Rosado, 2014) Around the globe, huge efforts are put into making available safe water source for human consumption, but it is estimated that 1.1 billion people have water sources regularly contaminated with fecal microorganisms. (Prasai et al., 2014) Water from rivers, streams and boreholes are used directly by the inhabitants and the water sources from most rural communities are contaminated with feces and devoid of treatment hence the need to ascertain comparatively the bacteriological quality of borehole water to surface water in three villages within Umudike for human consumption and to determine the source of water that is more portable and fit for human consumption.

1.2       Aims and Objectives of the Study

The main purpose of this study is to ascertain comparatively the quality of borehole water to stream water in three communities within Umudike for human consumption. It is most important that water intended to be used specifically for human consumption is to be properly analyzed to determine its quality and to know the extent to which should be treated if need be. Therefore the analysis is necessary because of the following reasons:

·       To isolate bacteria from borehole water.

·       To isolate bacteria from surface water –stream water.

·       To compare the bacteriological load in the borehole and surface water. 

·       To compare bacteriological analysis generated with the WHO standards for drinking water.

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