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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009345

No of Pages: 67

No of Chapters: 5

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The aim of this study was to investigate the causes and effects of alcoholism among the youths a case study of jigawa state. The study was guided by the research objectives which were; to identify the causes and effects of alcoholism among the youths, to find out the measures that can be initiated to deal with the problem of alcoholism among the youths. The study will be of great significance as the effort to address alcoholism is the key for the community development. The study will cover all youths of jigawa state and the information that will be acquired will facilitate the understanding of the causes of alcoholism. The study involved the literature review that showed the patterns of alcoholism in the World, in Africa and in Nigeria. The theories that spearheaded the issue of alcoholism like; the Deviant and Social- Disorganization perspectives were also used. The study site was Jigawa a state Nigeria and the adopted research design was the descriptive survey. twenty (20) respondents and ten (10) key informants were used for the study. The provision of information was through the Questionnaire and Interview methods. The research found that the factors leading to excessive alcohol consumption among the youths in the study area included; peer influence, unemployment, desire to reduce stress, and media influence. The effects of alcohol consumption to the youths according to the study findings were; school dropout, increased thefts, loss of jobs, committing suicide, wastage of money, increased stress, poor coordination, slurred speech, destruction of reproductive system, damage of; the brain, liver, kidney, and breast, contraction of HIV, and death. In relation to the measures used to address the problems of alcoholism, the research established that, both the Community and the Government measures were employed. In conclusion, the research pointed out that, excessive alcohol consumption has more negative effects as compared to the positive effects. Due to this therefore, the research spearheaded on the issue of exerting more efforts by the Community members and the Government. Apart from the efforts made by the community members and the Government, the research recommended that the County Government of Nigeria and the National Government should come up with policies to establish more Agricultural projects that could employ youths, train the village elders and the chiefs on the best ways of dealing with alcoholism, and also to come up with more rehabilitation centers. The roles of rehabilitation centers in dealing with excessive alcohol consumption are to be considered for further attitudes.



DECLARATION AND APPROVAL.............................................................................. ii DEDICATIONS ............................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................................ iv ABSTRACT....................................................................................................................... v LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................ x LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................................................................... xi LIST OF BOXES ............................................................................................................ xii LIST OF ACRONYMS ................................................................................................. xii

CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................... 1

INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Background of the study ........................................................................................... 1

1.2 Statement of the problem .......................................................................................... 2

1.3 Broad objective ......................................................................................................... 2

1.3.1 Specific objectives .......................................................................................................... 2


1.3.2 Research questions ......................................................................................................... 3


1.4 Justification of the study ........................................................................................... 3

1.5 Significance of the study........................................................................................... 3

1.6 Scope of the study ..................................................................................................... 4

1.7 Limitation of the study .............................................................................................. 4

1.8 Definitions of terms .................................................................................................. 5

CHAPTER TWO .............................................................................................................. 7


2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 7

2.2 Patterns of alcohol consumption ............................................................................... 7

2.3 Effects of alcoholism to the youths........................................................................... 9

2.3.1 Contracting diseases ....................................................................................................... 9


2.3.2 Increase suicidal behaviors ............................................................................................. 9


2.3.3 Contribute to increased school dropout .......................................................................... 9


2.3.4 Destruction of the reproduction system.......................................................................... 9


2.3.5 Road accidents.............................................................................................................. 10


2.4 Measures to deal with alcoholism ........................................................................... 10

2.4.1 Controlling alcohol advertising and promotion ............................................................ 10


2.4.2 Increasing alcohol prices .............................................................................................. 10


2.4.3 Governance Responsibility........................................................................................... 10


2.4.4 Provision of better education ........................................................................................ 11


2.4.5 The Liquor License Act ................................................................................................ 11


2.5 Theoretical framework ............................................................................................ 12

2.5.1 Deviance theories ......................................................................................................... 12 Durkheims Deviance Theory ................................................................................... 12 Differential-association theory .................................................................................. 13


2.5.2 Social Disorganization theory ...................................................................................... 14


2.6 Conceptual Framework ........................................................................................... 15

CHAPTER THREE ........................................................................................................ 17

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .................................................................................. 17

3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 17

3.2 site of the study ....................................................................................................... 17

3.3 Research Design...................................................................................................... 17

3.4 Target population .................................................................................................... 17

3.5 The sampling procedure.......................................................................................... 18

3.6 Research tools ......................................................................................................... 18

3.7 Pilot study ............................................................................................................... 18

3.8 Reliability and validity of the research instruments ............................................... 19

3.8.1 Reliability of the research instruments ......................................................................... 19


3.8.2 Validity of the research instruments ............................................................................. 19


3.9 Data collection ........................................................................................................ 19

3.9.1 Primary methods of data collection .............................................................................. 19


3.9.2 Secondary methods of data collection .......................................................................... 20


3.10 Data analysis.................................................................................................................. 20


3.11 Ethical considerations.................................................................................................... 20


CHAPTER FOUR........................................................................................................... 21

FINDINGS, PRESENTANTIONS AND DISCUSSIONS ........................................... 21

4.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 21

4.2 Response rate .......................................................................................................... 21

4.3 Preliminary information .......................................................................................... 21

4.3.1 Gender of the respondent.............................................................................................. 21


4.3.2 Age of the respondents ................................................................................................. 22


4.3.3 Educational level .......................................................................................................... 23


4.3.4 Occupational status of the respondents ........................................................................ 24


4.3.5 Marital status........................................................................................................ 25

4.3.6 Religion ........................................................................................................................ 25


4.4 Factors leading to high alcohol consumption among the youths ............................ 26

4.4.1 Peer influence ............................................................................................................... 26


4.4.2 Unemployment ............................................................................................................. 27


4.4.3 Desire to reduce stress .................................................................................................. 28


4.4.4 Media influence ............................................................................................................ 28


4.5 Rating the factors that leads to high alcohol consumption among the youths ........ 29

4.5 Effects of alcoholism on the youths ........................................................................ 30

4.5.1 School dropout.............................................................................................................. 30

4.5.2 Increased theft .............................................................................................................. 31


4.5.3 Loss of jobs................................................................................................................... 31


4.5.4 Committing suicide ...................................................................................................... 32


4.5.5 Death ............................................................................................................................ 32


4.6 Rating the effects of alcohol consumption among the youths ................................ 33

4.6.1 Wastage of money ........................................................................................................ 33


4.6.2 Effects of key life areas of the youths such as; roles, income and social networks...... 34


4.6.3 Youths suffer from stress, poor coordination and slurred speech due to alcohol consumption .......................................................................................................................... 34

4.6.4 Many youths became less productive and loss their jobs due to alcohol consumption 34


4.6.5 The problem of being unable to build strong friendship, becoming reckless and more aggressive due to excessive alcohol consumption................................................................. 34

4.7 Effects of alcohol consumption on the health of the youths ................................... 35

4.7.1 Destruction of testicles in men and reproductive system in women due to alcohol consumption .......................................................................................................................... 35

4.7.2 The damaging of different body parts like; the brain, liver, kidney, and breast due to alcohol consumption.............................................................................................................. 36

4.7.3 Little alcohol consumption is advisable for good health .............................................. 36


4.7.4 Poor coordination, slurred speech, and incorrect judgment occur due to excessive alcohol consumption.............................................................................................................. 37

4.7.5 HIV contraction due to alcohol consumption ............................................................... 37


4.8 Rating the measures used by the Community members to deal with the problem of alcoholism ..................................................................................................................... 38

4.8.1 Battle against the production of local alcoholic drinks ................................................ 38


4.8.2 Prohibition of clubs and bars to operate during hours not stipulated in their licenses . 39


4.8.3 Thefts and immorality due to alcohol consumption are battled by the community members ................................................................................................................................ 39

4.8.4 The attitudes and perceptions change is a responsibility of all community members .. 40


4.9 Government measures used to deal with alcoholism .............................................. 40

4.10 Discussions ........................................................................................................... 41

CHAPTER FIVE ............................................................................................................ 43

SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECCOMENDATIONS ................................. 43

5.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 43

5.2 Summary of the findings......................................................................................... 43

5.3 Theoretical Conclusions.......................................................................................... 44

5.3.1 Durkheims Deviance Theory ...................................................................................... 44


5.3.2 Differential-association theory ..................................................................................... 44


5.3.3 Social Disorganization theory ...................................................................................... 45

5.4 Empirical Conclusions ............................................................................................ 46

5.5 Recommendations ................................................................................................... 46

5.5.1 Recommendations for policy formulation .................................................................... 46


5.5.2 Recommendations for further studies ........................................................................... 47


REFERENCES................................................................................................................ 48

APPENDICIES ............................................................................................................... 50

Appendix I: Letter of Introduction ............................................................................... 50

Appendix II: Questionnaire ........................................................................................... 51

Appendix III: A Focus Group Discussion Guide on the Problem of Alcoholism...... 56

Appendix IV: Research Budget ..................................................................................... 57

Appendix V: Work plan ................................................................................................. 58



1.1 Background of the study


Alcoholism is a chronic disease caused by compulsive and uncontrollable consumption of alcoholic beverages. The alcohol use has a long history since the time of Egyptian civilization. Fermented grain, fruit juice and honey have been used to make alcohol for thousands of years. In china, the evidence of early alcoholic drink was around 7000B.C. In India, an alcoholic beverage called Sura, distilled from rice, was in use between 3000 to 2000 BC, the Babylonians worshiped a wine goddess as early as 2700B.C.  In Greece, one  of  the  first  alcoholic  beverage  which  was  popular  was  Mead.  However,  the Americans are not left out as one of the people who consumed alcohol long ago in the Pre-Columbian times. The use of alcohol in America faced a challenge in form of prohibition.  This  was  according  to  the  report  of  the  United  States  law  (1920)  but however, the restrictions came to an end, United States law (1933). From the above content, it is clearly shown that, the problems associated with alcoholism are not current issues but have their roots long time ago.

In our societies, the use of alcohol have widely spread and this is contributed by factors like;  the  genetic  factors  and  others  which  are;  easy  accessibility  of  alcohol,  peer influence, and the need to experiment. In relation to the alcoholic causes, a research was conducted in the University of Granada, Spain by Jose Rico Irles (2007). The research revealed that,” the lack of endorphin is hereditary and thus that there is a genetic predisposition to became addicted to alcohol. This is absolutely true because, parents who are addicted to alcoholism have a high tendency of having children who will suffer from the same problem (alcoholism).The use of alcohol lead to health and social consequences, both acute (like; traffic death) and chronic (like; alcohol dependence,). In line with the consequences associated with alcoholism, many authors struggled to curb the problem. Among the authors was Pamela Hyde (2005), an Alberta Municipal Health and Safety Association AMHSA) administrator, who applied much of her energy towards curbing  alcoholism.  Hyde said,  Underage drinking should  not  be a  normal  part  of growing up. It is a serious and persistent public health problem that puts our young

people and our community in danger. Even though drinking is often glamorized, the truth is that, underage drinking can

lead to poor academic performance, sexual assault, injury and even death”.   Dorothy Parker  (1893-1967)  is  another  author  who  was  credited  for  her  struggle  against alcoholism. Parker was quoted saying, Not much fun, after being asked by a bartender, what are you having? This happened on one New York speak easy that Dorothy frequented. Of cause, many drunkards behave in a funny way after taking alcohol but this does not qualify alcohol to cause fun in our lives. The things that alcohol can simple contribute to peoples’ lives are the increased problems.

The best thing is to fight the problem through the empowerment of people (youths) in order for them to take full control of their lives. This research aims at accomplishing this objective (empowerment of people) through the use of questionnaires and interviews in the collection of relevant information from the youths of Roka location and then come up with the measures of alleviating the problem.



1.2 Statement of the Problem

Many youths of jigawa a state in Nigeria use alcohol and this contribute to the problems that they face which include; increased Gender Based Violence (like rape), school dropout, psychological disorders (like stress and memory loss), contraction of HIV and AIDs, loss of jobs, damage of the brain and even death.

Therefore, the aim of this research is to find out the causes of alcoholism among the youths of in jigawa state Nigeria, the effects (on the youths) and the appropriate measures that can be initiated to alleviate this problem in the society.



1.3 Broad objective

The broad objective is to conduct a study on the effects of alcoholism among the youths of  Jigawa State Nigeria.

1.3.1 Specific objectives


i.                    To identify the causes of alcoholism among the youths of  Jigawa state Nigeria.

ii.                   To analyze the effects of alcoholism among the youths of  Jigawa State Nigeria.

iii.       To find out the appropriate measures that can be initiated to deal with the problem of alcoholism among the youths of  Jigawa State Nigeria.

1.3.2 Research questions

i.      What are the causes of alcoholism among the youths of Roka Location?


ii.      How has the problem of alcoholism affected the youths of  Jigawa state?


iii.       What measures needs to be initiated to address the problem of alcoholism among the youths of  Jigawa State?



1.4 Justification of the Study

Alcoholism is a problem in Jigawa State among the youths. Many youths are not committed to their jobs and due to the fact that, they are at their most productive ages, this poses a great problem towards the development of the society. The few youths who are committed to their jobs also end up wasting much of their money in purchasing alcohol instead of investing for their future. The business men at Roka location invest in alcohol related businesses and they mostly target the youths. The businesses dealing with alcohol that flood the community contribute largely to the problems that face the youths like; school dropout, contraction of HIV and AIDs, and increased Gender Based Violence (like rape).

For the above reasons therefore, alcoholism act as a crisis that needs to be addressed through  the  identification  of  the  contributing  factors,  the  effects  and  the  possible measures that could be initiated to address the pathology. The problem (alcoholism) needs to be solved first as it largely affects the youths and even the whole community of Roka location.



1.5 Significance of the Study

The research on alcoholism is of great importance to the members of Jigawa state as the community will experience positive outcomes which may include; physical benefits(the  good  health  of  the  members),  economic  development,  as  members, especially the youths will invest in different businesses, and the social development, this will be experienced through the good interaction among community members.

To the Government, the research will facilitate the process of provision of Social Services like; rehabilitation services and referral services to the youths of Jigawa State who are suffering from alcoholism. The Government may also use this research to budget for the

Whole exercise of public change and this will be achieved through the department oPublic Administration



1.6 Scope of the Study

This study will focus on Jigawa state only. The youths of jigawa state will be the main participants in this research and the provision of the necessary information will be through the use of interview and questionnaire methods. The areas where youths take alcohol (like; clubs and bars) will be visited.  The cause, effects and possible measures to deal with the problem of alcoholism will also be covered in this study.



1.7 Limitation of the study

The study was limited by some factors which include;


The issue of ignorance: Many respondents were not willing to cooperate and provide the necessary information due to ignorance. They were unable to understand the benefits of dealing with the problem of alcoholism.

The issue of confidentiality: Though many youths of jigwa state are addicted  to alcoholic drinks, some were unwilling to share their stories due to fear that their information will be exposed.

1.8 Definitions of terms


Alcohol:                                       refers to drinks such as bear and wine that can make people drunk. Alcoholic drinks are made from fruits, sap of trees or even from seeds like rice

(McGovern et al, 2005).


Alcoholism:                                 the medical condition caused by drinking too much alcohol regularly. As a medical condition, alcoholism is associated with problems like; miscarriage and premature birth (Kehoe, 2010).

Gender Based Violence (GBV): is the general term used to capture violence that occur as  a  result  of  normative  role  expectations  associated with each gender, along with the unequal power relationship   betwee the   two   genders,   withi the context of a Specific society (Bloom, 2008).

HIV and AIDs:                           Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a viral that attack the immune System. The virus cause the

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome which include a set of symptoms and illnesses that occurs at the very

final stage of HIV infection .Research conducted by the World Health Organization showed that, Africa leads in the world with a large number of people infected with the disease(WHO,2016).

Psychological disorders:            these are patterns of behavioral or psychological symptoms that impact multiple areas of life.

These disorders create distress for the person experiencing them. Examples of Psychological disorders are;  depression  (state of the mind  Producing serious, long term lowering of enjoyment of life), Anxiety disorder (including panic disorder, social anxiety and Post traumatic stress), and Schizophrenia (is a chronic, severe, and disabling brain disease) (German E. 1999)

Social services:                           Jane Addams (1860) was the founder of Social Services in the United States (he came up with the Settlement House Movement). These services include the benefits and facilities such as education, food Subsidies healthcare, job training and subsidized housing,

adoption, Community management, policy research and lobbying.

Youth:                                        The  quality  or  state  of  being  young.  The  youths  are characterized by freshness, Vigor and Spirit (Furlong Andy, 2013)

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