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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009116

No of Pages: 40

No of Chapters: 5

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The research design was conducted in andaza town kiyawa local government area, Jigawa state. The aim was to assess the factors responsible for non-compliant to immunization program and possible solution to identify problem to find weather people in the area believe that estimate of non-compliance lead to spread of immunizable disease. The role of government on the level of compliance to immunization program which formulate policy regard immunization activities. The instrument used for data collection was instructed questionnaire where distributed through random sampling techniques were by 80 copies of questionnaires was distributed to the community members, the finding shows that majority of the respondent where strongly convince that non-compliance to immunization program lead to spread of immunizable disease in the community and are ready to comply. Through health education and support from government and non-governmental organization by giving incentive, the rate of non-compliance will be reduce and control.










                                                Table of Contents

Title Page. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Declaration. iii

Approval Page. iv

Dedication. v

Acknowledgement. vi

Chapter One. 1

1.0 Introduction. 1

1.1 Background of the Study. 1

1.2 Purpose of the Study. 2

1.3 Aims and Objectives of the Study. 3

1.4 Research Questions. 3

1.5 Statement of the Problem.. 3

1.6 Significant of the Study. 4

1.7 Scope of the Study. 4

1.8 Definition of Terms. 4

Chapter Two. 6

Literature Review.. 6

2.1 Concept of Immunization. 7

2.3 Factors Influencing Immunization Use. 9

2.4 Benefits for Immunization. 10

2.5 Type of Vaccine. 11

2.6 Concern of Medical Contraindication. 13

2.7 Concerns of Adverse Effects. 13

2.8 Educational Background. 14

2.8 Maternal Age. 15

2.9 Distance to Immunization Centre. 16

2.10 Child’s Characteristics as Predictors. 16

2.11 Place of Delivery. 17

2.12 Aged of Child. 17

2.13 Gender of Child. 17

Chapter Three. 19

Research Methodology. 19

3.1 Research Design. 19

3.2 Target Population. 19

3.3 Sample and Sampling Techniques. 19

Sampling Techniques. 19

3.4 Instruments for Data Collection. 19

3.5 Validity and Reliability of the Instruments. 20

3.6 Method of Data Collection. 20

3.7 Method of Data Analysis. 20

3.8 Ethical Consideration. 20

Chapter Four. 21

Data Presentation and Analysis. 21

4.0 Introduction. 21

4.1 Data Presentation and Interpretation. 21

Chapter Five. 28

Discussion of Finding, Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation. 28

5.0 Introduction. 28

5.1 Discussion of Finding. 28

5.2 Summary. 29

5.2 Conclusion. 29

5.3 Recommendations. 29

References. 30



Chapter One

1.0 Introduction 

1.1 Background of the Study

      Immunization can be define as the process of protecting an individual from disease through the introduction of a live, killed or partial component of the individual organism into the individual system.

   A parson who is immune to a disease is one who protect against that disease by mean of anti body calculating in his/her body compliance could be define as action in accordance with request to recommended, tendency to agree to dowlas rown.

   In developing countries especially Nigerian children between the age 0.2 year distal arming rates and some are disable for life as a result of their counter with one or more of communicable disease childhood disease such as tuberculosis, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, measles and poliomyelitis that could have been easily related by immunization.

    Nigeria started active immunization against the common childhood disease as far back as 1978. About the some time the WHO set thirteen year target for the reduction of effective curtailment of childhood disease. About eleven years that Nigeria started immunization campaign, it was found that beside other problem of the logistic and coordination, the system was unattractive because of superstition that four million children died before their first birth day while another four million children are affected with a physical or mental disability cause by one or more six childhood disease. It was in response to this situation what WHO set up especially programme in 1994 titled “the expanded programme on immunization” (EPI) which is also known as national programme on immunization all the world children particularly both less than one year of age against the basic childhood disease. Manager of Nigeria expanded programme on immunization (NPI) later added to their duty that ask of convening to many Nigerian about the advantage of immunization.

   Today immunization has reduced the incidence recurrence and generation childhood disease in the United state and other part of the world, grouped together. The vaccine preventable disease comprised the second main causes of under five mortality according to the routine national health management information system (NHMIS) detain 1999 the disease counted for 22% both infant and under five death for infant the most important where neonatal tetanus (11%) of death pertuses (6%) measles (6%) and cerebrospinal meningitis (CSM 2%) among under children peruses account for 6%, measles 5% and neonatal tetanus 5% reported death population based immunization programmed protect while communities this is because when enough people are immunized the disease have fewer potential hots to which it can be transferred mother should know that three to five immunization visits of the infant during the first years of life and life two immunization it for the mother to bear essential for protection against some of the main causes of disease, poor growth, malnutrition and early death.

   The problem of communicable childhood disease and their consequence some many Nigerian children indicate scenario that necessitates the expansion of the immunization programmes in Nigeria despite the effort of the Nigeria government and non-governmental organization.

1.1Aims and objectives of the study

The main aims of the study analyse the factors contributing not compliance and educate community about the danger involved as a result of ncompliance to immunization programme.

 Objectives of the Study

1.     To find out the factor responsible for noncompliance of immunization programme

2.     To find weather people in the area believe that estimate of noncompliance lead to spread of immunizable disease.

3.     To identify the various methods of solving or overcoming  noncompliance to immunization programme.

4.     To reduce acurance of childhood communicable disease

5.     To aware the people's of community important of immunisations

1.2 Research Questions

1.     What are the factors responsible for non-compleance to immunizations services in andaza town kiyawa l. g. a

2.     What are important of this rearserch

3.     What are the various method of controlling non-compliance to immunization programme in andaza town kiyawa local government area jigawa state

1.3 Statement of the Problem

   The immunization campaign has been experiencing some obstacles and constraint everywhere in Nigeria. The problem that lead to non-compliance in immunization programme in Andaza community include the following:-

1.     Culture and religion believe

2.     Illiteracy on the part of the parents

3.     Poverty and hunger which makes the parent to be aggressive

4.     Inadequate health facilities in some part of kiyawa local government area.

5.     Poor attitude of the health workers while result in parent rejection from receiving the service etc.

1.5 Significant of the Study

Community: The study will enable people of Andaza town kiyawa local government to knows the benefit of immunization against vaccine preventable disease and consequence involved as a result of non-compliance to immunization programme.

Government:- The study help to provide information to the government on the level of compliance to immunization programme and also help the government to formulate policy regard immunization activities.

Education: The study will serve as a guide to the student when conducting research, regarding immunization

1.6 Scope of the Study

This research work is focuses only on factors responsible for non-compliance to immunization programme in Andaza town kiyawa local government area of Jigawa state.

1.7 Definition of Terms

1.     Non-compliance: Is an attitude of some people to take immunization to their children.

2.     Immunity: Mean a highly developed state of resistance against infectious disease. Or is the ability of the body to resist infection.

3.     Immunization: Means protection of susceptible person from communicable disease by administration of vaccine.

4.     Vaccine: Is preparation that stimulate an immune responses that can prevent anti infection or create resistance to an infection.

5.     Vaccination: Is the administration of antigens substance to a child’s body to stimulate immune system.

6.     AEFI: Means advance event following immunization.

7.     Factors: Are elements or variables that contribute to a particular phenomenon situation, or outcome.

8.     Programe: A program is a set of planned activities projects or intervensions designed to achieve specific goals, objectives or outcomes.

9.     Prevention: Refers to the actions taken to avoid or reduce the risk of a disease, injury, or others health problems.

10. Disease: A disease is a condition that impairs the normal functioning of the body, often causing harm or discomfort to the individual.

11. Culture: Refers to the shared values beliefs, customs,traditional and practices of a group of people.

12. Belief: A belief is a mental acceptance or convicton that something exists, is true, or will happen.

13. Community: A commnity is a social group of people who share common interests, values, norms, or identities.

14. Control: Refers to the power or ability to influece, regulate, or direct the behavior, actions or decisions of individuals, groups, or systems.

15. Communicable: Refers to a disease or condition that can be transmitted from one person to another through various ways. 

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