This work examined the application of human relation principles in selected hotels in Umuahia. The aim was to investigate the extent of which the management of Hotel Royal Damgrete, Vilaroy Hotel. Hotel Heslon relate to their staff to ensure industrial harmony and productivity which brings about increase in profit. Survey method was used to collection of data, which involved the use of questionnaire. Two sets of hypotheses were formulated for the study. The analysis of the data gathered during the field study was done as well as the interpretation. Chi-square X2 statistical techniques was used to test the stated to test the stated hypothesis. The study revealed that there is a significance relationship between the human relation principle and productivity in the hotel industry. In conclusion, the management of the hospitality outfit have began to realize the importance of human relation in the industry as it brings about industrial harmony and ensure profit maximization. Among others workers motivation is important to ensure high productive, efficient and effective service delivery. Based on these finding it is recommended that knitting staff together will help in achieving organization goals and they must be good existing relationship between the service personnel and customers to ensure better customers to ensure better customer patronage.
Title Page i
Approval Page ii
Certification iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgement v
Table of Content vi
List of Tables viii
Abstract ix
1.1 Background
of the Study 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem 6
1.3 Objectives of the Study 6
1.4 Research
Questions 7
1.5 Significance
of the Study 7
1.6 Scope
of Study 7
2.1 Conceptual
Framework 8
2.1.1 Principles of Human Relations Approach 9
2.1.2 Attributes of Hospitality Industry 10
2.1.3 Motivation 11
2.1.4 Communication 13
2.2 Theoretical Framework 14
2.2.1 Motivation Theories and Models 14
2.2.2 Douglas
MC Gregor Theory X and Y 15
2.2.3 Motivational
Theories 17
2.2.4 Employee Motivation
Need Theories 18
2.3 Schein
Theory Assumptions About Man 19
3.1 Research
Design 21
3.2 Area
of Study 21
3.3 Population
for the Study 22
3.4 Sample and Sampling
Technique 22
3.5 Instruments for Data
Collection Technique 22
3.6 Validation of the
Instrument 23
3.7 Reliability
of the Instrument 23
3.8 Data
Collection Technique 23
4.1 Data Presentation 24
4.3 Testing
of Hypothesis 28
5.1 Summary 30
5.1.2 Major
Finding 30
5 3 Conclusion 31
5.4 Recommendations 31
Table 4.1 Number of Respondents 24
Table 4.2
Sex of Respondents 25
Table 4.3
Age Respondents 25
Table 4.4 Marital
status of Respondents 26
Table 4.5 Educational
Qualification of Respondents 26
Table 4.6 Working
Experience of Respondents 27
4.7 Analysis to find out whether
human relation principles increase
production in selected hotels 27
Table 4.8 Test
table 28
Table 4.9 Statistical
table X2 for hypothesis 29
is the relationship between guest and host, or the act or practice of being
hospitable. Specifically, this includes the reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or
strangers, resorts, membership clubs, conventions, attractions, special events, and other services
for travelers and tourists. It will not matter what we are presently doing, what is vital is our
don and the willingness to plan ahead for the future. Customers
are attracted and retained their needs are met. When a business firm satisfies its customers, the customers will pay
rice and a fair price includes profit which is the purpose of any viable
business venture.
hospitality establishment is bound to make more profit when it satisfies its
customers by d its service differentiating its service delivery through having
more able and reliable customer contact people possess the necessary skills
than its competitors. Productivity cannot be improved without creating the
proper social conditions and individual motivation. What is called for is more
than use of techniques derived from human relations theories. The hospitality
industry is a small delicate sector (This Day feb.10 2008) as such needs good
relationship among the key players in the sector. Productivity is the key of
your management efficiency and effectiveness. It e expressed as the total
expenditure incurred per day over the total income generated per day. These
expenditures can be broken down into different components and this will become
the per unit of the income. The advantage of productivity is that management
will be in a
to sport the issue of total daily fluctuation instead of waiting for one month
to see the historical result.
are factors that necessitate productivity in the hospitality industry. One of
such factors is relations among the workers in the establishment. Human
relation is considered an important tool in a hospitality service. (Ifegbo
2005) hospitality industry is labor-intensive; the need to know how this force
can be combined together with other resources available for more profitability
to the organization becomes imperative.
Due to
the service oriental nature of hospitality the need for human relations becomes
necessary. Although many authors have different views towards this human
relation, yet the need for a model in this work is still required.
(2004) pointed out that the goal of human relation oriented administration is
to evolve a system whereby the staff will be closely knit together as a group
of people with common goal which is the well-being of the industry. The
relationship between and among employee and indeed all the stakeholders are
essential in a hospitality establishment to work efficiently and productively
towards achieving its goals. In achieving a firms goal, guest satisfaction
requires that employees are supported and trained in both technical and
interpersonal relation skills, motivated, respected, trusted, appreciated and
applying human relation principles in selected hotels, a total quality
management is required. A total quality management is a structured system for
meeting and exceeding customers need and expectation by creating the attitude and control.
(2007) see human relations as a psychological aspect of administration that is,
peoples mind and their relationship in the organization. Human relations lay emphasis on the physical condition, social and
psychological as motivational factors that can propel a worker to improve their
performance for instance, favorable social conditions of a work Place, positive
workers interactions, and free-flow of informational workers participation in
decision making process will enhance workers effectiveness.
According to Philip
consulting (2004) total quality management is a philosophy of continuous
improvement, efficiency, profitability and long term success providing quality
service that can make a difference in competitive business environment that is
with respect to generating market share and ultimately making huge profit and
increasing customer’s loyalty. George (2008) writes 1 service is the new
standard by which customers measure an organizations performance.
Customer relation management (CRC) is
a managerial philosophy and practices which has rived widespread acceptance in
many industries. Good relationship between company and customer leads to
customer loyalty. Kolter et al. (2006)
therefore it is based on
the premise that the researcher has undertaken research topic implication of
human relation principle in selected hotels in Umuahia” with particular
in Abia State.
Historical Background of Hotel Royal Damgrete
Hotel Royal Damgrete is owned by the
CEO, Dr steve ihedigbo, since its creation in 2000 it has been known as the
best hotel in the State.
Hotel Royal Damgrete is a three (3)
star hotel situated at 13-16 factory road, GRA, Umuahia. a government reserved
area also housing the seat of power in the state, commissioners, police and top
With the advancement of hotels around
the world, the hotel was built with state of the art and it showcases the
hospitality and tourism of the people in Abia State. The facilities include the
presidential suite, diplomatic suite, executive suite, studio suite, deluxe
loom and d rooms fully `equipped with modern furniture and appliances.
Hotel Royal Damgrete has a
standard restaurant, Olympic size swimming pool with children pool, lawn tennis
court with flood lights, conference hall, executive board room with state of
the polishing. Also available are a pool bar, smoking bar, high speed wi-fi
internet, dstv, business x. gymnasium, VIP bar, boutique, wireless internet
connectivity, CCTV surveillance -cameras at strategic positions, mini hall and
a lounge bar.
Over the years the hospitality
industry has been faced with the problems of human relations exist among staff,
staff and management and most importantly between staff and s This has posed a
serious threat to the hospitality industry. Patrons expect perfect from
flawless professionals. They expect special treatment as special people who have
come to stay in a home away from home. They expect good value for their money.
They expect respect and courtesy accorded to kings and queens. Rather in most
cases they are id with unfriendly, hostile and unskilled employees at the
reception, restaurant, in the rooms and other service areas of the hospitality
establishment. Under this situation the guest disappointed as a result of the
awful experiences they have in their quest for pleasure. Consequently the
establishment soon begins to experience low patronage and profit which poses to
the hospitality industry.
The main objective of this
study is the application of human relation principles in selected hotels, The
specific objectives are;
To determine how good human relation principles increase
To identify the extent in which the management of these
hotels implement human relations.
To identify how they commit their resources in the hotel to
boost staff morale, training, development and incentives.
· Dues good human relation
principle increase productivity?
· To what extent does the
management of these hotels implement human relations?
· Do they commit their
resources to the hotel to boost self-morale, training, development and incentives?
This study will
help the organization to maintain co-ordinal relationship with the workers and
also improve team work among workers enabling them to be comfortable while
working. It will also enable companies, hotels, parastatals to achieve its
objective from time to time by creating a positive attitude among workers,
making maximum use of resources and reducing wastage. It also help the
management of the hospitality industries to see the importance of adopting
human relation principles to enhance productivity. Also, it will lay emphasis
on how the hospitality industry can build effective human relationships using
human relation strategies to effective human relations by meeting the needs of
employees and guests and building customer-employee relationship.
This work
focuses on Hotel Royal Damgrete, Villa Roy Hotel and hotel Helson all in
Umuahia North LGA Unuahia is the capital of Abia State which has an area of
245km2 and a population of 220,660.
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