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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009633

No of Pages: 88

No of Chapters: 1-5

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The study examined the hotel facilities and customer patronage among selected hotels in Umuhia, Abia State. The objectives of the study are; To examine the identify the various hotel facilities that enhances customer patronage in hotels in Umuahia, examine the influence of quality facility on customer patronage in hotels in Umuahia, determine the influence physical settings on customer patronage in hotels in Umuahia, examine the influence of servicescape on customer patronage in hotels in Umuahia and to determine the influence of interior design on customer patronage in hotels in Umuahia. To achieve the objective of the study, survey research design was adopted. The researcher adopted primary data in getting the required information through the use of structured questionnaire. The population of the study is infinite owing the fact that the total number of hotel customer cannot be ascertained. The sample size of the study is 234 after adopting infinite formula. In analyzing the data, simple descriptive statistics was used. The findings revealed that Quality facility has a significant influence on customer patronage in hotels in Umuahia. The findings also revealed settings has a significant influence on customer patronage in hotels in Umuahia.. Also Servicescape has a significant influence on customer patronage in hotels in Umuahia. The study recommends that hospitality industry should integrate maintenance budgets into organizational objectives and have functional maintenance centres; hospitality industry should be committed to high maintenance management to minimize production losses and wastes. Also, Preventive maintenance education and training should be given to every machine operator on regular basis and implementation of preventive maintenance actions be monitored by the head of maintenance department to reduce the chances of machine breakdown.


CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION                                                                            1

1.1 Background to the study                                                                                       1

1.2 Statement of the problem                                                                                     4

1.3 Objective of the study                                                                                           6

1.4 Research questions                                                                                               6

1.5 Research hypotheses                                                                                             7

1.6 Significance of the study                                                                                      7

1.7  Scope of the study                                                                                           8

1.8 Operational Framework                                                                                        8

CHAPTER 2: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE                                               9

2.1 Conceptual framework                                                                                                   9

2.1.1 Facilities quality                                                                                                           9

2.1.2 Customer patronage                                                                                                                                           11       

2.1.3 Servicescape and customer patronage in hotels                                                            13

2.1.4 Physical settings and customer patronage                                                                     24 Dimensions of physical settings                                                                     29

2.1.5 Interior design and customer patronage                                                             33

2.2 Theoretical, framework                                                                                         36

2.2.1 Theory of reasoned action (tra)                                                                          36

2.2.2 Theory of planned behavior                                                                              37

2.3 Empirical review                                                                                                   38

CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY                                                                           45

3.1 Research design                                                                                                    45

3.2 Area of the study                                                                                                  45

3.3 Population for the study                                                                                       45

3.4 Sampling and sampling technique                                                                        46

3.4.1 Sample size determination                                                                                46

3.4.2 Sampling technique                                                                                           47

3.5 Instrument for data collection                                                                               47

3.6 Validation of the instrument                                                                                 48

3.7  Reliability of the instrument                                                                                       48

3.8 Method of data collection                                                                                     48

3.9 Method of data analysis                                                                                        49


DISCUSSION OF RESULTS                                                                                  50

4.1 Data presentation                                                                                                  50

4.2. Data analysis for test of hypotheses                                                                                55

4.3 Test of hypotheses                                                                                                            56

4.4 Discussion of findings                                                                                          58


5.1 Summary                                                                                                                           60

5.1.1 Restatement of the problem                                                                                           61

5.1.2 Description of methods used                                                                                         62

5.1.3 Major findings                                                                                                                62

5.2 Conclusion                                                                                                                         63

5.3 Recommendations                                                                                                             63

5.4 Contribution to knowledge                                                                                               64

5.5 Suggestion for further studies                                                                                           64









According to Kumar & Malik (2013), hospitality is defined as reception and entertainment of guests, visitors or strangers with liberality and goodwill. Hotels have come up beyond what used to be in the years past in terms of customers. Hotels now arm themselves with modern equipment in order to be relevant and remain competitive in the industry. Just like any other commercial establishment, hotels have functional compartments ranging from customer service, human resources, finance, research and development and facilities which are the focus of this study among others. The competition for having a strategic location and adequate facilities that create delight to customers is now the priority in the minds of the hotel investors. 

The hospitality industry consists of firms that provide such services as accommodations, restaurants and bars, travel and tourism within the service sector of the state. The firms in the hospitality industry depend on consumers who have disposable income and leisure time to patronize their businesses. The hospitality industry provides salutary services in spectacular, fantastically organized environments; with serene landscaping, sensational architecture, enveloping ambience, and well oriented staff. As a result of the foregoing and the importance of the services consumers are always willing to spend their spare time and income in these environments. Firms in the hospitality industry thus make significant investment to provide attractive and serene service environment to meet the relaxation needs of customers. Firm that do not have the capacity to put appropriate physical evidence in place will not enjoy the patronage of consumers. The role of physical environment in signaling customers about the nature of service that can be provided in a given environment cannot be overemphasized. In fact, it could be argued that hospitality firms’ ability to provide befitting physical environments that augments their core services is associated with customer patronage. It thus follows that hospitality firms that are not adequately patronized, may be failing in their task of appropriately manipulating the “physical evidence” to enhance customer experience. Put succinctly, hospitality firms’ failure to get adequate customer patronage may be connected to their inability to manipulate ambient conditions; appropriately organize service system designs; and put forward a well-dressed customer-oriented service staff to provide their core service offerings.

Physical evidence as one of the hotel facilities is paramount in service marketing due to the fact that pre-purchase assessment of service is difficult because of the peculiar nature of service. The peculiar nature of services poses challenges for marketers in their effort to establish and maintain relationship with customers; as customers’ evaluation of service is totally dependent on personal perception of the service encounter. Also, customers are skeptical about overall service experience because services are intangible: They cannot be seen, tasted, felt, heard or smelled prior to purchase. Other characteristics of service that pose challenge to marketers are: heterogeneity - the quality of service depends on who provides them and when, where, and how; inseparability - services cannot be separated from their providers; perishability - services cannot be stored for later sale or use. As a result of these, customers find it difficult to evaluate service quality and make purchase decision. Extant literature however, suggests that customers can rely on several measures of service quality to make purchase decision. Such measures include (1) reliability; (2) responsiveness; (3) assurance; (4) empathy; and (5) tangible as postulated in the SERVQUAL model (Parasuraman, Zeithaml, & Berry, 2015); or (1) the service delivery process (functional dimension); (2) the outcomes which are produced for the customer (technical dimension); and (3) the customer’s perception about the company (image dimension) as proposed by Gronroos (2014).

Consumers cannot experience the service before making a purchase decision; they make purchase decision based on preliminary evaluation of tangible elements associated with the service. That is to say, there must be certain clues that will help them make superficial assessment before obtaining the service. Thus, consumers make inference about the service quality from things they can see in connection with the service such as the place, people, price, equipment, and communication (Kotler & Armstrong, 2013); and make purchase decision accordingly. In other words, to allay the uncertainty in the service experience, consumers look for signals of service quality, prior to purchase. It is therefore the task of marketers to provide symbolic evidence about the quality of their services to enable consumers create a mental picture of the service experience or the capability of the service provider. Therefore, the focus of this study is to determine the connection between physical evidence and customer patronage of hospitality firms.

Generally, the hotel business is challenging and thrilling and these pave ways for investors to become financially independent, bosses in their own right, create job opportunity and also increase self-esteem. Besides, it gives owners the opportunity to be creative in terms of meeting customers’ expectations. To record huge success in this aspect, efforts must be geared towards putting in place all essentials that will create customer satisfaction because, customers are becoming more conscious of their convenience, hence, want to be fulfilled. The awaking consciousness in customers had sharpened their knowledge horizon, thereby armed them to the extent that customers are readily prepared to challenge bad service rendered. This increase in knowledge has reshaped end user service expectations from service providers (Oladele, 2011). This heightened knowledge had exposed the organisation of hotel businesses to embrace factors that are capable of enhancing customer patronage. This is because the society depends on organisations, so also organisations depend on the society for survival and for achieving specific and desirable ends, through services, products, and facilities offered to the members of the society. Therefore, effective customer service through the availability of quality facilities cannot be ignored in the realm of achieving effective customer patronage in hotels.

 The advent of dynamism in facilities becomes an imperative in the context of achieving effective customer patronage in hotel business provided to end users has reshaped the activities of hotels in Nigeria simply because most activities beyond lodging are now being carried out in hotels. Past studies have indicated the importance of facilities as a sub set of critical success factors in the management of service oriented organisations and their findings tend towards diverse and different focus (Mosoma, 2014;Okibo&Ogwe, 2013; Natuhwera, 2011; Shariff, Omar, Sulong, Majid, Ibrahim, Jaafar & Idris, 2015; Jakpar& Johari, 2012; Lacap, 2014; Kumar & Malik 2013; Choi & Chu, 2001; Zaim, Yasar & Unal, 2013; Oliveira, Pedro & Marques, 2013). Nigeria as a frontier market with the growing population of about 170 million is fast becoming the center of focus for potential investors who see Nigeria as a greener pasture where business will thrive. The dream of Nigeria as hospitality investment destination may not be fulfilled, if necessary quality facilities are not put in place. Therefore, this study intends to investigate the influence of facilities quality on customer patronage of hotels in Nigeria.


Facilities are very important to hotels today. Having and maintaining a good facility is necessary not only to ensure continued operations of hotels, but also increases customer patronage. The issue of maintaining a good facility is often highlighted in the hospitality industry with respect to weaknesses in managing the maintenance of hotel facilities. Due to growing customer expectations and the demands for exceptional service, the hospitality industry will always have unique challenges. Right from the entrance, guests are already making decisions based on the performance of security and the concierge. By the time they check-in, other factors like general maintenance, air conditioning, plumbing, lighting, and a host of other guest services will influence their decisions on whether to become repeat customers (Bryan, 2019).

Most hotels have failed to give sufficient attention to their facilities. This has in turn failed to boost the image of hotels, resulting to low patronage by customers. Ayeni and Ebohon (2012), explained that the hotels rooms, game reserves, nature reserves and in some cases the halls are not adequately maintained nor physically developed in line with ambient physical environment that enables conducive atmosphere for attraction of customers. In most hotels today, machines and facilities are not functioning effectively as a result of lack of maintenance. Some parts of the building that need maintenance are left without maintenance thereby making customers to consider other hotels.

There are different dimensions of maintenance management such as routine inspection and overhauling, repairs and replacement. Most hotels in Umuahia, Abia State seem not to be doing the needful regarding maintenance management as observations have shown in some cases the air conditions do not function effectively, some of the buildings are no longer attractive, house keeping facilities are so outdated and out of maintenance. All these and more are pointers to the fact that maintenance management has become a topical issue particularly in hotel operation where service quality is the customer watchword. Research findings have shown that possible effects that maintenance management can have on organizational competitiveness. It is on this that this present study is being carried out to determine the hotel facilities and customer patronage among selected hotels in Umuhia, Abia State.


The main objective of the study is to determine the hotel facilities and customer patronage among selected hotels in Umuhia, Abia State.

The specific objectives include to:

(i)    identify the various hotel facilities that enhances customer patronage in hotels in Umuahia.

(ii)  examine the influence of quality facility on customer patronage in hotels in Umuahia.

(iii)                  determine the influence physical settings on customer patronage in hotels in Umuahia.

(iv) examine the influence of service scape on customer patronage in hotels in Umuahia.

(v)  determine the influence of interior design on customer patronage in hotels in Umuahia.


The following questions guided the study 

(i)    what are the various hotel facilities that enhances customer patronage in hotels in Umuahia?

(ii)  to what extent does quality facility influence customer patronage in hotels in Umuahia?

(iii)                   what is the influence physical settings on customer patronage in hotels in Umuahia?

(iv)  how does servicescape influence customer patronage in hotels in Umuahia?

(v)  to what extent does interior design influence customer patronage in hotels in Umuahia?



The following hypotheses is stated in null form

H01: Quality facility has no significant influence on customer patronage in hotels in Umuahia.

H02: Physical settings has no significant influence on customer patronage in hotels in Umuahia.

H03: Servicescape has no significant influence on customer patronage in hotels in Umuahia.

H04: Interior designhas no significant influence on customer patronage in hotels in Umuahia.


The study will be of great benefit to the following group of people; hotels, customers, students and researchers. The findings from this work will educate hotels operators to know influence of hotel facility on customer patronage. The findings and recommendations of this study will enlighten hotels operators on the dimensions of hotel facilities that enhances customer patronage. The study will also help hotel operators as it will enable them to see need to pay more attention to improving hotel facilities in order to enhance customer patronage.

The findings of this work will help customers to be aware of how good or bad hotels are when it comes to hotel facilities and the choice at the right value to go for. However, such will enhance customer satisfaction and hence, increases customer patronage. This study would help customers to know more about state of hotels in UmuahiaAbia State especially in the area of hotel facilities.

With the improvement of hotel facilities, customers will be satisfied by the product or service that would be given to them. However, the publication of this work both online and manual publication will play a significant role in educating managers of hotels on what to do in order to meet with the demand of customers.

This research when published, will also be significant to the students of this noble institution and other institutions in the field of tourism and hospitality management as it would enable them to know the importance of hotel facilities to customer patronage in hotel UmuahiaAbia state and Nigeria as whole.

Finally, the publication of this work both manual and online publication will help in serving as a reference material to researchers who would wish to research on a similar topic in future.


The content scope is hotel facilities and customer patronage among hotels. The unit scope is selected hotels in Umuahia, Abia State. The unit scope are the managers and customers of the selected hotels in Umuahia, Abia state.

1.9 Operational Framework

The operational framework showing the independent variable (hotel facility) and the dependent variable (customer patronage).

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