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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009535

No of Pages: 62

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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This study identifies progenitor attitude towards their internal customers and the affect on patronage of hotel industry and adopted descriptive design survey type.  A 10 item questionnaire titled progenitor attitude towards their internal customers and the affect on patronage of hotel industry was designed for data collection of 208 respondents. Which included zero internal customers and 8 progenitors of 4 sampled hotels completed their questionnaire property. Data were analyzed using tables, frequency and mean, to answer the research question and independent z-test was used to test the null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The study revealed that progenitor displays some attitude that affect the customers and staff welfare and also affect patronage of hotel industry.


Title Page                                                                                                                                i

Approval Page                                                                                                                        ii

Certification                                                                                                                           iii

Dedication                                                                                                                              iv

Acknowledgement                                                                                                                  V

Table of Content                                                                                                                     vi-vii  

List of Table                                                                                                                           viii

Abstract                                                                                                                                  ix        


CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION                                                                                                              

1.1       Background of the Study                                                                                              1               

1.2       Statement of Problems                                                                                                  3    

1.3       Objective of the Study                                                                                                  4

1.4       Research Question                                                                                                        4

1.5       Research Hypothesis                                                                                                    4

1.6       Significance of the Study                                                                                             5

1.7       Research Findings                                                                                                        6       

1.8       Consequence of Problem Faced by Workers                                                               7

1.9       Summary                                                                                                                      7


CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW                                                                                                         

2.1       Introduction                                                                                                                 8

2.2       Conceptual Framework                                                                                                8

2.2.1    Internal Customer Concept                                                                                           9

2.2.2    Customer Service Concept                                                                                          10

2.2.3    Customer Concept                                                                                                      13

2.3       Theoretical Framework                                                                                              14

2.3.1    Customer Service Theory                                                                                           14

2.3.2    Consistency Theories                                                                                                 16

2.3.3    Function Theories                                                                                                       20

2.3.4    Theory of Reasoned Action                                                                                        22

2.3.5    Theory of Planned Behavior                                                                                      22

2.3.6    Management Theories and Concepts at the Workplace                                             23

2.3.7      Contingency Theory                                                                                                   23

2.3.8   Theories of Leadership                                                                                                23

2.4       Empirical Framework                                                                                                 24

2.4.1    What Progenitors have to do in order to Enhance work Productivity                        24

2.4.2    Leadership and Management Administration                                                            26

2.4.3    Leadership and Motivation                                                                                         27

2.5       Summary                                                                                                                    32


CHAPTER THREE: METHODOLOGY                                                                                     

3.1       Introduction                                                                                                                33

3.2       Research Design                                                                                                         34

3.3       Area of Study                                                                                                              34

3.4       population of the Study                                                                                              34

3.5       Sample and Sampling Techniques                                                                             34

3.6       Instrument for Data Collection                                                                                   35

3.7       Validity of the Instrument                                                                                          35      

3.8       Reliability of Instruments                                                                                           35

3.9       Data Collection Techniques                                                                                        35

3.10     Data analysis Techniques                                                                                           36


CHAPTER FOUR: DATA PRESENTATION AND ANALYSES                                                                       




5.1       Discussion of Result                                                                                                   45

5.2       Conclusion                                                                                                                  48

5.3       Implications of the Findings:                                                                                      49   5.4           Recommendation                                                                                                            49













Table 4.1:                    Research Question 1                                                                         37

Table 4.2:                    Distribution of staff responses to Research question 1                     38

Table 4.3:                    Distribution customer’s responses to Research question 2                    39

Table 4.4:                   Distribution of staff responses to Research question 2                      40

Table 4.5:                    Staff and Customers responses to research Question 3                      41

Table 4.6:                    Distribution of progenitor’s responses to research Question 3       42

Table 4.7:                    Z –test analysis of research hypothesis 1                                           43

Table 4.8:                    Z-test analysis of Research Hypothesis 2                                                    43

Table 4.9:                    Z –test analysis to research hypothesis 3                                            44










1.1       Background of the Study

According to Wikipedia. Com, progenitor can be defined as “A person or thing from which others are descended or originate”. Progenitor’s attitude towards internal customer has a great effect on patronage of organization, which can be both in positive and negative terms. Based on definition of progenitor we can say that when a progenitor acts positively or negatively towards his/her staff who came in contact with the customer will determine the staff attitude to the customer.

Attitude can be said to be an action towards an individual that will push him/her to act or to do a particular thing, this attitude may be positive or negative and when it is on the negative side it will have bad effect on the level of patronage that an organization expects to have thereby redesign the inflow of customers that comes into an organization. When it is on the positive side, if will also show on the level at which a customer visits an organization because when a staff is encouraged he/she will be happy in carrying out its duties very effective and to ensure that the customer gain the full satisfaction which the customer has come to enjoy in the place visited. Before progenitor can start talking on how to improve in its business he/she must first employ such attitude that will be used to push or make his staff that work for him in the hotel/organization so that they can be able to work in order to give the external customer the level of satisfaction which he wants to have in the place visited. Over the year’s people have carried out research work in order to know how best to handle its internal customer (staff) so that they can be able to meet up to the saying that “A happy staff will begot a happy customer” Hotel owners who practice effective leadership skill, must combine their own knowledge with those of their staff to accomplish work    assignments.

Over the years progenitor 5attitude toward their internal customer has been a major problem on the activities or services of the hotel industry. These attitudes are those behaviors that owners of organization exhibit to their workers. The management of people at work is an integral part of measurement process, to understand the critical importance of human element in the organization, is synonymous in the hotel industry.

Management is the process of achieving organizational goals and objective through the use of people and resources of organization (Akanwa and Ohiari, 2003) people could be referred to as the workers of employees. They are the most important of the organization resource assets. Without competent workforce, production, distribution and effective exchange will be a futile and investment becomes economic wastages. Many hotels have become moribund as a result of attitude of the owners towards the workers. Many progenitors do not give the required respect and honor to their worker. They feel that workers do not add any value to their business; they feel customers come just like that without recourse to the contribution of the workers. This unwholesome behavior from employers (progenitor) leaves workers in doubted which creates attitude of lazier –affair in workers, hence they adopt the attitude that after all this is not my father’s work. This of course brings carefree attitude which transmit in their behavior to their clientele.

A well managed organization usually sees an average worker as the root source of quality and productivity gains, such organization do not look to capital investment. An organization is effective to the degree to which it archives its goals. An effective organization will make sure that there is a spirit of cooperation and sense of commitment and satisfaction within the sphere of its influence. In order to make employees effective, satisfied and committed to their job in hotel establishment, there is need for strong and effective motivation at the various level, department and sections of the hotel. No business can compete effectively without establishing good relationship with its internal customer, in some instance parties execute a formal written contract to memorialize the terms of their relationship.

1.2       Statement of the Problem

Over the year progenitor’s attitudes toward their internal customer has been a major problem on the activities or service of the hotel industry.

Progenitors look down at their staff because of the feeling that their internal customer (staff) does not actually contribute much to the growth of the establishment. In most case they talk to them as slaves and not as workers that should be respected.

This attitude from the progenitors (owners) has rather damaged the staff ability of the work force than improving it. Many staff feels down casted in work force rather than feeling happy. Once the presence of the owner is felt in the establishment, workers feel diminished and at this point they lose glamour and integrity. This they transfer to the customer, they also transfer to the customer attitude toward the establishment th2rough in patronage which reflects in profit magnetization and sustainability of the establishment. When the attitude of the progenitor does not satisfy the internal customer, the level at which they respond to the customer will not portlier the image of the establishment and by so doing the hotel will lose the customers and the objective of the organization will not be gained. It is as a result of these that the researcher has embarked on this work in order to find solution to the problems.

1.3       Objective of the Study

The general objective of this research is to analyze the impact of progenitor’s attitude toward the internal customer and the effect on the patronage of hotel industry. The specific objectives are to:

1.         To determine attitude that progenitors display toward staff and customers.

2.         To determine attitude of progenitor that will affect staff and customers welfare.

3.         To determine attitude of the progenitor that will affect patronage of the hotel.

1.4       Research Question

In order to carry out this study properly and successfully, the following hypothesis are formulated and empirically tested.

1.         What attitude does the progenitor display towards staff and customers?

2.         What attitude of the progenitor will affect the welfare of staff and customer?

3.         What attitude of the progenitor will affect hotel patronage?

1.5       Research Hypothesis

Ho1:    There is no significant difference in mean responses between staff and customers on the attitude displayed by progenitor toward staff and customers.

Ho2:    There is no significant difference in mean response between staff and customers on the attitude of progenitor that affect welfare of staff and customers.   

Ho3:    there is no significant difference in the mean responses between staff and customers on attitude of progenitors that affect patronage of the hotel industry.

1.6       Significance of the Study

The research work will benefit the following:

1.         The establishment: It will benefit the establishment in many ways like lettings the various progenitor of hotel’s to known that any attitude they use their staff must have an effect on the level at which they  carry out their duties, and if the attitude is on the positive side the establishment will experience growth in their patronage but if it is on the negative side the internal customers will not  be encourage to do their work very effectively and by so doing the establishment will loss it’s customer and the level of the establishment goals and objective will not be achieved.

2.         The customer: when the progenitors attitude ward the internal customers is one that motivate them the workers will discharge their duties very effective in order to achieve the goals and objectives that the organization need which is to make sure that the customers who visit their establishment will have the full value of goods and services which they come to enjoy and has paid for no customer will want to pay for a service that does not give him/her satisfaction in a place visited.

3.         The host community: when the attitude of the progenitor toward his/her internal customer is one that satisfies  the  customer, the establishment will have and increased patronage and by so doing the people living around the place where establishment is located (Host community) will be employed because the establishment  growth level has increased.

4.         The internal customer: it will benefit the internal customer in some ways like letting the staff (workers) to know that even if the attitude of their progenitor is one that do not gain/give them the level of satisfaction they require, they should try and manage their emotion very well so that even when they come in contact with customers they can be able to satisfy their guest.

1.7       Research Findings

Through this research the researcher found out there are many problems that internal customer face in workplace which is as a result of the attitude the progenitor exhibit toward them which has an effect on the establishment, and those problems are:

1.         SEXUAL HARASSMENT: It is a major issue that worker faces at their workplace and many women fall victim of sexual harassment at workplace. At time employers (progenitor) try to take sexual favours from female employee in return of other benefit and promotions, while the male for suffers.

2.         UNEQUAL PAY: It is another issue that staff faces at their workplace, even though the male prove to be more efficient than the female employees most of the time they are not paid equally.

3.        EXTORTION

4.        DISHONEST

5.        ANGER

6.        INHUMAN

7.        UNJUST

8.        INGENUITY e.t.c


Due to the various problems faced by internal customer (staff) at workplace many have bad consequence on the establishment, like:

1.         Reduction efficiency.

2.         Damage to image of the establishment.

3.         Increase absenteeism and dropout rates.

4.         Additional cost of recruitment and training on resignation.

1.9       SUMMARY

Progenitor attitude toward the internal customer has been a problem which affects the growth and development of hotel industry because the internal customer are the one that come in contact with the external customer who come to stay or to eat in the place where they  visits. When an internal customer is not motivated by the progenitor, he/she will not be carrying out his duties very effective because he is unhappy and will lead to the down fall of the establishment, so there is need for progenitor to apply attitude that will satisfy its staff so that he can gain the growth level needed.                       


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