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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008303

No of Pages: 64

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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The researcher examines the determinants of customer patronage of fast-food firms in Umuahia, Abia state, Nigeria. Data were obtained from the use of a structured questionnaire which was distributed to 382 respondents. Probit regression model and descriptive statistics were used for data analysis. However, the outcome of regression analysis in the study showed a positive and strong relationship between food quality and customer patronage. It was also concluded that a restaurant image exerts significant effect on customers’ patronage. The researcher recommends that fast-food management should opt for a trendy and classy image to attract consumers who are concerned about their personal image when dinning out. The researcher also recommends that management should seek to determine how to allocate their efforts and resources.








Title page                                                                                                           i

Declaration                                                                                                        ii

Certification                                                                                                      iii

Dedication                                                                                                         iv

Acknowledgement                                                                                            v

List of tables                                                                                                      vi

Table of content                                                                                                vii

Abstract                                                                                                             ix



1.1     Background to the Study                                                                         1

1.2     Statement of the Problem                                                                         3

1.3     Objective of the Study                                                                             4

1.4     Research Questions                                                                                  5

1.5     Hypothesis                                                                                               5

1.6     Significance of the Study                                                                         6

1.7     Scope of the Study                                                                                   6

1.8     Limitations of the Study                                                                          7



2.1     Conceptual Framework                                                                            8

2.1.1  The Trend in Fast-Food Industry in Nigeria and International World          8

2.2     Theoretical Framework                                                                            10

2.2.1 Theories on Customer Patronage                                                             10

2.3     Empirical Review                                                                                    12

2.4     Determinants of Customer Patronage                                                      14

2.4.1 The Concept of Food Quality                                                                  14

2.4.2  The Concept of Perceived Value                                                             16

2.4.3 The Concept of Service Quality                                                              18

2.4.4 The Concept of Restaurant Image                                                           19

2.4.5 The Concept of Environment                                                                   20

2.4.6 The Concept of Price                                                                               21

2.4.7 The Concept of Cleanliness                                                                     22

2.4.1 Effect of Food Quality on Customer Patronage                                       23

2.4.2 Effect of Perceived Value on Customer Patronage                                 24

2.4.3 Effect of Service Quality on Customer Patronage                                   26

2.6     Benefits of Customer Patronage for Fast-Food Firms                               27




3.1     Research Design                                                                                      29

3.2     Area of Study                                                                                           29

3.3     Population of the Study                                                                           30

3.4     Sample Size and Sampling Procedure                                                     30

3.5     Method of Data Collection                                                                      31

3.6     Validity of the Instrument                                                                        31

3.7     Reliability of the Instrument                                                                    32

3.8     Method of Data Analysis                                                                         32

3.9     Model Specification                                                                                 33

3.9.1 Decision Rule                                                                                           35



PRESENTATION OF DATA AND ANALYSIS                                          36




5.1 Summary of Findings                                                                                   47

5.2 Conclusion                                                                                                   48

5.3 Recommendation                                                                                         49


References                                                                                                         51


Appendix 1                                                                                                         54










Table 4.1 The Socioeconomic Characteristics of Respondents                   36

4.1:1 Age of respondents                                                                         36

4.1:2 Sex of the respondents                                                                    36

4.1:3 Marital status of respondents                                                          37

4.1:4 Educational background of the respondents                                   37

4.1:5 Occupation of respondents                                                             37

4.1:6 Average monthly income of respondents                                       38


Table 4.2 To ascertain the effect of food quality on customer patronage

Regression analysis showing the effect of food quality on customer

patronage                                                                                                          38

4.2:7 Model Summary                                                                             39

4.2:8ANOVAb                                                                                            39

4.2:9Coefficientsa                                                                                                                      39

Table 4.3 To examine the effect of Restaurant image on customer patronage

Regression analysis showing the effect of restaurant image on customer

Patronage                                                                                                          40

4.3:10Model Summary                                                                            40

4.3:11ANOVAb                                                                                                                          40

4.3:12Coefficientsa                                                                                   41

Table 4.4 To examine the effect of firm environment on customer patronage

Regression analysis showing the effect of firm environment on customer

Patronage                                                                                                          42     

4.4:13Model Summary                                                                            42

4.4:14ANOVAb                                                                                        42

4.4:15Coefficientsa                                                                                   42

Table 4.5 Key Determinants of Customer Patronage                                   44

4.5:16 The probit regression table below shows the key determinant of

Customer patronage                                                                                 44









1.1     Background to the Study

There is a perceived increase in the number of fast-food restaurants that spring up in every city in Nigeria. Thus, suggesting that the sector is gaining acceptance among consumers. Tabassum and Rahman (2012) argued that the popularity of fast-food restaurant in every growing city of the world is a product of the effect of globalization. Thus, every segment of the society now consumes fast-food. According to Ahmed,et al(2008), consuming fast-foods has become a recent trend among upper society, teenagers and youths have also increased and the fast-food has won the palate of those groups. Park (2004) viewed, eating at fast-food restaurants not only help consumers to satisfy their hunger, but it also creates need for convenience, pleasure entertainment, time saving, social interaction and the mood transformation. Besides, consumers experience excitement, pleasure and a sense of personal well-being in visiting fast-food restaurantsPark, (2004).

 Carew (2010) averred that the hectic lifestyle of many Nigerians does not allow the luxury of home cooked meals. The reason being that fast-food is convenient and readily available; it has become the choice of many young adults and upwardly mobile individuals. In the same vein, industry players have gone beyond serving quick foods like snacks to venturing into African delicacies. This strategy of capturing more markets has expanded the customer base of fast-food firms over the past few years.

Despite the perceived acceptance of fast-food restaurants in the Nigeria environment, consumers are now beginning to be choosy in the aesthetics, product and service received from fast-food restaurants. Amold, et al(1983) asserted that location, price, assortment, fast checkout, friendly and courteous service and pleasant shopping environment were critical determinants of store patronage. Arguably these factors may influence consumers’ decision to visit a fast-food restaurant. Fast-food restaurants are said to have their own benefits, which their customers perceive, (Liu and Jang (2008).

These perceived benefits are the primary reasons why fast-food restaurants are patronized. Liu et al (2000) viewed that, the relative importance customers attach to individual benefits can differ significantly and these can be used as effective measurement in segmenting the markets. Markets consist of various buyers and buyers who differ in one or more aspects. They may differ in their wants, resources, geographical locations, buying attitudes, lifestyles, and buying practices. Intuitively, the choice of consumers visiting a fast-food restaurant hinges on Identifiable factors peculiar to an environment which need to be ascertained. Most of the research, concerning the selection of restaurants is based on identification of determinant attributes Bojanic, (2007). 

1.2     Statement of the Problem

This study was informed by the perceived growing trend of visiting fast-food restaurants by individuals, households and friends in Nigeria. With increased competition among fast- food restaurants and the growing health consciousness of consumers, the consumers are now beginning to be choosy in the aesthetics, product and service received from fast food restaurants (Tabassum and Rahman. 2012; Nezakatl, Kuan and Asgarl, 2011). A lot of studies have been carried out on fast food restaurants from different stand point and perspectives (UKessay, 2013; Carew, 2010; Park, 2004; Lowenstein. 1995) and each profiling different factors influencing customers repurchase intention (Ahmad, Ghazall and Othman. 2013; Akbar and Alaudeen, 2012). Factors ranging from food quality, Service quality, Environment, Price, Quick service (Akbar and Alaudeen. 2012; Tabassum and Rahman, 2012; Tat , Sook-Min, AI-Chln, Rasll and Hamid, 2011 ), Restaurant image (Ling, Mun and Ling, 2011) and fast-food store image factors, consumers' values of eating-out, consumers' opinions about the globalisation (Ibrahim and Vignali, 2005) have been considered to influence consumers patronage of fast-food restaurants in regions with different cultural, environmental and socio economic backgrounds. Findings from studies show different results among researchers, thus engendering and informing different growth policy implications. Supporting this view, Tabassum and Rahman (2012) noted that pattern of food consumption may vary due to the differences in culture, climate, socioeconomic status, etc. In fact, the habit of taking food among the inhabitants of a country may change due to several factors. Therefore in order to bridge the literature gap, this study investigates the determinants of customer patronage towards fast-food restaurants in Abia state, Nigeria.

1.3     Objective of the Study

The broad objective of this study will be to determine the factors that influencecustomers’ patronage of fast-food restaurants in Abia state, Nigeria. The specific objectives will be to;

               i.         identify the socio-economic characteristics of consumers of fast-food firms.

             ii.         examine the effect of food quality on customer patronage for fast-food firms.

           iii.         examine the effect of restaurant image on customer patronage for fast-food firms.

           iv.         ascertain the effect of firm environment on customer patronage for fast-food firms.

             v.         to estimate the determinants of customer patronage for fast-food firms.


1.4     Research Questions

               i.         What are the socio-economic characteristics of fast-food consumers in Abia state?

             ii.         What effect does food quality have on customer patronage of fast-food firms?

           iii.         What effect does restaurant image have on customer patronage for fast-food industry?

           iv.         What effect does the environment have on customer patronage for fast-food firms?

             v.         What are the determining factors that predict customer patronage in the context of Nigeria fast-food firms?

1.5     Hypotheses

H01:   There is no significant effect of food quality on customer patronage for fast-food firms.

Ho2:   There is no significant effect of restaurantimage on customer patronage for fast-food firms.

Ho3: There is no significant effect of determining factors that predict customer patronage in fast-food firms.


 1.6    Significance of the Study

This study will be beneficial to students, academics, policy makers and customers of fast food restaurants in Abia state. For students, the findings of this study will serve as a guideline for other scholars who might be interested in carrying out further research in fast food restaurants in Abia state. It will also help to fill the gaps in the already existing literature on determinants of customers’ patronage of fast-food restaurants. For academia, it will help stimulate further research in this area of study because of the effect of globalization on all aspect of human activity. The study will be helpful to government and policy makers to formulate policies that will enhance and regulate the establishment and operating of fast-food restaurants in Nigeria.

1.7     Scope of the Study

The study focuses on investigating customer patronage for fast-food industry in Nigeria: Study of selected fast-food firms in Abia state, Nigeria. Specifically, the study provides empirical evidence on factors that influence the behaviour of consumers towards patronising the fast-food restaurants in Abia state and also determine the effect and nature of relationship between these factors and the behaviour of consumers towards patronising the fast-food restaurants in Umuahia, Abia state.


1.8     Limitations of the Study

The study is limited in scope because it did not cover all the fast-food firms in Umuahia, Abia State. Also the researcher was constrained by time and resources. This is because the study was not sponsored and that the researcher who was a student was to meet a narrow deadline for the submission of the study report. Also, the data obtained from the respondents was in the shape of perpetual measures (Likert Scale).



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